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    听力的命题规律和测试重点,1,听力的命题规律和测试重点1,A节19听力理解:B节1015听力理解:,2,A节19听力理解:B节1015听力理解:2,解题技巧,1. 对话1) 提前阅读选项,判断问题所属,从而集中精力于有关信息2) 注意根据信息词汇判断地点和说话人的身份职业等3) 注意加减运算,听到的不是答案4) 注意记笔记,将人物、地点、时间等对号入座从语法、短语含义入手,判断隐含之意,3,解题技巧1. 对话3,要边听边记听力过程中要克服“偏重眼睛,死用耳朵,少用心机,不用嘴手”的毛病,要边听边想,同查做一些记录。录音中的细节,如重要的数字、人物、地名等,仅赁大脑记忆很难完全记住。因此,考试中可以有目地的、有选择的加以记录,以便听完录音后能快速准确的选出答案。听到的是数字可用格子呢拉伯数字记录,其它内容可用缩写或自己独创的理解符号来记录。总之,越简明越易记越好。,4,要边听边记4,提高记笔记的效率。1。Use abr. esp.代especially,sth代something, apprec代appreciation等。2. 没有缩略语的词汇,如字母较少的单词,可完整写出该词,如gift, take,3.字母较多的单词(只写该词前几个字母;。缩略语不一定要求规范,甚室可用些符号,所记内容不一定要求完整,只要能起到提示的作用,自己能看懂就行了。,5,提高记笔记的效率。1。Use abr. esp.代,要善于阅读选择项,较短的选择项一般可采用扫视法;对于较长的选择项,可采用竖读法。Example 1:A) Running. B) Cycling. C) Fishing .D) Hunting.只需用眼光掠过选择项,便可知是四种不同的活动。Example2:A)Adouble room B)Asingle roomC)Aroom on the top floor D)Aroom on the second floor.。,6,要善于阅读选择项6,Example 3:A)The worker had finished loading the truck.B)The worker had just started loading truck.C)The worker had gone home.D)The worker had had a fight with the driver.,7,Example 3:7,Example 4:A)Her son must leave for school at 7:30B)Her son must go to work at 7:30C)Her husband must have breakfast at 7:30D)Her husband must get to office at 7:30,8,8,听力的命题规律和测试重,1对话对话部分考查的重点有: 1)地点,职业根据对话内容判断对话发生的地点或对话中所提事件发生的地点是英语听力测试中常见的也是比较重要的一个题型。地点,职业题一般有以下几种:,9,听力的命题规律和测试重9,content,CalculationLocationOccupationRelationship of the speakersInferencenegation,10,contentCalculation10,(1)根据信息词设题 W: Dear, I feel hungry now. How about you? M: So do I. Let me call room service. Hello, room service. Please send a menu to 302 right away. Q: Where are the two speakers? A. In a hotel. B. At a dinner table. C. In the street. D. At the mans house. 该题通过hungry和menu来迷惑同学们,引导大家选择B,其实,本题所借助的信息词是room service和302这个房间号,答案是A。,11,(1)根据信息词设题11,M: Can you stay for dinner? W: Id love to. But I have to go and send some registered mail before picking up the children from school. Q: Where will the woman go first? A. To the school. B. To a friends house. C. To the post office. D. Home 本题借助registered mail设题,答案是C。但这里同样也有地点的辨析问题,要求同学们能听出是首先到地方。,12,M: Can you stay for dinner?,M: Excuse me, Im looking for the emergency room. I thought that it was on the first floor. W: This is the basement. Take the elevator one flight up and turn left. Q: Where did the conversation most probably take place? A. In a library B. In a hotel. C. In a hospital. D. In an elevator 本题设题所依据的信息词是emergency room,只要考生了解其语域就可判断答案为C。,13,M: Excuse me, Im looking for,(2)借助对话中提到的多个地点设题 有时对话中提到的地点不只一个,这时,一般是将所有的地点都包括在选项之中。这种情况下,同学们不必考虑信息词问题,只要能将地点与其相关事件联系起来就可确定答案。如: M: I did not see our boss yesterday. Has he come back? W: He was just back from France besides visiting Britain, Germany, and Spain. Q: Which country did the woman visit first? A. France B. Britain C. Germany D. Spain 四个地点都是访问过的地点,要求同学们能够分清先后。答案为B。,14,(2)借助对话中提到的多个地点设题14,M: Will Mr. Smith come to the party at the weekend? W: Hell be supposed to, but he wont be back from his trip until the next week. Q: Where will Mr. Smith be on Saturday? A. At the party B. At home C. Still on his trip D. Back from his trip. 