商务英语文章阅读 指导,一、文章题目二、典型的量化语言表达三、结构复杂的长句四、形象化语言五、把握文章总体结构六、背景知识七、语言生动性八、文体,一、文章题目,商务英语报刊文章的题目有其鲜明的特色,而且也是文章本身的重要组成部分。如果对商务英语报刊文章题目的构成形式与特色等有一定的了解,这将有助于理解文章内容和掌握文章的主旨大意及作者的意图和倾向。商务英语报刊文章题目的特点归纳:,1从内容上看,商务英语报刊文章的题目简洁明了、醒目准确、形象生动,例如:Whos in Charge Here?Global Warming Has Bush on the Hot SeatInsurance: Up, Up and Away,2从语句结构看,商务英语报刊文章的题目经常采用非谓语动词、形容词、副词、名词和介词短语等形式,例如:The Ever-shrinking Skies (名词短语)Victory at a Price (介词短语)Rebuilding from Scratch (动名词短语)Buried in Tech (过去分词词短语)Chances of Recovery Improving Substantially (现在分词短语)Financial Ministers to Meet in GenevaTrade Ministers Busy in Geneva (形容词短语),3除上述特点外,还有其他一些重要现象需要注意:1) 为增强现时感,以一般现在时报道过去发生的事情,例如:Dollar Hits New Low Against YenPresident Delivers Union Message2) 经常用不定式描述将来的事情,例如:New Worlds to ConquerBrazil to Import More Oil,3) 为达到醒目简练的效果常常采用省略法,例如:The World Slows DownGovernment Says Production Will DeclineInvestment Increases 25%,二、典型的量化语言表达,为了有效地阅读商务英语报刊文章,熟悉其文字的表达方法,尤其是有鲜明特色的量化语言表达方法,对于大家来说是非常重要的。商务英语报刊文章表示上升、下降、趋平、比较、发展趋势等习惯用语就是其中的一些重要特点。,1上升或增长表示上升或增长的词或短语主要包括: 动词类 increase/ rise/ grow/ hike jump/ leap/ surge soar/ skyrocket reach/ hit/ break go up push amount to shoot up move/ spiral/ upward,非动词类 an increase/ rise of a growth/ leap/ surge/ upsurge an upward trend/ movement/ spiral up from/ to rising/ increasing to on the rise/ increase,在上述词和短语中,表示上升和增长的程度有所区别,像 jump, leap, soar, shoot up 和skyrocket等次表示“迅速、大幅度增加或上升”,而其他的词和短语在表达上述有意思时还须增加相应的副词或类似的短语。例如:Oil prices increased from the second quarter of 2000 through to November but then eased, partly because of the global slowdown.,The countrys urban retail sales leapt nearly 12%.World trade volumes rose sharply in 2000, particularly early in the year.The global economy in 2000 grew at its fastest pace in over a decade and a half.Actual foreign direct investment rose by 24.2% to USD$4.58 billion in the first two months of this year while contracted FDI shot up by 47.1% in the same period.,2减少或下降,表示减少或下降的词和短语主要有: 动词类 decrease/ drop/ fall/ slip/ decline slide/ shrink/ trim/ dwindle/ cut slump/ collapse/ crash/ slash slacken/ slump/ dip plunge/ plummet/ nosedive move downward spiral downward slow down be reduced/ deducted,非动词类 a decline/ drop of a downward trend/ movement down from/ down to a downward spiral declining/ dropping to on the decrease/ decline,在这些词和短语中,有的本身就含有剧烈或大幅度的意思,如plunge, plummet, nosedive, slump, collapse, crash, 也有一些本身表示少量和小幅度的意思,如shrink, trim。例如:In April, the wholesale price index decreased 0.7% from a year earlier.Actual investment during January-October was reduced to 3%.Third-quarter US GDP data showed that profits had dropped to 4.1percent of GDP.,Growth in property sales slid 13% in October from 37% in the first three quarters of 2001.The International Monetary Fund predicts that the countrys GDP growth will dip back below 8% in 2001.,对于表示增长或下降的中性词或短语,大家还可以加上表示程度或幅度的副词或短语达到自己想要表达的效果。以下列出比较常用的一些副词和短语,从左到右变化强度依次递增。变化幅度fractionally, marginally, slightly, markedly, greatly, considerably, substantiallya little, a bit, rather, somewhat, a lot, a great deal, much, far,变化速度slowly, gradually, gently, quickly, suddenly, sharply, rapidly,3.平稳或趋平,表示平稳或趋平的词和短语主要有:Stand/remain/be maintained atRemain stable/constant/unchangedHover aboutHover/stay aroundLevel off/out,E.g.The countrys public debt to GDP ration stood at 14.6 percent-a comparatively low figure by international standards.GDP growth in the first half of this year was 7.9 percent-among the highest in the world-and is forecast to remain at 7.5 percent for the whole year.The provinces export growth rates hovered around 9% throughout 2000.Overall growth in steel demand levered out in the second half of 1999.,4. 