Thomas Gray,Thomas Gray was born in London into a brokers family. He got very good school education, first at Eton and then at Cambridge. He left Cambridge without taking a degree.,Thomas Gray was one of the most important poets of the eighteenth century. This scholar and poet was the most famous for his poem Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard. Thomas Gray was born on December 26, 1716 in Cornhill section of London, England. He was the only child in his family. In 1764 he had an operation from which he never recovered. At the age of fifty-five, Gray suffered a violent attack of gout 痛风in the stomach and finally died in his room on July 30, 1771 in Cambridge, London. He was buried beside his beloved mother at Stoke Poges churchyard, the scene of the Elegy.,Stoke Poges churchyard斯托克波吉斯(英国英格兰白金汉郡南部村庄,据信为格雷的墓园挽歌的背景地),He toured around Europe with Horace Walpole, author of the world famous Gothic novel The Castle of Otranto奥特兰托的古堡 . In 1768 he was made Professor of History and Modern Languages at Cambridge. In his lifetime, he was known as one of the most learned persons and a very successful poet. He was not sociable. He declined the Poet Laureateship in 1657 and led a peaceful life as a scholar.,名作的作者在所有早期的浪漫主义诗人中,学识最为渊博,性格也最为通达.年青时,他体质非常孱弱, 是他们家十二个孩子中惟一幸存的一位.他的童年很不幸,父亲很粗暴,并且后来他离开他深爱的母亲,不幸的童年使他的一生在忧郁中度过, 在他的所有诗作中都可看到这种伤感风格.,弥漫着淡淡的忧伤,它是早期浪漫主义诗歌的标志,是那个时代最完美的诗,它属于那个时代.读弥尔顿的和格雷的就等于看到了占据英国诗人思想一个多世纪的”忧伤文学”的开端和完美阶段.,Comments on Gray,Grays literary output was small. He wrote slowly and carefully. His poems are characterized by an exquisite sense of form.His masterpiece Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard once and for all established his fame as the leader of sentimentalist poetry and the spokesman of the Graveyard School.,What is an elegy?,A lyric poem lamenting the death of an individual. It is usually formal in language and structure, and solemn or even melancholy in tone.,What is the poems stanza form? Quatrain 四行诗What is the rhyme scheme of the elegy? abab (the first line rhymes with the third line, and the second line rhymes with the fourth line) What is the meter of the elegy?Iambic pentameter. (each line has ten syllables, an unstressed syllable is followed by a stressed syllable; it is iambic. Each line has five feet. ),What is the rhythm like in the elegy?The rhythm of the elegy is very slow. How is the “slowness” is realized?The poet used many diphthongs 双元音and long vowels. 不妨把挽歌的前8行重复朗读几遍,就可以感受到作者高超的诗艺了。诗人使用抑扬格五音步隔行押韵,节奏舒缓语调肃穆而哀思缠绵,为英语挽歌树立了四行体(elegiac quatrain)的典范。以前8行为例,有声“L”子音重复了23次,长母“O”音重复了近10遍,再加上其它双元音和长元音的大量反复,交叉营造出一种沉寂悲凉的气氛,非常切合挽歌哀缓的主题,是以令人百读不厌。,What is the thematic matter of the elegy?The thematic matter is weighty严肃的. It is the poets meditation upon the lives of the common people who were buried in the country churchyard. He showed his great sympathy for the poor, the lowly and the unrenowned who were rejected by fate, chance and the great ones. He stressed the fact that death was inevitable and that even “the paths of glory lead but to the grave.”,荣耀之路终归通向坟墓,Elegy Written in a country Churchyard 墓园挽歌,格雷最著名的诗,全诗128行。