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    T h e I n f i n i t i v e 动词不定式,T h e I n f i n i t i v,动词不定式的构成:,肯定式: to +动词原形,否定式: not to +动词原形,复合结构: for sb. to do,动词不定式的构成:肯定式: to +动词原形否定式:,动词不定式的用法,动词不定式可充当的句子成分: 主语 宾语 定语 表语 状语 宾语补足语 注:动词不定式不能作谓语,动词不定式的用法动词不定式可充当的句子成分:,A. 不定式作主语,(一定要带to,谓语动词要用单数),To play video game is fun.To learn English well is important.,不定式作主语时,常用it作形式主语,而将真正的主语即动词不定式放在句末,构成固定句型。,A. 不定式作主语(一定要带to,谓语动词要用单数)To,It isn. (for sb.) to do sth. 用于此句型的名词有: pity, shame, pleasure, ones duty, ones job, fun, joy, good manners, bad manners等。It takes sb.some timeto do sth. 该句型意为“做某事花费某人多长时间”。Its +adj. +(for/of sb.) + to do sth. 该句型意为“做某事对某人来说是”。,不定式作主语的常用句型:,It isn. (for sb.) to do st,1. Its clever of you to refuse her.2. It was careless of her to make such a mistake. 3. Its very kind of you to help us.,1. Its necessary for you to give up smoking. 2. Its easy for me to do that.3. Its very hard for him to study two languages.,形容词为描述人的品质的词,使用of。(形容词修饰不定式时用介词for.形容词修饰逻辑主语时用介词of. )good, kind, nice, clever, foolish, right, honest, careful, polite, wrong, bad, foolish, careless。,for sb./of sb.的区别,用介词后面的代词作主语,用介词前边的形容词作表语,造个句子。如果道理上通顺用of,不通则用for。 1. Its very nice of you to say so. You are nice.(通顺,所以应用of) 2. Its hard for him to finish the project by himself He is hard.(人是困难的,不通,因此应用for),1. Its clever of you to refus,不定式像名词一样,可以放在be动词后面。,1. My wish is to visit London next year.2. Toms idea is to go to Forest Park to have a picnic.3. The important thing is to save lives.4. My wish is to write a good book for children.5. Our work is to build the highway.6. My job is to teach English.7. My idea is to climb the mountain from the north.8. My suggestion is to start work at once.,B. 不定式作表语,ones wish/ job/ aim/ goal/ ambition/ plan/ dream/ way/ work/ hope/ duty/idea/ suggestion is to do/be,不定式像名词一样,可以放在be动词后面。1. My wish,(1) I hope to be a doctor.She decided to make another try.They all want to see the film.We hope to be back home at 6:00.(5) Fred didnt have any money, so he decided to look for a job.,常见的能跟带to不定式的动词及短语:want/wish/hope/decide/learn/plan/would like/get ready to do,C. 不定式作宾语,(1) I hope to be a doctor.常见的,e.g. I find it difficult to understand him. We thought it wrong not to help her. They found it impossible to get everything ready in time.,it作形式宾语,而将真正的宾语动词不定式置于句末。sb. believe/think/consider/feel/make/find+ it + adj. + to do sth.,e.g.it作形式宾语,而将真正的宾语动词不定式置于句末。,1. I dont know where to go .2. He didnt know what to do ./ how to do it.3. Can you tell me how to get there ?4. I cant decide which to choose.5. The teacher showed us how to use a computer.,“疑问词 + 不定式” 结构可以转换为从句形式,1)I dont know where I will go.2)He didnt know what he would do/ how he could do it.3)Can you tell me how I can get there.4)I cant decide which I will choose.5) The teacher showed us how we could use a computer.,不定式与疑问词连用,构成不定式短语,作宾语,1. I dont know where t,1. We have come to learn from you.2. I got up early to catch the bus.3. The boy is old enough to go to school. 4. He was too excited to say a word.5. She was surprised to hear the news.6. Im glad to meet you.,D.不定式作状语,不定式结构可以作状语,修饰动词、形容词、副词等,表示目的、原因、结果 等。,表示目的,表示原因,表示结果,1. We have come to learn from,表示目的: He came here just to ask me some questions. He bought a bicycle to go to town more quickly. He went home to see his mother. He came here in order to see Charlie. He shouted and waved so as to be noticed. He went early in order not to miss the train. I turned the radio down so as not to disturb him.,为了强调表示目的的不定式结构,通常可以用in order (not) to 或 so as (not) to (so as to 不能放在句首)可以和so that引导的目的状语从句转换。