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    English,英语教学课件,高一(必修2),English英语教学课件高一(必修2),高一北师大版模块二,Unit 6 Design Lesson 4 Dream Houses,高一北师大版模块二,cottages or small simple houses,The types of houses,flat / apartment,The types of houses,castle,The types of houses,castleThe types of houses,palace,The types of houses,palaceThe types of houses,mansion,The types of houses,mansionThe types of houses,sitting room,sitting room,study room,study room,bedroom,bedroom,kitchen,kitchen,dining room,dining room,washroom / bathroom / toilet,washroom / bathroom / toiletwa,games rooms,games rooms,garage,basement,garagebasement,balcony,balcony,hall,hall,Read the text quickly. Which of these did the girls dream house have?,A. a swimming pool B. a great big yard with grass C. a balcony D. running water and a bathtub E. a games room F. three washrooms G. real stairs, H. a basement,B,D,F,G,H,Read the text quickly. Which o,Read the text carefully and choose the best answers.,1. How many places the writer lived are mentioned in the text? A. One. B. Two. C. Six. D. We dont know the exact number.2. Which of the following statements about the house on Mango street is TRUE? A. We need to pay rent to the landlord. B. The house is not a wanted house at all. C. We should share the garden with others. D. We cant make too much noise there.,D,B,Read the text carefully and ch,3. A landlord is _. A. a businessman B. a piece of land C. an owner of a house D. a cleaner4. Why did they leave the flat on Loomis? A. Because the house was too old. B. Because water pipes broke and nobody would fix them. C. Because we should share the washroom with others and carry water by ourselves. D. All of the above.,C,D,3. A landlord is _.CD,5. Can you find out the words in the text to replace them: garden, repair, toilet? A. yard, flat , pipe B. fence, fix, pipe C. gallon, fix, basement D. yard, fix, washroom6. The passage is mainly about _. A. the places where they lived before moved to Mango street B. the life on Mango street C. a dream house and a real house on Mango street D. the reasons why they moved to Mango street,D,C,5. Can you find out the words,Read the text again and answer these questions:,1. How many places has the girl lived in?2. Where did she live before Mango Street? Why did they leave?,A third floor on Loomis. They had to leave because the water pipes broke and the landlord wouldnt fix them.,A lot. / She cant remember.,Read the text again and answer,3. Why did the girl want at least three bathrooms?4. Who did Mama and Papa talk to about their dream house?5.What do you think was the biggest problem with the house in Mango Street?,So that, when she took a bath, she wouldnt have to tell everybody.,To the children.,Various answers. (Students give their own answers, with reasons.),3. Why did the girl want at le,Find the phrases below in the text.,在三楼付租金给某人和楼下的人共用院子大声喧哗即使如此,on the third floor,pay rent to sb.,share the yard with the people downstairs,make too much noise,even so,Find the phrases below in the,at leasttake a bath dream uphold ones breathon the side of the street,至少洗澡梦想屏住呼吸在路边,at least至少,Find words in American English in the text which mean the same as these:,garden (line 9)to repair (line 14 )toilet (line 15),yard,to fix,washroom,Vocabulary: American and British words,Find words in American English,Match the American words with the British ones.,British wordsholidayflatcentre of the cityundergroundground floorlorryrubbish,American wordsapartmenttruckvacationgarbagesubwayfirst floor downtown area,Match the American words with,How many of the objects below can you see in the photo of the room?,fireplace,sofa,air conditioner,curtains,lamp,carpet,ceiling,French windows,How many of the objects below,bookshelves and books,plants,wall,bookshelves and booksplantswal,Homework,1. Review what we have learnt today.2. Write a short composition about your dream house.,Homework1. Review what we have,Goodbye!,Goodbye!,


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