中国历史文化概况Unit-7-Science-and-technology精品文档,中国历史文化概况Unit-7-Science-and-tec,学习任务,整体上掌握Text A和Text B 两篇文章的内容,包括背景资料,单词,相关专有名词等。完成Text A 和Text B 的课后题目。浏览Text C。,2022/11/6,学习任务整体上掌握Text A和Text B 两篇文章的内容,Text A Four great inventions,导读:四大发明是指中国古代对世界具有很大影响的四种发明。即造纸术、指南针、火药、印刷术。四大发明对中国古代的政治、经济、文化的发展产生了巨大的推动作用。而且对世界文明发展史也产生了非常大的影响。,Text A Four great inventions,Text A Four great inventions,Papermaking, gunpowder, printing and the compass are four ancient inventions by Chinese people that have had a huge impact on the entire world.,Text A Four great inventions,Text A Four great inventions-Paper Making,In 105 A.D. Cai Lun, a eunuch during the Eastern Han Dynasty, invented paper from worn fishnet, bark and cloth.,Text A Four great inventions-,Text A Four great inventions-Paper Making,The technique of paper making was exported to Korea in 384 A.D. A Korean Monk then took this skill with him to Japan in 610 A.D.During a war between the Tang Dynasty and the Arab Empire, the Arabs captured some Tang soldiers and paper making workers. Thus, a paper factory was set up by the Arabs.In the 11th Century the skill was carried to India when Chinese monks journeyed there in search of Buddhist sutras.Through the Arabs, Africans and Europeans then mastered the skill. The first paper factory in Europe was set up in Spain. In the latter half of the 16th century, this skill was brought to America. By the 19th century, when paper factories were set up in Australia, paper making had spread to the whole world.,Text A Four great inventions-,Text A Four great inventions-Paper Making,Text A Four great inventions-,Text A Four great inventions-Gunpowder,It was first invented inadvertently by alchemists while attempting to make an elixir of immorality. It was a mixture of sulphur, saltpeter, and charcoal.,Text A Four great inventions-,Text A Four great inventions-Gunpowder,It was a mixture of sulphur, saltpeter, and charcoal. At the end of the Tang Dynasty, gunpowder was being used in military affairs. During the Song and Yuan Dynasties, frequent wars spurred the development of cannons, and fire-arrows shot from bamboo tubes.In the 12th and 13th centuries, gunpowder spread to the Arab countries, then Greece, other European countries, and finally all over the world.,2022/11/6,Text A Four great inventions-,Text A Four great inventions-Gunpowder,Text A Four great inventions-,Text A Four great inventions-Printing Technique,Bi Sheng invented moveable, reusable clay type after numerous tests. Single types were made and picked out for printing certain books.,Text A Four great inventions-,Text A Four great inventions-Printing Technique,These types could be used again and again for different books. Because of the large number of different characters in the Chinese written language, this technique did not have a dramatic impact at the time. However, today, this typesetting technique is regarded as a revolution in the industry. About 200 years later, this moveable-type technique spread to other countries and advanced the development of world civilization.,2022/11/6,Text A Four great inventions-,Text A Four great inventions-Printing Technique,Text A Four great inventions-,Text A Four great inventions-Compass,During the Warring States period, a device called a Si Nan became the forerunner of the compass. A Si Nan was a ladle-like magnet on a plate with the handle of the ladle pointing to the south.,Text A Four great inventions-,Text A Four great inventions-Compass,In the 11th century, tiny needles made of magnetized steel were invented. One end of the needle points north while the other points south. The compass was thus created. The compass greatly improved a ships ability to navigate over long distances. It was not until the beginning of the 14th century that compass was introduced to Europe from China.,2022/11/6,Text A Four great inventions-,Text A Four great inventions-Compass,Text A Four great inventions-,Notes:,1.The Warring States Period(战国时期):also known as the Era of Warring States, or the Warring Kingdoms period, covers the Iron Age period from about 475 BC to the reunification of China under the Qin Dynasty in 221 BC. It is nominally considered to be the second part of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, following the Spring and Autumn Period, although the Zhou Dynasty ended in 256 BC, 35 years earlier than the end of the Warring States period. During these periods, the Chinese sovereign (king of the Zhou Dynasty) was merely a figurehead.,2022/11/6,Notes:1.The Warring States Pe,Notes:,The Warring States Period(战国时期):also known as the Era of Warring States, or the Warring Kingdoms period, covers the Iron Age period from about 475 BC to the reunification of China under the Qin Dynasty in 221 BC. It is nominally considered to be the second part of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, following the Spring and Autumn Period, although the Zhou Dynasty ended in 256 BC, 35 years earlier than the end of the Warring States period. During these periods, the Chinese sovereign (king of the Zhou Dynasty) was merely a figurehead.,2022/11/6,Notes:The Warring States Peri,Text B Pharmacology,导读:中国是医药文化发祥最早的国家之一,从文明的曙光在天幕上耀映亚细亚大地之时,遍及神州大地的簇簇史前文化篝火,由点到面联接起来,形成燎原之势,逐渐的融化在文明时代的光华之中。