汇报人:XX 汇报时间:2020.X.XX,Learning ppt together,Learning ppt together,远离野外危险水域 游泳的注意事项 同伴落水不要错误施救 不慎落水,如何自救,Learning ppt together,Learning ppt together,远离野外危险水域,PART 01,your content is entered here, or by copying your text, select paste in this box and choose to retain only text. your content is typed here, or by copying your text, select paste in this box.,Learning ppt together,Learning ppt together,有哪些危险区域?,水库、河流、池塘都是常见的溺水区域,Learning ppt together,Learning ppt together,为什么不能前往水库游泳?,?,Learning ppt together,Learning ppt together,未成年人不得擅自前往河流、池塘等区域进行游泳,应前往例如游泳馆等安全设施完备的游泳场所。,为什么不能前往水库游泳?,Learning ppt together,Learning ppt together,游泳应前往例如游泳馆等安全设施完备的游泳场所,前往正规安全有保障的游泳场所,为什么不能前往水库游泳?,Learning ppt together,Learning ppt together,游泳的注意事项,PART 02,your content is entered here, or by copying your text, select paste in this box and choose to retain only text. your content is typed here, or by copying your text, select paste in this box.,Learning ppt together,Learning ppt together,游泳的注意事项,Learning ppt together,Learning ppt together,不管是野外的小溪河流水库,还是游泳池,都可能会发生溺水危险!同学们不仅要远离野外危险水域,在正规游泳池,也要牢记游泳安全!,牢记安全,游泳的注意事项,Learning ppt together,Learning ppt together,同伴落水不要错误施救,PART 03,your content is entered here, or by copying your text, select paste in this box and choose to retain only text. your content is typed here, or by copying your text, select paste in this box.,Learning ppt together,Learning ppt together,落水者力大无比,稍不留神就会被溺水者拉下水,造成连环溺水的悲剧。,小伙伴落水了,怎么办才好?,同伴落水不要错误施救,Learning ppt together,Learning ppt together,小学生没有足够的能力入水救溺水者,千万不能下水救人,以免发生更多的悲剧。,救援的第一要务是保证自身安全,不然就是添乱,甚至可能引发更大的悲剧!,小伙伴落水了,怎么办才好?,同伴落水不要错误施救,Learning ppt together,Learning ppt together,同伴落水不要错误施救,Learning ppt together,Learning ppt together,同伴落水不要错误施救,高年级同学 还可以这样做,Learning ppt together,Learning ppt together,不慎落水,如何自救,PART 04,your content is entered here, or by copying your text, select paste in this box and choose to retain only text. your content is typed here, or by copying your text, select paste in this box.,Learning ppt together,Learning ppt together,不慎落入水中,千万不要惊慌,要采取正确的措施自救,以便争取获救的机会。,不慎落水,如何自救,千万不要惊慌,Learning ppt together,Learning ppt together,如果你不习水性,应迅速把头向后仰,口向上,尽量使口鼻露出水面,不能将手上举或挣扎,以免使身体下沉。,1,及时甩掉鞋子和口袋里的重物,但不要脱掉衣服,因为它会产生一定的浮力,对你有很大帮助。,2,不慎落水,如何自救,落水自救的方法,Learning ppt together,Learning ppt together,假如周围有木板,应抓住,借用木板的浮力使自己的身体尽量往上浮。,3,如果有人跳水相救,千万不可死死抱住救助者不放,而应尽量放松,配合救助者把你带到岸边。,4,不慎落水,如何自救,落水自救的方法,Learning ppt together,Learning ppt together,汇报人:XX 汇报时间:2020.X.XX,Learning ppt together,Learning ppt together,