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    English,英语教学课件,高一(必修1),English英语教学课件高一(必修1),高一北师大版模块一,Unit 1 Lifestyles Warm-Up,高一北师大版模块一,In this unit, you will ,Talk about your own lifestyle and find out about other peoples.Listen to some interviews, radio programmes and a survey.Read articles about lifestyles and a personal letter.Write a personal letter.Review the Present tenses.,In this unit, you will Talk a,Look at the photos. What kind of lifestyle do you think the people have? Use the Key Words to help you.,Key Words:boring, busy, dangerous, active, easy, lazy, exciting, free, interesting, peaceful, relaxing, stressful,Look at the photos. What kind,A business manager,busy,exciting,boring,stressful,A business manager busy exciti,A shepherd,relaxing,free,peaceful,boring,A shepherd relaxingfreepeacefu,Football players,interesting,exciting,stressful,Football players interesting e,Students,interesting,active,stressful,Studentsinteresting activestre,A doctor,busy,boring,stressful,A doctorbusyboringstressful,A teacher,busy,interesting,active,stressful,A teacherbusyinterestingactive,Listen. Say which of the people in the photos on Page 7 is speaking.,1. 2. 3.4.,a football player,a student,a shepherd,a business manager,Listen. Say which of the peopl,Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks below.,Part 1,Being famous isnt , you know. I travel a lot I have in different countries. But is exciting, very exciting! I love the matches, the people , know what I ?,easy,matches,my job,cheering,mean,Listen to the tape and fill in,Part 2,My dad says these are of my life but Im not ! You know, Ive got to do and theres not much time . I also for the school team and we have to three nights a week.,the best days,so sure,lots of work,really,play football,do training,Part 2My dad says these are,Part 3,I love and I love . Its , and theres no one to tell me what to do. But its not so when the weathers !,the animal,nature,peaceful,good,bad,Part 3I love,Part 4,Im very , and I dont have time to see . Mmmm and my life is very , I suppose. I mean, I have to lots of money. But I find it really .,busy,my husband and children,stressful,deal with,exciting,Part 4Im very , an,Work in pairs. Talk about the lifestyles below.,ExampleA: My aunts life is very interesting because she B: Yes, but its very ,Work in pairs. Talk about the,1. My aunt is a business manager in Shanghai and she travels a lot. She has a young daughter. She works very hard so she hasnt got time for hobbies.2. Fang Ming is a police officer in Chengdu. He is also a member of a basketball team and plays the game once a week. He goes fishing in his free time.,1. My aunt is a business manag,Imagine the lifestyle of your dreams. Write five sentences about it.,I am a successful tennis player. I live in Beijing but I travel a lot.I am a computer game player. I found a lot of games very exciting to play.I hate working in the bank counting money all day long I enjoy working as a doctor I love being a students in high school ,Imagine the lifestyle of your,NBA superstar,Discussing their lifestyles,Whitewater rafting players,NBA superstarDiscussing their,CEO of Apple Computer,A reporter,CEO of Apple A reporter,A singer,A lawyer,A singerA lawyer,Homework,1. What kind of lifestyles do you want to have? Why?2. Preview Lesson 1.,Homework1. What kind of lifest,Goodbye!,Goodbye!,


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