托福写作:需要注意的四点问题 托福写作需要注意的四点问题 ?今天给大家带来了托福写作:需要注意的四点问题,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。托福写作:需要注意的四点问题一:持一立场针对某一个论题,每一种观点都有它的理由。同样,在托福作文中也不存在着一的观点和内容。这时,你可以从两个完全相反的观点中选择一个立场。关键在于你如何说服读者:尽管存在着相反的立场,你的观点从总体上来说仍然是具说服力的。一般说来,应该选择那个政治上正确的或者大多数考生会选择的观点。当然,如果你不擅长写这种*,你可以适当地调整一下内容以适应你较习惯的舒服的表达方式。但总的说来,*要均衡,不要包含高度争议性的论述。不要把这里当成思想家的论坛。写一篇高度争议性的*只会让读者对你产生偏见,同时也会使电脑评分器费解,因为这种*和其数据库里所储存的*差别太大。所以,针对问题时尽量使用较冷静平和的语气。尽管如此,你也不能不选择一个立场。你必须选择一个将要“出现”在开头段落和结论段落里的观点。当然,考试时,题目会让你选择一种观点,但你必须明确地表述出来。二:*的深度托福 写作每篇*你只有30分钟,这么短的时间内你不可能覆盖每一个推理,反驳和例子。当你开始考试时,抽出几分钟的时间确定要写的论点和例子。你不必包含每个论题和概念。大部分学生都没有足够的时间覆盖他想覆盖的内容。所以,只要选择其中具说服力的点和例子。其实,判分者也不期望你对每个论题都作深入的探讨。这里重要的是你的作文不要离题,抓住要点。不要扯远了也不要过分集中在某个例子上。三:例子从何而来托福写作题目会告诉你可以利用自己的经历来展开你的论点,得出结论。这种方法是可以的,但不要过分。你的推理依据应该更偏向于所学到的知识而非个人经历。你所举的例子或者知识可能很吸引人,但不要试图深入。因为托福作文测试的是你基本写作能力,而非你的专业知识。留学生:尽量多读一些美国杂志,以适应美国人写作的习惯和跟上时代的潮流。四:保持简洁试着将自己放在评分者的位置上,他们整天在为作文判分。你希望看到一篇包含5段每段4句的简洁的有效的*还是4段每段10句的散漫的*呢?简而言之:确保你的作文干脆,简洁能取悦评分者。在Issue部分这尤其重要,因为在这里你表达的是你自己的观点。以上就是托福写作考试的注意事项,考生们要记牢这些,尽量避免问题的发生,一些考生为了增加单词量在句子中添加一些无用词,是整段内容显得冗杂繁琐,这类情形要减少发生,只要在生活中多积累经典语句,在托福写作中自然不会发生凑词凑句的情况发生,平时多积累些名人名言,优美句子,用在都是简单句的作文中,会使得你的作文更有深度。托福写作高分满分范文点评和思路解析:问名人一个问题托福写作难点话题一览If you could ask a famous person one question, what would you ask?If you could ask a famous person one question, what would you ask? Why? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.写作思路展开结构分析这道题目比较有意思,属于脑洞大开的题,问名人一个问题。这个名人既可以选择历史上的名人,也可以选择活在现在这个时代的名人。大家需要先选定自己想要问问题的名人,然后再想一个能够和名人的生平事迹相关联的问题来提问,大家不妨多从自己平时积累的作文论据素材里找找灵感。本话题高分范文赏析In todays society, there is a great amount of pressure on famous people. They must constantly be aware of their appearance, and how they will look in the publics eyes. If I had to pick one question to ask a famous person, I would ask them if they are glad that they achieved fame. I think this question is very interesting because it gives insight into what it would be like to be famous, it tells us about the individuals personality, and it would give the famous people a chance to explain what their life would have been like if they had never been famous. By asking the above-mentioned question, the famous person would reflect on whether or not they enjoyed their fame. If the person answered that he/she would rather not be famous, it implies that the life of a famous person is not as wonderful as many people expect it would be. However, if the answer was positive, it shows that despite all the negative aspects that come with fame, it is still worth the trouble. When answering this question, the famous person would give us insight into his/her personality. Perhaps the person would rather be more introverted, and therefore, does not appreciate all of the constant attention. On the other hand, it is possible