New words and expressionsUnit 2,diet n. 日常饮食;vi. 节食,Do you like Chinese diet?,Do you like western diet?,If you are overweight, you must be on diet.,This is my diet.,Lets go on a diet!,OK.,spaghetti n. 意大利面条,muscle n. 肌肉,nut n. 坚果果仁,different kinds of beans,Mr. Bean,ea n. 豌豆;青豌豆,cucumber n. 黄瓜,eggplant n. green eggplant n.,sweet pepper n.,chili pepper n.,mushroom n.,peach n.,lemon n.,balance n.,ecological balance生态平衡,balanced diet平衡膳食,barbecue n.烤肉;烧烤,Do you like mutton?,I like kebab very much. It is yummy.,roast duck,roast pork,stir-fried vegetables炒素菜,stir-fry vt. 翻炒,fried rice蛋炒饭,bacon n. 熏咸肉;腊肉,ought to aux. 应当;应该,should,Could you tell me when _ do it?ought we to B. ought we toC. should we to D. should we,B,Do you know these signs?,What are you doing?,I am doing exercise to lose weight.,What do you think of the girl?She is slim.,She is slimming.,slimming products减肥产品,What is curiosity?,The cat is curious about the fish.,get away with sth or doing sth 被放过;不受惩罚,The child ought to be punished. You shouldnt let him get away with telling lies!这个孩子应当受到处罚。你不应该对他撒谎不作处罚。,When Pinocchio lies, his nose will become longer.,When Pinocchio tells lies, his nose will become longer.,discount n. 折扣,积分卡,weakness n. 缺点;虚弱;弱点,Dont take my kindness as a sign of weakness.,consult a doctor,When you consult someone, you ask advice from someone.,fibre n. 纤维;纤维制品,high fibre diet,Fibre is important to a healthy diet.,digest vt. vi. 消化,If you cant digest food in your stomach, what would happen?,You will have a stomachache.,Readers Digest读者文摘,oisonous adj. 有毒的poison n. 毒;,The colorful mushroom is poisonous.,debt n. 债;债务,Lao Wu is in debt.,get him out of debt,glare at 怒目而视;瞪,Look at Cuihua!,Lao Wu, I hate you!,Lao Wu is staring at her. What did you say?,spy on sb 暗中监视;秘密监视,Lao Wu is spying on Cuihua!,How dare you spy on me!,limit n. 限制;限定,benefit vt. vi. 有益于;有助于;受益,I benefit from morning exercise.,Morning exercise benefits me a lot.,“So much homework!” the boy sighed.,sigh vi. 叹气;叹息,He slowly sat on the seat with asigh.,combine vt. 合并;联合;结合,If you combine carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, you will get carbohydrates and fats. combine:指两个或两个以上的人或物结合在一起。 join: 侧重把原来不相连接的物紧密地连接在一起,但仍可再分开。也指把分散的人或几个部分的人联合起来,或加入到某团体中去。unite:指联合、团结、结合在一起,构成一个整体,connect:指两事物在某一点上相连接,但彼此又保持独立。,cut down vt. 削减;删节,cut down on coffeecut down on cigarettescut down on expensescut down calories,before long; long before; long ago,It wont be _ we meet again. It had happened _ you were born. I met him _, so I know him well. He told us not to worry about that. He would do it _. I hope to see you _,long before,long before,long ago,before long,before long,Lao Wu is putting on weight.,What about Cuihua?,谢谢!,