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    Lesson 67The weekend,review,Lets do the excersise!,1.We get to school _(at / in ) seven oclock _(at/on) Monday .2.The little boy cant look after _(he) .3.We always enjoy ourselves .(同义句)4.我找不到前门的钥匙了。(翻译)5.My birthday is on the second of December .(对划线部分提问)6.Give her the key .(同义句),himself,We always have a good time .,I cant find the key to the front door .,When is your birthday ?,Give the key to her .,Discussion What did you do on weekend ?,New Words,greengrocer 蔬菜水果零售商absent 缺席的keep 处于、保持spend 度过weekend 周末country 乡村、国家lucky 幸运的,gringrsbsnt kip spendwikend kntrlk,New Words,Monday (Mon.) 星期一Tuesday(Tue.) 星期二Wednesday (Wed.)星期三Thursday (Thu.) 星期四Friday (Fri.) 星期五Saturday (Sat.) 星期六Sunday (Sun.) 星期日,Listen and fill in the blank,Hello.Were you at the butchers? Yes. I was. Were you at butchers, too? No, I wasnt. I was at the greengrocers. Hows Jimmy today? Hes very well, thank you. Was he absent from school last week? Yes, he was. He was absent on Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday and Tuesday.How are you all keeping? Very well, thank you. Were going to spend three days in the country.Were going to stay at my mothers for the weekend.Friday, Saturday and Sunday in the country!Arent you lucky!,The weekend 周末,Listen to the tape and answer the question:,What are the Johnsons going to do at the weekend? 约翰逊夫妇周末准备做什么?, MRS.JOHNSON: Hello. Were you at the butchers?, MRS.WILLIAMS: Yes. I was. Were you at the butchers, too?, MRS.JOHNSON: No, I wasnt. I was at the greengrocers. Hows Jimmy today?, MRS.WILLIAMS: Hes very well, thank you., were是be动词are的过去式。, at the butchers 在肉店, was是be动词am/is的过去式。, wasnt=was not, 是am not和isnt的过去式。, at the greengrocers在蔬菜水果零售店, well是形容词,表示身体好; She is well. 也可作副词,修饰动词。 He swims well., MRS.JOHNSON: Was he absent from school last week?, MRS.WILLIAMS: Yes, he was. He was absent on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Tuesday. How are you all keeping?, be (动词) absent from:缺席 (1)You were absent from school yesterday. (2)She was absent from the meeting., last:上一个 week:周 last week:上周, on:表示在星期几用介词on。, and连接几个词语时, and前升调,后降调。, all 是代词,表示“所有”。用来指3个或3个以上的人和事物。, = How are you ?, MRS.JOHNSON: Very well, thank you. Were going to spend three daysin the country. Were going to stay at my mothers for the weekend., very well: 身体好。, 主语 + be动词 + going to + 动原:某人/物将要做某事。, spend:花费(1)spend time/money (in) doing something花费时间、金钱做某事e.g. We spend an hour (in) playing football.(2)spend time/money on something在方面时间/花钱e.g. I spend 10 yuan on this book., country: 当乡村时,前面要加定冠词the;作为国家时,前面不能加定冠词。, at my mothers: 在我妈妈家, for the weekend: 整个周末这几天 的时间。, stay: 短暂的居住。