专题一Dictation-专四听写技巧,专题一Dictation-专四听写技巧,Part I: Dictation,Part II: Section A Talk,Section B Conversation,Contents,中山大学南方学院,Part I: DictationPart II: Sect,中山大学南方学院,2016年TEM4听力考试题型变化1. 听写保留,由15个意,试卷的题型和比重分配,中山大学南方学院,试卷的题型和比重分配中山大学南方学院,3、测试目的:,4、选材原则:,中山大学南方学院,I. 听写(Part 1: Dictation)1. 测试要,中山大学南方学院,Dictation测试两方面的能力:熟悉不同英美国家发音特点,中山大学南方学院,Dictation测试两方面的能力:记录方式书写技巧评分方式,I. 听写(Part 1: Dictation),中山大学南方学院,I. 听写(Part 1: Dictation)A.听写步骤,A. Dictation 3大答题步骤步骤1第一遍听懂大,步骤1,1. 听懂题目、联想预测听到题目后,需立即抓住短文正文开始前的时间进行快速的联想预测。预测要有针对性,主要是利用自己的背景知识和写作经验,联想与题目有关、可能出现的词汇或短语。1)联想与短文题目相关的近义词,如(08年)career相近且文中出现的词job,work,occupation,position。2)联想与短文题目相关的曲折变化词,如由(07年)advertising可联想到的且文中出现的词有advertisement,advertised,advertises等。3)联想与短文题目相关的上下义关系词,如与(06年)The Internet有上下义关系且文中出现的词有:websites,online games,chat rooms等。2. 全面把握、整合文意第一遍听音时切忌提笔就写,重点在于了解大意;如果不能全部听懂,也可通过抓文中的关键词语的方式来进行文意整合。例如,在听09年真题New Years Eve时,根据文中的friends or family,parties,drinks,fireworks,clock,12,resolution就可推理串联出短文大意,即:除夕晚上,人们会和朋友、家人团聚,开派对,或出去喝一杯。当晚还会放烟花,晚上12点时,人们会倒计时数数来迎接新年,许下新年愿望,中山大学南方学院,A. Dictation答题步骤步骤11. 听懂题目、联想预,步骤2,1. 注重首句、提纲挈领短文的首句或首段往往是对短文内容的概括,如讲话目的、主要内容、作者、论点、故事发生的时间、地点及事由等。因此,听写时抓住首句通常就可以抓住短文的一些提领性信息,进而把握短文的背景知识,有利于听写。2. 把握意群、抓关键词在第二遍朗读录音时,首先要以意群为单位去理解,要抓句子结构和关键词进行记录,然后在听第三遍时尽量补出其他词。重要的信息关键词包括:不同形式的动词、表示时间、地点、人物的名词和表示人物情感态度的形容词以及数字等。,B. Dictation答题步骤步骤21. 注重首句、提纲挈,步骤3,第四遍朗读为正常语速,之后还有两分钟的复查时间,考生应抓住这段宝贵的时间认真检查,以纠正一些因粗心、忽略或遗忘而犯的错误(是否有单词拼错,漏写,大小写,时态,标点符号,单复数, 介词搭配或词语用法是否合乎规范等)。,B. Dictation答题步骤步骤3第四遍朗读为正常语速,,历年真题回顾,纵观2006-2015年的听写真题可以看出,材料选材范围比较广,包含社会生活, (Marriage-2015, Dreams-2013, Ecotourism-2012, Holidaying Habits-2011, New Years Eve-2009, Advertising-07); 学习/教育(Freshmens Week-2010, Choosing a Career-08); 科技 (Technology-2014, The Intemet-06)等各个方面。就其趋势来看,选题越来越社会生活化,所采用的都是大家比较熟悉的话题。而像02年、03年 (Salmon-03,Disappearing Forests-02)生物自然这类专业性较强、生词较多的材料,后来就很少出现。因此,同学们在平时的听写备考中就可先熟悉一些日常生活词汇或用语,而不需把重心放在生僻词汇或话题上面。,B. Dictation听写技巧纵观2006-2015年的听,1. 遭遇难点、有取有舍,评分不是依据写出的单词多少,而是看原文的主要意思是否表达清楚,所以,遭遇难点时应注意:1)如果遇到陌生词汇或发音熟悉但不会写的词,可用一些自己认识的缩略形式、符号或音标先代替。2)以意群为单位进行听写,因为一个意群最多扣一分。若有个别词或词组实在反应不过来,也不要苦苦纠缠,必要时可舍弃一个意群,保证下一个意群。,B. Dictation听写技巧1. 遭遇难点、有取有舍评分,2. 加强记忆和速记能力,听写若要得高分需要能力与技巧兼修:技巧固然重要,但若没有基本的语言能力,听写中连最基本的单词都听不出来的话也就不必多谈技巧的运用. 因此,在平时的英语学习中可有意识地以意群为单位进行理解和记忆;或者选取一些难度适中的短文进行阅读、背诵和听写,或将读、听、记、写结合起来训练自己的综合语感。此外,要创立一套自己能识别的速记符号,如将“by”简写成“8”,“no” 简写成“X”等。,B. Dictation听写技巧2. 加强记忆和速记能力听写,3. 书写整洁清晰,听写答卷应用圆珠笔或钢笔按要求书写,另外要注意书写的整洁清晰,其重要性也不必多加陈述。书写时尽量保持字迹清晰,不潦草,少涂改,字体中等大小,保持一定行距、字距,切勿书写太拥挤,不利于评阅。,B. Dictation听写技巧听写答卷应用圆珠笔或钢笔按要,1. 拼写错误,注意大小写问题英语中的人名、地名或专有名词的首字母需大写。例如11年真题中的British holidaying habits, UK首字母需大写,类似的还有10年真题中的something called Freshmens Week; 09年真题中的New Years Eve; 06年真题中的the Internet.虽然这类词语出现在真题中的概率不算很高,并且由于听写文章一般不含生僻词语,即使出现一些专有名词也大都是考生所熟悉的(如上面例子),但考生需对这类情况做到心中有数,或具有一定的敏感性,避免因疏忽大意而丢分。,C. Dictation听写难点 注意大小写问题,1. 拼写错误,注意容易拼写错误的词英文复合名词通常由两个或两个以上的单词组成,这类复合名词的组成部分各自也有其独立的意义,但构成复合词后两词需一起写或中间加连字符。