1751年发表后立即获得成功。这是一首用古典措辞的庄严挽歌,赞扬微贱和默默无闻的纯朴农民的坟墓。它的主题是:人不分穷富“终将进入坟墓”,虽然这已是老生常谈,但是他提出他不仅哀悼“村中粗野的祖先”,而且哀悼包括诗人在内的所有人的死,这就使诗篇具有普遍吸引力。这首诗成为浪漫主义诗歌的先声,而在艺术技巧上达到古典主义诗艺的完美境界。,What is the structure of the elegy?,The elegy falls naturally into seven parts:Part 1: stanza 1 4: a description of the country scenery at twilight; Part 2: stanza 5 7: the life of the plowman before his death;Part 3: stanza 8 11: the satire on the fame and fortune of the great ones;,Part 4: 12 19: defense on the undisplayed talent and kind nature; including the famous quotation:Part 5: 20 23: the dreariness凄凉 of churchyard;Part 6: 24 29: the poets imagination how people will describe him after his death;Part 7: 30 32: the epitaph碑文 the poet writes for himself.,Study of Gray “Elegy”,Theme: a sentimental meditation upon life and death, esp. of the common rural people, whose life, though simple and crude, has been full of real happiness and meaningPoetic pattern: quatrains of iambic pentameter lines rhyming ABABMood: melancholy, calm,墓园挽歌之所以是历代注评家青睐的对象。是因为“第一,它凝聚了一个时期中的某种社会情绪;其次,它有比较完整的形式表达了这种情绪,在一定程度上解决了如何革新旧传统的问题,具有较高的艺术成就”。(杨周翰语),Thomas Gray 托马斯格雷,In Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard, Gray reflects on death, the sorrows of life, and the mysteries of human life with a touch of his personal melancholy.The poet compares the common folk with the great ones, wondering what the commons could have achieved if they had had the chance. Here he reveals his sympathy for the poor and the unknown, but mocks嘲笑 the great ones who despise the poor and bring havoc 大破坏 on them.,Elegy Written in a country Churchyard 墓园挽歌,格雷最著名的诗,全诗128行。1751年发表后立即获得成功。这是一首用古典措辞的庄严挽歌,赞扬微贱和默默无闻的纯朴农民的坟墓。它的主题是:人不分穷富“终将进入坟墓”,虽然这已是老生常谈,但是他提出他不仅哀悼“村中粗野的祖先”,而且哀悼包括诗人在内的所有人的死,这就使诗篇具有普遍吸引力。这首诗成为浪漫主义诗歌的先声,而在艺术技巧上达到古典主义诗艺的完美境界。,“Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard”“墓 畔 哀 歌”,by Thomas Gray,1-3,Thomas Grays “Elegy”,The curfew tolls the knell of parting day,晚钟响起来一阵阵给白昼报丧,,The lowing herd wind slowly oer the lea,牛群在草原上迂回,吼声起落,,宵禁钟声,晚八点钟敲,是中世纪遣留下来的风俗。,白日已尽,晚钟好像是送别白昼的丧钟。,牛鸣,牛群,grassland草地,Thomas Grays “Elegy”,The plowman homeward plods his weary way,耕地人累了,回家走,脚步踉跄,,And leaves the world to darkness and to me.,把整个世界留给了黄昏与我。,walk with heavy steps,主谓结构,Thomas Grays “Elegy”,Now fades the glimmering landscape on the sight,苍茫的景色逐渐从眼前消退,,And all the air a solemn stillness holds,一片肃穆的寂静盖遍了尘寰,,eyesight视线,Stillness holds the air.,serious; formal,weak, faint,Thomas Grays “Elegy”,Save where the beetle wheels his droning flight,只听见嗡嗡的甲虫转圈子纷飞,,And drowsy tinklings lull the distant folds;,昏沉的铃声催眠着远处的羊栏。,except,飞翔时嗡嗡作响,羊颈上的铃声,羊栏,羊圈,make the sheep quiet,move in a circle,Thomas Grays “Elegy”,Save that from yonder ivy-mantled tower,只听见常春藤披裹的塔顶底下,,The moping owl does to the moon complain,一只阴郁的鸱枭向月亮诉苦,,over there,covered,very unhappy,The moping owl does complain to the moon.,Thomas Grays “Elegy”,Of such, as wandering near her secret bower,怪人家无端走近它秘密的住家,,Molest her ancient solitary reign.,搅扰它这个悠久而僻静的领土。