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    专项9-动词与动词短语,专项9-动词与动词短语,专项9 动词与动词短语,专项9 动词与动词短语,高频考点精讲,考点1 动词辨析,1.动词的分类 (1)实义动词,高频考点精讲考点1 动词辨析 1.动词的分类分类用,分类用法例词例句不及物动词本身意义完整,其后不必跟宾语;若跟,(2)连系动词 连系动词不能单独作谓语,必须与表语一起构成谓语。,(2)连系动词分类例词例句be动词am,is,are,,(3)助动词 助动词本身没有词义,不能单独作谓语,只能和别的动词一起构成谓语,表示时态、语态、语气等特征,帮助构成否定、疑问、强调、省略等结构。主要的助动词有be,do,have,shall,will等。,(3)助动词分类用法例句beam / is / are,分类用法例句do形式有do,does,did,用于构成疑问句,(4)情态动词,(4)情态动词分类含义用法例句can /could能;,分类含义用法例句may(might) 可能Tony may,分类含义用法例句must 必须必表示义务、命令或要求We m,分类含义用法例句shall(should) /ought t,分类含义用法例句will(would) 愿意用于第二人称,疑,分类含义用法例句need有必要;需要need可用作实义动词和,2近义动词辨析 常见的易混近义词:,2近义动词辨析形状相似的动词之间辨义lie与lay,考点2 动词用法,大多数动词都有五种基本形式:动词原形、第三人称单数、现在分词、过去式和过去分词。 1第三人称单数形式的构成 (1)一般现在时中主语是第三人称单数时,谓语动词后要加s或es,其变化规则与名词变复数的方法大体相同。,考点2 动词用法 大多数动词都有五种基本形式:动词原,(2)不规则变化的有havehas等。,规则变化动词原形第三人称单数形式及读音一般在动词词尾加s(,2现在分词的构成,2现在分词的构成变化规则动词原形现在分词一般在动词后,3.过去式和过去分词的构成 (1)规则变化,(2)不规则变化需单独记忆。,3.过去式和过去分词的构成规则变化动词原形过去式、过去,考点3 动词短语,1.动词短语分类,考点3 动词短语 1.动词短语分类类型例词同一动词,2初中阶段易混动词、动词词组归纳,2初中阶段易混动词、动词词组归纳look at与 seel,go to bed,go to sleep与sleepgo,take与bringtake带走;bring拿来have t,take固定搭配take out拿出来;take away拿,十年真题全练,近十年来,动词和动词短语是安徽中考的重点考查内容之一,每年都会考查,考查的内容多以动词变音、行为动词和动词短语词义辨析、情态动词和连系动词为主。 命题形式主要为听力关键词语选择(每年02小题)、听力信息转换(每年02小题)、单项填空(每年02小题)、完形填空(每年47小题)和单词拼写(每年12小题)。预计2018年中考毫无疑问动词的命题会面面俱到。行为动词和动词短语词义辨析、情态动词仍然是考查重点,但对助动词、连系动词也要稍加关注。,十年真题全练 近十年来,动词和动词短语是安徽中考的重点考查,1.2017安徽,37题It is necessary for schools to _D_the need of all the students development.Acut Bhide Crefuse Dsatisfy22016安徽,40题For our own safety,its important to A the traffic rules on the way to school.Afollow Bchange Cmake Dbreak32015安徽,38题Dreams are beautiful.However,to C them needs lots of time and work.Adiscover Bfind Cachieve Dstop42014安徽,44题I dont B the heat,for Im used to hot weather.Alike Bmind Cknow Dstand52014安徽,49题He is an honest boy.I have no reason to _B_ what he said.Ahear Bdoubt Crepeat Dbelieve,考点1 动词词义辨析,1.2017安徽,37题It is necessary,62013安徽,39题I will meet Jane at the station.Please C what time she will arrive.Acount Bchoose Ccheck Dcatch72013安徽,43题It is helpful to C a good habit of reading in language learning.Atake Bshow Cdevelop Dmatch82012安徽,35题To protect the environment,supermarkets dont C free plastic bags to shoppers.Atake Bshow Cprovide Dcarry92011安徽,41题We cant do listening practice today,for Miss Zhaos taperecorder doesnt D Aact Bdo Cserve Dwork102010安徽,32题Its nice of you to B so much time showing me around your school.Atake Bspend Ccost Dhave,62013安徽,39题I will meet Jan,112010安徽,40题Do you often watch Man and Nature on TV?Sometimes.Its an interesting program,but I A Sports News.Aprefer Bwant Cenjoy Dmiss122009安徽,41题What a day!Its raining again.Im afraid we cant fly a kite.Dont worry.It wont _B_ long.Alive Blast Cwait Dgo132008安徽,33题Our team C the match.Weve got the first place!Well done!Congratulations!Abit Bbeat Cwon Dwatched142015安徽,35题The running water makes the stones D very smooth.Asound Btaste Csmell Dfeel,112010安徽,40题Do you often,152014安徽,36题Mum,what are you cooking?It D so sweet.Atastes Bfeels Csounds Dsmells162011安徽,46题The food here smells good,but what does it_A_like?Ataste Btouch Cseem Dfeel172009安徽,36题Long time no see !Oh,it B like years since I last saw you.Alooks Bseems Cfeels Dsounds182014安徽,35题I