但在考试过程中,考生会因理解上的问题或其他原因将复合词写为两个词而犯错丢分,如14年真题中的throughout易写成through out;woodland, farmland, countryside, 10年的well-respected易写成well respected。诸如此类的词还有: (09) fireworks, the countdown(n.) , (07) sales-girls, well-organized, information-rich websites, online games等。,C. Dictation听写难点注意容易拼写错误的词,2. 语法错误,1) 注意全文人称的一致性并同时兼顾文中人称的转换。2) 注意英语动名词数的变化。3) 注意英语动词的时态变化。4) 注意短语搭配。如08年真题中的remindof,07年的associatedwith等,考生可能因介词的弱读或时间紧促等原因而将短语中的介词漏掉。,C. Dictation听写难点1) 注意全文人称的一致性并,3. 背景知识错误,有时,由于辨音有误,而又没有运用有关背景知识或常识对所听到的词语或句子的意思加以判断,也会出现荒谬可笑的错误。例如97年真题中的Most states permit either a civil or religious ceremony,由于civil和silver的发音近似,就有考生把civil误听成了silver。但根据背景知识我们知道在美国,结婚可在教堂(religious ceremony)也可不在教堂(civil ceremony)举行。故civil才是正确的。,C. Dictation听写难点有时,由于辨音有误,而又没有,4. 标点符号错误,短文的断句和标点一直令大多数考生头疼,是考生容易出错的地方。因为朗读中标点没有念出,需要靠考生自己听辨并判断选择,所以很多考生的听写中会出现全文没有标点符号,没有大小写,所有的停顿处都是一种符号,或中文标点混用在英文短文里等情况。,C. Dictation听写难点短文的断句和标点一直令大多数,4. 标点符号错误,节间标点小节间标点的确定肯定要利用朗读时的停顿。一般而言,第二遍慢读时,停顿处大多都有符号,主要根据意思完整性和句子的结构去判断是逗号、句号或其他,现介绍以下几种情况:1)若停顿前的意群主谓宾结构已经完整,且后面是有独立主谓宾结构的另一意群,前面停顿处即为句号,如:Yet the Internet has the potential for good and badOne can find well-organized, information-rich websites(06年真题) ,2)若前后两个分句在意思上是独立的,但两句中间有连词连接(如and,but,then, thus,so,because等),则两句间或连词前仍用逗号,如:If you believe that your dreams are important, / then analyzing them may help you (14)There is great competitionproduct / because they want to persuade customers (07)This made doing business much easier,but people still found coins inconvenient to carry.(04),C. Dictation听写难点 节间标点,4. 标点符号错误,节间标点3)若两小节虽朗读上有停顿,但意义上却属于完整的一句话,则停顿处没有标点符号,这种情况一般出现在固定搭配、时间或条件从句以及定语从句等情况下,如:They always have to remind their customersof the name and qualities of their products by advertising(07)句中remind sbof sth是固定搭配,故停顿处不需要标点符号。They live in the salt water from two to seven yearsuntil they too are ready to swim back to reproduce (03)until引导的是时间状语从句,也不需要标点符号。People often dont ask themselves if the advertisements are telling the truth / when they buy advertised products(07),中山大学南方学院,C. Dictation听写难点 节间标点中山大学南方学院,4. 标点符号错误,节内标点节内有标点处一般在朗读时无停顿或无明显停顿,这种情况下就需要根据自己平时积累的语法知识进行判断。小节内需有标点的地方主要有以下一些情况:1)句首的副词、时间状语、地点状语、不定式等形式后面一般需有逗号,例如: 2014年真题中的However, these changes/; 2012年真题中的First, Second,Third, / And finally; 07年真题中的In todays business work, ;04年真题中的In the past, In Africa, Originally, To solve this problem, Besides, / As a result, / Today, 2)小节内的插入语也需要用逗号分隔,例如:08年真题中的The idea, for example, of being a painter or a musician may seem very attractive, ,C. Dictation听写难点 节内标点,4. 标点符号错误,节内标点3)其他情况, 12年真题中的There are lots of names for these new forms of tourism: / responsible tourism, nature tourism, Some people hold a house party; others attend street parties, / while some just go for a few drinks,C. Dictation听写难点 节内标点,英式英语和美式英语中存在着一些拼写相同但发音相异的单词。如07年真题中的advertisement一词分别有英式/edv3:tismant/和美式/,aedv3taizment/两种发音,若考生只熟悉其中一种,听写时就有可能反应不过来或反应时间较长。类似的单词还有:,1. 英式发音和美式发音的区别,direct (英) drekt (美)da rekt 直接的leisure (英) le (美) / li: 空闲,闲暇either (英) a(r) (美) i 或,也schedule (英) edju:l (美) skedu:l 安排,日程,Dictation 5种听音陷阱1. 