, MRS.WILLIAMS: Friday, Saturday and Sundayin the country! Arent you lucky!, 这句话是否定疑问句形式的感叹句,为的是加强语气。尽管形式上是否定的,但却表示强有力的肯定。,Grammar,语 法,一般过去时表示过去某一特定(与现在无关)的时间,与具体的表示过去的时间状语连用。如: last year (去年), two days ago(2天前) , yesterday(昨天) , just now(刚才), this morning(今天早上), last night(昨晚), the day before yesterday(前天)等。,The Simple Past Tense,be动词的过去式,一般过去时的句型构成形式:,一、含有系动词(be动词am/is/are)的一般过去时形式:,be动词的现在时和过去时的对比,总结: was(is/am的过去式)用于第一人称单数(I)和第三人称单数 (he/she/it)及所有单数形式; were(are的过去式)用于所有其它的人称和所有复数后 即:第一人称复数(we)、第二人称单复数(you)、第三人称 复数(they)等。,一般过去时的句型构成形式:,一、含有系动词(be动词am/is/are)的一般过去时形式:,肯定句:主语 + was(were)+ 。e.g.Iwaslateyesterday. 昨天我迟到了。 You were happy when you were at school. 当你在学校,你很开心。 He was a farmer six years ago. 他六年前是一名农民。,My friends His father and mother Miss Zhang,so sad.,teachers.,ill 2 days ago.,were,were,was,一般过去时的句型构成形式:,一、含有系动词(be动词am/is/are)的一般过去时形式:,否定句:主语 + was/were + not(wasnt/werent)。e.g.Iwaslateyesterday. 昨天我迟到了。 You were happy when you were at school. 当你在学校,你很开心。 He was a farmer six years ago. 他六年前是一名农民。,My friends His father and mother Miss Zhang,I wasnt late yesterday. 昨天我没有迟到。,You werent happy when you were at school. 你在学校不开心。,He wasnt a farmer six years ago. 他六年前不是一名农民。,My friends werent so sad. 我的朋友们不伤心。,His father and mother werent teachers. 他爸爸妈妈以前不是老师。,Miss Zhang wasnt ill 2 days ago. 张小姐前两天没有生病。,一般过去时的句型构成形式:,一、含有系动词(be动词am/is/are)的一般过去时形式:,疑问句: Was/Were + 主语+ ?e.g.Iwaslateyesterday. 昨天我迟到了。 You were happy when you were at school. 当你在学校,你很开心。 He was a farmer six years ago. 他六年前是一名农民。,My friends His father and his mother Miss Zhang,Were you late yesterday? 你昨天迟到了吗?,Were you happy when you were at school? 你在学校开心吗?,Was he a farmer six years ago? 他六年前是农民吗?,Were your friends so sad? 你朋友们伤心吗?,Were his father and mother teachers? 他爸爸妈妈以前是老师吗?,Was Miss Zhang ill 2 days ago? 张小姐2天前病了吗?,肯定回答:Yes,主语 was/were. 否定回答: No, 主语 wasnt/werent.,He was a boy many years ago.,He is a singer now.,She was a girl many years ago.She is an actor now.,He was a baby many year ago.He is a basketball player now.,1,I am at the grocers.2,They are at the dairys.3,Penny is at the bakers.4,Tom is at the hairdressers.5,Jerry is at his mothers.6,She is in hospital.7,He is at church.8,You are at school.9,Tom is in the room.,ractice练习 (把下列句子变成过去式、否定、及疑问句),Exercise,他们昨天在北京。他去年还是个学生。你昨晚在家吗?你们上午在哪儿?,They were in Beijing yesterday.,He was a student last year.,Were you at home last night?,Where were you this morning?,Exercise,我昨天和朋友们爬山了。我们刚才在肉店。Green先生上周去了郑州。他们上周末玩得很开心。,I climbed(climb的过去式) the hill with my friends yesterday.,We were(are的过去式) at the butchers just now.,Mr. Green went(go的过去式) to Zhengzhou last week.,They enjoyed(enjoy的过去式) themselves last weekend.,Lesson 68 whats the time ?,New Words,church 教堂 dairy 乳品店 baker 面包师傅 grocer 食品杂货店,six to four,eight past six,twenty past seven,ten past twelve,half past seven,ten to three,five to ten,twent-five past seven,five past eleven,1st,2nd,3rd,4th,5th,6th,7th,8th,9th,英语中的基数词和序数词,英语上数词分为两大类:基数词和序数词。