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    no water.,no water.,No crops!,No crops!,No food!,No food!,Lesson1 World News,Africa on G8 Agenda,Lesson1 World NewsAfri,1.Knowledge aim:(知识目标) a.some new words and phrases b.to practise using the Passive 2.Skill aim:(技能目标) to use reading skills to find some specific information 3.Emotional aim:(情感目标) we live in a peaceful country,so we should cherish our life and make contributions to our society.,Learning aims:,1.Knowledge aim:(知识目标)Learn,Step1 Review 前提检测,1.widespread A.要求,请求2.reform B.信仰,信心,信念3.publish C.政治的4.political D.广泛的 5.electricity E.改革,改良6.demand F.出版,发行7.belief G.电,Answer:DEFCGAB,Step1 Review 前提检测1.widespread,Step2. Self-learning自问自解,True (T) or False (F).1.G8 stands for eight presidents of the worlds wealthiest nations. ( )2.Many people in Africa cannot get the water,clothing,housing,electricity or education they need. ( )3.The Group of Eight will be reformed this year. ( ),F,T,F,北师大英语必修4 Unit 11 Lesson 1PPT课件,北师大英语必修4 Unit 11 Lesson 1PPT课件,Step2. Self-learning自问自解,Step3 Group-learning 互问合解,Choose the best answers according to the text.1.Which of the following is the reason that makes the meeting unusual? A.They will discuss major problems.B.They dont meet every year.C.G8 stands for the worlds wealthies nations.D.The topic of Africa will be discussed carefully this year.,北师大英语必修4 Unit 11 Lesson 1PPT课件,北师大英语必修4 Unit 11 Lesson 1PPT课件,Step3 Group-learning 互问合解Ch,2.How can the G8 nations help Africas poorest countries ?A.They disscuss the problems in Africa.B.They can give many people in Africa food,houses and so on.C.The can cancel the debt of Africas poorest countries.D.They can help the people in Africa treat their AIDS.,北师大英语必修4 Unit 11 Lesson 1PPT课件,北师大英语必修4 Unit 11 Lesson 1PPT课件,2.How can the G8 nations help,3.What are some of the major problems in Africa?A.Many people cannot get water.B.Many people cannot get clothing,housing,electricity or edccation they need.C.AIDS.D.All of the above.,北师大英语必修4 Unit 11 Lesson 1PPT课件,北师大英语必修4 Unit 11 Lesson 1PPT课件,3.What are some of the major p,北师大英语必修4 Unit 11 Lesson 1PPT课件,北师大英语必修4 Unit 11 Lesson 1PPT课件,北师大英语必修4 Unit 11 Lesson 1PPT课件,1.It seems it is written in these lines.世界似乎已经被写进了这些路线。2.It shows that we are needed in there.它表明在那里需要我们。3.The G8 is made up of political leaders .八国集团有.领导人组成。,Step4 Further-learning 再问深解,探究发现成果:be +done 被动语态,北师大英语必修4 Unit 11 Lesson 1PPT课件,北师大英语必修4 Unit 11 Lesson 1PPT课件,1.It seems it is written in t,被动语态1.概念:侧重于动作的对象即承受者。2.构成:(1)一般现在时:am/ is/ are +doneeg: Before you leave classroom,make sure the lights are turned off.(2) 一般过去式: was/were +doneeg:The cake was eaten by him.,北师大英语必修4 Unit 11 Lesson 1PPT课件,北师大英语必修4 Unit 11 Lesson 1PPT课件,The political leaders from eight of the worlds _(wealth) nations. They will discuss the topic of Africa _detail. There are many problems for African people_ (solve),such as poverty,sex education and health care administration. People from all over the world have demanded that the leaders_(cancel) the debt of Africas poorest countries.,Step5 Evaluation 评估,wealthiest,in,to solve,(should) cancel,北师大英语必修4 Unit 11 Lesson 1PPT课件,北师大英语必修4 Unit 11 Lesson 1PPT课件,The political leaders fro,Step6 Refiection 反思,1.knowledge:2.skill:,北师大英语必修4 Unit 11 Lesson 1PPT课件,北师大英语必修4 Unit 11 Lesson 1PPT课件,Step6 Refiection,Step7 Homework 作业,1.50分以上:三维设计课时作业P131 A短文2.30-50分: 总结本节课知识点3.30分以下:熟读课文,北师大英语必修4 Unit 11 Lesson 1PPT课件,北师大英语必修4 Unit 11 Lesson 1PPT课件,Step7 Homework 作业1.5,1.日本那些再现曲水宴的表演,有着不少“中国元素”,但是由于现代年轻人对古代中国文化了解甚少,并不知道哪些元素来自中国。2.本着保证校车安全的原则,公安机关将会同教育行政等部门对校车驾驶人进行逐一审查,坚决清退不符合安全规定的校车驾驶人。3.山寨文化是一种平民文化、草根文化,自然有其存在的意义和价值,但山寨产品的泛滥则是中国知识产权意识不足的揭露与讽刺。4.神舟7号宇宙飞船载着三位航天英雄胜利返回地球,这艘宇宙飞船是我们国家自行研制的,每一个中国人不能不为之骄傲。5.这家工厂虽然规模不大,但曾两次荣获省科学大会奖,三次被授予省优质产品称号,产品远销全国各地和东南亚地区。 6.杭州湾跨海大桥是一座由我国自行建造、自行设计、自行管理、自行投资的特大型交通基础设施,是我国跨海大桥建设史上的一个重要里程碑。 7、为防止东南亚地区发生的禽流感传入我国,国家质检总局和农业部今天联合发出通知,自即日暂行禁止进口来自疫区的禽类及其产品。8.这家工厂虽然规模不大,但曾两次荣获省科学大会奖,三次被授予省优质产品称号,产品远销全国各地和东南亚地区。 9.杭州湾跨海大桥是一座由我国自行建造、自行设计、自行管理、自行投资的特大型交通基础设施,是我国跨海大桥建设史上的一个重要里程碑,北师大英语必修4 Unit 11 Lesson 1PPT课件,北师大英语必修4 Unit 11 Lesson 1PPT课件,1.日本那些再现曲水宴的表演,有着不少“中国元素”,但是由于,


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