,main,u5,Vocabulary Focus,Lesson B Tell me a story.,Lesson A The story of my life,Whats the story?,People use the word story in many different ways, for example, a news story or a bedtime story. What are some other ways people use story? Make a list and tell the class.,Read these four short conversations. Who do you think might have these conversations? Where might the people be?,Lesson A1.1,A: Whats his story?B: He says he was at home watching TV when the robbery occurred.,1.,two police officers talking about a criminal,Keys,We had two suspects. I believed the first guy. We could verify his story easily all the facts made sense. The second guy was completely inconsistent and was always altering his story. All the facts were conflicting. You can usually tell when someone is making up a story. It just doesnt seem real.,Vocabulary Focus,Lesson B Tell me a story.,Lesson A The story of my life,Lesson A1.1,A: I dont want to hear any more stories out of you, young man!B: But its true! I didnt eat all the cookies. I swear!,2.,Keys,a parent or grandparent talking to a little boy at home,Whats the story?,Vocabulary Focus,Lesson B Tell me a story.,Lesson A The story of my life,Whats the story?,Lesson A1.2,A: Whats the magazines cover story this week?B: The Olympics. The Games are big news right now.,3.,two friends talking about the latest issue of a magazine,Keys,I could go after a lot of stories. There are many choices, but I have to pick one. Personally, I like to cover the stories about politics. Of course, before a story is published, I have to go over it and make sure the facts are accurate. That part of the job is boring.,Vocabulary Focus,Lesson B Tell me a story.,Lesson A The story of my life,Whats the story?,Lesson A1.2,A: How was the movie?B: The special effects were excellent, but the story was too predictable.,4.,Keys,a friend asking another friend about a movie he / she has just seen,People interpret my short stories in different ways. Everyone has their own opinion about what they mean. My stories are complex. You have to piece together the story and figure out who you think the criminal is.,Vocabulary Focus,Pair work. Look at the conversations in A. How is the word story used in each one? Match each use with its definition.,a. _ an article or report in a newspaper or magazineb. _ the events in a book, movie, or persons lifec. _ an alibid. _ a fabricated description of events,Lesson A1.3,Lesson B Tell me a story.,Lesson A The story of my life,3,Keys,4,1,2,Lesson A1.4,Lesson B Tell me a story.,Lesson A The story of my life,Pair work. Read what the three people in the pictures are saying. Pay attention to the words in blue.,Vocabulary Focus,We had two suspects. I believed the first guy. We could verify his story easily all the facts made sense. The second guy was completely inconsistent and was always altering his story. All the facts were conflicting. You can usually tell when someone is making up a story. It just doesnt seem real.,Vocabulary Focus,Lesson A1.5,Lesson B Tell me a story.,Lesson A The story of my life,I could go after a lot of stories. There are many choices, but I have to pick one. Personally, I like to cover the stories about politics. Of course, before a story is published, I have to go over it and make sure the facts are accurate. That part of the job is boring.,Vocabulary Focus,Lesson A1.6,Lesson B Tell me a story.,Lesson A The story of my life,People interpret my short stories in different ways. Everyone has their own opinion about what they mean. My stories are complex. You have to piece together the story and figure out who you think the criminal is.,c,Keys,Lesson A1.7,Lesson B Tell me a story.,Lesson A The story of my life,Vocabulary Focus,Match the verbs in blue with their definitions.,a,b,Lesson A1.8,Lesson B Tell me a story.,Lesson A The story of my life,Vocabulary Focus,Keys,e,a,c,b,d,Lesson A1.9,Lesson B Tell me a story.,Lesson A The story of my life,Here are some words and phrases you will hear in A, B ,C and D. Read them aloud.,Everybody has a story.,Proper names Al BenningUCLAJudyEllis Street CleoLos AngelesCrystal CafSecond AvenueOther words and phrases featured guest anthropology start out jump at the opportunity end up setting up a booth lets say best of all It sounds like fun. Its like this. It doesnt sound too bad. run out of check out our web site at,Listening,Language Notes,Keys,Lesson A1.10,Lesson B Tell me a story.,Lesson A The story of my life,Judy, a host of a radio program, is interviewing Al Benning, a professor in the anthropology department at UCLA. He is doing a community research project called “Everybody Has a Story.” Listen to the first part of the interview and answer the questions.,(Track 5-5-1),1. What does the city want to do in this new project? _2. What is the “Everybody Has a Story” booth and how does it work? _ _ _3. What is the story booths purpose? _ _,The city wants to get people to talk about their life experiences.,Its a booth on the street