本题是将地点与时间连在一起,要求同学们在听的同时注意区别每个事件所发生的时间,答案为C。,15,M: Will Mr. Smith come to the,.地点类题提问形式:,Wheredoesthisconversation (mostprobably) takeplace? Whereisthisconversation (mostprobably )takingplace? Wheredoestheman/womanplan/wanttogo? Wheredoestheman/womanprefertolive/stay? Whereistheman/womanworking/livingnow? Whatplacedidtheman/womanvisitfirst/last? Wherearethespeakersnow? Whereisfrom? Wherehavetheybeento?,16,.地点类题提问形式:16,地点类题解题要领,熟悉世界上主要国家和英、美、加拿大主要城市和名称抓住与特定场所有关的词、词组和句型,推断暗示的地点。下面是常见的场合中可能出现的词汇和表达,熟悉了这些对应关系,需要时自然就会有对应联想。总之,即便是直接型地点类题,命题人也不会设计成在录音原文中只出现一个地点的情况,而总会提及几个地点,起声东击西的作用,对考生进行思维干扰。因此考生切不可听到什么就选什么,而应加以分析,17,地点类题解题要领熟悉世界上主要国家和英、美、加拿大主要城市和,Situation Context,Relationship location key wordsTeacher-student /school homework, marks, assignment, grades, scholarship, tuition,credits, make-up exam professor, exam, campus, degree, semester, term, score, paper, labtest, course , credit , freshman ,sophomore, junior, senior, required/compulsory course, elective/optional course, registration etc.,18,Situation Context Relationshi,缺课,缺课原因:(1)get ill 由于生病而缺课(2)oversleep 睡过头了(3)traffic jam 交通堵塞(4)(car)break down 车抛锚,19,缺课缺课原因:(1)get ill 由于生病而缺课(,Student-librarian/library,borrow, return, fine, renew, due, overdue, periodicals, fiction, journal, take-out service, catalogue, list, latest issue, circulation desk, reference book, library card, publication, call number, stacks etc.,20,Student-librarian/libraryborro,Customer- shop assistant/shop,price tag, price, on sale, bargain, fashion, pattern, cashier, check-out stand, receipt, expensive, cheap ,refund, discount, size ,color, style, fashion, counter, pay groceries, brand, installment, medium size, tight, out of style, cash or charge etc. WhatcanIdoforyou?IsthereanythingIcandoforyou?Idliketosee,21,Customer- shop assistant/shopp,买东西(1) supermarket 超级市场:supplies 生活用品,price tag 价格签,special offer/ on sale 打折,cart 手推车,vender 售货员,cashier 收银员(2) department store 百货商店:appliance 家用电器, costume 服装, floor 层, mens 男装区, sports goods 体育用品, for sale 热卖中,待售中, discount打折,折头,70% off 三折, produce 农产品,22,买东西(1) supermarket 超级市场:supp,Hotel service people-customer/hotel reservation, check in, check out, reception desk, frontdesk, vacantroom, single/doubleroom, twinbed, porter, tip, full, roomservice put ones laundry in the laundry bag, lobby,23,Hotel service people-customer/,Passenger-airport service people/ airport,stewardess, flight, take off, boarding gate claim your luggage, luggage claim area, , departure, security,clearance, green/redchannel, boardingpass, checkin, gate wing, boarding card, seat belt, economy class, airway, airline, get ones ticket punched, civil aviation, arrival/departure time, booking office, confirm the flight, check-in, non-stop flight, window seat,etc.,24,Passenger-airport service peop,机场,常考思路:(1)票已售完(2)接人(飞机)晚点(3)送人伤感 see somebody off常见线索词:airplane, flight 航班, direct flight 直航,transfer 转机,seat-belt=safety belt 安全带, first class 头等舱,,economy class 经济舱,take off 起飞,land 降落,circle 盘旋wing: a.