托福听力做题怎样用题干关键词定位答案 托福听力做题怎样用题干关键词定位答案?解题思路实例讲解。今天给大家带来托福听力做题怎样用题干关键词定位答案,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。托福听力做题怎样用题干关键词定位答案?解题思路实例讲解通过题干关键词定位答案托福听力是先听音再看题,因此我们要根据题干关键词,定位回我们自己的笔记、或者定位回我们对听力材料的记忆来找答案。这样的做法同样适用于组织结构题,要想把组织结构题作对首先要在听音过程中注意教授所作的比较;第二要看当教授提到一些看似离题的内容时,考生要明确教授想表达的观点是什么。在托福听力的组织结构题中经常利用一个例子进行考察,考察为什么要提到某个例子。给大家举个例子:TPO11 lecture 2Why does the woman refer to visiting her grandparents?A. To explain why she is interested in residential architectureB. To explain why she knows a lot about the history of Cape CodC. To explain why she is familiar with Cape Cod housesD. To explain why she enjoys visiting rural New England本道题目所对应的原文为:Professor: Good! Of course for a Cape Cod house, it might be even more accurate to say that form also follows climate. Who knows what the climates like on Cape Cod?Bob: Cold in the winter.sue:and whenever I visit my grandparents, its really wet. Its usually either raining or showing or foggy, and windy too,I guess because its so exposed to the ocean?通过学生与教授之间的一问一答,教授提的问题,仍然是与Cape Cod houses相关的话题。可以看出sue提到自己的grandparents,its really wet是为了例证自己的也知道Cape Cod house,然后又通过后面raining or showing or foggy, and windy,表明sue经历过这些天气,因此sue说到grandparents是为了说明自己对Cape Cod houses很熟悉。从本道题目中可以看出,女士说到的例子是为了证明自己的是了解和熟悉的。2020托福听力练习:军舰鸟可连续飞行两个月Great frigate birds are extraordinary creatures. Theyre seabirds with six-foot wingspans, yet they weigh only about three pounds. Their preferred food: flying fishwhich they pluck out of the air above the waters surface. Frigate birds feathers arent waterproof, so landing on the water to fish is a no-go.Now, scientists have discovered that great frigate birds do something else amazing: they can fly for up to two months at a time without landing.Researchers already knew that these birds took extended trips over the Indian and Pacific Oceans to feed. But in a new study, scientists used tracking devices to follow the movement and vital signs of birds from the island of Europa, near Madagascar. They discovered that the birds have a highly specialized strategy for staying aloft."When they are traveling, most of the time, they flap very infrequently their wings."Henri Weimerskirch, an ecologist at the National Center for Scientific Research in France."In fact, what they are doing, they are doing sort of a roller coaster flight where they take altitude. Even they can climb up to 3,000 or 4,000 meters, and when they climb, they do not flap their wings at all."Weimerskirch and his colleagues found that the birds climb currents of rising air associated with cumulus clouds, circling upwards the way hawks and vultures do over land. Then they glide back down again, hardly flapping. By using atmospheric conditions to their advantage, the birds covered an average of 420 kilometers a day almost effortlessly. The study is in the journal Science.The researchers also discovered that the birds endure some harrowing conditions on their voyage, including some thrills and chills."When you enter into the clouds, theres a lot of turbulence. After, when you see from the recording on the logger of the bird, when they are at 4,000 meters, the temperatures are negative. Its a tropical bird. Its a bird that has no specific down like geese that are operating in the Arctic. So they are encountering sort of a polar temperature, but its a typical tropical bird."Of course, the birds have to eat during their journey. The researchers found that diving down to the sea surface to snatch a meal consumed most of the birds energy, even though it only occupied about 10 percent of their time."When they are climbing, they have a period where there is no movement at all during several minutes. And so, during this time is probably the time when they are sleeping."Thats rightlike many others who make long-distance flights, great frigate birds catch a little shut-eye along the way.大军舰鸟是一种特别的生物。它们属于海鸟,拥有长达6英尺的翼展,但重量只有3磅。大军舰鸟偏爱的食物是可以在海面上捕获的飞鱼。军舰鸟的羽毛并不防水,所以让它们降落在水面上捕鱼是不可能的。现在,科学家发现了军舰鸟令人惊讶的能力:它们能在空中连续飞行两个月不着陆。研究人员已经知道这些鸟会在飞过印度洋和太平洋的长途跋涉中觅食。在一项新研究中,科学家使用追踪设备追踪马达加斯加附近欧罗巴岛上的军舰鸟的活动和生命体征。他们发现,军舰鸟的高空飞行拥有高度专业化的策略。“飞行中的大部分时间,它们很少拍打翅膀。”亨利维莫斯克奇是法国国家科学研究中心的生态学家。“事实上,它们所做的就是在它们所飞行的高度像过山车一样飞行。它们甚至可以爬升到 3000或 4000米的高度,而它们在爬升时根本不拍打翅膀。”维莫斯克奇和他的同事发现,这些军舰鸟借助积云形成的上升气流盘旋爬升,就像老鹰与秃鹫一样。