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    Estonia,the Story of the Stone written by Cao Xue-qin,The tragedy among Jia Baoyu , Lin Daiyu and Xue Baochai is the main line of the Story of the Stone.,AmongtheChinese classical novels the Story of the Stone hasbeenmostwidel readandstudiedbythegeneralpublicand scholars.,the Story of the Stone,It also shows the rise and fall of a large family in feudalfju:dl (封建) society. The ancient Chinese feudalism culture is like a kaleidoscopekladskp (万花筒).,Jia baoyu wandered between two women- Lin DaiYu and XueBaoChai,they happened countless entanglements ntglmnts(纠葛).,the Story of the Stone,The novel reflects the decadent performance of the feudal marriage, morality and education . as a result, a series of nobility(贵族)civilians and a tragic image was created. The idea of freedom and democracy is first put forward in this novel,and it reveals the love tragedy between Jia,Lin,Xue was derived from the feudal social system.,Heroes of the Marshes wrriten by Shi Nai-an,The story happened in the northern song dynasty, when the emperor was fatuous(昏庸) , the political was corruption(腐败), and the court was out of power, the people who was loyalty to the court was in fight with the corruption of the court at that time.,Heroes of the Marshes,Thepursuitof peace andjustice had been the never ending aspirations of human beings. The novel Heroes of the Marshes has successfully used the powered of literature to emphasize the pursuit.,What the novel want to communicate is a pursuit of freedom , equality , the spirit of liberation, and our nations ancient chivalrous(侠义) spirit, which was created a series of unique and vivid characters.,Heroes of the Marshes,The Romance of the Three Kingdoms wrriten by Luo Guan zhong,Theempire must unite after long divide, also if the empire was long unite, it must divide. The Chinese history was echoing the rhythms, and the monumentally story about the three kingdoms begins. This fourteenth century masterpiece is still loved and read widely in Chinese.,The Romance of the Three Kingdoms,For fear of attacks from three rebellious states, The emperor sent out an urgent appeal for support. In response, three young man-the aristocratic Liu xuande, the fugitive lord Guan and the pig butcher Zhang fei met and swear in Taoyuan.Some years later, Three generals- Liu Bei, Cao Cao, and Sun Jian establish their own states. Moreover they fight with each other. All hope to take hold of the world.,In this difficult time,many legendary figures appeared,and they left many wonderful stories. T hen they passed down from generation to generation. Finally,Jin dynasty unified China again. The Romance of the Three Kingdoms ended.,The Romance of the Three Kingdoms,Journey to the West written by WuCheng-en,The novel consisting of 100 chapters was based on a large number of traditional folktales And it is a fantasy relates the adventures of the monk Sanzangs travel to the west to get the true Buddhist Sutra(佛经) with his three apprentices- Sun wukong,Zhu bajie and the sand monk in Tang Dynasty.,The first seven chapters recount the birth of the Monkey King and his rebellion(叛乱) against Heaven.Then in chapters eight to twelve we can learn sanzangs early story. And the rest of the story describes how they defeat demons(魔鬼) and monsters,tramp over the Fiery Mountain,cross the Milky Way.In the end, after overcoming 81 difficults,they finally take back the true Sutra.,Journey to the West,The novel praised the sanzang monk and his three apprentices who worked hard,experienced many disasters and subdued a large number of evil monsters, and finally retrieved the true Sutra. I think what the story wants to tell us all is to insist on but not to fear the difficulty.,Thank you,


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