,someone or other animals,ladys bedroom 闺房,interfere with; bother, trouble,lonely, private world,long and old,“Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard”“墓 畔 哀 歌”,by Thomas Gray,4-8,Thomas Grays “Elegy”,Beneath those rugged elms, that yew trees shade,峥嵘的榆树底下,扁柏的荫里,,Where heaves the turf in many a moldering heap,草皮鼓起了许多零落的荒堆,,strong,紫杉 evergreen tree,decaying,rise,short grass,堆,Thomas Grays “Elegy”,Each in his narrow cell forever laid,各自在洞窟里永远放下了身体,,The rude forefathers of the hamlet sleep.,小村里粗鄙的父老在那里安睡。,墓穴,village,impolite;simple; uneducated,ancestors,Thomas Grays “Elegy”,The breezy call of incense-breathing Morn,香气四溢的晨风轻松的呼召,,The swallow twittering from the straw-built shed,燕子从茅草棚子里吐出的呢喃,,吐出芬芳,chirp 啁啾;叽叽喳喳,morning,cheerful,棚子,Thomas Grays “Elegy”,The cocks shrill clarion, or the echoing horn,公鸡的尖喇叭,使山鸣谷应的猎号,No more shall rouse them from their lowly bed.,再不能唤醒他们在地下的长眠。,坟墓;死亡,清晨打猎人的号角声,high-pitched,鸡鸣号角声,wake up,Thomas Grays “Elegy”,For them no more the blazing hearth shall burn,在他们,熊熊的炉火不再会燃烧,,Or busy housewife ply her evening care;,忙碌的管家妇不再会赶她的夜活;,work busily at,housework,burning,炉火,Thomas Grays “Elegy”,No children run to lisp their sires return,孩子们不再会“呀呀”地报父亲来到,,Or climb his knees the envied kiss to share.,为一个亲吻爬到他膝上去争夺。,以呀呀学语的口齿喊出父亲回来了,fathers,争着、抢着分享的亲吻,Thomas Grays “Elegy”,Oft did the harvest to their sickle yield,往常是,他们一开镰就所向披靡,,Their furrow oft the stubborn glebe has broke;,顽梗的泥板让他们犁出了垄沟;,often,犁/垄沟,field,difficult to plow,松(土),produce,镰,Thomas Grays “Elegy”,How jocund did they drive their team afield !,他们多么欢心的赶牲口下地!,How bowd the woods beneath their sturdy stroke!,他们一猛砍,树林就一棵棵低头!,两三头套在一起下地耕田的耕畜,merry; cheerful,far, away from home,heavy stroke with strength,bent 低头,Thomas Grays “Elegy”,Let not Ambition mock their useful toil,“雄心”别嘲讽他们实用的操劳,,Their homely joys, and destiny obscure;,家常的欢乐,默默无闻的运命;,A大写为拟人化手法; 野心勃勃的和野心已遂的人们,hard work,obscure destiny: humble, unknown fate,simple and plain,Thomas Grays “Elegy”,Nor Grandeur hear with a disdainful smile,“豪华”也不用带着轻蔑的冷笑,The short and simple annals of the poor.,来听讲穷人的又短又简的生平。,scornful, mocking,life story,“豪华” (拟人),“Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard”“墓 畔 哀 歌”,by Thomas Gray,9-12,Thomas Grays “Elegy”,The boast of heraldry, the pomp of power,门第的炫耀,有权有势的煊赫,,And all that beauty , all that wealth eer gave,凡是美和财富所能赋与的好处,,ever,门第; 世袭贵族,splendid display显赫的声势,Thomas Grays “Elegy”,Awaits alike the inevitable hour.,前头都等待着不可避免的时刻:,The paths of glory lead but to the grave.,光荣的道路无非是引导到坟墓。,the inevitable hour(死亡) awaits,only,Thomas Grays “Elegy”,Nor you, ye proud, impute to these the fault,“怀念”没有给这些坟建立纪念堂,,If Memory oer their tomb no trophies raise,骄傲人,你也不要怪这些人不行,,accuse; blame,these dead peasants buried,“怀念” (拟人),monument awarded as a prize,Thomas Grays “Elegy”,Where through the long drawn aisle and fretted vault,没有让悠久的廊道、雕花的拱顶,The pealing anthem swells the note of praise .,洋溢着宏亮的赞美歌,进行颂扬。