Lesson 4 Virtual Tourism,Cyberspace,1,Lesson 4 Cyberspace1,The Southern Hemisphere 南半球,South-west of the Pacific Ocean 太平洋西南,Location - Auckland*New Zealand,New Zealand,2,The Southern Hemisphere 南半球Sou,奥克兰,惠灵顿,New Zealand,The capital city,Auckland,Wellington,3,奥克兰惠灵顿New ZealandThe capital c,Words preview,tourismguidelocateseasideMaorisettlesettlement,n.观光,游览n.向导,指南vi.位于n.海滨,海边n.(新西兰)毛利人vi.定居n.定居地,4,Words previewtourismn.观光,游览4,centralsuburbzonevolcanoas well asharborview,adj.中央的n.市郊,郊区n.地域,地区n.火山 也,又n.海港n.景色,风景,Words preview,5,centraladj.中央的 Words preview5,sunshineaveragesurfingregularlocationmaterialbe known as,n.阳光adj.平均的n.冲浪adj.定期的,规则的n.位置,场所n.材料,原料 被认为是,Words preview,6,sunshinen.阳光 Words preview6,National flag,The New Zealand Anthem,Kiwi bird(几维鸟),National bird,dancing,greeting,tattoo,traditional food,Auckland,Auckland Beaches,7,National flagThe New Zealand A,Mt Eden,Auckland harbour bridge,Auckland harbour,parnell village,Sky Tower,Auckland Museum,Auckland Domain,8,Mt EdenAuckland harbour bridge,2,5,3,4,1,a) the history of the city b) travel linksc) things to see in Aucklandd) for water loverse) New Zealands largest city,Fast reading,9,25341a) the history of the cit,5. Travel flights,1. Introduction,2. History,3. sights,4. The city of sails,Text analysis,10,5. Travel flights1. Introducti,1. People from different countries live in Auckland.2. Europeans were the first people to settle in Auckland.3. In Auckland, it is allowed to have nuclear testing.4. Auckland is located on South Island.5. Auckland is far from Europe.,T,F,F,T,(Maoris),not allowed,North Island,F,Careful reading,True of False,11,1. People from different count,less than a million,on North Island,warm; plenty of sunshine,Maoris settled 650 years ago, European settlement began in 1840,Mt Eden, Parnell Village, the Sky Tower, the Auckland Museum,Population,Location,History,Famous Sights,Climate,Fill in the table,12,PopulationLocationClimateHis,Auckland is a modern city. It is a nice place to live and it has good weather, _. The city has lots of good beaches for water sports _ lots of good places to fish. It is _ known as “the city of sails” because of all the boats there.,too,as well as,also,Post-reading,also (p1), as well as (p3), too (p5),13,Auckland is a modern city. It,What would attract you if you went to Auckland? Using the structure: If I went to Auckland, Id like to and the following linking words too, also, as well as.,Discussion,14,What would attract you if you,Speaking,Suppose you are tour guides now. Would you please introduce Auckland to the guests here? How to introduce Auckland? Go over the text please and use the chart to help you.,Consolidation and development,15,SpeakingSuppose you are tour g,Describe an area,location,population,history,sights,climate,travel lines,culture,16,Describe locationpopulationhis,Surf the Internet and get information about Beijing, our capital city. Write an article to introduce it.,Homework,17,Surf the Internet and get info,Vocabulary,do,make,18,Vocabularydomake18,dodo ones homework 做作业 do the housework 做家务do some cooking 做饭 do some reading 看书do some shopping 买东西 do some washing 洗东西/衣服do some cleaning 搞清洁 do some sewing 做针线活do some typing 打字/打东西 do some talking 谈谈话do some walking 散散步 do the research 作研究,19,do19,makemake an answer 回答 make an explanation解释make a suggestion 提建议 make a mistake 犯错误make a choice 进行选择 make friends 交朋友make preparations 准备 make repairs 修理make a conclusion 下结论 make a face 扮鬼脸make money 挣钱 make a trip 进行旅游,20,make20,Thank you!,21,Thank you!21,