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    人教版八年级英语下册第十单元SectionA 3appt课件.ppt

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    人教版八年级英语下册第十单元SectionA 3appt课件.ppt

    Unit 10Ive had this bike for three years.,Section A 3a,Flea market,Do you know?,guessing,Fast reading,1. What do they want to sell at the yard sale? They want to sell some old things. 2. How many people are mentioned(提到) in this article? Who are they? Three. They are the writer(father), his daughter and his son.,Carefulreading,True or false,vocabulary,Answer questions,Brainstorm,Task1: Are the following statements true(T) or false(F)?,( ) 1. The writer has two children.( ) 2. The boy is 16 and the daughter is in junior high school.( ) 3. They decide to sell some things because they are too old to use. ( ) 4. Both the train and the toy monkey belong to(属于) the boy.,T,F,F,T,Task2: vocabulary(Find the words or phrases in the article which have the similar meaning with the ones below.),lose _ kids _truthful _ many _some time _ even though _ quickly _ older _,part with,children,to be honest,a lot of,for a while,Although,fast,bigger,Task3: Answer the following questions.(work in pairs),1. Why did they decide to have a yard sale?2. How does the writers two children feel about selling their things?3. What do they want to do with the money from the sale?4. Why does the son want to keep his train and railway set?,1. Why did they decide to have a yard sale? As their children get bigger their house seems to get smaller. 2. How does the writers two children feel about selling their things? The boy was quite sad at first. His daughter was more understanding, although she also felt sad to part with certain toys.,3. What do they want to do with the money from the sale? Give the money to a childrens home.4. Why does the son want to keep his train and railway set? Because he has had it since his fourth birthday and played with it almost every week until he was seven.,Task4:Brainstorm Can you ask some questions according to the passage? Your questions can be varied(多种多样的).,Post reading Main idea,My children get our house seems to get . So we want to some things and givethe money to a . My son wasquite at first. My daughter was more , although she also felt sad to with her toys. I did not want to myfootball shirts, but I have not played .,bigger,smaller,sell,childrens home,sad,understanding,for a while,give up,part,What,Why,yard sale,Who,Conclusion,1. How can the old toys be useful again?2. Have you ever thought about having a yard sale to sell your things? What would you do with the money you raise?,discussion,1. Read the article at least twice after class.2. Make a conversation among the writer, his son and his daughter according to the article. Then role play it.,Homework,Its time to relax!,Thank You!,


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