Inversion,1. 翻译: 山脚下有座庙。 出席会议的是来自许多城市的专家。 坐在大厅里的是来自许多城市的专家。,Full inversion(完全倒装),1. At the foot of the mountain is/lies/stands a temple. Present at the conference are many teachers from different cities. Sitting/Seated in the hall are many teachers from different cities.,Full inversion(完全倒装),Gone are the days when physical strength was all you needed to make a living.,Full inversion(完全倒装)here, there, away, in, out ,up, down, now, then,There _. 公交车来了。Out _. 孩子们冲了出去。Away _. 小偷逃走了。Away _. 他逃走。,comes the bus,rushed the children,fled the thief,he fled,Full inversion(完全倒装),Such was van Gogh, who committed his whole being to painting.这就是凡高,全身心地投入绘画中。,Full inversion(完全倒装),_ _ many students in the classroom. 有许多学生在教室。_ _ an old fisherman in the village. 村里住着一位老渔夫。_ _ a gap between the young and the old. 青年人和老年人之间存在差距。,There are,There lived,There exists,1.【2009英语(江苏卷)】Distinguished guests and friends, welcome to our school. _ theceremony of the 50th Anniversary this morning are our alumni (校友) from home and abroad. A. AttendB. To attend C. AttendingD. Having attended,2.【2009英语(辽宁卷)】_is the power of TV that it can make a person suddenly famous. A. SuchB. This C. ThatD. So,3. The child tiptoed(踮着脚尖走) quietly to the bird. _ into the forest when he was about to catch it.A. Flew it awayB. Away flew itC. Away it flewD. Flew away it,4.(2010高考陕西卷)John opened the door. There _ he had never seen before. A. a girl did stand B. a girl stood C. did a girl stand D. stood a girl,5.(2010江苏)Iseveryonehere?NotyetLook,there_therestofourguests!A.comeB.comesC.iscomingD.arecoming,6. (2010高考重庆卷) AtthemeetingplaceoftheYangtzeRiverandtheJialingRiver_,oneofthe tenlargestcitiesinChina.A.liesChongqingB.ChongqingliesC.doeslieChongqingD.doesChongqinglie,