,人教PEP四年级上册Unit Three My friendsPart C Story time,0,人教PEP四年级上册 0,Who is it?,0,Who is it? 0,0,Hi! My names Grey (小灰灰)!,turnip,turnip,Wow! Its so big !,turnip,0,Wow! Its so big !turnip 0,pull,0,pull 0,I cant pull it up.,I can pull it up.,pull it up,I cant I can pull it up,Can Grey pull the turnip up?,0,Can Grey pull the turnip up?,Read and answer,1. Can the rabbit pull it up first(起初)?2. Can the rabbit pull it up at last(最后)?,0,Read and answer1. Can the rabb,0,0,Come on, friends.Please help me.,Were coming.,Whos coming?A. Mom and dad. B. Friends.,0,Come on, friends.Were coming.,Do they pull it up?,0,Do they pull it up? 0,Do they pull it up this time?,Mini-acting,Do they pull it up this time?M,0,0,2,3,1,5,7,Read and number,4,6,Check,0,23157Read and number46Check 0,Read and imitate,Rabbit: Wow! Its so big!,Rabbit: Oh, its too big. I cant pull it up.,Rabbit: Come on, friends. Please help me.,Monkey: Were coming!,Monkey: One, two, three, pull!,Zoom: Im strong. Lets work together.,All: Hooray!,Read and imitateRabbit: Wow! I,Pull it up, pull it up.Hey-yo, hey-yo, pull it up. Hey-yo, hey-yo, pull it up. One, two, three, pull it up. Come on, come on, work together. Come on, come on, work together.,Lets chant,Hooray!,0,Pull it up, pull it up.Hey-yo,六人一小组,表演故事,一人扮演萝卜,一人扮演兔子,一人扮演Zoom,剩余同学扮演其他小动物,各组分配好角色,可适当改编,限时3分钟。,Role play,0,六人一小组,表演故事,一人扮演萝卜,一人扮演兔子,一人扮演Z,Rabbit: Wow! Its so big! Oh, its too big. I cant pull it up. Come on, friends. Please help me.Friends: Were coming. One, two, three, pull!Zoom: Im strong. Lets work together. Friends: Hooray!(同学们可发挥想象适当改编哦),Role play,0,Rabbit: Wow! Its so big! Role,Lets imagine,发挥想象续编故事,Lets imagine发挥想象,How can the rabbit take it home?(兔子怎样把萝卜搬回家?),Lets imagine,0,How can the rabbit take it h,兔子为感谢朋友的帮忙,做了一个大披萨,他会对朋友说什么?What will the rabbit say?,Lets imagine,0,兔子为感谢朋友的帮忙,做了一个大披萨,Lets ima,What have you learnt from this story?You can choose one sentence from the text.,Lets summary,What have you learnt from this,Homework,1. 完成本部分听读作业,进行口语测评。2. 把故事表演给父母看。3. 小组合作,制作带图片的故事书。(选做),0,0,Homework 1. 完成本部分听读作业,进行口语测评。0,