比较或对比,在商务英语中,用来表示对比或比较的语言也十分丰富,生动。表示一般性比较和对比的词和短语主要有:More/less/higher/lower thanMore expensive/profitable thanCompare sth. With sth.Run above,经常用来表示最高级的短语包括:the best /fastestThe most expensive/dynamicThe largestby a considerable/ large marginBy far the most important,一些具有比较和对比意义的词和短语在商务英语中也十分有用,比如:Superior/inferior toSenior/junior toPrefer sth. To sth.Prefer to do than to doWould rather do than to,一些比较特殊的比较和对比形式:一般比较级之前加否定词比较多最高级比较的意义:Nothing could please me more than the encouraging report from you.There is no company more competitive than this one in the industy.,一些介词在商务英语中具有比较和对比的意义:The stock market this month is 20 points high on November.The October has closed 8% off its peak this year.The dividend per share is estimated at about $8 for 2000 against $6 last year.,5. 预测发展趋势,表示预测今后发展趋势的用语主要有:Hope/expect/estimate/predict/forecast/Project/anticipate或采用被动语态形式,还有一些用来表示不同可能性程度的词和短语,在预测发展趋势用语中也相当重要:可能性较小:Might/could/possibly/be possible可能性较大 :May/be likely to /should/ to be probable可能性最大Will/be bound/be certain/certainly/surely/definitely/doubtlessly/undoubtedly/ no doubt,试比较下列句子:Its probable that inflation will increase in the near future.Its possible that inflation willl increase next year.Inflation will no doubt increase by the end of this month.,6.关于倍数的表达,表示“为的几倍,翻几倍”,常用的有:Double, treble, quadruple and quintupleTwice (three/four/five times) as much asFoldJapans export of steel grew 5-fold last year, making it the largest exporter in the world.,结构复杂的长句商务英语阅读文章一般都是比较专业的经济贸易问题,加之这类文章的读者都是企业经理,政府官员或学术机构的研究人员等教育程度较高的人,因此读书情况下这类文章的语言要求严谨、准确、缜密。其中的一个重要特征就是经常使用结构复杂的长句。这类长句饱含的信息量大,句子内的逻辑关系复杂,给读者造成一定的困难,建议大家从大处着眼,首先确定句子的主干成分,即主谓宾,然后再逐一确定辅助成分,如定、补语等。,And the limited investments(主语) that are made in training workers(定语) are also much more narrowly focused(谓语) on the specific skills (宾语) necessary to do the next job(定语) rather than on the basic background skills(宾语) that make it possible to absorb new technologies(定语).由于培训工人的有限投资也只限于教工人们作新工作所需要的具体技能,而不是教能帮助他们更快掌握新技术的基本技能上。,若要提高对长句的分析理解能力,需要大家多阅读,多分析,也就是说经过大量的阅读训练,就会熟能生巧.,形象化语言,一般来说,商务英语阅读文章的语言特点是平实、严谨的,但是,在很多情况下,这类文章在遣词用句上也往往采用形象化语言和文学性的笔调,大量使用比喻、拟人等修辞手法。这一方面增强了文章的表达力,另一方面一增加了文章的趣味性和可读性。,把握文章的总体结构,建议:1.注意阅读文章的标题、副标题以及文章正文中的小标题。这些内容往往是对文章最基本信息的总结。对于那些试图通过浏览的方式寻找信息的读者来说,这些内容尤其值得注意。,2. 注意段落的主题句。一般来说,这类文章每一个段落都围绕一个中心意思展开,而且每个段落一般都有一个总结本短大衣的句子,即主题句。一般位于段落的起始部分或结尾部分。3.注意把握文章中起承转合的连词,如although, therefore, but, furthermore, however等。这类连词可以帮助我们理解文章上下文之间的逻辑关系。,4阅读完全文后,建议大家再次浏览全文,以加深对文章总体结构的理解。,背景知识,就其内容和目的而言,商务英语阅读文章报道国际商务及经贸领域的事件,分析相关问题,阐述各自的观点和意见,因此这类文章的内容自然脱离不了当时或浅黄的特定政治、经济和社会背景。也就是说如果了解了一定的政治、经济背景知识可以帮助我们加深对文章的理解,甚至能在一定程度上弥补语言能力的不足。,语言的生动性,商务英语阅读文章有时候为了使语言生动,更贴近大众,经常使用一些通俗的、甚至有时是俚语化的表达。当然,这和语言风格和文体有关。不同的作者又不容的语言风格,同时语言风格还受文体和主题的影响。一般而言,报道性和时论性的文章较常采用通俗语言;而政府机构、学术机构和国际组织的经济评论和分析性文章则倾向于采用较正式的、严谨的表达。,文体,这类文章的问题归纳起来主要有报道型、综述型、分析评论型、调研报告型和理论研究型。1报道型文章一般在结构和语言上都比较简单,十分可观的、实事求是的把要报道的情况交待清楚,不带主观臆测,更不加任何评论。,The announcement marks Exxons second cost-cutting move in less than a week to cope with the plunge in world oil pieces. Last week, Exxon said it would slash world-wide capital and exploration spending 26% this year.,2. 综述型的文章一般比较全面概括的报道或反映一个时期或某一问题的全局性情况,因而能给读者完整的印象和认识。3分析评论型文章一般先陈述一种现象或事件,接着分析其原因,再提出看法或观点,还可能进一步阐述其意义。,Thank you very much!,