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    北师大版高一英语unit7 lesson4 sea stories课件.pptx

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    北师大版高一英语unit7 lesson4 sea stories课件.pptx

    Sea Stories,1,2022/11/8,Sea Stories 12022/9/27,mysterious stories,2,mysterious stories2,3,3,barrel,float,edge,whirlpool/wlpul/,4,barrelfloatedgewhirlpool4,/ nms/ enormous waves,terrified,5,/ nms/terrified5,survive,6,survive6,7,barrelfloat,whirlpooledge,survive,terrified,enormous,7barrelwhirlpoolsurviveterrifi,Sequencing,Put the paragraphs in the right order.B AC The pictures and linking words can help us to decide the order of events., About three years ago,at that moment, In the end,8,Sequencing Put the paragraphs,Reading for detailswherewhenwhowhat happened,- about three years ago,- on the sea,- three brothers and some other fishermen,- Ex. 4 for more details,9,- a narrow _ from a whirlpool,escape,Reading for details- about th,Fast reading1. Why did the writers younger brother fall into the sea? An enormous wave covered their boat.2. Why did the boat go towards the whirlpool? The wind and waves were taking it there.,10,Fast reading10,3. Why did the writer tie himself to a barrel? Heavier objects went down more quickly into the whirlpool. The barrel was lighter and it can help him float.4. Why didnt his brother do the same? He was terrified.,11,3. Why did the writer tie hims,5. Why did his old friends not recognise him? Because his hair changed from black to white.,12,5. Why did his old friends not,_ in 1964, Robert was sailing near the coast of Pacific Islands of Oceania _ he decided to stop near an island. _, he saw a huge creature resting beside his boat. He took a photograph, and _ the creature swam away. _, he showed the photograph to scientists, but _ nobody believed him.,One day,when,Suddenly,then,Afterwards,in the end,All of a sudden,All at once,Later,A few days later,at last,eventually,finally,13,_ in 1964, Robert was,14,events,linking words,a logical story,+,Function of linking words,14eventslinking wordsa logical,15,Important phrases:1.make sense 2.on the edge of 3. at great speed 4. tie to 5. dive into 6.be covered with 7. scream out 8. bring .to a conclusion 9. the bottom of 10. pick up 11. be unable to.12. expect you to believe,15Important phrases:,Pair work: Improve the story told by the elder brother.,God save me!,16,Pair work: Improve the story t,My two younger brothers and I were coming back from the islands. We were caught in a storm. My youngest brother fell into the sea. I saw a terrible whirlpool in front. Our boat was going in the direction of the whirlpool. We went over the edge. We were going round in circles at great speed. I was terrified. I didnt know what to do. I saw my brother tying himself to a barrel. He dived into the sea. I sank into the bottom of the whirlpool with the boat. Some huge, unknown creature carried me. I woke up. I found myself on an island. A passing fishing boat picked me up,17,Try to use linking words to connect the sentences.,My two younger brothers and I,a possible version,One day about three years ago, my two younger brothers and I were coming back from the islands, our boat full of fish. All at once, we were caught in a storm. My youngest brother fell into the sea.,18,a possible versionOne day abou,Soon afterwards, I sank into the bottom of the whirlpool with the boat. Just then, some huge, unknown creature carried me up to the surface. When I woke up, I found myself on an island. After waiting for three days, I saw a passing fishing boat and shouted for help. Finally, I was picked up and sent back home.,19,Soon afterwards, I sank into t,Summary,a terrible sea storylinking words - sequencing - make a story more vivid,20,Summary a terrible sea story20,Homework,P 62 Ex 1 Complete the text with linking words and phrases.,21,HomeworkP 62 Ex 1 Complete,Thank you!,22,Thank you!22,


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