forgot to bring my dictionary.Could I use yours?Yes,you A Acan Bmust Ccould Dshould192016安徽,37题Please dont make so much noise.I C hear the speaker very well.Aneednt BmustntCcant Dshouldnt,152014安徽,36题Mum,what are y,202009安徽,33题Whos the man over there?Is it Mr.Black?It A be him.Hes much taller.Acant Bmustnt Cshould Dmay212017安徽,39题Mum,Ive signed for the box.Whats in it?Im not sure.It _C_be a present from your uncle.Aneed Bmust Cmay Dwill222015安徽,44题Do you have any plans for this Sunday?Im not sure.I _C_go to the countryside to see my grandmother.Acan Bmust Cmay Dneed232008安徽,32题Is Mr.Brown driving here?Im not sure.He A come by train.Amay Bshall Cneed Dmust,202009安徽,33题Whos the man,242012安徽,42题Theres enough time for you to go to the airport.You B hurry now.Ashould BneedntCmust Dcant252010安徽,43题What will the weather be like tomorrow?It _B_be rainy,cloudy or sunny.Who knows?Amust Bmight Cshall Dshould262011安徽,33题May I go out now,Dad?No.You D let your mother know first.Acan Bmay Cneed Dmust272013安徽,32题You B drive your car so fast.Its very dangerous.Awouldnt BshouldntCcouldnt Dmightnt,242012安徽,42题Theres enough,考点2 动词用法,1. 2017安徽,93题Look!The boys are kicking(踢) the ball around in the yard.2. 2017安徽,95题Please follow the rules.Dont touch(触碰)the photos in the museum.32016安徽,94题The little girl kisses(亲吻) her mum good night before she goes to bed.42015安徽,94题Could you please lend(借)me your dictionary?52014安徽,99题Im afraid we have to cancel(取消)the meeting.62014安徽,100题Bob has many storybooks and he often shares(分享)them with his friends.72013安徽,98题Travelling by plane is expensive,but it saves(节省) time.,考点2 动词用法1. 2017安徽,93题Look!,82013安徽,100题Its polite to knock(敲) on the door before entering a room.92012安徽,98题The old man started singing,and we all joined(加入)in.102011安徽,96题She rides(骑) to school on her bicycle every day.112010安徽,99题Tom invited(邀请) all his best friends to his birthday party last Sunday.122010安徽,100题We have to carry(携带) a lot of books in our school bags every day.132009安徽,100题George always checks/checked (检査)the answers carefully before handing in his papers.142008安徽,97题Its not right to waste(浪费)too much time on computer games.,82013安徽,100题Its polite to,考点3 动词短语辨析,1. 2013安徽,48题The people in Yaan have met lots of difficulties,but they havent B hope.Apicked up Bgiven upClooked for Dwaited for22012安徽,45题Smoking is bad for your health.Youre right.I decide to D Atake it down Bfind it outCturn it off Dgive it up32015安徽,39题We planned to meet at 10:30 at the station last Sunday,but Bob didnt A until 12:00.Aturn up Bgive upCstay up Dgrow up42011安徽,39题I can hardly hear what it is saying on TV.Would you please A ?Aturn it up Bturn it downCturn it on Dturn it off,考点3 动词短语辨析1. 2013安徽,48题The,52008安徽,48题Could you tell me what time the train leaves Hefei for Beijing?Im afraid you need to D on the Internet.Alook for it Blook at itClook it over Dlook it up62010安徽,37题How can I C well with my lessons,Dad?Practice makes perfect.Awork on Bhold onCget on Dkeep on72008安徽,42题Lets plan a surprise for our class.Whats your idea?Why not_D_a short play?Aget on Bkeep onChave on Dput on,52008安徽,48题Could you tell,82016安徽,42题Taking some exercise every day will C fat and make you fit.Aturn to Bsell outCburn off Dput on92017安徽,44题Our