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    ,Section B 3a-Self Check,Revision,Thanksgiving is a s_ holiday in the U.S.A. It always on the f_ Thursday in November. There are many r_ for this special day. For some people, it is a time to give thanks for food in the a_. These days most Americans still have a big meal at home to c_ it. The main dish of this,Fill in the blanks with the right words.,pecial,ourth,easons,utumn,elebrate,meal is almost always t_. How to make a turkey dinner?First, m_ together some bread pieces, onions, salt and pepper. F_ the turkey with this bread mix.Next, put the turkey in a hot oven and c_ it for a few hours. Then, place the turkey on a large plate and c_ it with gravy.F_, serve it to your friends with some other food.,urkey,ix,ill,ook,over,inally,Jiaozi, Spring Festival,What kind of traditional food do people eat on special holidays in China?,Lead-in,Yuanxiao, the Chinese Lantern Festival,Zongzi, the Dragon Boat Festival,Mooncake, the Mid-autumn Festival,Laba rice porridge/Laba garlic (腊八蒜), Laba Festival,Do you know the traditional food in your city? Can you list some of them?,Yunnan Rice Noodles,dumplings,Beijing Duck,mapo tofu,Read the recipe below and fill in the blanks with the words in the box.,cook next wash finally have enjoy first cut,Yunnan Rice NoodlesIn Yunnan, many people eat rice noodles for breakfast, and even for lunch and dinner. To make this special food, you need to _ rice noodles, chicken soup, chicken, lettuce and eggs. (Of course, you can also have other things like fish and different vegetables.)_, _ the lettuce and cut it up. _, _the chicken into pieces.,have,First,wash,Next,cut,3a,Then, make the chicken soup very hot, over 100. Then ,_ the eggs, meat and lettuce in the pot of hot soup, one by one._, put the rice noodles into the soup. Now, its time to _ the rice noodles!,Finally,enjoy,cook,Think of a favorite food in your hometown. Make a list of ingredients.,_,3b,Write a recipe for your favorite food. Use 3a and 3b to help you.,3c,I like _,Group work,First . Next Next Then Finally,First _ butter on two pieces of bread. _ cut up one _. Put the tomato on the bread. Next, add two pieces of _. _ put two teaspoons of _ on the turkey.,turkey finally relish tomato then put,Heres a recipe for a great turkey sandwich!,put,Then,tomato,turkey,Finally,relish,Example,Make up a crazy recipe with your partner. Then tell another pair of students how to make this crazy food. The other pair will draw it.,First, put some yogurt on a piece of bread. Then, cut up one apple and an onion and put them on yogurt,4,How many apples/oranges/bananasdo you need?I need three apples/oranges/bananas.,How much yogurt/water do you need?I need one teaspoon/cup of it.,How many /How much,Summary,1. How many + 可数名词复数形式 +?eg. How many students are there in our class? There are sixty one./ sixty one.2. How much + 不可数名词 + ?eg. How much water do you drink every day? I drink five glasses./Five glasses.,(注:回答不可数名词量多少时,数词后一定要有容器量词)eg. a cup of tea two glasses of water three pieces of paper four teaspoons of cinnamon,A: How many bananas are there in the picture?B: There are three ./Three.,A: How much milk are there in the picture?B: There are two cups./Two cups.,Practice:,A: How many watermelons do you eat every day?B: I eat four./Four.,A: How much honey do you drink every day?B: I drink four teaspoons./Four teaspoons.,1 Number these instructions for making tomato and eggs soup in the correct order. Then complete the instructions with the words in the box.,First Next Then Finally,_, mix everything together and serve it._, cook for five minutes and add two eggs._, cut up three tomatoes and put them into a pot._, add some water, sugar and salt.,4,3,1,2,Finally,Then,First,Next,First Next Then Finally,Q: _ (how many / eggs / we / need / make /cake)A: _ (two)Q: _ ( how much / milk / we / need),2 Write questions and answers using the words in brackets.,How many eggs do we need to make a cake?,We need two.,How much milk do we need?,A: _ (three cups)Q: _ (have to / add / sugar or honey)A: _ (can / add / two spoons),We need three cups of milk.,Do we have to add sugar or honey?,Yes ,we can add two spoons of honey.,finally then next first,A: How do you make fruit salad? B: _, cut up three bananas ,three apples and a watermelon. _, put the fruit in a bowl. _, put in two teaspoons of honey and a cup of yogurt. _, mix it all up.,First,Next,Then,Finally,I. 