Mr Li got up early so tht he could catch the early bus. Mr Li got up early so as/in order to catch the early bus.,表示目的:为了强调表示目的的不定式结构,通常可以用,表示结果:,一般用在enough to, tooto 等结构中, 可以和sothat引导的结果状语从句转换1. He ran fast enough to catch up with them.2. He is too young to go to school.3. She was too excited to say a word.,He ran so fast that he caught up with them.,He is so young that he cant go to school.,He isnt old enough to go to school.,She was so excited that she couldnt say a word.,表示结果:一般用在enough to, tooto 等结构,表示原因:,be + adj (glad . sorry .sure . happy . afraid. surprised 等表情感的形容词后)+ to do sth .,表示原因:be + adj (glad . sorry,下列动词用不定式作宾语补足语时,带to:,ask/tell/order/want/invite/allow/like/warn/encourage/teach would like sb to do,1. My mother always likes me to get up early. 2. Lucy often teaches me to learn English. 3. She doesnt want her to attend the meeting. 4. I asked him to show me the new dictionary. 5. She asked me to stay there. 6. Please allow me to introduce Mr. White to you.,E. 不定式作宾语补足语,下列动词用不定式作宾语补足语时,带to:ask/tell/o,下列动词用不定式作宾语补足语时,必须省去不定式符号to:e.g. 1. He observed someone open the door. 2. I watched them get into the car. 3. Did you notice him leave the room?,学会记忆:作宾补不带to.一感: feel二听:hear, listen to三使役/让:let, make, have五看:see ,watch ,look at ,observe, notice,可带可不带to:help,下列动词用不定式作宾语补足语时,必须省去不定式符号to:学会,总结:省to 的不定式,1) 情态动词 ( 除ought 外,ought to):2) 使役动词 let, have, make3) 感官动词 see, watch, look at, notice , observe, hear, listen to, smell, feel, find 等后作宾补,省略to。4) would rather,had better5) Why dont you / why not:6) help 可带to,也可不带to, help sb. (to) do sth.7) had better (not)8) Will/Would you please?,总结:省to 的不定式1) 情态动词 ( 除ought 外,,1. I have a lot of homework to do.2. Do you have anything to say?3. My father has something important to tell me.4. Would you like something to drink?5. Here is a book for you to read.6. I have no time to talk with her.7. He needs a room to live in.8. He was always the last to leave. 9. Betty was the first to know the truth.10.She usually has a lot of meetings to attend in the evening.11.I want to get something to read during the vocation.,F. 不定式作定语,不定式作定语时,通常总是以短语的形式在句中出现的,因此作定语时要放在它所修饰的名词或代词之后。,1. I have a lot of homework t,不定式与所修饰的词构成动宾关系时,如果不定式是不及物动词,它后面应加上相应的介词1.The nurse has five children to look after.2.Lets first find a room to put the things in.3.Please pass me some paper to write on.4.Theres nothing for us to worry about.5.She has a nice pen to write with.6.He bought a flat for the family to live in.,动词不定式专题复习-PPT,e.g. He is the only person to know the truth. She is always the first to come and the last to leave.,当名词被the first ,the last, the only 等序数词以及形容词最高级修饰时,常用不定式作定语。the first ,the last, the next, the only to do sth,e.g.当名词被the first ,the last, t,注意,作简短回答或避免不必要的重复时,动词不定式常常省去to 后面的动词,只保留to 。,A:Would you like to come to my party?,Mary wanted to use my bike, but I asked her not to ( use my bike).,B: Yes , Id love to ( come to your party).,注意作简短回答或避免不必要的重复时,动词不定式常常省去to,Ex:1. To do that sort of thing is foolish.2. I want to see you this evening.3. The work you have to do now is to finish it quickly.4. We found a house to live in.5. She came here to study English.6. I warned the patient not to eat cold water after the operation.,主语,宾语,表语,定语,状语,宾补,Ex: 主语 宾语表语 定语 状语 宾补,不定式短语,whatwhowhichhow + 不定式whenwhere,用于tell, teach, how, wonder, learn, show, find out, ask, understand, explain 之后,在句中作主语、宾语、表语。