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    Module 6,A trip to the zoo,Unit 1,Does it eat meat?,Review,Read the words and expressions loudly.,bear elephantgiraffelionmonkeypandatigerzebra,n. 熊 n. 大象 n. 长颈鹿 n. 狮子 n. 猴子 n. 熊猫 n. 老虎 n. 斑马,Words and expressions,n. 动物园 n. 导游 n. 动物 adj. 这样的;如此的prep. 像一样 比如 v. 来 来自,Words and expressions,zoo guideanimalsuchassuch ascomecome from,n. 不同的 n. 国家 adj. 其他的 adj. 危险的 int. 啊,哎呀 adv. 也;而且 n. 植物 v. 看;瞧,Words and expressions,different countryotherdangerous ughalsoplantlook,看 adj. 高的 n. 叶子 adv. 的确,当然 n. 竹子 adj. 可爱的v. aux. 好吗? 要不要?,Words and expressions,look at tallleaf surebamboocuteshall,Words and expressions,themwhich overthereover there funny call,ron. 他们,她们;它们 pron. 哪一个 prep. 在的上方 adv. 在那里,往那里 在那边,在那里 adj. 有趣的 v. 把叫做;称 呼为,PLAY A GAME:I describe, you guess,What is it?, Its long. It lives in the grass. It has no legs and feet., It is white and black. It lives in Sichuan, China. It eats bamboo., It lives in Australia. It can jump a long distance. It has a special pocket., It eats leaves. It is tall. It has a long neck., It is smart. It has a long tail. It is good at climbing trees., It is large and strong. It has yellow and black lines on its body. It looks like a cat., It is black and white. It looks like a horse., It is huge. It has four legs and two long teeth. It has a long nose.,zebra,giraffe,panda,lion,wolf,elephant,deer,monkey,bear,tiger,Look at the picture. What can you see?,1.,P36,zebra,giraffe,elephant,Now work in pairs and make some short dialogues according to the picture., There are three giraffes. Yes, and there are some zebras.,Listen to the dialogue between Lingling and Tony and answer the question:,What animals do Lingling and Tony like?,Lingling likes pandas.Tony likes monkeys and giraffes.,bear elephant giraffe lion monkey panda tiger zebra zoo,Listen and check () the words you hear in Activity 1.,2,P36,Tapescript:Tony: Do you like pandas, Lingling?Lingling: I love pandas. Theyre my favourite animals. What about you? Which animals do you like?Tony: My favourite animals are monkeys and giraffes.Lingling: OK. Lets go to the zoo and see them.Tony: Sure. Lets go!,注: word 文档点击此处链接,Match the words in the two boxes.,monkey panda lion giraffe,dangerous cute tall smart,Work in pairs and make short dialogues., Whats the like? Its .,Lingling and Tony are visiting Beijing Zoo. Listen and read. Finish the following tasks.,Listen and answer the questions.,1. What animals are there in Beijing Zoo?2. Does the elephant eat meat?3. Whats Linglings favourite animal?,The zoo has many kinds of animals, such as bears, zebras, giraffes and pandas.,Yes, it does.,Panda is Linglings favourite animal.,Task 1,Read and check the true sentences.,F,T,1. The lion eats meat and plants.,2. The bear eats meat, and it also eats plant.,Task 2,3. The elephant is very tall.4. The panda eats plants and leaves.5. The panda is Tonys favourite animal.6. There is a panda called Lingling.,T,T,F,T,3,P36,Listen and read. Now complete the table.,meat,meat and plants,plants,bamboo,Task 3,Work in pairs. Make short dialogues. Does the lion eat plants? No, it doesnt., Where is the panda from?, Its from China., Where does the panda come from?, It comes from China.,the USAmeat,Australia grass,Asiagrass,Does come from/eat?Yes, it does./No, it doesnt.,Chinabamboo,Englandmeat,Australiameat,the Arcticbamboo,Europegrass,Australiameat,Americameat,Discussion,Read and try to recite the conversations in 5-10 minutes.,Role-play,1. Role play the conversation in groups;2. Role play the conversation in front of the class,Lets see which group does the best.,There are (1) other / many animals from different (2) country / countries in Beijing Zoo, (3) such / which as bears, giraffes and pandas. The lions are (4) funny / dangerous because they eat meat. The bears eat meat too, but also (5) plants / leaves. Elephants are (6) different / cute. Theyre (7) tall / white and eat (8) plants / meat. Pandas are black and white and eat (9) bamboo / other animals. The (10) pandas / guides name is Lingling.,4,Underline the correct words.,P37,Language points,1. The zoo has many kinds of animals. 