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    Period 3,Grammar,Module 2 Ideas and viewpoints,Oxford English,Unit 3,Family life,Show time,Talk about and compare your and your classmates family lives.,1,Linking verb be,2,Our family lives are different. You look tired. He became a doctor.,A linking verb is a verb that connects a subject with the adjective or noun that describes it.,adj.,adj.,n.,Decide which of the following sentences uses a linking verb.,We are having a picnic. His face turned red. The weather got hotter and hotter. We are helped by them. The coffee smells good. The boy was sleeping.,Things to remember,We use adjectives after the linking verb be (am/is/are/was/were) to say what somebody or something is like.We use different forms of the verb be to match with different personal pronouns.,Our family lives are different. I am a good daughter. He is busy with his work. They were happy to see each other.,subject,linking verb,subject complement,Paula asked Jerry some more questions. Complete their conversation with the correct form of be and the adjectives from the box. Add not if necessary.,are not rich,is busy,is wonderful,are kind,are close,3,Other linking verbs,You look/seem tired. It sometimes feels crowded in our little flat. The dinner smells good but tastes strange. New fashions soon go out of date. When people get old, their hair turns grey.,We use adjectives after these linking verbs to describe somebody or something or talk about how things change:,Read and memorize:,appear feellookseemsmellsound tastebecome getgo grow turn,Complete the speech bubbles in the cartoon below with the correct forms of thelinking verbs and the adjectives from the boxes.,gone bad,tastes terrible,seems expensive,sounds angry,getting hungry,4,Linking verbs followed by nouns or noun phrases,I am a good daughter. He became a doctor. They seem a happy family. After the company was bought, he remained the manager.,Some linking verbs can be followed by a noun or noun phrase.,Use the words in brackets to answer the questions. Then practise these conversations in pairs.,1. What did your cousin do when he left school?,He became a football player (when he left school).,(become/football player),3. Which is the hottest month of the year?,August is the hottest month (of the year).,(August/be/hottest month),2. Youve visited many countries. Which is the best?,China remains the best place in the world for me.,(China/remain/best place/world/for me),What do you think of that girl?,She appears a very kind person.,(appear/very kind person),5. What do you like most about your father?,He is the happiest man in the world.,(be/happiest man/world),H,Homework,用方框中所给系动词的适当形式填空。 Whats the matter with Tom? He _ pale. Dont eat that dish any more. It has _ bad. Tony wants to _ a doctor when he grows up. The news _ so exciting that everyone is happy. When all the trees _ green, spring comes. Mike _ calm. In fact, he was very excited about the news. When winter comes, the days are _ shorter and shorter. Dont stay up late, or youll _ ill. How _ you these days? As it was _ dark, I had to go out.,


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