作文造句,非谓语动词,动名词,做主语用随着社会的不断发展和人们观念的更新,找兼职越来越普遍。With the continuous development of society and the change of peoples mind, the part-time job hunting came to grow popular.,空气污染,噪音以及过于拥挤成为了都市人面临的最大问题,而这些问题对于乡村人来说显得那么奇特。Air pollution, noise and overcrowding become the biggest problems which confront town people.They seem strange for rural residents.,周一到周五都穿校服意味着学生不需要花钱再买别的衣服。Wearing school uniforms from Monday to Friday means that students neednt spend money on other clothes.There is almost no need for students to buy other clothes.,Playing games do not require students to use any of their creativity.Nowadays raise pets such as dogs and cats are becoming more and more popular.动名词做主语,谓语要第三人称单数动词短语不能做主语,做宾语,去电影院意味着费力出门以及消磨时间。Going out to the cinema means taking a great deal of trouble to leave the house and consuming a lot of time.,学校不应该作为旁观者,而应该作为培养全面型人才的机构,负起全部的责任。Schools should stop acting as onlookers, and perform full responsibilities as an institution of developing well-rounded talents.,做表语用,负责任的政府的主要任务是消除贫困。The main task of a responsible government is eliminating poverty.,解决淡水短缺的一个可行的方法就是循环利用废水。A practical way of solving fresh water shortage is recycling waste water. A practical solution to fresh water shortage is recycling waste water.,做介词宾语,事实上,父母在孩子成长过程中扮演非常重要的角色。In fact, parents play a very important role in the growing of children.,这些技巧可能是体能或智力上的,例如较费脑力的益智游戏所培养的逻辑思考能力。These skills may be physical or intellectual, such as the logical thinking developed by more mentally challenging games.,前面带有名词或代词,闭门造车只能导致国家落后,国力衰败。Divorcing ourselves from the masses and reality only results in the nations falling behind and decline.,吸烟者几乎不考虑抽烟给周围非吸烟者的健康造成的危害。Smokers seldom think of the damage which their smoking does to the health of nearby non-smokers.,动名词+被动,由于学生们年龄小,难以抵挡轻松度时的诱惑,而被迫去读书。Students are not old enough to resist the temptation of spending time in such an easy way instead of being forced to hit textbooks.,分词现在分词、过去分词,做状语吸烟花费大量的钱,给吸烟者的家庭带来巨大的经济负担。Smoking costs a large sum of money, laying a huge economic burden on the smokers family.,然而,人们不能回避这样的事实:汽车正严重地污染空气,使城市充斥着难以忍受的噪音。甚至于在乡村,田野逐渐消失,被停车场和道路所代替。Even the fields in the countryside are disappearing, replaced by car parks and roads.,可在分词前加副词,他们沉溺于这些有趣的活动中,完全忽视家庭其他成员的感觉。They are indulged in these interesting activities, totally neglecting the feelings of other family members.,做定语用,我们不能再不假思索地使用大自然赐予我们的资源了。We can no longer thoughtlessly use the resources provided by nature.,我们可将通过读书所获得的技巧和见解应用于实际经验中,使得原本有意义的经验更有意义。We can apply the skills and insights gained through the study of books to practical experience, making an already meaningful experience more meaningful.,对孩子而言,他们有必要主动和父母讨论与自己成长有关的一切问题。As to children, they should initially discuss with their parents on anything concerning their growth. As to children, it is necessary to offer active discussion with their parents on anything concerning their growth.,大洋上航行的船只都用英语发出求救信号。All ships sailing on the oceans call for help by radio in English.,做补语用,我们要使核废料得到妥善处理。We should have the nuclear waste well disposed of.,不定式,做主语用在大多数地方,吃鱼并不安全。To eat the fish is not safe in most places.It is not safe to eat the fish in most places.,现在,温饱已经不是唯一的目的。To be amply fed and clothed is not the only purpose now.It is not the only purpose to be amply fed and clothed now.,做宾语用,学生们经常无法积极参加课堂活动。Students frequently fail to participate in class actively.,庆幸的是,人们已开始意识到整个形势的严峻。Fortunately, people are beginning to realize the seriousness of the whole situation.,用it代表不定式,我们从来不觉得打发业余时间是什么难事。We never find it difficult to occupy our spare time.,做表语用,帮助转学生适应新环境,最重要的方法是确保他们不会觉得孤立无援。The most important way to help transfer students adjust to their new environment is to ensure that they dont feel alone.,我们应该做的是告诉孩子们如何正确得解决问题。What we should do is to tell children how to solve the problems properly.,做定语用,在技能上对我们来说最重要的是沟通能力。The most important thing for us in the way of skills is the ability to communicate.,是时候面对现实,好好奋斗了。It is time to face the reality and make a struggle.,做状语用,要赶走孤独和消磨时光,人们可以培养兴趣爱好,如养花,集邮等。To dispel loneliness and kill time, people can cultivate some hobbies such as growing flowers, collecting stamps and so on.,找出解决问题的更好办法,我们有必要分析根源。To find out a better way of solving the problem, it is necessary for us to analyze its roots.,不定式的被动,许多贫困大学生,在经济和心理压力下,不屈不挠,在兼职的同时挤时间学习。under the financial pressure and the psychological stressmany poor college students refuse to be beaten down by fatemanage to suck time out of the part-time jobs to study.,