英式发音和美式发音的区,英语中的同音异形词对听力形成很大干扰,尤其是当考生不理解某一单词或短语时,这种干扰就更大。例如,08年真题中出现的短语square pegs in round holes可能会让大多数考生茫然无措,因而可能写成square pigs in round wholes:06年真题中的floors易写成flaws;如05年真题中的worn易误写成warn; 03年真题中的salmon写成samon等。这类容易混淆的同音词还有: all together-altogether pastpassed healheel peacepiece bandbanned roserows hourour centsent barebear cellsell weighway schemeskim flour一flower sitesight stealsteel woodwould complimentcomplement harehair storeystory fourthforth,2. 同音词和近音词的分辨,中山大学南方学院,Dictation听音陷阱2. 同音词和近音词的分辨中山大学,另外,近音词也是听写中常碰到的难点和易混淆点,如05年真题中的adopted误写成adapted;04年易混淆的词有paymentpavement,shellsshares,kniveslives,elephant tuskselephant tasks等。其他常见的易混近音词还有: appeala pill poorpour oddawed cutcart passpath stockstalk baldbored fullfool pullpool hutheart councilcancel looselose,2. 同音词和近音词的分辨,Dictation听音陷阱2. 同音词和近音词的分辨,有些英语单词在不同的语句环境中会有强读式和弱读式几种不同的读音,需强读还是弱读主要取决于上下文所表达的意思。例如,单词some,在重读或单独出现时,读音为扫 sm ,但当some在句子中作为非重读单词时,其元音就显得短而模糊,读为sm 或sm。英语单词中有强读式和弱读式的单词大约有50多个,而且他们多出现在句子的非重读音节里。从词性上看,它们大多为单音节的限定词,组动词,动词be、介词、关联词和人称代词等. 例如:have hv / hv-v werew3:- / wmust mst - mst - / ms / wewi:- / widodu:- / du- / d andnd- / nd / - / n ofDv- v / - /v/ - /f/这类弱读音节的单词在英语中为数不多,实际上也是英语学习者需要掌握的最基本的读音常识,因此同学们在平时的读音训练中要有意识地去把握其正确读音。在考试时则可利用语法知识进行检查,避免因这类词而犯错。,3. 弱读音节,Dictation听音陷阱3. 弱读音节,不完全爆破音一直是英语学习者在英语读音中难以掌握的地方,因而也是听力或听写中比较常见的障碍之一。不完全爆破音实际上是连贯语流中自然产生的语音现象,出现在一口气读完的一个语音单位内。主要有以下两种情形:1)英语音标中,辅音p、b, t, d, k, g是爆破音。当一个爆破音的后面紧跟着另一个爆破音时,前一个爆破音只按其发音部位做好发音口形、形成阻碍,而不爆破出来,稍微停顿后即发出后面的辅音,这种现象称为不完全爆破。例如:(注:括号内的辅音就是不完全爆破的) (09年真题) spectacularspe(k)tkjul countdown kaun(t)daun/ (06年真题) great powergrei(t) pa victim vi(k)tim :,4. 不完全爆破,Dictation听音陷阱4. 不完全爆破,2)英语音标中还有一种摩擦音,它们是f ,v、s, z、dz、ts, h ,当爆破音后面紧跟着摩擦音时,只有轻微爆破,也称为不完全爆破。例如:Outside a(t)sad , bighouse bi(g) haus, good friend gu(d) frend, cant sing ka:n(t) s 历年专四真题中这类音比比皆是,也是考生易错之处,如08年真题中的great talent,lead to,need to;07年的advertised products,05年的dared to,loved to。等等,都需注意因词尾不完全爆破音导致拼写上的错误。,4. 不完全爆破,Dictation听音陷阱4. 不完全爆破,连读现象在英语听力、听写考试中极为常见,属于听力中最基本的障碍,也是学习者所遇到的最长期的问题。一般而言,当前一个单词以辅音音素结尾,后一个单词以元音音素开头,并且两个词处于同一个意群或者说话者语速较快时,两词就会发生连读。这是连读音发生的最基本情况,例如:an appointment npntmnt as it is zi tiz half an hourha:f nau real estateri: lesteit / there is / r z 英语中的连读音可以说是无处不有,历年真题中当然也不例外,如08年真题中的fail in, and of equal;07年的put into,in addition等。同学们可以通过在平时训练中分析语音、朗读、跟读、反复对比的方法加以掌握,当然在考试中也需要利用语法知识进行检查。,5. 连读音,Dictation听音陷阱5. 连读音,1st Time,2nd Time,3ird Time,4th Time,Practice1st Time2nd Time3ird,In the traditional marriage, the man worked to earn money for the family. / The woman stayed at home to care for the children and her husband. / In the recent years, many couples continue to have a traditional relationship of this kind. / Some people are happy with it. But others think differently. / There are two major differences in male and female roles now. / One is that both men and women have many more choices. / They may choose to marry or to stay single. / They may choose