where people come to tell stories and record them. They bring another person and interview them.,To save our day-to-day experiences for people in the future to study.,Listening,Keys,1957,serve the customers directly, eat there,Lesson A1.11,Lesson B Tell me a story.,Lesson A The story of my life,Listen to the rest of the interview. Complete the chart according to Marys story.,worked in the kitchen, cleaning, filled in wherever they needed help,Year she started working in cafWhat she did in the caf in the 1950s3. What she wasnt allowed to do4. What she does in the caf now,owns the caf, eats lunch there every day,(Track 5-5-2),Listening,Listening,Lesson A1.12,Lesson B Tell me a story.,Lesson A The story of my life,(Track 5-5-3),Now listen again to Marys story only and answer these questions.,Keys,Marys story is important because it tells us about her experiences working in a Los Angeles caf since 1957. As an African-American woman, she struggled because she wasnt treated equally by whites at that time. But things have changed over the years. Shes no longer being discriminated against and now she is the owner of the caf. Her story shows how attitudes towards African-Americans have changed over time.,Why is Marys personal story important? What historical information does it give us?,_,Lesson A1.13,Lesson B Tell me a story.,Lesson A The story of my life,Pair work. Listen to the whole interview. Then summarize what Professor Benning and Mary said.,(Track 5-5-4),Keys,Professor Benning:Im working with the city on a community research project called “Everybody Has a Story.” We set up a booth on the street for people to come to and tell their stories. They should come in pairs so that one can interview the other who has a story to tell. The interview is tape recorded. The purpose of doing this project is to save our day-to-day experiences for people in the future to study.Mary:Ive been working in Crystal Caf since 1957. I used to mostly do cleaning in the kitchen and fill in wherever they needed help. I wasnt treated equally by whites. But things have changed since then. Ive owned the caf for five years now.,Listening,Did I ever tell you about the time ?,Put the events of the story in order. Notice the expressions in blue that are used when telling a story.,Speaking,Lesson A1.14,Lesson B Tell me a story.,Lesson A The story of my life,Did I ever tell you about the time ?,Speaking,Lesson A1.14,Lesson B Tell me a story.,Lesson A The story of my life,Keys,1,5,3,It happened when we were living in an old house on Beach Street. Everyone in the neighborhood said it was haunted, but we just laughed and ignored them.I was shocked at what I saw! The living room furniture was in different positions! My wife immediately said, “A ghost moved our furniture!” Then we heard a noise form the closet. In the end, it wasnt a ghost after all. We opened the door and saw my cousin hiding there. He was playing a joke on us.Did I ever tell you about the time there was a ghost in our house?It seems funny now, but at the time we were really scared!One night however, we were asleep in our bedrooms upstairs. Suddenly, we heard some loud thumping noises downstairs. At first, I was too sleepy to do anything about it. But finally, I went downstairs to investigate.,a._ b. _ c. _ d. _ e. _,2,4,Write each expression from A under an appropriate category in the chart below.,Speaking,Lesson A1.15,Lesson B Tell me a story.,Lesson A The story of my life,A couple of years ago Last summer ,What happened in the end was _,Looking back on it, _,Introducing the story,All of a sudden _,Ill never forget the time ,Introducing the story,Ending the story,Reflecting back on the story,Giving general background information,_,Did I ever tell you about the time,Keys,It happened when . . .,One night . . .,Suddenly . . .,In the end . . .,It seems funny now, but . . .,Pair work. Think of a time when one of these things happened. Then tell your partner a story about it. Use the expressions from B.,Speaking,You saw something scary. You lost something important. You did something very embarrassing / funny / risky. Your idea: _,Lesson A1.16,Lesson B Tell me a story.,Lesson A The story of my life,Showing youre listening:Wow! Are you kidding?Really! Are you joking?Unbelievable! Asking follow-up questions: And then what happened? What did you do next?Interrupting to clarify? Do you mean? Did you say?,Listening to a story,Ill never forget the time I lost my house keys. It was a couple of years ago ,Optional Listening,The monkeys paw,Here are some words and phrases you will hear in A, B, and C. Read them aloud.,Lesson A1.17,Lesson B Tell me a story.,Lesson A The story of my life,Proper names W. W. Jacobs Mr. White Herbert Mrs. White Captain Morris Maw and Meggins Other words and phrases say magic charm put a spell on I bet,Language Notes,Listen to the first part of the story. Circle the correct words or phrases to complete each sentence based on what has been said.,1. The ( / American) author, W. W. Jacobs, wrote the story in 1902. 