建筑物的附属楼 b.飞机的翅膀 c.鸡翅terminal: a=final station 公交站最后一站站 b.候机大厅domestic terminal 国内候机大厅,international terminal 国际候机大厅,25,机场常考思路:(1)票已售完(2)接人(飞机)晚点(,customers house, declare, claim, pay duty on, duty free, free of charge, luggage, fill in the form etc. ,alcohol ,beverage,Doyouhaveanythingtodeclare?,26,customers house, declare, cl,Driver-policeman/ street,speeding ,violate the regulation, fine, license suspend your license, a ticket, traffic problem,27,Driver-policeman/ streetspeedi,Post office clerks customer /post office,letter address postage, registered mail ,airmail, ordinarymail , special delivery, envelope, stamp, parcel, telegram,28,Post office clerks customer,Waiter, waitress/restaurant,menu 菜谱, order, tray, paper napkin, bill, tip, wine, change, waiter, drink, soft drink, salad, soup, dessert ,roastbeef, steak, cafeteria, buffet, dessert, pizza, apple pie, chef, salt, pepper, soup, whisky, wine, champagne, mushroom, taste, serve, beverage, snack, go Dutch, treat sb.to sth., take the order, be full, Imfull. goDutch; Areyoureadyto order now? worth the money, etc,29,Waiter, waitress/restaurantmen,餐厅,(1)cafeteria 学校饭堂:meal card/ticket 饭卡/饭票,(2)restaurant:, book/reserve 预订 ,make a reservation 预定上菜顺序:soup汤 main course主菜 salad 沙拉(chef salad招牌沙拉) dessert甜点 (pudding布丁, cheese , fruit),30,餐厅(1)cafeteria 学校饭堂:meal card,Plumber,sink, dripping faucet, drain, leak, pipe,clog,31,Plumbersink, dripping faucet,Doctor- patient/hospital,to suffer from, to give an injection, operation room, surgery, wards, physical exam, cough, dizzy, high blood pressure,(hypertension) heart disease, diabetes, obess fever, headache, sore throat, sneeze, symptom, diagnosis, physician, surgeon, dentist, appointment, pharmacy,/drugstore/chemists, pill, tablet, capsule, dosage, syrup, pain-killer, tablet, have the prescription filled, cavity, X-ray , etc have ones tooth filled, Whatseemstobethetrouble?,32,Doctor- patient/hospitalto suf,医院,常考思路:(1)医生难找the doctor is not available(2)病情如何(getting better/worse)(3)有病耽误课 miss the class线索词:treat 治疗(表过程), cure 治疗,治愈(表结果)infirmary / students help center 学校的医院,clinic 诊所,,33,医院常考思路:(1)医生难找the doctor is,hospital, ward 病房,prescribe 开药方,prescription 处方Send him to Ward Three. 把他送去3号病房。 Send him toward three. 把他送到东方去。(因为时钟三点指向东(上北下南左西右东) )fill the prescription 按方抓药, refill the prescription 继续按方抓药,cough 咳嗽, fever , influenza(flu) 流感TB Tuberculosis Bird flu ?avian fluSARSepidemic,34,hospital, ward 病房,prescribe,Bank/bank clerk/client,account, cheque, interestrate, cash, tellerswindow,deposit, withdraw some money ,dollar, pound, service charge, balance, savings, exchange rate, travelers check, etc openonaccount, cash a check,withdrawsomemoneydraw on ones account,35,Bank/bank clerk/clientaccount,Telephone caller and receiver,area code, busy ,signal, directory, hold the line, extension, exchange, telephone box/booth, operator, get through etc. insert the coin in the slot,dial, leave a message,36,Telephone caller and receivera,打电话,常考思路:(1)约人约不到(2)约会去不了sth comes up/ Id like to reschedule/ Could you fit me in (the doctors schedule)?