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    revision,by Amanda W,JY Middle SchoolGrade Seven,复习,语法,单词,短语,错题重做,七年级下语法知识点 一览表,Module1:名词性物主代词Module2:情态动词canModule3: Module4:Module5:特殊疑问句Module6:方位的表达方式(方位介词的使用),一般将来时,be going to do sth,will,七年级下语法知识点 一览表,Module7: Module8: Module9:Module10: Module11: 祈使句Module12: 选择疑问句、感叹句和反义疑问句,一般过去时,be动词的过去式,特殊疑问句过去式,规则动词的过去式,不规则动词过去式,Module1 名词性物主代词,1、能非常准确的说出哪些是形容词性物主代词,哪些是名词性的物主代词。2、能清楚这样一个等式: 形容词性物主代词+名词= 名词性物质代词eg: This is her camera. = This camera is hers.,用括号中的适当形式填空1. Arethese_(you ) pencils? Yes,theyare_(our).2. Whoseisthispencil?Its_(I).3. Ilove_(they)verymuch.4. Sheis_(I)classmate.5. MissLioftenlooksafter_(she)brother.6. Arethese_(they)bags?No,theyarent_(their). Theyare_(we).,your,ours,mine,them,my,her,their,theirs,ours,7. Doyouknow_(it)name?8.Isthispencil-boxLiLeis?No, _isverynew.(he)9.Mikeismyclassmate._isgoodatEnglish.(his)10.Mysisterisin_room._isateacher.(she)1.Isthenewwatch?Yes,its. A.you,meB.yours,mineC.your,myD.your,mine2.Isthat_uncle? No,itisnt A.he B.she C.her D.hers3. Myuncleboughtanewbikefor_.A.theirsB.theyC.meD.I4.Thisrulerisntmine.Ithinkitis.A.heB.himC.hisD.her,its,B,She,her,He,his,C,C,C,The iphone is mine.This is _ _.That is his cup.That cup _ _.,my iphone,is his,Module2 情态动词can,1、明确can表达的是“某人能做什么”,体现的是一种能力。2、词性是情态动词。 语法当中,情态动词+动词的原形。 否定为cant, 变疑问句,把can提前。 过去式为could,Example 例子,They can speak English very well.They cant speak English very well.Can they speak English very well?Yes, they can.No, they cant.,Module3-4 :一般将来时,1、be going to do sth 一切遵循be动词的变化规则。2、will为情态动词。will + v.原形 (没有人称和数的变化) 否定为wont 变疑问句时,将will 提前。,Example 例子,The clever boy is going to cook a meal.The clever boy isnt going to cook a meal.Is the clever boy going to cook a meal? Yes, he is . No, he isnt.,Example 例子,I will go shopping with Mozart.I wont go shopping with Mozart.Will you go shopping with Mozart? Yes, I will. No, I wont.,Module5 特殊疑问句,1、掌握常用的几个特殊疑问词。以及明确是对什么成分进行提问的。 how much how long what colour how many how often why2、结构:特殊疑问词+一般疑问句的结构。 (特殊疑问词后面跟be或者助动词),Example 例子,We travelled by train. (对画线部分提问) _ _ you travel?_ will you stay in China?For about three weeks.How much B. How many C. How long D. How far,对距离提问,How do,Module 6 方位的表达方式,1、方位介词。2、关于问路的句子。,七年级下语法知识点 一览表,Module7: Module8: Module9:Module10: Module11: 祈使句Module12: 选择疑问句、感叹句和反义疑问句,一般过去时,be动词的过去式,特殊疑问句过去式,规则动词的过去式,不规则动词过去式,祈使句:是用来表达叮嘱、劝告、希望、禁止、请求或命令的句子。eg: Come to my office. 到我办公室来。 Dont be late for school! 不要上学迟到!说话的对象都是“你”或“你们”以动词原形开头否定时用“dont”有时候可在最前面加上“please”,1. _ (be)agoodboy!要做一个好孩子!2. Itsanimportantmeeting. _ (not be) late.3._(look)out!Acariscoming.4. _ (not worry). Be happy.5. Please_lookoutside.Lookattheblackboard. A. not B. no C. dont D. cant,Be,C,Dont worry,Dont be,Look,选择疑问句,连接词用“ or ”Areyougoingtoborrowadictionaryora magazine? _. A.Yes,adictionaryB.No,amagazineC.Amagazine D.Yes,both,C,Wouldyoulikechickennoodlesorbeefnoodles?_.Idliketomatonoodles.(2008年宁波) A.EitherB.NeitherC.BothD.None,B,A.either::两个当中随便哪一个都可以B.neither:两个当中两个都不要D.none:三个及三个以上都不要,感叹句!,1_greatpicture!Whopaintedit?A.HowB.WhatC.HowaD.Whata2Lookatthesmog(雾霾)._badweatheritis! A.HowB.HowaC.WhatD.Whata3.Itsreportedthatsomefamoussingerswillgivea performanceinYangzhou. -Wow,_!A.howexcitingnewsB.whatexcitingnewsC.whatanexcitednewsD.howexcitedthenewsis,D,B,C,反义疑问句,【注】若前面部分seldom,hardly,never,few,little,nothing 等否定词,后面要用肯定式。