,One Belt One Road,Present Xis Proposal,?,On September 7, 2013, Xi put forward the idea in,the speech at Kazakhstan Nazarbayev University.,?,China is willing to strengthen maritime cooperation with,ASEAN, making good use of fund to develop marine,partnership to build the st century Marine Silk,Road.,?,On November 8, with the help of APEC held in,Beijing, the blueprint and the implementation,conditions of One Belt One Road became muture,.,“,One Belt and One Road”,?,“One Belt and One Road refers to the Silk Road,Economic Belt and st Century Maritime Silk,Roador short,.,Ancient Silk Road,?,Ancient Silk Road started with Changan (now Xian) and,Luoyang, via Gansu and Xinjiang, finally reached Central,Asia and West Asia. It also linked various Mediterranean,countries.,Ancient Silk Road,Countries and regions besides Silk Road exchanged a lot of,commodities inculding silk, furs, jade, jewelry and perfume. It,promoted the friendly contacts between Asian and European,countries and China.,Ancient Silk Road,?,驼铃古道丝绸路,胡马犹闻唐汉风。,?,无数铃声摇过渍,应驮白练到安西。,?,黄沙百战穿金甲,不破楼兰终不还。,?,丝绸茶叶陶瓷萃,,商贾僧人行旅偕。,异域驼铃风雨路,,汉唐气象大胸怀。,International background,The worlds economic growth weakened, and its recovery,is weak. Many countries were facing economic hardship.,China took this opportunity to put forward OBOR strategy,concerened about the countries mentioned to realize a,win-win situation.,Domestic background,One Belt and One Road, as an important long-term,national development strategy. It has five strategic,issues including overcapacity Problem, Resources,Acquisition, National Security,and so on.,Issues,Overcapacity Problem,Resources Aquisition,National Security,Trade Initiative,Transportation Network,Overcapacity Problem,Overcapacity Problem,?,1. OBOR opens up new export markets to compete,with America and Japan.,?,2. It helps emerging market countries and less,developed countries in infrastructure construction,using the sufficient foreign exchange reserves to,solve the overcapacity problem,Resources Aquisition,?,Chinas oil and gas resources are highly dependent,on overseas mineral resources.,?,OBOR will build some effective channels to get,resouces. It contributes to the resources,diversification.,National Security,?,The industry and infrastructure of coastal,region ,western area and central area need to be,protected from external concealed threats.,?,OBOR will improve the capability to strengthen,the national security at risk of conflict.,Trade Initiative,?,OBOR will make China have a greater say in global,market and regional economy.,Transportation Network,?,With building a transportation network in the,neighboring area, OBOR will promote the export,trade and mobilization of resouces.,Challenges,Strategic Suspects,Settlement of Disputes,sustainable development,Suggestions from President Xi,?,1. To realize interconnectivity among Asian,countries for the first time.,?,2. To build a transportation network on the basis,of Economic Corridor,(经济走廊),.,?,3. To give priority in the project of highway and,railway construction between China and,neighboring countries.,?,4. Silk Road fund is open to the investors in and,out of Asia.,?,5. To consolidate the foundation of Asian,interconnectivity on the basis of cultural and,educational exchanges.,The Back-up Force of OBOR,高铁外交,上合银行,丝路基金,亚洲基础设施投资银行,核电外交,金砖银行,陆上丝绸之路,海上丝绸之路,1. High-speed diplomacy,高铁,外交,2. Shanghai Cooperation,Organization Development,Bank,上海合作组织开发银行,(上合银行),3. Silk Road fund,丝路基金,4. Asian Infrastructure,Investment Bank (AIIB),亚,洲基础设施投资银行,(亚,投行),5. Nuclear diplomacy,核电,外交,6. BRICS Bank,金砖银行,一带一路“建设”,Relationship between OBOR and AIIB,The implementation of One Belt and,One Road stratgy requires a large,number of investment from financial,institutions, including AIIB,.,The aid program of AIIB, which,targets the construction of,infrastructure in Asian-Pacific,region, overlaps,(与重叠),with OBOR strategy.,International Significance,1.Strengthen effective,cooperation with neighboring,countries.,2. Two radiant effects,(两个,辐射作用),give China,important diplomatic and,economic leverage,(影响,力),.,3. It promotes Chinese culture,in an effective way.,中亚,东南亚,南亚,西亚,东欧,非洲,Domestic Significance,1.Promote Rise of,Central China and,Western,Development,”,.,2.Promote the,transition and,structure upgrading in,Eastern Region.,3. promote foreign,investment,西部大,开发,中部,崛起,对外,投资,东部,转型,