(3)电话打不通(包括打错电话)线索词:run out of coins(在公共电话亭里)没钱了,cut off 被迫断线,hang up 主动挂断电话,receiver 听筒,slot 电话上的小投币口,,yellow pages 黄页,dial 拨电话,operator 接线员打电话步骤:Look up the number in the yellow pages. 在黄页里查找电话。Drop the coins in the slot. 把硬币投入投币口。Then dial the number you want it. 然后拨打你所需要的电话。,37,打电话 常考思路:(1)约人约不到(2)约会去不了s,Court,judge, clerk, jury, defendant, witness, case, charge, sentence, death penalty, retire ,guilty, innocent, trial, lawyer, audience criminal ,suspected,etc.,38,Courtjudge, clerk, jury, def,Train station,information desk, platform, track, time table, train conductor, hard sleeper, sleeping car, return ticket, refund etc. Passenger, conductor/ on the bus Excuse me, How can I get to? Bus no. 34, bus stop,bus terminal, fare, transfer, line, rush hour, traffic jam, change, pick up passengers, stop, conductor,etc.,39,Train station39,2、Calculation数字运算,应注意区别一些易混淆时数字,特别是-teen和-ty的区别。e.g. The book cost him 30/13 dollars(titi:n) 。 注意街道、房间、汽车、电话等号码的习惯表达方法,如320读成threetwenty或threetwozero;电话号码则将数字逐个读出来。 注意时间表达上英美的差异,如1:45可读成aquatertotwo或onefortyfive;2:00p.m.可读成twop.m.或fourteenhundredhours.,40,2、Calculation数字运算40,Calculation,aquater指时间是15分钟,指月份是一季度(三个月),指百分比为25%。times, twice, couple, apairof,halfof, double, one third, percentage。 late (later), early (earlier), delay, start, aheadof, fast, slow, increase, add等与时间数字有关的词,以帮助理解和计算。,41,Calculationaquater指时间是15分钟,指月,E.g.数字类:直接型W: Do you live in a college dormitory? M: Yes, I do. Its a six-man suite, but at the moment only four of us live there. Q: How many people share the suite now?,42,E.g.数字类:直接型42,数字类题提问形式,: Howmany(persons)? Howmanydozensof? Howmanyminutesfast/slow/late? Howmuchdoesspend/save/earn/borrow/lend/pay? Howoldis Howlongdoesittaketo/stayin? Howoften/far? When/Atwhattimebegin/finish? When/Onwhichdayarrive/wanttoleave?,43,数字类题提问形式: 43,A时间, 时刻的读法 5:15读作 a quarter past/after five或five fifteen 2:45读作a quarter to three或 two forty-five 7:30读作 half past seven或seven thirty 9:10读作 ten past nine或 nine ten 8:00读作eight (oclock)sharp 14:00读作 fourteen hundred hours或 two p.m. 00:25读作 twenty-five pastafter midnight,44,A时间 44,么么么么方面,Sds绝对是假的,么么么么方面Sds绝对是假的, 年、月、日的读法,2003年:two thousand and three 公元前1086年:one thousand and eighty-six BC 前天:the day before yesterday 后天:the day after tomorrow 每隔一天:every other day或every two days 两星期:a fortnight 10年:a decade 100年:a century,46, 年、月、日的读法46,多位数的表达 1,247,862,056:1(billion十亿),247(million百万),862(thousand),056 (and fifty-six)one billion two hundred and forty-seven million eight hundred and sixty-two thousand and fifty-six。但是听力中这种长而复杂的数字极少出现。即使出现,也是以整数的形式,如:18 bi11ion, four million,,47,多位数的表达 47,数序的表达,在数序的表达上,中文和英文在某些方面有所不同。中文中某些有数序意义的词,英文中用基数词;而中文中某些没有数序意义的词,英文中则要用序数词。如: 第四中学:No4 Middle Schoo1 第五课:Lesson 5 (The fifth lesson) 第115号房间: Room ll5,48,数序的表达 48,数序的表达 小数的读法比较简单,按照数词的顺序逐个读,迟到小数点读作point零读作zero。例如; 0.3: zero point three; 9.7:nine point seven 1.45:one point four five 4.862:four point eight six two,49,数序的表达 49,数序的表达,分数和小数的表达 分子为1的分数,以one为分子,序数词为分母。