九年级英语人教版全册Unit5 SectionB 语境中学单词课件.pptx
Unit5 SectionB 语境中学单词,international nt(r)nnl adj.国际的,例句,编码,inter(前缀,表示在.之间)+national (国家的) 国家之间的就是“国际间”的。,我们需要一个和平的国际环境。,译,We need a peaceful international environment.,用法,an international airport /school 国际机场,学校,competitor kmpett(r) n.参赛者;竞争者,例句,编码,compet (比赛) +it (它) +or (或者) 比赛中或者只有它才是我的“竞争对手”。,他是我比赛中的对手。,译,He is my competitor in the game.,aint peint v.用颜料画;刷漆,例句,比较,我把卡车全身涂了白色和蓝色。,译,I painted the truck white and blue all over.,闻到油漆( paint ) ,我头疼( pain )得厉害。,词 源,作为动词,该词来自古法语peint的衍生词peintier(画画)。从词源来看,该词的含义变化可能是从“用刻痕装饰”,到“装饰”,再到“用颜色装饰”。14世纪早期它意为“给的表面涂色”“用颜料覆盖”。到14世纪后期,这个单词表示“在图画或绘画中表现人和事物”“描绘”。作为名词,该词衍生自其动词词性,13世纪后期它意为“颜料”。17世纪50年代之后它还有了“化妆品”的含义。,aint peint v.用颜料画;刷漆,floor paint 地板漆,aint peint v.用颜料画;刷漆,aint freshly 刚刚漆过,aint on paper 画在纸上,its ts adj.它的,例句,它的美震撼了我。,译,l was astounded by its beauty.,辨析,form f:(r)m n.形式;类型,例句,比较,会计从( from )表格( form )中得到了数据。,培训课程采取一系列研讨会的形式。,译,The training program me takes the form of a series of workshops.,fill in a form填表in the form of.以的形式,用法,词 源,13世纪时这个单词写作forme,意为“相像”“图像”。它最早可能来自希腊语中的morphe(样式,外表)。该词14世纪后意为“外表”“人的身材”“事物的特征”。14世纪后期该词也可表示“做事的方法”“制作东西的式样”。1855年后该词还有“表格”的含义。作为动词,14世纪时该词写作formen(创造,产生,构造),来自古法语中的fourmer(构建,表达,起草)。,form f:(r)m n.形式;类型,basic form 基本形式,form f:(r)m n.形式;类型,round form 圆形,form a line 排成一队,Flowers appeared, but fruits failed to form. A plan formed in my mind.Give me your email address and Ill send you the form to fill in and the date when you may start.Getting enough sleep will help you keep your body and mind in the best form.,form f:(r)m n.形式;类型,clay kle n.黏土;陶土,用法,比较,我用粘土( clay )做了个爪子( claw )模型。,他用粘土做模型。,译,He models clay.,例句,bake/temper the clay 治陶model/shape the clay 用黏土塑造,celebration selbren n.庆典;庆祝活动,例句,编码,celebr (看作celebrate,荣誉) +ation (名词后缀,表示行为) 庆祝荣誉的仪式庆典,在他庆祝完自己的八岁生日之后,他的老师宣布了一个校拼写比赛的消息。,译,After he celebrated his eighth birthday, his teacher announced a school spelling competition.,balloon blu:n n.气球,例句,编码,气球( balloon )算球( ball )类吗?,气球缓缓升上天空。,译,The balloon rose up slowly into the air.,用法,blow up a balloon 吹气球fly a balloon 放气球puncture a balloon 刺破气球,scissors sz(r)z n.(pl.)剪刀,例句,编码,rock-paper-scissors (“剪刀石头布”的英语表达法),这把剪刀很锋利。,译,The scissors are sharp.,用法,英语中像scissors 这样,由两个对称部分组成的物品还有:,lively lavli adj.生气勃勃的;(色彩)鲜艳的,例句,比较,他总是充满活力的( lively )样子,有可能( likely )是红牛喝多了。,弗雷德是一个活泼的年轻人,他刚到的时候几乎不懂德语,但是经过两个月的学习后,他的德语越来越好。,译,Fred, a lively young man, knew little German when hear rived, but after two months study, the language began to come to him.,historical hstrkl hst :rkl adj.(有关)历史的,例句,编码,histori (看作history,历史) +cal (形容词后缀) 历史的,她是个历史小说作家。,译,She is a writer of historical fiction.,用法,historical novel/play 历史小说(剧)historical costumes 古代服装,heat hi:t n.热;高温,用法,编码,水明明是冷的,他却骗( cheat )我说水是热( heat )的。,我们将热一些牛奶来冲咖啡。,译,Well heat some milk for the coffee.,例句,heat up加热heat sth. through充分加热某物, In the heat of the moment, she forgot what she wanted to say. The system produced enough energy to heat several thousand homes.,heat hi:t n.热;高温,olish pl p:l v.磨光;修改;润色,例句,编码,波兰( Polish )盛产擦光( polish )剂。,他每天早晨都要擦鞋。,译,He polishes his shoes every morning.,用法,olish arms 擦枪polish shoes 擦鞋polish ones French 提高自己的法语水平,词 源,作动词时,它源于14世纪早期的单词polischen,意思是“使光滑”。14世纪中期,这个单词“摆脱粗糙”和“磨光”的含义首次被收录进英语中。这个单词的名词词性出现于16世纪90年代,意思是“不粗糙”,是由其动词词性衍生而来的。自1704年起,这个单词代指“磨光”这一行为。自1819年起,这个单词有了“用于磨光的物质”之意。,olish pl p:l v.磨光;修改;润色,olish furniture 擦家具,nail polish 指甲油,good polish 擦得很亮,olish pl p:l v.磨光;修改;润色,complete kmpli:t v.完成,用法,比较,完成( complete )竞争( compete ) 。,不去游览卢浮宫的巴黎之行是不完整的。,译,No visit to Paris is complete without a trip to Louvre.,例句,heat up加热heat sth. through充分加热某物,Two thousand shoppers completed our forms.Because the circle was not complete, it could only roll very slowly.,complete kmpli:t v.完成,Korea kri: n.朝鲜;韩国,译,例句,This time we are going to Korea on vacation.,这次我们将去韩国度假。,Switzerland swts(r)lnd n.瑞士,编码,Switzer (瑞士人) +land (土地) 瑞士,事情发生在瑞士。,译,The action took place in Switzerland.,例句,San Francisco sn frnssku n.圣弗朗西斯科(旧金山,美国城市),译,例句,Where will you stay when you get to San Francisco?,到了圣弗朗西斯科你住哪儿?,