然后它们会向下滑行,几乎不需要拍打翅膀。利用对它们有利的大气条件,军舰鸟平均每天可以毫不费力地飞行420公里,这项研究结果发表在科学杂志上。研究人员还发现,军舰鸟在飞行途中忍受了一些痛苦的条件,包括刺激和寒冷的情况。“进入云层以后会遇到很多乱流。查看军舰鸟追踪器上的记录时你会发现,它们在4000米的高度飞行时,温度已经在零度以下。军舰鸟是一种热带鸟,就像在北极生活的鹅一样,军舰鸟也没有确切的活动时间,因此它们会遇到极低的温度,但军舰鸟是典型的热带鸟。”当然,军舰鸟肯定要在途中觅食。研究人员发现,军舰鸟会潜到海面上捕食,这消耗了其大部分能量,即使这只占它们旅途时间的10%。“在爬升时,军舰鸟有几分钟的时间处于完全不活动状态。这表明这段时间可能是它们的睡眠时间。”没错,就像许多其他人乘坐长途航班时一样,军舰鸟也会在途中打个盹儿。重点讲解:1. in fact 事实上,其实;例句:She is by no means poor: in fact, shes quite rich.她可不穷,其实她很阔。2. be associated with (与)相关的;相联系的;例句:In childrens minds, summers are associated with picnics.在孩子们看来,夏天总是和郊游连在一起的。3. to ones advantage (尤指转变不利情况使之)对有利;例句:It will be to his advantage if he studies hard.假如他努力学习,就会对他有利。4. even though 即使;尽管;纵然;例句:I like her even though she can be annoying.尽管她有时很恼人,但我还是喜欢她。2020托福听力练习:地衣含有三种以上成分Lichens. Theyre probably the most common example of two organisms living in a symbiotic relationship. Theres a fungus and a photosynthesizing partner, like algae. Its a bond that was born, as they say, when "Alice Algae," took a "lichen" to "Freddie Fungus."But that simple description covered up a larger mystery: how could two different lichen species combine the same building blockssame fungus, same algae"and yet they look very different, have very different chemistry, and some of them even have distinctly different ecology."Toby Spribille, an evolutionary biologist at the University of Montana, and the University of Graz in Austria.He and his colleagues studied two lichen species that fit that bill. Same underlying parts, different color and chemistry. They ground the lichens up, and then analyzed their RNA. What they expected to find was two genomes: one fungus, one alga. "And what we found is that, at the end of a lot of analysis, we had was three genomes, not two.And this was really surprising."The third genome was from a type of yeast. And the more yeast was present, the more yellowishand more toxicthe lichen was. The study appears in the journal Science.But how could scientists spend so many years studying these lichensand still miss this crucial third species? Spribille says it could have been the type of genetic sequencing. Previous studies relied on DNA barcodes, which only sample some of the genome, to identify the underlying fungus and alga. Sort of like identifying the occupants of a completely dark room by shouting out a few names and seeing who answers.What Spribille did, instead, was just turn all the lights on, with whole genome sequencing, revealing the identity of all occupants, and in doing so, "we eliminated anything that required going in and calling out somebodys name so to speak."As for whether some lichens might have four, five species? "I certainly wouldnt rule it out at this point." Because this study indicates lichens are truly more than the sum of their parts. Including, of course, the parts we still dont know about.地衣可能是两种生物以共生关系存在的最常见例子。地衣由1种真菌和1种光合生物(如藻类)组成。这种联系是固有的,就像他们说的,“爱丽丝藻类”和“弗雷迪真菌”共生形成地衣。但是这种简单的描述掩盖了一个更深奥的秘密:两种不同的地衣物种如何结合同样的成分即同样的真菌和同样的藻类,“而且,它们看上去非常不同,它们的化学成分也不同,有些地衣甚至有着明显不同的生态。”托比斯普利比尔是蒙大拿大学和奥地利格拉茨大学的进化生物学家。他和同事对符合上述条件的两种地衣进行了研究。这两种地衣的基本成分相同,但颜色和化学成分不同。他们将地衣磨碎,然后分析了它们的核糖核酸。他们原以为会发现两个基因组:一个是真菌,另一个是藻类。“但最后,在进行大量分析以后,我们发现的是三个基因组,而不是两个。这真是太让人惊讶了。”第三个基因组来自于一种酵母。酵母的含量越多,地衣颜色越黄,毒性也越强。这项研究发表在科学杂志上。但是,科学家们怎么会在研究地衣多年后仍未发现这至关重要的第三物种?斯普利比尔表示,可能是由于基因测序的方法不一样。此前的研究依赖于DNA条形码,只是对这一基因组中的一部分进行抽样调查,用以确认潜在的真菌和藻类。这就好像在一间完全黑暗的房间里,通过喊出几个名字,看看谁作出回答,来确定居住者身份。而斯普利比尔的做法是,打开房间内所有的灯,通过全基因组测序来揭示所有居住者的身份,并且通过这种方法,“可以说,我们不需要进入房间喊出某人的名字。”至于是否有地衣含有第四或第五种成分?“现在我不能完全排除这一可能性。”因为这项研究表明,地衣不仅仅是各部分的单纯相加。还包括我们目前尚不知道的成分。重点讲解:1. cover up 隐藏,遮掩(事实);例句:He suspects theres a conspiracy to cover up the crime.他怀疑有人密谋掩盖犯罪事实。2. grind up 磨碎;碾碎;将磨成粉;例句:We grind up the wheat to make flour.我们把小麦磨成面粉。3. rely on 依赖;依靠;例句:We must rely on ourselves, no other option.我们必须依靠自己,没有其他选择.4. shout out 大声说出;大声喊出;例句:When I call your name, shout out so that we know youre here.当我叫到你的名字时请大声响应, 以便大家知道你来了。5. turn on 打开(设备);接通(的供应);例句:I want to turn on the television.我想开电视。6. so to speak 可以说;可谓;例句:But for young people it presents an opportunity to follow the sun, so to speak.但对年轻人来说,却可以说是追寻生活乐趣的良机。7. rule out 排除;不予考虑;例句:I think we can rule out the possibility of objection to us.我认为我们可以排除有人反对我们的可能性。托福听力做题怎样用题干关键词定位答案