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    Unit 5 Choosing a new flat,Luochuan School, Sara Shen,Unit 5 Choosing a new flatLu,Luochuan School, Sara Shen,Think and say,Luochuan School, Sara ShenThin,Move to a new,An estate agent,At an estate agency,estate 住宅区,flat,/,/,3,Move to a newAn estate agentAt,At the estate agency,Mrs. Li has found some different kinds of flats.,4,At the estate agencyMrs. Li ha,A flat with,a bathroom,a kitchen,a living room,three bedrooms,A flat with three_, a _, a _and a _.,bedrooms,bathroom,kitchen,living room,5,A flat witha bathrooma kitch,What kind of flat is it?,Its a flat with,a balcony,/,two balconies,6,What kind of flat is it?Its a,Its a flat with,What kind of flat is it?,a study. n.,pl. studies,7,Its a flat with What kind of,What kind of living room is it?,Its a living room with,big windows,8,What kind of living room is it,What kind of estate is it?,It is an estate,an underground station,a busy road,5 minutes walk,40 minutes walk,near,far (away) from,9,What kind of estate is it?It i,suburb,city centre,/5sQbE:b/,Map of Shanghai,10,suburbcity centre/5sQbE:b/Map,It is a flat in the,city center,suburbs,Where would you like to live?,in the suburbsin the city centre,11,It is a flat in the city cente,estateagency,balcony,city center,suburb,study,estate,There are many books in this room.,There are many flats in this place.,People can buy and sell flats at this place.,It is a room on the outside of a building.,I live near People Square. I live in,It is a very quiet place, like countryside.,Bingo!,12,estatebalconycity centersuburb,A: What kind of flat/estate would you like?B: Id like a flat with/ an estate near/in/ far fromA: Where would you like to live?B: Id like to live,13,A: What kind of flat/estate wo,A: What kind of flat would you like?B: Id like a flat with/an estate near/in/far fromA: Where would you like to live?B: Id like to live,.,.,.,.,.,.,14,A: What kind of flat would you,What kind of flat would they like?,big bedrooms,big kitchen,two bathrooms,balcony,bedroom,big window,big window,15,What kind of flat would they l,Where would they like to live?,suburbs,an underground station,away from busy roads,16,Where would they like to live?,Look and read,Hi! Whats the matter?,This flat is too small for us now! We need a bigger flat.,I agree. All the rooms in this flat are very small. Well look for a bigger flat. What kind of flat would you like?,1,2,3,4,17,Look and readHi! Whats the,Id like a flat with three big bedrooms, a big kitchen, two bathrooms and a balcony.,Id like a bedroom with one big window.,Id like a bedroom with one big window, too.,1,2,3,4,18,Id like a flat with three b,Where would you like to live?,Id like to live in the suburbs.,Id like to live near an underground station.,Id like to live far away from busy roads.,OK. Ill go to the estate agency tomorrow.,1,2,3,4,19,Where would you like to live,Mr. Dong is thinking about moving to a new flat.His flat is too small. He lives far away from the city center.,20,Mr. Dong is thinking about mov,Homework,Read the text following the tape at least 5 times.Write an article about your dream flat. Use sentences: I would like / I would like to/ a flat with/in/near(at least 60 words),21,HomeworkRead the text followin,East or west, home is the best.,Proverb,22,East or west, home is the best,Class is over!,Thank you!,23,Class is over!Thank you!23,


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