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    Unit 1 Goldilocks and the three bears,Unit 1 Goldilocks,Its very big and beautiful.There are many trees and flowers.There are some streams.Many wild animals live there.,野生动物,小溪,Its very big and beautiful.野生,forest,forest,五年级英语(牛津译林版)上册-Unit-1-Goldilocks-and-the-three-bears-公开课课件,There are many trees in the forest.,There are many trees in the fo,There are in the forest.,There are in the forest.,There is a girl in the forest.,There is a girl in the forest.,Goldilocks,Goldilocks,五年级英语(牛津译林版)上册-Unit-1-Goldilocks-and-the-three-bears-公开课课件,Whose house is it?Maybe its,What a beautiful house!,Whose house is it?What a beaut,Q1: Whose house is it?,Q1: Whose house is it?,Q2: Whats in the house?,Q2: Whats in the house?,Q2: Whats in the house?,soup,some soup,Q2: Whats in the house?soupso,五年级英语(牛津译林版)上册-Unit-1-Goldilocks-and-the-three-bears-公开课课件,There is some soup on the table.,too cold,too hot,This soup is too cold.,This soup is too hot.,This soup is just right.,just right,There is some soup on the tabl,There is some soup on the table.,This soup is too cold.,This soup is too hot.,This soup is just right.,There is some soup on the tabl,There are some beds in the room.,There are some beds in the roo,There are some beds in the room.,hard,soft,just right,There are some beds in the roo,http:/ 中小学课件站,There are some beds in the room.,?,?,?,如果你是Goldilocks,你会怎么说?,http:/ 中小学课件站Ther,There are some beds in the room.,This bed is too hard.,This bed is too soft.,This bed is just right.,There are some beds in the roo,Goldilocks is afraid,Q3: Why is she afraid?,Goldilocks is afraidQ3: Why is,Q3: Why is she afraid?,There are three bears in front of her!,Help! Help!,Who are you?,Q3: Why is she afraid?There ar,Look and order,Look and order,Look and order,1,Goldilocks sees a house in front of her.,Look and order1Goldilocks sees,Look and order,1,She goes into the house.,2,Look and order1She goes into t,Look and order,1,She is hungry and eats the soup.,2,3,Look and order1She is hungry a,Look and order,1,She is tired and sleeps on the bed.,2,3,4,Look and order1She is tired an,Look and order,1,She sees the three bears.,2,3,4,5,Look and order1She sees the th,Look and order,1,She is afraid and runs away.,2,3,4,5,6,Look and order1She is afraid a,http:/ 中小学课件站,http:/ 中小学课件站,五年级英语(牛津译林版)上册-Unit-1-Goldilocks-and-the-three-bears-公开课课件,http:/ 中小学课件站,http:/ 中小学课件站,Goldilocks is in the forest.There is a house.What a beautiful house!,Goldilocks is in the forest.,http:/ 中小学课件站,This soup is too cold.,This soup is too hot.,This soup is just right.,Goldilocks is in the house.She is hungry and thirsty.There is some soup on the table.,http:/ 中小学课件站This,This soup is .,This soup is .,This soup is .,Goldilocks is .She is .There is .,This soup is .This soup is .,This bed is too hard.,This bed is too soft.,This bed is just right.,Goldilocks is tired now.There are three beds in the room.,This bed is too hard.This bed,This bed is .,This bed is .,This bed is .,Goldilocks is .There are .,This bed is .This bed is .Th,Help! Help!,Who are you?,Goldilocks is afraid.There are three bears in front of her.,Help! Help!Who are you?Goldilo,Help! Help!,Who are you?,Goldilocks is .There are .,Help! Help!Who are you?Goldilo,Retell the story,Goldilocks is hungry and thirsty. There is .,Goldilocks is happy. There is .,Goldilocks is tired. There are .,Goldilocks is afraid. There are .,Retell the storyGoldilocks is,Ending?,故事的结局是什么呢?你能想象一下吗?,Ending? 故事的结局是什么呢?你能想象一下吗?,Reading is great fun.,Reading is great fun.,Homework,1. Read the story and get ready to act it out.,2. Tell the story to your friends or parents.,Homework1. Read the story and,


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