,小学英语精品课件,小学英语精品课件,Unit5 My clothes,B Read and write,clothes,Unit5 My clothesB Read and wri,最新版本四年级英语下unit5-My-clothes-Read-and-write课件,最新版本四年级英语下unit5-My-clothes-Read-and-write课件,jacket,John,Free talk,Whose jacket is this?,绿色圃中小学教育网http:/,Its Johns.,jacketJohnFree talkWhose jacke,Bob,sweater,Whose sweater is that?,绿色圃中小学教育网http:/,Its Bobs.,BobsweaterWhose sweater is t,Amy,dress,Whose dress is this?,Free talk,Its Amys.,AmydressWhose dress is this?Fr,Sarah,socks,Whose socks are these?,Free talk,Theyre Sarahs.,SarahsocksWhose socks are thes,shirt,Is this shirt yours?,Free talk,No, it isnt.,Yes, it is.,shirtIs this shirt yours?Free,pants,Are these pants yours?,Free talk,No, they arent.,Yes, they are.,pantsAre these pants yours? Fr,1. Who are they?,Sarahs summer camp is over. This is a photo of her and her friends.,2. What are they wearing?,1. Who are they?Sarahs summer,What clothes will she pack?,Oh, its time to pack my clothes. This is my red T-shirt. These are my blue pants. And those are my shoes. Wait! Is this my hat? No, this is Amys. Amy! Is this yours?,Read and circle.,What clothes will she pack?,最新版本四年级英语下unit5-My-clothes-Read-and-write课件,These are Sarahs .,These are Sarahs shoes .,This is Sarahs T-shirt.,This is Amys hat.,pants,These are Sarahs,最新版本四年级英语下unit5-My-clothes-Read-and-write课件,最新版本四年级英语下unit5-My-clothes-Read-and-write课件,最新版本四年级英语下unit5-My-clothes-Read-and-write课件,最新版本四年级英语下unit5-My-clothes-Read-and-write课件,Story time,Story time,This old hatThis old hat, this old shirt,These old jeans, and this old skirtPut them away! Its a sunny, sunny day.Its time to wear your shorts to play.,A song This old h,