Shesaidnothing, ? 她什么也没说,是不是?2. Hecanhardlyswim, ? 他几乎不会游泳,是不是?3. Theyseldomcomelate, ? 他们从来没有来迟到过,对不对?,did she,canhe,dothey,1.Helikesapples,_? A.isheB.isntheC.doeshe D.doesnthe2.Heseldomcamehere,_? A.didntheB.doesheC.doesntheD.didhe3.Letusgotoplayfootball,_? A.willyouB.shallweC.doweD.arewe4. Betty is from the USA, _? A. is Betty B. is she C. isnt she D. isnt Betty,A,D,C,D,一般过去式,1、be动词的过去式: am、is are,was 单数,were 复数,2、规则动词的过去式:通常在动词后加ed。 1. 以不发音的e结尾,直接加d 2. 辅音字母+y: 变y为i,再加ed 3. 元音字母+辅音字母,且重读闭音 节:双写末尾辅音字母,再加ed.,3、不规则动词的过去式。 (要求记忆掌握) 书上120页,4. 特殊疑问句和过去式的结合特殊疑问词 did,go _ leave_have/has_ find_take_ get_are_ see_say_ write_bring_ do_catch_ buy_come_ spend_become_ read_,went,had,found,got,saw,wrote,read,did,bought,spent,left,took,were,said,brought,caught,came,became,1How is Jane yesterday? _2He go to school by bus last week. _3He often goes home at 6:00 last month. _4I can fly kites seven years ago. _5 Did you saw him just now. _,was,went,went,could,see,6 Tom wasnt watch TV last night. _7 I didnt my homework yesterday. _8 He wait for you three hours ago. _9 Who find it just now ? _,didnt,加do,waited,found,1.Hismother_(be)ashopassistant lastyear. 2.She_(notpractice)theguitar yesterday. 3. I_(write)thenoveleveryyear.4. Theyall_(go)tothemountains yesterdaymorning. 5. She_(notvisit)herauntlastweekend. 6. Jimsweekend_(benot)bad.7.My mother _ (not do) housework yesterday.,was,didnt practice,write,went,didnt visit,wasnt,didnt do,否定句:1. Lucydidherhomeworkathome.Lucy_herhomeworkathome.2. Hefoundsomemeatinthefridge.(冰箱)He_meatin thefridge.3. Shestayedthereforaweek.She_thereforaweek?,didnt do,didnt stay,didnt find any,1. Father bought me a new bike. (同义句)Father bought _ _ _ _ me.2. Frank read an interesting book about history. (一般疑问句)_ Frank _ an interesting book about history?3. Why not go out for a walk? (同义句)_ _ _ _out for a walk?4. Thomas spent RMB 10 on this book. (否定句)Thomas _ _ RMB 10 on this book.,a new bike for,Did read,Why dont you go,didnt spend,5. My family went to the beach last week. (划线提问)_ _ _ family _ to the beach?6. I think she is Lilys sister. (否定句)_7. Sally often does some reading in the morning. (否定句)Sally _ often _ _reading in the morning.8. He is a thin boy. (划线提问)_ _ he _ _?,When did your go,doesnt do any,What does look like,I dont think she is Lilys sister.,分组竞答练习,1、 Where your sister ? She was at home just now . A. is B. was C. were D. are 2、I will meet my best friend the morning of May 1st . A. at B. to C. on D. in 3、 When was David born ? He was born June 12 , 1989 . A. for B. at C. on D. in 4、 When and where you born ? I born in Shanghai September 1st , 1990 . A. was; were; at B. were; was; in C. was; was; on D. were; was; on,5、Bob will Mary next week . A. marry to B. marry with C. marry on D. marry 6、He isnt single . He is . A. marrying B. to marry C. married D. marry 7、Shall we call a taxi ? OK. Let me the phone number in yellow pages . A. Look at B. look for C. look up D. look after 8、I want to buy some flowers _ my teacher . A. for B. to C. with D. at,9、Were going to the party next week . A. in B.on C./ D.for 10、They do well in the exam . A. can be able to B. be able to C. can able to D. are able to 11、I like the gloves very much .Can I ? A. try it on B. try on it C. try them on D. try on them 12、_ people come to the Lost and Found Office . A. Two hundreds B. Hundreds of C. Hundreds D. Hundred of,13. It _me half an hour to walk to school. A. take B. spend C. takes D. spends14.There is going to _ a class meeting tomorrow. A. is B. has C. be D. have15. _is it from your home to school? Its five kilometers .