从此,中国医药学的文明史开始了。,Text B Pharmacology导读:中国是医药文,Text B Pharmacology,China was one of first countries to have a medical culture. In comparison with Western medicine, the Chinese method takes a far different approach. With a history of 5,000 years, it has formed a deep and immense knowledge of medical science, theory, diagnostic methods, prescriptions and cures.,Text B PharmacologyChina was,Text B Pharmacology-Four Methods of Diagnosis,It is a wonder that Chinese doctors could cure countless patients without any assistant apparatus but only a physical examination. The four methods of diagnosis consist of observation, auscultation and olfaction, interrogation, pulse taking and palpation.,Text B Pharmacology-Four,Text B Pharmacology-Acupuncture,Acupuncture is the experiential summary undergoing the long-term struggle by the Chinese people. Actually it consists of two parts: operations with needles and ones with fire, both of them are essential and correlative during curing.,Text B Pharmacology-Acupu,Text B Pharmacology-Acupuncture,Operations with NeedlesThis field features the pricks of needles on acupuncture point (acupoint for short) to adjust the organic functions and clear the energy channels of obstruction in our body.,Text B Pharmacology-Acupu,Text B Pharmacology-Acupuncture,Operations with FireThe methods in common use are moxibustion with moxa cone and cupping. The principle of cupping lies in that, when the fire in the jar is burnt, heating power ejects the air out, and the negative pressure makes the jar stick to the skin, which causes the stasis of blood to stimulate and adjust the organ functions, the moxa cone can also have this effect.,Text B Pharmacology-Acupu,Text B Pharmacology-Chinese Herbal Medicine,Genuine Chinese people have found thousands of plants and herbs associated with the treatment of ailments, so herbal medicine is really a large system. Doctors would analyze their nature or property such as cold and hot or yin and yang, utilize all sorts of raw materials, mixing them to cure disease. Thus the medicine is also different from the western medicine.,Text B Pharmacology-Chine,Text B Pharmacology-Chinese Herbal Medicine,About the classification of herbal medicine, in the Compendium of Materia Medica by Li Shizhen in the Tang Dynasty (618 - 907), there are 1892 types recorded, and giving the detailed information.,Text B Pharmacology-Chine,Today we can briefly divide them in about ten:Roots: that means some specific plants roots can be used as medicine such as ginseng, Chinese gromwell, and Taiwan Angelica root, etc. Taiwan Angelica root with warm nature is helpful for the indication of headache, toothache and so on.Rhizome: it includes dried ginger with hot nature for asthma and cold, Lily bulb with cold nature for insomnia and weakness, etc.Other sorts are varied like leaf, flower, seeds, grass, and vines, and so on.,2022/11/6,Text B Pharmacology-Chinese Herbal Medicine,Today we can briefly divide t,Text B Pharmacology-Chinese Herbal Medicine,28,The quality of medicine is concerned immediately with the decocting jar, quantity of water, and the frequency of decoction.,Text B Pharmacology-Chine,Notes:,1.The Yellow Emperors Canon of Interior Medicine(黄帝内经):is an ancient Chinese medical text that has been treated as the fundamental doctrinal source for Chinese medicine for more than two millennia. It is comparable in importance to the Hippocratic Corpus in Greek medicine or the works of Galen in Islamic and medieval European medicine. The work is composed of two texts each of eighty-one chapters or treatises in a question-and-answer format between the mythical Huangdi (Yellow Emperor or more correctly Yellow Thearch) and six of his equally legendary ministers.,2022/11/6,Notes:1.The Yellow Emperors C,Notes:,2.Shen Nongs Canon of Herbs(神农本草经):The earliest Chinese manual of materia medica, the Shennong Bencao Jing, was compiled in the first century AD during the Han dynasty, but it was attributed to the mythical Shennong. It lists some 365 medicines of which 252 of them are herbs.,2022/11/6,Notes:2.Shen Nongs Canon of H,Notes:,3.Compendium of Materia Medica(本草纲目):also known as Compendium of Materia Medica, is a Chinese materia medica work written by Li Shizhen in the Ming Dynasty. It is a work epitomizing materia medica in the Ming Dynasty. The Bencao Gangmu is regarded as the most complete and comprehensive medical book ever written in the history of traditional Chinese medicine. It lists all the plants, animals, minerals, and other items that were believed to have medicinal properties.,2022/11/6,Notes:3.Compendium of Materia,Thank You!,Thank,感谢聆听,感谢聆听,