Period 5,Culture cornerWriting,Module 1 Explorations and exchanges,Oxford English,Unit 1,Great explorations,Show time,C2 Work in groups of four. Compare your table in C1 with your group members. Then talk about it. Follow the example.,1,Rewrite the following sentence using too to or enough to.,His travels were so important that they are still studied today.,His travels were important enough to still be studied today.,Ferdinand MagellanFerdinand Magellan (14801521) was aPortuguese explorer. In 1519, he led the firstvoyage to sail around the world. It was also thefirst voyage to sail from the Atlantic Ocean tothe Pacific Ocean. Magellan gave the PacificOcean its name, which means “peaceful sea”in Portuguese. However, Magellan himself waskilled in a battle before the voyage was finished.Only one of his ships, the Victoria, completed thejourney.,Read the passage, and then find the hidden information.,Culture corner,2,When was Magellan born? What nationality was Magellan?What did he do in 1519?,He was Portuguese.,He was born in 1480.,Read the passage and answer the questions.,He led the first voyage to sail around the world.,What does “Pacific Ocean” mean in Portuguese? Did Magellan finish his voyage? Why?How many ships went back to Portugal at the end of the voyage?,No, he didnt. Because he was killed in a battle.,It means “peaceful sea” in Portuguese.,Read the passage and answer the questions.,Only one.,A James Turner is a famous travel writer. Here is part of an interview with him. Work in pairs to match the answers with the questions. Write the letters in the boxes.,3,WritingA famous travel writer,a My father was a cook, and my mother was a writer.,a,James Turner is a famous travel writer. Here is part of an interview with him. Work in pairs to match the answers with the questions. Write the letters in the boxes.,b In London in 1970.,a,b,James Turner is a famous travel writer. Here is part of an interview with him. Work in pairs to match the answers with the questions. Write the letters in the boxes.,c Im following the route that was taken by Marco Polo. Im planning to write a book about him and his journey.,a,b,c,James Turner is a famous travel writer. Here is part of an interview with him. Work in pairs to match the answers with the questions. Write the letters in the boxes.,d I usually write while Im travelling, so my first book started from the notes I took.,a,b,c,d,James Turner is a famous travel writer. Here is part of an interview with him. Work in pairs to match the answers with the questions. Write the letters in the boxes.,e At first, I got a job at a travel company. However, I wanted to explore the world myself! Then I went to China to teach English. From there I explored the rest of Asia.,a,b,c,d,e,James Turner is a famous travel writer. Here is part of an interview with him. Work in pairs to match the answers with the questions. Write the letters in the boxes.,f I like to write about the places I visit. I often compare their cultures with my own. It helps me learn more about the world.,a,b,c,d,e,f,Fill in the table with the questions in A.,When and where were you born? What did your parents do?,What did you do when you left school?,How did you start writing your first book? What do you like to write about? Whats your next book about?,In pairs, make a conversation with the help of the questions in the table and the answers in A. Follow the example.,S1: When and where were you born?S2: I was born in London in 1970.S1: What did your parents do?S2: My father was a cook, and my mother was a writer.,Work on your own. Write an article about James Turner in three paragraphs. Use Jamess answers and the outline below to help you.,James Turner a famous travel writer,In pairs, discuss and improve your own composition.,H,Homework,1. 根据讨论的结果,改进自己的作文。2. 搜集马可波罗游记的相关信息,准备下节课交流。3. 完成综合练习册第12页Writing的练习 。,