Lesson 16,Lesson 16,重组句子,what,the,is,matter,?,What is the matter ?,重组句子whattheismatter?What is th,重组句子,there,the,in,a noise,.,There is a noise in the kitchen .,kitchen,is,重组句子theretheina noise.There is,重组句子,give,the,torch,me,.,Give me the torch please.,please,重组句子givethetorchme.Give me the,重组句子,is,downstairs,someone,.,There is someone downstairs .,there,重组句子isdownstairssomeone.There,look at these words, then read it!,look at these words, then read,新概念英语青少版Alesson 16,/k/,wake,careful,key,kitchen,basket,thanks,doctor,camera,/g/,girl,big,burglar,give,green,gate,photographer,grey,新概念英语青少版Alesson 16/k/,A:Is there a man at the door ?,B:Yes,there is.,A:Is there a man at the desk ?,B:No,there isnt.,句型练习,A:Is there a man at the door ?,A:Is there a secretary at the desk ?,B:Yes,there is.,A:Is there a secretary at the door?,B:No,there isnt.,A:Is there a secretary at the,A:Theres a man at the door.,B:Is there ? Who is it ?,A:Its the postman.,句型练习,A:Theres a man at the door.B:,A:Theres a pretty girl at the desk.,B:Is there ? Who is it ?,A:Its the secretary.,its! your turn ! use picture 52,A:Theres a pretty girl at th,A:Is there a basket on the floor ?,B:Yes,there is.,A:Is there a basket on the table?,B:No,there isnt.,句型练习,A:Is there a basket on the flo,A:Is there an apple in the basket ?,B:Yes,there is.,A:Is there an apple in the bowl ?,B:No,there isnt.,A:Is there an apple in the ba,新概念英语青少版1Alesson16课件,新概念英语青少版1Alesson16课件,新概念英语青少版1Alesson16课件,新概念英语青少版1Alesson16课件,新概念英语青少版1Alesson16课件,A: Theres a basket on the floor,B:Is there ? Is it an old one ?,A: Yes, it is.,句型练习4,A: Theres a basket on the fl,A:Theres an apple in the basket.,B:Is there ? Is it a big one ?,A: Yes, it is.,A:Theres an apple in the bas,新概念英语青少版1Alesson16课件,新概念英语青少版1Alesson16课件,新概念英语青少版1Alesson16课件,新概念英语青少版1Alesson16课件,新概念英语青少版1Alesson16课件,书面练习:,a Example: man/ at the door/ the postman,Theres a man at the door.,Is there ? Who is it ?,Its the postman.,书面练习:a Example: man/ at the d,1.,girl / at the desk/ the secretary,Theres a girl at the desk.,Is there ? Who is it ?,Its the secretary,1.girl / at the desk/ the secr,2.,2.man / in the kitchen / a burglar,3.woman/ in that expensive car / Annies mother,4.man/ near the house/ a photographer,5.man/ at the door/ a policeman,6.woman/ in the living-room/ our teacher,2.2.man / in the kitchen / a b,书面练习:,b Example: where/ the postman?/ at the door,Where is the postman ?,Hes at the door.,书面练习:b Example: where/ the po,1.,where/the secretary ? / at the desk,Where is the sectetary ?,She is at the desk.,1.where/the secretary ? / at t,2.,2.where / the basket? / on the floor,3.where / the new bowl ? / on the table,4.where / the orange ? / in the bowl,5.where / the house? / near the river,6.where / the old tree ? / near the nice house,2.2.where / the basket? / on t,书面练习:,C Example: where/ secretary?/ at the door/at the desk ?,Where is the secretary ? Is she at the door or at the desk ?,Shes at the desk.,书面练习:C Example: where/ secret,1.,where/postman ? / at the table / at the door?,Where is the postman ?Is he at the table or at the door?,He is at the door.,1.where/postman ? / at the tab,1.,where / Lucy ? / in the living -room / in the kitchen ?,Where is Lucy? Is she in the living-room or in the kitchen ?,She is in the kitchen.,1.where / Lucy ? / in the livi,