(千米) A. How long B. How far C. How many D. How often,16.中国以长城而闻名于世。 China is _ _the Great Wall.17. 这个星期天你们打算去打篮球吗? _you _ _ play basketball this Sunday?18. 你的启蒙老师怎么样? _ _ your first teacher _? 19. 请代我向你的父母问好。 Please _ hello _ your parents.20、汤姆盼望着明天的篮球比赛。 Tom is _ _ _the basketball match tomorrow .,21. 半价 22.网上购物23.为而付钱 24.向右转 25.乘船 26.明朗的天气27.环顾四周 28. 刚刚好、正合适29.教师节30.敲门,31.在未来 32.不仅而且33. 别急、稍等一会儿34. 不再35. 在岁的时候36. 起初、首先37. 握手38. 相互、彼此39. 事实上40. 破碎,The answers:,1、 Where your sister ? She was at home just now . A. is B. was C. were D. are 2、I will meet my best friend the morning of May 1st . A. at B. to C. on D. in 3、 When was David born ? He was born June 12 , 1989 . A. for B. at C. on D. in 4、 When and where you born ? I born in Shanghai September 1st , 1990 . A. was; were; at B. were; was; in C. was; was; on D. were; was; on,5、Bob will Mary next week . A. marry to B. marry with C. marry on D. marry 6、He isnt single . He is . A. marrying B. to marry C. married D. marry 7、Shall we call a taxi ? OK. Let me the phone number in yellow pages . A. Look at B. look for C. look up D. look after 8、I want to buy some flowers _ my teacher . A. for B. to C. with D. at,9、Were going to the party next week . A. in B. on C./ D. for 10、They do well in the exam . A. can be able to B. be able to C. can able to D. are able to 11、I like the gloves very much .Can I ? A. try it on B. try on it C. try them on D. try on them 12、_ people come to the Lost and Found Office . A. Two hundreds B. Hundreds of C. Hundreds D. Hundred of,13. It _me half an hour to walk to school. A. take B. spend C. takes D. spends14.There is going to _ a class meeting tomorrow. A. is B. has C. be D. have15. _is it from your home to school? Its five kilometers .(千米) A. How long B. How far C. How many D. How often,16.中国以长城而闻名于世。 China is _ _the Great Wall.17. 这个星期天你们打算去打篮球吗? _ you _ _ play basketball this Sunday?18. 你的启蒙老师怎么样? _ _ your first teacher _? 19. 请代我向你的父母问好。 Please _ hello _ your parents.20、汤姆盼望着明天的篮球比赛。 Tom is _ _ _the basketball match tomorrow .,famous for,Are going to,What was like,say to,looking forward to,21. 半价 half price 22.网上购物 online shopping 23.为而付钱 pay for 24.向右转 turn right 25.乘船 by boat 26.明朗的天气 on a clear day27. 环顾四周 look around 28. 刚刚好、正合适 just right29.教师节 Teachers Day 30.敲门 knock on the door,31.在未来 32.不仅而且33. 别急、稍等一会儿34. 不再35. 在岁的时候36. 起初、首先37. 握手38. 相互、彼此39. 事实上40. 破碎,in the futurenot onlybut alsowait a minutenotany moreat the age of at firstshake handseach otherin factin pieces,Writing 写作:,1. 审题,所给的信息应全部包含在你的文章中。2. 写正确的句子。 3. 注意字数。4. 可适当发挥。(在字数不够的情况下),假如你叫Daming ,你要给你的朋友Peter写一封信。告诉他你的周末是如何度过的。,时态:过去时,My Summer Holiday Plan,1. 用第一人称写2. 将来时态: will 或者 be going to 3. 语句通顺,句式正确。4. 字数不少于70词。_,Hello, everybody!,可以做的事情,1. 去某个地方玩,和谁去,怎么去,那个地方怎么样,希望会玩得开心。2. 在家里呆着,哪里也不去,看电视,看书,运动,偶尔和家人朋友出去野餐,散步什么的。3. 自己根据情况编写。语法语句正确,即可得高分。,英语考试题型分布,第一卷(客观题) 第二卷(主观题) 80分 40分,听力 20单选 15完型 10阅读 30七选五 5,1.5/个。20小题,填单词 10用所给词的适当形式填空 10句型转换 10作文10,改错题,谢 谢!,放映结束 感谢各位观看!,让我们共同进步,


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