By Guo QingFrom No22.Senior High School,Writing,Tomb-sweeping Day,1,By Guo QingWritingTomb-sweepi,The Spring Festival,The Lanterns Festival,The Mid-autumn Festival,The Dragon Boat Festival,2,The Spring FestivalThe Lantern,Tomb-sweeping Day,3,Tomb-sweeping Day 3,Response-testing game,the Cold Food Festival/the Hanshi Festival.,JieZitui and his mother were burnt to death by fire.,It originated from,4,Response-testing gamethe C,burn incense,clear away weeds around the tombs,5,burn incenseclear away weeds 5,visit the graves of ones ancestors/dead family members,pay respect to the dead,6,visit the graves of ones ance,add fresh soil to the tomb,set out offerings of food and drinks,7,add fresh soil set out offerin,plant willow trees,fly kites,8,plant willow treesfly kites8,Improve your writing,Grade your writing,Criteria,How to grade and improve your writing?,9,Improve your writingGrade your,List 5 criteria we used to grade a writing,Revision,10,List 5 criteria we used to gra,time,history,customs&activities,food,layout,content,+5,+5,11, timehistorycustomsfoodla,The simple present,The simple past,tense,voice,Passive voice,+5,_,_,12,The simple presentThe simp,clauses,linking words,+3,_,13,clauseslinking words+3_,Few grammatical and spelling mistakes,+3,14,Few grammatical and +314,15,Criteria 1352. Contain enough,2,23,16,Criteria 1352. Contain enough,17,17,18,18,19,19,20,20,21,21,22,22,Grading,23,Grading23,Self-grading,24,Self-grading24,Polishing,25,Polishing25,Show Time,26,Show Time26,Assessment,27,Assessment27,28,28,