to work or to stay at home. / A second difference is that within marriage many decisions are shared. / If a couple has children, the man may take care of them /some of the time, all of the time or not at all. / The woman may want to stay at home / or she may want to go to work. / Men and women now decide these things together in a marriage.,2015 DictationMale and Female,In the traditional marriage, the man worked to earn money for the family. / The woman stayed at home to care for the children and her husband. / But the things are different these days. / There are two major differences in male and female roles now. / One is that both men and women have many more choices. / They may choose to marry or stay single. / They may choose to work or to stay at home. / A second difference is that within marriage many decisions are shared. / Men and women now decide things together in a marriage.,2015 Dictation (改版后)Male and F,由题目可以判定,文章围绕男性和女性在婚姻中的角色展开,第一段介绍了传统婚姻中两性的角色,而第二段对当今社会中两性在婚姻中的角色进行了具体的论述。因此,第一段用到了过去时,而第二段则完全使用现在时。需要考生根据语义判定时态。,1、听写指导:,2015 DictationMale and Female,worked to 连读时, -ed/t/弱化了; take care of them和后面的时间状语分隔成了两个意群, 但take care of them用的是升调,表示句子并未结束,不要加句号。,1、听写难点:,2015 DictationMale and Female,此部分要求考生能在全面理解内容的基础上逐字逐句写出所听材料。拼写和标点符号正确无误,错误率不超汇8。具体评分标准如下: 1. 听写的全部内容根据意群共分10小节,每节1分,共10分。 2. 每节(即每个意群)最多扣1分。 3. 重复错误,仅扣一次。 4. 错误共分两类:小错误(minor mistakes)和大错误(major mistakes)。,Dictation评分标准,单词拼写错1-2个字母:inconvenient-unconvenient/inconvient, originallyorigionally/originaly;knivesnives, steadily-staedily, jewelry-jewlry, jewlly标点符号错误:To solve this problem, theTo solve this problem the单复数,冠词错误:shellsshell;with a solutionwith the solution, with fortune hunters-with the fortune hunters小错误扣分标准:小错误在一节中出现一次,留作总计;出现两次,扣0.5分;出现三次,扣0.5分后留一小错做总计;出现四次及以上,扣1分。未扣分小错误的扣分标准:累计2-4个:扣05分。累计5-8个:扣1分。,1)小错误(minor mistakes):,Dictation评分标准1)小错误(minor mista,漏词:all over the worldover the world; thought of the conditionthought the condition加词:may have soldmay not have sold;hand inhand it in造词:saltsoit; paid-payed; acceptedacception换词(冠词作小错计):for goodsto goods; race- raised/risk, while-were, combat-come back, theythese/there大移位:coins werecoin was; were usedwe used时态错误:are still paidwere still paid; beganbegun原文一个词变两个词:fireflyfire fly; althoughall though以上每个错误扣0.5分。,2)大错误(major mistakes):,Dictation评分标准2)大错误(major mista,1) 大错误不累计、小错误累计。2) 总分为0.5分时,以1分计算;其余总分中如含小数点的,小数舍去,保留整数。 如:12.5分一12分,7.5分-7分。3) 重复错误,仅扣一次。4) 空白卷律打0分。,3) 大错误及整体评分标准,Dictation评分标准3) 大错误及整体评分标准,Inthelate1970s,airtravelbecameaffordable/for theaveragefamilyintheUK, /andmorepeople startedtravellingabroadfortheirsummerholidays. /Afterall, theBritishweatherwasntverygood, evenin summer, /soalotofpeopleleftthecountryfora vacation. /Inthe1980sandthe 1990s,youngpeoplein theUKbecamewealthieronaverage. /Asa result, theystartedtogoabroadingroups,/toplaces suchasSpainandGreece. /Oncetheyarrivedat theirdestination, /theymetwithothergroupsof