,(1)、基数词 : 定义:表示数目的词称为基数词。,基数词: 从110 one,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight,nine,ten从 1119 eleven,twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen,sixteen, seventeen,eighteen, nineteen从 2090 twenty,thirty, forty,fifty,sixty,seventy,eighty , ninety .,英语中的基数词和序数词,英语上数词分为两大类:基数词和序数词。,(2)、序数词: 定义:是指表示顺序的数词。在汉语中表示为“第几”。,序数词: 从第1第10 第1 first 1st 第2 second 2nd 第3 third 3rd 第4 fourth 4th 第5 fifth 5th 第6 sixth 6th 第7 seventh 7th 第8 eighth 8th 第9 ninth 9th 第10 tenth 10th.从 第11第19 第11 eleventh 11th 第12 twelfth 12th 第13 thirteenth 13th 第14 fourteenth 14th 第15 fifteenth 15th 第16 sixteenth 16th 第17 seventeenth 17th 第18 eighteenth 18th 第19 nineteenth 19th 从 第20第90 第20 twentieth 20th 第30 thirtieth 30th 第40 fortieth 40th 第50 fiftieth 50th 第60 sixtieth 60th 第70 seventieth 70th 第80 eightieth 80th 第90 ninetieth 90th.,Key structures,-Where were you on Monday?-I was in GZ.-When were you at the office?-9:00 pm last night.,Example:,-Where were you on Sunday, January 1st?-I was at church.-When were you at the office?-Tuesday, March 3rd.,总 结,at church 在教堂 at school 在学校at the office 在办公室 at the butchers 在肉店at the hairdressers 在理发店at the bakers 在蛋糕店 at the dairy 在乳品店at home 在家 at the grocers 在零售店at the greengrocers 在蔬菜水果零售店,用介词at, on和in的时间短语,(1)用介词at的时间短语通常可表示:确切的时间(如 at 10 o clock 10点钟时),用餐时间(如 at lunchtime午餐时),其他时刻(如 at noon中午时),年龄(如 at the age of 27:27岁时)等。介词at可表示地点,通常用于某个小地点之前: at the busstop 在公共汽车站 at the railway station在火车站at school 在学校 at the butchers在肉店 at home在家 at the doctors在医生办公室,(2)介词on用于周和月份中的任何一天之前。通常使用介词 on表示星期几(如 on Monday在星期一)、一天中的某段时间(如 on Monday morning在星期一早上)、日期(如 on April 1st在4月1日)、星期几+日期(如 on Monday, April 1st在4月1日,星期一)、具体时间(如 on that day在那一天)、周年纪念日(如 on your birthday在你的生日)以及节日(如 on Christmas Day在圣诞节)等。,(3)用介词in的时间短语通常可表示:一天中的某段时间(如 in the evening在晚上),月份(如 in March在 3月),年份(如 in 1997在 1997年),季节(如 in spring在春天),世纪(如 in the 20th century在20世纪),节日(如in Easter week在复活节那一周),时期(如 in the holidays在假期里)等。,Thats All! Thank you!,一般过去时(simple past tense) : 过去发生的而现在已经结束的动作要用一般过去时。,基本用法:1、常用来表示过去某一时间所发生的非持续性动作;,2、表示在过去的一段时间内经常或反复发生的动作或存在的状态。 表示过去习惯性、经常性的动作、行为;过去主语所具备的能力和性格。,e.g. 1、He played computer games last week. 他上周 玩了电脑游戏。 2、We went to school yesterday. 我们昨天去了学校。 3、They saw a film together last night. 他们昨晚一起看了电影。,e.g. 1、Mrs. Peter always carried an umbrella. 彼得太太过去老是带着一把伞。 2、I was late yesterday. 昨天我迟到了。 3、When she was a teacher, she was very strict. 当她以前是一名老师时,她很严厉。,一般过去时的句型构成形式:,二、含有实义动词的一般过去时形式:,肯定句: 主语 + 动词过去式 + 。