,甬路 gangway; walkway,教堂内部雕刻缛丽的堂顶,大风琴奏出的洪亮的赞美歌,expand, increase,Thomas Grays “Elegy”,Can storied urn or animated bust,栩栩的半生像,铭刻了事略的瓮碑,,Back to its mansion call the fleeting breath?,难道能恢复断气,促使还魂?,the urn with his life story carved on,墓上设置的死者半身石像.,short-lived life,full of life,dead body,house,Thomas Grays “Elegy”,Can Honors voice provoke the silent dust,“荣誉”的声音能激发沉默的死灰?,Or Flattery soothe the dull cold ear of Death?,“谄媚”能叫死神听软了耳根?,“荣誉” (拟人),rouse, bring about new life,“谄媚” (拟人),the dead,say sth. comfortable to make Death obey the needs of people,Thomas Grays “Elegy”,Perhaps in this neglected spot is laid,也许这一块地方,尽管荒芜,,Some heart once pregnant with celestial fire;,就埋着曾经充满过灵焰的一颗心;,filled,宗教的热诚,divine,isolated, deserted place,Thomas Grays “Elegy”,Hands that the rod of empire might have swayed,一双手,本可以执掌到帝国的王笏,Or waked to ecstasy the living lyre.,或者出神入化地拨响了七弦琴。,棍:权力的象征,掌握统治大权,won over,joy; delight,七弦琴musicmusician,“Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard”“墓 畔 哀 歌”,by Thomas Gray,13-18,Thomas Grays “Elegy”,But Knowledge to their eyes her ample page,可是“知识”从不曾对他们展开,Rich with the spoils of time did neer unroll;,它世代积累而琳琅满目的书卷;,Knowledge,books,plenty of,never open,人类历来积累下来的经验,智慧,Thomas Grays “Elegy”,Chill Penury repressed their noble rage,“贫寒”压制了他们高贵的襟怀,,And froze the genial current of the soul.,冻结了他们从灵府涌出的流泉。,Poverty,desire; ambition,“贫寒” (拟人),warm,stream,rich creativity,Thomas Grays “Elegy”,Full many a gem of purest ray serene,世界上多少晶莹皎洁的珠宝,The dark unfathomed caves of ocean bear:,埋在幽暗而深不可测的海底:,jewel,peaceful, quiet ray,for stress,too deep to reach the bottom of the sea,Thomas Grays “Elegy”,Full many a flower is born to blush unseen,世界上多少花吐艳而无人知晓,,And waste its sweetness on the desert air.,把芳香白白的散发给荒凉的空气。,sweet-scented flavor,把农民比作在荒漠中自生自灭,无人赏识的香花。,isolated,Thomas Grays “Elegy”,Some village Hampden, that with dauntless breast,也许有乡村 汉普敦在这里埋身,,The little tyrant of his fields withstood;,反抗过当地的小霸王,胆大,坚决;,bold, fearless spirit,17世纪英国资产阶级革命时期的革命领袖,like Milton。 以反对查理一世的横征暴敛受到迫害而著名。,resistedopposed,Thomas Grays “Elegy”,Some mute inglorious Milton here may rest,也许有缄口的弥尔顿,从没有名声:,Some Cromwell guiltless of his countrys blood.,有一位克伦威尔,并不曾害国家流血。,Oliver Cromwell, leader of the Parliamentary Party, a revolutionary in the 17th century,innocent,voiceless, unspeaking,dishonorable,Thomas Grays “Elegy”,The applause of listening senates to command,要博得满场的元老雷动的鼓掌,,The threats of pain and ruin to despise,无视威胁、全不管存亡生死,,members of the council,win,scornlook down on,Thomas Grays “Elegy”,To scatter plenty oer a smiling land,把富庶、丰饶遍播到四处八方,,And read their history in a nations eyes,打从全国的笑眼里读自己的历史。,施舍abundance, prosperity,happy,great deeds,people of the nation,Thomas Grays “Elegy”,Their lot forbad: nor circumscribed alone,他们的命运可不许:既不许罪过,Their growing virtues, but their crimes confined;,有所放纵,也不许发挥德行;,fate,prohibited, not allowed,restricted, confined,increasing,Thomas Grays “Elegy”,Forbad to wade through slaughter to a throne,不许从杀戮中间涉登宝座,And shut the gates of mercy on mankind,从此对人类关上仁慈的大门;,Lot (fate) forbad,killing; murder,start doing sth. with energy and determination,Thomas Grays “Elegy”,The struggling pangs of conscious truth to hide,不许掩饰天良在内心的发作,,To quench the blushes of ingenuous shame,隐瞒天真的羞愧,恬不红脸;,natural sense of shame,天生的羞耻之心,put an end to sth.,innocent,sharp feeling of pain,真理挣扎着要出世(pangs),自己也明知其为真理(conscious),但 以种种原因不敢吐露真情(hide),极言虚伪,谎言之徒的矛盾痛苦。