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    Linyi No.21 Middle SchoolHu Xiaomeng,Skycar会飞的汽车,多维阅读 第15级,Skycar,Reading Help,Chapter 1,Chapter 2,Chapter 3,Chapter 4,Chapter 5,Chapter 6,What will we learn about the skycar?,Whats the writers idea about traffic jams?,Traffic Jams-A ProblemTraffic jams can happen anywhere. People can get very frustrated if they are stuck in a traffic jam.If a person is driving a skycar, they wouldnt have to worry about traffic jams. Drivers could just move over to the side of the road, get their car ready and zoom into the sky. The traffic jam would be far below them.,Chapter 1:Traffic Jams-A Problem,Have an idea,Traffic Jams,Skycar,A problem,Inventing a Flying Car,The Skycar,A Successful Journey,Testing the Skycar,A Future for Skycars,1. Who do you think the man is?,2. What makes the skycar move along and take off ?,Gilo Cardozo,Chapter 2:Inventing a Flying Car,Chapter 3:The Skycar,Read Chapter 2 and Chapter 3 to check your predictions.,1. Who is the man?,2009,1921,1937,1971,1917,1953,1965,1945,flying cars,skycar,propeller,motor,sand buggy,sail,skycar,2. What makes the skycar move along and take off ?,Gilo Cardozo,Chapter 2:Inventing a Flying Car,Chapter 3:The Skycar,Read Chapter 2 and Chapter 3 to check your predictions.,1. Who is the man?,2) When it is in the sky, the _ helps it move along.,1) When it is on the ground, the_ helps it move along.,2.What makes the skycar move along and take off?,3) When the parasail cant work, a _ helps it glide safely.,4) When it takes off, the parasail and the _ help a lot.,propeller,parasail,engine,parachute,wings (机翼),parasail,1917,1945,2018,2019,2)When it is in the sky, the _ helps it move along.,1) When it is on the ground, the_ helps it move along.,3) When the parasail cant work, a _ helps it glide safely.,4) When it takes off, the parasail and the _ help a lot.,propeller,parasail,engine,parachute,2.What makes the skycar move along and take off?,Have an idea,Skycar,A problem,Inventing a Flying Car,The Skycar,A Successful Journey,Testing the Skycar,A Future for Skycars,Gilo Cardozo,engine,parasail,parachute,propeller,Traffic Jams,Taking off,1. Why do you think the skycar should be tested ?,先插入海上航行的两个图片,问Why are they flying over the sea?.然后出示Chapter 4 的标题,然后出示问题一“Why the skycar shouldbe tested?”,出示问题二“How to test the skycar?” ,问题三“Who tested the skycar?”出示Chapter 5的标题,“Whats the result of the testing?”,2. How could Gilo and his team test the skycar?,Chapter 4:Testing the Skycar,Chapter 5:A Successful Journey,Read Chapter 4 and Chapter 5 to check your predictions.,1. Why should the skycar be tested ?,2. How did Gilo and his team test the skycar?,London,Timbuktu,About 6,000 km42 days,the Strait of Gibraltar直布罗陀海峡,the Sahara撒哈拉大沙漠,Have an idea,Traffic Jams,Skycar,A problem,Inventing a Flying Car,The Skycar,A Successful Journey,Testing the Skycar,A Future for Skycars,Gilo Cardozo,engine,parasail,parachute,propeller,safely and long,1. Can we use the skycars in the cities now? Why?,Can we use the skycars in the future? Why?,2. Does the writer have the same idea as you? How do you know that?,Predict(预测):,Chapter 6:A Future for Skycars,Traffic Jams,Skycar,A problem,Inventing a Flying Car,The Skycar,A Successful Journey,Testing the Skycar,Gilo Cardozo,engine,parasail,parachute,propeller,safely and long,A Future for Skycars,Test it.,The process of exploring (探索),Make it better.,Try it.,Have an idea,What else do you want to know about the skycar?,1917,1921,1937,1953,1965,1945,1971,2009,2018,2019,Keep trying,and youll be the next Gilo.,This is not the end,just the beginning.,Homework:,2. Read Drones.,1. Try to get more information about skycars according to Pages 16&17.,Timbuktu,a desert,hot and dusty,windy,a sea,London,drive on/go over/fly safely,No one,and long,1. Introduce (介绍) the testing process (过程).,Work in groups:,2.You can choose a role (Gilo or a student).,


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