,不定式短语what用于tell, teach, how, w,作宾语,I dont know how to do it. where to go. what to say. when to begin. which bus to take.,作宾语I dont know how to do it.,做主语,How to do it is very important.Where to goWhat to sayWhen to begin,做主语How to do it is very import,作表语,The question is how to do it. where to get it. what to say.,作表语The question is how to do i,1. Thank you for us so well . A. to teach B. teaches C. taught D. teaching2. I often do some on Sundays. A. washed B. to wash C. washing D. washes3. The boy Jack in Class One is my brother. A. call B. to be called C. calling D. called4.It often takes me half an hour home. A. Walking B. to walk C. walked D. walks5. Dont forget her clean water every day . A. to give B. giving C. given D. give,1. Thank you for us,6. I think it is important English well . A. learning B. learn C. to learn D. learned 7. The funny story made us all hard . A. laugh B. to laugh C. laughing D. laughed8. Our teacher told us hard at our lessons . A. to work B. work C. working D. worked,6. I think it is important,9. Could you tell me this newspaper ? A. to read how B. how to read C. what to read D. what read10. I dont know next . A. what to do B. what to do it C. how to do D. to how do it11.My hair is too long , so I must have it this afternoon. A. cut B. cuts C. cutting D. cutted12.Remember last for class again . A A. not to B. be not to C. not to be D. not to come13. Mr. Smith asked the man the queue . A. not jump B. didnt jump C. not to jump D. to not jump,9. Could you tell me,14.Why not with us ? You see , its very . A. go ; interested B. go; interesting C. to go ; interested D. going ; interesting15. What about to the cinema tonight ? -Thats a good idea. Id like with you . A. going ; going B. to go ; to go C. going ; to go D. go ; going16. Everyone here is busy read for the coming entrance tests . A. get B. to get C. getting D. gets,14.Why not with us ?,17.Weve worked for two hours . Lets a rest . A. stop to have B. stop having C. to stop to have D .stopping having 18.Would you mind me a favour(恩惠)? A. do B. to go C. doing D. did 19.Mr. Wang asked me him . A. help B. helps C. to help D. helping20.Please tell Jim not late again . A. to B. be C. to be D. be to,17.Weve worked for two hours,23.Please dont forget to me , will you ? A. to write B. writing C. write,22.The boy wants his father a question about the moon .asking B. to ask C. ask D. asked,21.Miss Yang asked the boy , the baby was sleeping in the room . A. to stop to sing B. to stop singing C. stop singing D. stop to sing,23.Please dont forget,25.Its about six oclock, Lets supper now . A. stop having B. to stop having C. stop to have D. to stop to have26.Wed better on the road . A car may hit us . A. not to play B. not play C. to not play D. dont play,24.Mother decided Tom away from school . A. to keep not B. keep not C. not to keep D. not keep,25.Its about six oclock, L,A.,29. I often see them with some foreigners . A. talk B. to talk C. talking D. talked 30. He says life wont be worth without love . A. live B.living C. living D. to live,27. Liu Mei helped the Turners their tickets on the train . A. pick B. look up C. pick up D. look like 28.I often see them with some foreigners . A. talk B. to talk C. talking D. talked,A.29. I often see them wi,1.,31.This morning I saw a man on the street on my way . A. lives ; there B. lived ; to school C. lying ; to school D. to lie ; home .32. He has given up tennis since he was ill . A.play B. to play C. playing D.plays 33. -will you come to the net bar with me ? -sorry , My mother always tells me there . A. not go B. not to go C. go D. to go,1. 31.This morning I saw,34._ Do you still remember me somewhere Beijing ? - Yes ,of course . Two years ago . A.to see B. see C. seeing D. saw 35.Parents must warn their children _ . A. to play with fire B. not to play with fire C. of playing fire D. playing fire,1.,34._ Do you still remember,


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