,e.g. 1、I went(go的过去式) to school this morning. 我今早去了学校。 2、You saw(see的过去式) a film with Betty last night. 你昨晚和Betty一起看电影了。 3、He ate(eat的过去式) a burger just now. 他刚才吃了个汉堡。 4、She drank(drink的过去式) some tea 2 hours ago. 她2小时前喝了一些茶。 5、We played(play的过去式) computer games together. 我们在一起玩了电脑游戏。 6、It ran(run的过去式) after a cat yesterday. 它昨天跑着追赶一只猫。 7、They made(make的过去式) a bookcase for Jim. 他们为Jim做了一个书架。,e.g. 1、I went(go的过去式) to school this morning. 我今早去了学校。 2、You saw(see的过去式) a film with Betty last night. 你昨晚和Betty一起看电影了。 3、He ate(eat的过去式) a burger just now. 他刚才吃了个汉堡。 4、She drank(drink的过去式) some tea 2 hours ago. 她2小时前喝了一些茶。 5、We played(play的过去式) computer games together. 我们在一起玩了电脑游戏。 6、It ran(run的过去式) after a cat yesterday. 它昨天跑着追赶一只猫。 7、They made(make的过去式) a bookcase for Jim. 他们为Jim做了一个书架。,一般过去时的句型构成形式:,二、含有实义动词的一般过去时形式:,否定句: 主语 + did not(didnt) + 动词原形 。 注:did是助动词do和does的过去式形式。,I didnt go to school this morning.,You didnt see a film with Betty last night.,He didnt eat a burger just now.,She didnt drink some tea 2 hours ago.,We didnt play computer games together.,It didnt run after a cat yesterday.,They didnt make a bookcase for Jim.,e.g. 1、I went(go的过去式) to school this morning. 我今早去了学校。 2、You saw(see的过去式) a film with Betty last night. 你昨晚和Betty一起看电影了。 3、He ate(eat的过去式) a burger just now. 他刚才吃了个汉堡。 4、She drank(drink的过去式) some tea 2 hours ago. 她2小时前喝了一些茶。 5、We played(play的过去式) computer games together. 我们在一起玩了电脑游戏。 6、It ran(run的过去式) after a cat yesterday. 它昨天跑着追赶一只猫。 7、They made(make的过去式) a bookcase for Jim. 他们为Jim做了一个书架。,一般过去时的句型构成形式:,二、含有实义动词的一般过去时形式:,疑问句: Did + 主语 + 动词原形 ? (肯定/否定回答)肯定回答:Yes, 主语 did. 否定回答:No, 主语 didnt.,Did you go to school this morning?,Yes, I did./ No, I didnt.,Did you see a film with Betty last night?,Yes, I did./No, I didnt.,Did he eat a burger just now?,Yes, he did./No, he didnt.,Did she drink some tea 2 hours ago?,Yes, she did./No, she didnt.,Did you play computer games together?,Yes, we did./No, we didnt.,Did it run after a cat yesterday?,Yes, it did./No, it didnt.,Did they make a bookcase for Jim?,Yes, they did.,No, they didnt.,动词过去式变化的一般规则:,(1)、一般的动词后面直接+ed: e.g. workworked jumpjumped watchwatched,(2)、以不发音的e结尾的单词,词后直接+d: e.g. useused livelived hopehoped,(3)、以重读闭音节结尾并且词尾只有一个辅音字母的单词,要双写最后一个辅音字母,再+ed:e.g. stopstopped planplanned,(4)、以辅音字母+y结尾的动词,把y变i再+ed:e.g. studystudied emptyemptied carrycarried,(5)、以元音字母+y结尾的动词,直接+ed:e.g. enjoyenjoyed playplayed staystayed,(6)、不规则变化的动词过去式:e.g. keepkept sleepslept makemade taketook cutcut readread putput,区分以下四句话的不同,I always watch TV in the morning。我经常在早上看电视。Im going to watch TV. 我准备去看电视。Im watching TV. 我正在看电视。I watched TV. 我看了电视。,一般现在时,be going to将来时,现在进行时,一般过去时,


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