that the person thrives in admiration and attention, and would not have it any other way. Is the famous person the type of people who does not like having to worry about everything he/she says? Do these types of issues bother him/her? I would find all of this information very interesting. Finally, when answering this question, the person would have to reflect on what his/her life would have been like if he/she had never been famous. Perhaps there were dreams or aspirations that he/she never got to realize because he/she is now constantly in the public eye. Would life as a regular person have been more enjoyable? By asking the above-mentioned question, all of these queries would be answered.冲刺托福写作高分:三问三答强调句语言能力是托福写作考察的重点,ETS官方发布的托福独立写作满分标准对考生提出了明确的要求:语言运用熟练,能够使用不同的句法、合适的措辞和习语,但也允许出现次要的词汇或语法错误。原文如下:Displays consistent facility in the use of language, demonstrating syntactic variety, appropriate word choice, and idiomaticity, though it may have minor lexical or grammatical errors.在此,文韬老师结合近千位考生针对强调句这一语法知识在备考过程中提出的问题,以高效备考、易学易会为原则逐一解答,助力各位考生达到“语言运用熟练和使用不同句法”的满分标准,赢得考官青睐,走向写作巅峰。问:语法基础差,如何写出“萌萌的”强调句?答:熟练掌握“It is.that.”强调结构,两步走突破语法瓶颈。针对语法基础薄弱的考生,文韬老师强烈建议熟练掌握“It is.that.”的强调句结构,严格遵循“两步走”的原则,先写陈述句,再套用“It is.that.”的基本格式变为强调句。在此为大家总结了口诀:“强调部分向前跑,剩余部分向后抄”。想强调的部分就从陈述句中摘出来放在it is与that之间,剩余部分照抄在that之后。例如在一道讨论个人主义和集体主义关系的真题中,我们要重点支持集体主义,就可以先写出陈述句:People will realize the power of unity in the process of such an endeavor.如果我们要强调人们真正认识到了集体的力量,就可以改写成:It is the power of unity that people will realize in the process of such an endeavor.如果我们要强调努力的过程正是觉醒的关键,也可以改写成:It is in the process of such an endeavor that people will realize the power of unity.由于语法结构简单,加上口诀辅助,考生只要结合考试真题进行大量造句练习就可以轻松掌握。运用熟练之后,也可以只在头脑中构造陈述句,然后直接写出对应的强调句,在丰富语言的同时,也达到节省时间的目的。问:会写不会用,如何使用强调句?答:找准位置,表达强烈感情。实战证明,强调句有两个位置,一是表达主要论点;二是表达强烈支持或反对某一观点。例如表达做某事“有意义、有帮助”,大部分考生会回答用“meaningful, helpful”。那么要表达非常有意义、特别有帮助,并且带有非常强烈的感情色彩,“very meaningful, very helpful”就显得不足以体现各位考生内心满满的激情。此时使用“It is.that.”强调结构进行替换就更能起到突出重点的效果。例如考生想要表达兼职工作很有益处,能够丰富我们的工作经历,为人生打下良好的基础时,就可以将“very meaningful, very helpful”之类表达转换为强调句:It is part-time jobs that help students strengthen their resumes and build up a solid infrastructure of their life.简言之,正确使用强调句的捷径就是在表达主论点或者强烈情感时,用强调句“It is.that.”结构替换“very”。问:学会强调句就应该多多使用,使*激情满满?答:牢记“过犹不及”,避免画蛇添足。满篇强调句绝不代表考生情感丰富,相反只会使阅卷考官眼花缭乱,适得其反。文韬老师在此提醒各位考生,适度使用强调句、强调语气会起到增强表达、展现语言实力的作用,但同时也必须牢记“过犹不及”的道理。后提醒各位考生,表达强调语气的方式有很多,例如,在谓语动词前加助动词,或者使用一些表示程度的副词(completely, fully, absolutely.)都可以起到强调重点的效果:文韬老师非常希望每位考生都能在托福考生中取得满分的好成绩。I do hope all my students can get full marks in TOEFL.I really hope all my students can gain full score in TOEFL.然而并不是所有强调语气的形式都能满足托福写作使用书面语、正式文体的要求,因此建议各位考生务必加强对托福写作评分标准的认识,使用符合要求的语法结构,优先熟练运用“It is.that.”强调结构。托福写作:需要注意的四点问题