youngpeopleandhadonelongparty. /Britishholidayinghabitshavebeguntochange, however. /ClimatechangemeansthattheUKnowhasahotterclimate, /sopeopledonotneed togooverseastofindgoodweather. /Also,goingabroadismoreexpensive. /Asaresult,more BritishpeoplearechoosingtospendtheirsummerholidaysintheUK.,中山大学南方学院,2011 DictationBritish Holidayi,Advertising has already become a very specialized activity in modern times. / In todays business world, supply is usually greater than demand. / There is great competition between manufacturers of the same kind of product / because they want to persuade customers to buy their particular brand. / They always have to remind their customers / of the name and qualities of their products by advertising. / The manufacturer advertises in newspapers and on the radio. / He sometimes employs sales-girls to distribute samples of his products. /He sometimes advertises on the Internet as well. / In addition, he always has advertisements put into television programs that will accept them. / Manufacturers often spend huge sums of money on advertisements. / We buy a particular product because we think that is the best. / We usually think so because the advertisements say so. / People often dont ask themselves if the advertisements are telling the truth / when they buy advertised products from shops.,2007 DictationAdvertisingAdve,Britain has a well-respected higher education system /and some of the top universities and research institutions in the world. / But to those who are new to this system, it can be sometimes confusing. / October is usually the busiest month in the academic calendar. / Universities have something called Freshmens Week for their newcomers. / Its a great opportunity to make new friends, / join lots of clubs and settle into university life. / However, having just left the comfort of home and all your friends behind, / the prospect of meeting strangers in classrooms and dormitories can be worrying. Where do you start / and who should you make friends with? / Which clubs and societies should you join? / Luckily, there will be thousands of others in the same boat as you. / They worry about starting their university social life on the right foot. / So just take it all in slowly. / Dont rush into anything that youll regret for the next three years.,2010 DictationFreshmens Week,If you download and use a great deal of software / either for your personal use or for your business, / you may have heard of pirated software. / This term does not refer to a specific type of software. / It is actually about how people get and use software. / If the software is open source, / it can be used and distributed freely. / Otherwise, the manufacturer has the right to set the boundaries and guidelines / for the use of its software product. / Any time software is not distributed with the manufacturers approval and authorization, / it is illegal.,Model Test 9(改版后)Pirated Softw,感谢聆听,感谢聆听,