选词填空。,put turn on cut up pour mix up,1. I need some help. Can you _ the tomatoes, please?2. Next you need to _ the ingredients into a blender.3. Then _ hot water into the blender.,cut up,put,pour,Exercises,4. Add some honey and _ the ingredients.5. _ the blender for about two minutes.,mix up,Turn on,1. _ hours are there in a day? 2. _ is the shirt? $ 30. 3. _ pens do you have ? 4. _ butter do you need?,How many,How much,How many,How much,II.用how much 或 how many填空。,III. 将下列名词归类。yogurt, teaspoon, watermelon, popcorn, bread, banana, hamburger, strawberry, tomato, carrot, water 1. countable nouns _ _ 2. uncountable nouns _,yogurt,watermelon,popcorn,bread,banana,hamburger,strawberry,tomato,carrot,water,1. Howdoeshe _milk shake? A. make B. made C. makes D. do2. _ milkdoyouneed? A. Howmany B. Howmuch C. Howoften D. Howlong 3. Turnontheblender _ abouttwominutes. A. in B. at C. for D. to,A,B,C,IV. 单项选择。,4. Please _the blender. Lets taste it. A. turn on B. turnoff C. turnup D. turndown5. Then _ peppersand _onthe cheese. A. cutup: put them B. cutup; put it C. cutin; put themD. cutsup; put it 6. Pourwater _ theblender. A. of B. into C. on D.up,B,A,B,7. How_ breaddoweneed? A. many B. long C. often D. much 8.Thereare_andacupofyogurt. A. twoteaspoonsofhoney B. a teaspoonof honey C. twoteaspoonof honey D. a teaspoonsofhoney,D,A,1. Ineedsomehelp. (否定句)I _ _ _help.2.Weneedtwoteaspoonsofhoney. (画线提问)_ _ teaspoonsofhoney _ weneed?3. Putthepizzaonthetable. (否定句)_ _ thepizzaon thetable.,How many,do,Dont put,dont need any,V. 句型转换。,4. Thereisonlyalittlewaterinthe bottle. (画线部分提问)_ _ water _ _inthe bottle?5. Therearesomesandwicheson theplate. (改为一般疑问句)_ _ _ sandwiches ontheplate?,Are there any,How much,is there,VI. 在空白处填上恰当的单词。 A: Do you like _ salad? B: Yes, I like fruit salad very much. A: Lets _ some now. B: OK. How many _ do we need? A: Let me see. We _ two apples. B: And how many _ do we need? A: Three.,fruit,make,apples,need,bananas,B: OK. How many _ do we need? A: Only one. B: How _ _ do we need? A: One cup. B: Here are two apples, three bananas, one watermelon and one cup of yogurt. And here is a bowl. Its ready now. Lets begin to make it.,yogurt,much,watermelons,What is the correct way to eat Beijing Duck?Look at the pictures for ideas and then write down the instructions.,Homework,以下菜名可供老师们在探究活动中参考,根据学生的基础可选用一部分来扩大学生的词汇量。Chinese Foodsmoked fish (熏鱼) crisp chicken (香酥鸡) Beijing roast duck (北京烤鸭) sweet and sour fish (糖醋鱼) steamed fish (清蒸鱼) instant boiled mutton (涮羊肉) pork steamed with rice flour (米粉肉) home-style bean-curd (家常豆腐) Chinese cabbage with dried shrimps (海米白菜) braised bamboo shots and mushrooms (烧两冬) stir-fried green beans (干煸四季豆) bean-curd soup (豆腐汤) meatball soup (汆丸子),Western Foodpork / lamp chop (猪/羊排骨) beef steak (牛排) roast beef (烤牛肉) fried fish (煎鱼) pickled cucumber (酸黄瓜) sardine (沙丁鱼) ham salad (火腿色拉) vegetable salad (蔬菜色拉) pudding (布丁) sandwiches (三明治) hamburger (汉堡) apple pie (苹果派) cream cake (奶油蛋糕) fruit jelly (果冻),Encourage students to write the instructions. Here is an example: Instant boiled muttonFirst, cut the mutton into pieces. Then put them into boiling water. Take them out within half a minute. The cooked (ready) pieces of mutton are dipped into condiments to eat with cabbage and noodles made from bean starch.,1. 500g flour, 200g sugar, 200g cream, 200g mixed fruit, 500克面粉, 200克砂糖, 200克奶油, 200克什锦水果。 2. 2 cups of milk, 3 eggs, 200g orange juice, 2 teaspoons of baking soda 两杯牛奶,3个鸡蛋,200克橙汁,两茶匙苏打粉,Task:,A Christmas cake,INGREDIENTS :,首先将鸡蛋打散, 与面粉、奶油和砂糖混合在一起搅匀。然后倒入什锦水果、牛奶、橙汁和苏打粉, 将它们揉成一个面团。,First, beat the eggs. And mix the flour, cream and sugar up. Then, put the fruit, milk, orange juice and baking soda into it. Next,mix it well into a dough.,Instruction: 烹饪方法,之后将面团放入烤炉烘制一个小时。这样圣诞蛋糕就做好了。,After that, put the dough in the oven and bake for one hour. At last, the Christmas cake is done!,谢谢观赏,


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