,穷人无须不老实。,Thomas Grays “Elegy”,Or heap the shrine of Luxury and Pride,不许用诗神的金焰点燃了香火,With incense kindled at the Muses flame.,锦上添花去塞满“骄”“奢”的神龛。,pile up,holy place,insens香,cause sth. to catch fire 点燃,缪斯(诗神),“Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard”“墓 畔 哀 歌”,by Thomas Gray,19-22,Thomas Grays “Elegy”,Far from the madding crowds ignoble strife,远离了纷纭人世的钩心斗角,,Their sober wishes never learned to stray;,他们有清醒的愿望,从不学糊涂,,conflict, fighting,clear-headed,crazy, insane,dishonorable, shameful,get lost脱离正道,Thomas Grays “Elegy”,Along the cool sequestered vale of life,顺着生活的清凉僻静的山坳,,They kept the noiseless tenor of their way.,他们坚持了不声不响的正路。,quiet and secluded (isolated)与世隔绝,平静,continuous course 持续的进程,Thomas Grays “Elegy”,Yet even these bones from insult to protect,可是叫这些尸骨免受到糟蹋,,Some frail memorial still erected nigh,还是有脆弱的碑牌树立在近边,,simple monument一块薄碑,或朴素的墓碑,upright,nearby,Thomas Grays “Elegy”,With uncouth rhymes and shapeless sculpture decked,点缀了拙劣的韵语、凌乱的刻划,,Implores the passing tribute of a sigh.,请求过往人顺便献一声惋叹。,decorated,formless,uncivilized verse,beg,馈赠,passerby,Thomas Grays “Elegy”,Their name, their years, spelt by the unlettered Muse,无文的野诗神注上了姓名、年份,,The place of fame and elegy supply:,另外再加上地址和一篇诔词;,(乡村)没有什么学问的诗人,uneducated,supply the place of,funeral song,Thomas Grays “Elegy”,And many a holy text around she strews,她在周围撒播了一些经文,,That teach the rustic moralist to die.,教训乡土道德家怎样去死。,lines in the Bible,Muse诗神,scatter,rural, countryside,道德说教者;卫道士,读墓铭的乡人,how to die,Thomas Grays “Elegy”,For who to dumb Forgetfulness a prey,要知道谁甘愿舍身喂哑口的“遗忘”,,This pleasing anxious being eer resigned,坦然撇下了忧喜交织的此生,,Who ever resigned this pleasing anxious being so as to become a prey to dumb Forgetfulness? 有谁愿意舍弃这可爱而又令人不安的生命,被人遗忘, 再不被人提起(dumb)呢?,give up,life,Thomas Grays “Elegy”,Left the warm precincts of the cheerful day,谁离开风和日暖的明媚现场,Nor cast one longing lingering look behind?,而能不依依地回头来顾盼一阵?,and did not cast,remaining,grounds; area,throw,“Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard”“墓 畔 哀 歌”,by Thomas Gray,23-28,Thomas Grays “Elegy”,On some fond breast the parting soul relies,辞世的灵魂还依傍钟情的怀抱,,Some pious drops the closing eye requires;,临闭的眼睛需要尽哀的珠泪,,affectionate, kind,one with affectionate heart,dutiful tears,leaving,The parting soul relies on some fond breast, the closing eye requires some pious drops.,Thomas Grays “Elegy”,Even from the tomb the voice of Nature cries,即使坟冢里也有“自然”的呼号,Even in our ashes live their wonted fires.,他们的旧火还点燃我们的新灰。,天性的呼声,在我们死后,墓中人的,精神,Thomas Grays “Elegy”,For thee, who mindful of the unhonoured dead,至于你,你关心这些陈死人,,Dost in these lines their artless tale relate;,用这些诗句讲他们质朴的故事,,As for you (the poet),careful,simple, natural,Thomas Grays “Elegy”,If chance, by lonely contemplation led,假如在幽思的引领下,偶然有缘份,,Some kindred spiri