此外, 1/2与1/4两个分数较为特殊,应加以注意。例如 l/2:one half;1/3:one third ; 1/4:one fourth(或one quarter) 1 :one and a half; :two and three quarters 分子不是1的分数,分子为基数词,分为序数词并加s。例如: :two thirds; :five elevenths; :four and three fifths,50,数序的表达 分数和小数的表达 50,货币名称和价格的读法: 1美元:one dollar;25美分:quarter;10美分:dime;5美分:nickle 美分便士:centpenny $17.84:seventeen dollars eighty-four cents 其他与数字有关的词 couple (一对)、dozen(一打)、daily(每天)、month1y(每月)、twice(两倍)、double(翻倍)、triple(增加到三倍)等。 在时间与数字型题中,还要注意下述两点:,51,货币名称和价格的读法: 51,1)如果遇到两个相同的数字,口语中常读作double十 数字,零常读成 0h或 zero 。如: Room 602 读作 room six oh two; 8579906读作 eight five seven double nine oh six ,52,1)如果遇到两个相同的数字,口语中常读作double十 数,罚款 fine,校内:library 里面,书过期 overdue各种费用:fare 交通费(车费,船费), fee 杂费, tuition 学费, tuition and fee 学杂费,rent 房租, utilities 水电费,rate 按比例收取的费用, post rate=postage 邮资,53,罚款 fine校内:library 里面,书过期 over,关于工作,常考思路:(1) 找到工作高兴(2) 失去工作伤心 a.被解雇 b.离开旧工作(3) 拒绝工作令人感到奇怪线索词:找工作的过程:(1) 信息来源a. classified ads 分类广告help and wanted section 供求关系栏,b. bulletin board 公告栏c. flyer传单(2) make a phone call Is the position still available? 工作职位还仍然空缺吗?(3) resume 个人简历certification 学历证, ID 身份证,qualification 资历,recommendation letter 推荐信fill out= fill in = fill up 填表格(4) interview 面试,54,关于工作常考思路:(1) 找到工作高兴(2) 失去工作,人性的缺点,(1)健忘 forgetful, absent-minded, slip ones mindHes forgetful. / Isnt he forgetful? / How forgetful he is!(2)害羞 shy 害羞, embarrassed 尴尬, self-conscious 自信, keep ones mind/ thought to oneself=keep to onself,55,人性的缺点(1)健忘 forgetful, absent-,租房子常考思路(1)房难找(2)房太贵(3)房太嘈线索词for rent 房子出租,house , living-room 厅,rest-room 厕所,56,租房子常考思路(1)房难找(2)房太贵(3)房太嘈,理发线索词cut 大剪,trim 小修剪,bang 男生刘海,parting 分头(I want parting to the left.我想要左分头。)plait 辫子,fringe 女生刘海,pigtail 麻花辫,ponytail 马尾辫,ripple 波浪卷发,57,理发线索词cut 大剪,trim 小修剪,bang,2)职业、身份 根据说话内容判断说话者的身份和职业是听力测试中又一常见题型。该题型的题项设计有两种:(1)说话者自身的身份或职业 根据谈话内容判断说话者一方的职业或身份: W: Good evening, Professor David. My name is Susan Gray. Im with the local newspaper. Do you mind if I ask you a few questions? M: Not at all. Go ahead, please. Q: What is Susan Gray? A. A writer. B. A teacher. C. A reporter. D. A student. 由local newspaper可以判断说话者是位记者,在采访。,58,2)职业、身份58,M: How about the food I ordered? Ive been waiting for 20 minutes already. W: Im very sorry, sir. Ill be back with your order in a minute. Q: Who is the man most probably speaking to? A. A shop assistant. B. A telephone operator. C. A waitress. D. A clerk. 与order有关的自然是waitress,答案为A。,59,M: How about the food I order,(2)说话双方之间的关系 该题型是上一题型的延伸,要求同学们能判断说话者双方的身份,问题经常是Whats the relationship between the two speakers? W: How long will it take you to fix my watch? M: Ill call you when its ready. But it shouldnt take longer than a week. Q: What is the probable relationship between the speakers? A. Librarian and student. B. Operator and caller. C. Boss and secretary. D. Customer and repairman. 既然女士让男的fix my watch,说明对方是repairman,而自己是customer。,60,(2)说话双方之间的关系60,M: Sorry to trouble you. But is there any possibility o


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