2. The Whites are visited by their (relative / ), Captain Morris, on a (clear and calm / ) night. 3. The Whites listen with interest to Morriss stories of (Indian people / ).4. Morris tells the Whites the story behind an odd object he carries in his (pocket / ) the monkeys paw from (India / Indiana).,Optional Listening,(Track 5-5-5),Keys,Lesson A1.18,Lesson B Tell me a story.,Lesson A The story of my life,English,friend,dark and stormy,distant countries,suitcase,5. The monkeys paw is special because it has had a (bell / ) put on it by a (lonely / ) man. 6. For (four / ) owners, the paw will grant ( / two) wishes each. 7. Morris (wants to / ) tell what he had wished for. 8. Morris has the paw because the first owner ( / didnt like the paw).,Optional Listening,(Track 5-5-5),Keys,Lesson A1.18,Lesson B Tell me a story.,Lesson A The story of my life,spell,holy,three,doesnt want to,three,had died,Listen to the rest of the story for the information that completes these sentences.,1. Morris tosses the paw into the _ but it is saved from burning by _ who asks if he can _ it.2. Morris says he threw the paw in the fire for a _.3. Morris leaves the paw with the Whites but _ them that it will bring _ upon them.,(Track 5-5-6),Keys,fireplace,Mr. White,keep,Optional Listening,Lesson A1.19,Lesson B Tell me a story.,Lesson A The story of my life,reason,warns,unfortunate consequences,4. Mr. White tests the paws power and wishes for _. Immediately after he makes his wish, the paw _ in his hand like a _. 5. Herbert laughs because he doesnt see _.6. The next day, a man from the local factory, Maw and Meggins, informs Mr. and Mrs. White that their son has been killed by the _ at the factory. 7. The man from the factory gives them _ from the factory.,Keys,any money,snake,200 pounds,moves,Optional Listening,Lesson A1.19,Lesson B Tell me a story.,Lesson A The story of my life,machinery,a check of 200 pounds,Optional Listening,(Track 5-5-7),Lesson A1.20,Lesson B Tell me a story.,Lesson A The story of my life,Pair work. Now listen to the whole story. Answer the questions and explain your answers to your partner.,1. How does Morris feel about the paw? Why does he throw it in the fireplace?2. What does Herbert think of the paw? How do you know?3. How does Mr. White feel about the paw?4. How does the man from the factory feel?5. What is surprising about the end of the story?6. What is the moral of this story?,How does Morris feel about the paw? Why does he throw it in the fireplace?,1.,Morris feels nervous about the paw. He is afraid of it. His face turns white when he admits to having made three wishes himself, and he doesnt tell what he wished for. He then throws the paw in the fireplace to get rid of it. He is serious and says he has a reason for doing so most probably because he thinks the paw has horrible powers. That is why he warns Mr. White that the paw will bring them unfortunate consequences.,Lesson B1.13,Lesson B Tell me a story.,Lesson A The story of my life,Optional Listening,What does Herbert think of the paw? How do you know?,2.,Herbert doesnt believe that the monkeys paw has magic powers. He thinks it is just a joke. He smiles playfully when he asks Morris if he made three wishes. Obviously he isnt serious. He laughs when he advises his father to wish for 200 pounds. And when his father makes the wish and says he felt the paws movement, he laughs again and expresses his doubt about the money.,Lesson B1.13,Lesson B Tell me a story.,Lesson A The story of my life,Optional Listening,How does Mr. White feel about the paw?,3.,Mr. White feels differently at different stages of the story. In the beginning, he seems to be curious about and interested in the monkeys paw. This can be seen from the following facts: After Morris throws the paw in the fire, he takes it out of the fire and asks if he can keep it. Then, when Morris wants him to throw it back in the fire, he refuses. Instead, he askes Morris about how to make a wish, showing that he wants to test whether or not the paw has a magic charm. He then tends to believe in its power, as he mentions twice the paws movement in his hand. Later, however, towards the end of the story, Mr. White probably feels fearful of the paw, as it surprisingly but sadly makes his wish come true 200 pounds at the expense of his sons life!,Lesson B1.13,Lesson B Tell me a story.,Lesson A The story of my life,Optional Listening,How does the man from the factory feel?,4.,The man from the factory feels nervous and sad about Herberts death. He comes to declare the sad news and give compensation to Mr. and Mrs. White. He probably looks solemn, quiet, and sad.,Lesson B1.13,Lesson B Tell me a story.,Lesson A The story of my life,Optional Listening,What is surprising about the end of the story?,5.,The story ends in a most surprising way. The family gets the exact amount of money that they wished for.,Lesson B1.13,Lesson B Tell me a story.,Lesson A The story of my