动物园里有各种动物。,(1) kind 作名词,意为“种类”。many kinds of修饰名词,意为“许多种类的”。相关短语:a kind of 一种 all kinds of 各种各样的 different kinds of 不同种类的,完成句子。这个动物园里有许多种猴子。There are _ _ _ monkeys in the zoo.,Practise,(2) such as 意为“比如,例如”,后面跟所列举的事物。如:,I have some hobbies (爱好), such asreading and singing.,many kinds of,“Shall we+动词原形?”意为“好吗?”,建议对方与自己一起做某事。 肯定回答常用“Yes, lets./OK. / Good idea. / Sure.”等。如:,Shall we go and see the monkeys? Yes, lets go.,2. Shall we go and see them? Yes, lets go. 我们去看它们好吗? 好的,我们一起去。,选择填空。 Shall we go to the zoo this afternoon? _ A. Yes, we are. B. Yes, lets go. C. Yes, we do. D. Thats too bad.,Practise,3. Is there a panda called Tony? 有叫托尼的熊猫吗?,“called+名词”意为“名叫的”,常用作后置定语,位于所修饰词的后面。如:,The cat called Mimi is cute.,适当形式填空。There is a bear _ (call) Huanhuan in the zoo.,Practise,called,Listen and repeat.,/ dangerous favourite / here /e/ there / sure,5,P37,Pronunciation and speaking,Practise,1. The doctor is sure to cure the poor boy.2. I want to have a tour of Europe.3. The bears were there in the forest.4.Hes repairing the airplane carefully.5. Prepare meal, prepare beer, eat the meal, drink the beer. Lets begin the tour of the year.6. What do you want to be, Sam? A teacher, a driver,a writer, a doctor or a professor?,1 lives 2 comes 3 loves 4 likes,Listen and choose /s/ or /z/.,6,P37,/z/,/z/,/z/,/s/,动词第三人称单数形式-s发音:,7,A: Does the bear eat meat?B: Yes, it does.A: Does the tiger bamboo?B: No, it doesnt. It eat meat.,P37,Notes: If your answer is “No, it doesnt”, you should add more information.,Ask and answer the questions about the animals in Activity 3.,1) Does the elephant eat meat?2) Does the panda eat bamboo? 3) Does the tiger like to swim?4) Does the bear eat bamboo?,Yes, it does.,No, it doesnt. It eats meat.,No, it doesnt. It eats plants.,Yes, it does.,panda / eat / bamboo?camel / live / desert?elephant / work / forest?kangaroo / eat / meat?monkey / come from Africa?snake / like / water?wolf / live / jungle?,Write questions and short answers.,Activity,North America,Europe,Asia,Africa,Oceania,Australia,South America,Arctic,北极,Does the _ come from_?,A: Whats your favourite animal? Does it eat plants?B: Yes, it does.A: Does it come from China?B: Yes, it does.A: Is it the panda?,Work in pairs. Ask and answer and guess what your partners favourite animal is.,8,P37,Guessing game,本课时主要短语和句型,总结回顾,1. come from/be from2. such as3. over there4. Its my favourite5. Shall we go and ?6. Whats your favourite animal? Does it eat plants? Yes, it does.,Now 2 mins to test your spelling.,Spelling Bee,1. English-Chinese elephant giraffe zebra dangerous bamboo country funny2. Chinese-English 来自 看 高的 熊猫 哪一个 动物园 植物 比如 在那边,在那里,When finished, exchange your papers to see who does the best.,注: word 文档点击此处链接,Quiz,. 根据所给图片提示写出相应的单词。,1. _,2. _,3. _,4. _,5. _,giraffe,zebra,elephant,lion,tiger,. 用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空。1. How many _ (monkey) arethere in the zoo? About twenty.2. _ (do) Bob like bears?3. I have a new friend _ (call)Jane.4. This animal eats _ (leaf), butit doesnt eat meat.5. _ (plant) need water and light(光).,monkeys,Does,called,leaves,Plants,. 根据汉语意思完成下列句子,每空限填一词。1. 我的朋友吉姆来自英国。My friend Jim _ _England.2. 我妈妈喜欢水果,比如香蕉和苹果。My mother likes fruit, _ _ bananas and apples.3. 看那只熊猫。你喜欢吗?_ _ that panda. Do you like it?,comes from,such as,Look at,4. 那边的那个高个子女孩是玛丽。The tall girl _ _ isMary.5. 今天下午我们去购物好吗?_ _ go shopping thisafternoon?,over there,Shall we,Homework,1. Describe your favourite animal and write down its life style.2. Preview the new words and expressions in Unit 2.3. Look at the map of the world and get a general understanding about the whole world.,Thank you!,


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