geography teacher told us to A more information about our city and share it next week.Afind out Bkeep awayCturn off Duse up102014安徽,39题As time A ,youll come to think of English as your friend and love it.Agoes by Bruns outCtakes off Dturns up112014安徽,46题Rose finished her study in the university and went to _D_a good job.Atake after Blook afterCcare for Dsearch for,82016安徽,42题Taking some exe,122009安徽,48题These problems are too hard to A Will you give me some advice?There are many ways,but the most important is to have a careful plan.Awork out Blook outChand out Dput out,122009安徽,48题These problem,猜押预测,.单项填空1Before stamps,people didnt _ for the letters they sent,but for the letters they received.Apay Bcost Cspend Dtake2They walked home last night because they couldnt _ to take a taxi.Aleave Bbuy Cafford Dallow3The movie is so interesting that I dont _ seeing it again tomorrow.Aenjoy Bmind Ckeep Dfinish4I _ the school bus this morning.Luckily,Tonys father gave me a ride.Atook Bcaught Csaw Dmissed52016重庆中考When spring comes,trees begin to _ green.Asound Btaste Ckeep Dturn,A,C,B,D,D,猜押预测.单项填空A C B D D,6May I play computer games now,Mom?No.You _ finish your homework first.Amust Bcan Ccould Dmay7Must I answer this question in English?No,you _ Amustnt BneedntCcant Dshouldnt8Why are you feeling sleepy all the time?Because I _ late watching the film Kung Fu Panda last night.Astayed up Bcheered upCgave up Dtook up92016济南中考More and more people have realized that we shouldnt _ the ancient buildings in cities.Aget off Bput offCcut down Dpull down,A,B,A,D,6May I play computer games n,10They heard the party was _ because of the exam.Aput on Bput upCput off Dput down11Susan _ her friends invitation because of an important meeting.Atook down Bput downCturned down Dwrote down12Our country is taking action to _ air pollution.Acut down Bcut upCcut out Dcut off13Children these days _ their parents too much.They should learn how to look after themselves.Aget on Bkeep onChold on Ddepend on,C,C,A,D,10They heard the party was _,14A father in the UK has _ a wonderful idea to send his kids to school on time.He takes his sons to their school in a white tank(坦克)Alooked up to Bmade upCcome up with Dshown up15When you are swimming,_ your ears.You can use earplugs(耳塞) to stop water getting into your ears.Atake after Btake part inCtake off Dtake care of,C,D,14A father in the UK has _,.单词拼写 根据首字母及汉语提示,完成下列单词的拼写,使句意明确,语言通顺。1The company o_(提供) the young man a job,but he didnt take it.2Doing more exercise will i_(改善) your health.3The fisherman made a fire and h_(悬挂) his wet clothes up to dry.4We p_(种植) lots of trees around the school last month.Now they grow well.5Mr.Yang couldnt catch the last bus,so he was f_(迫使)to walk home.,ffered,mprove,ung,lanted,orced,.单词拼写fferedmproveunglantedorc,6Its impossible to s_(分开) Diaoyu Island from China.7Danny is always c_ (抄写)others homework,which often makes him fail in exams.8If the sun s_(照耀) brightly,the weather is usually warm.9The thief s_(偷)food from the supermarket and was caught by the policemen.10The dentist says we should b_(刷) our teeth at least twice a day.,eparate,opying,hines,tole,rush,6Its impossible to s_,感谢聆听,感谢聆听,


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