Practice makes perfect!,中级口语课程教学方案,课程目标,1. 词汇量达到4000。2. 能完全进行无障碍英文交流。3.能写出漂亮地道的英文文章。,教学内容,与初级的课程相比,中级日常生活英语口语培训课程除了帮助学员纠正表达错误、培养正确的表达习惯之外,更加注重帮助学员建立优秀的英语日常会话技能,不仅做到表达正确,而且更加自然流畅、谈吐得体。 中级日常生活英语口语培训课程的内容覆盖面更广,在日常生活常见的事物与事务的基础上,增加了人际互动交往中常谈及的话题,从全方位地帮助学员拓展英语知识面和沟通能力。,使用教材,新概念英语第二册:全书共有96课,每篇课文以150个单词左右的小故事组成。课文故事性强,易于学习。每篇课文重点、语法知识点各异,但全册课文前后连贯,语法知识全面,形成了新概念特有的英语语法体系。剑桥国际第一级(可选):共16个口语单元,作为课后拓展。新编英语听力第一册(可选):大学英语专业听力教材。内容使用,适合听说能力的提高。鼓励大家组成学习小组,完成情境表演等学习项目。,课堂活动,1. 口语练习之情景表演。2.新概念课文看图说话。2. 听力练习。听文章,回答一个或两个问题。3. 听课文。(关书)快问快答。4. 精读。听第三遍。看书模仿。5. 关书再听。6. 朗读,并回答问题。7. 提问。8.句型操练。9.根据关键词,复述课文。10.话题讨论11.摘要写作(课下),课下活动,1课前预习要求能够背诵下一课的生词;结合上课语法要求、关键词组,能复述文章大意;2根据录音朗读课文,每天至少坚持半个小时以上;3完成教材要求的课后练习,不懂部分及时向老师反映解决;4完成老师要求的背诵内容,并根据磁带听写课文内容;5掌握老师教授的基本语法以及词汇、短语的用法;,学习建议,1认真作好课堂笔记,课堂笔记是系统复习的重要资料;2每篇课文的课后练习需要严格按照要求完成,以保证效果;3尽可能抽时间做配套的练习册,巩固所学知识。,1第25、55课时的学习完成后,建议安排阶段复习;2全部课时结束之后,安排时间进行总复习,根据课堂笔记,复习重点内容;3.第二册学员应在40课以后听懂纯英文授课,能进行简单的书信写作,在听、说、读、写方面水平显著提高。,新概念英语2背诵500遍后的感受.txt,据专家说当背诵的熟练程度达到不经思索脱口而出时就产生了所谓的舌尖效应。背诵一篇新概念2的文章大概需要1520遍左右(本人需要20遍)新3的文章 长度和难度都有所增加,可能需要重复更多的次数。当你能背下来一篇文章时,你会觉得虽然不用看书,能背下来但并不是很熟练,背一句脑子总在想着下一句是什么。这样的背诵不能起到学好英语的目的。有些人能背下新2新3但总觉得收效甚微,就是因为他没达到脱口而出的地步。有些人反对用背诵法来学英语因为这没有 什么效果。其实背诵法有没有效果,要看你是否达到了脱口而出的境地。这时产生了舌尖效应,汉语思维将不在阻碍英语语感和英语思维。你会有一种豁然贯通的感 觉。,为了证实舌尖效应本人亲自做了试验。首先用网上流传的循环背诵大表制定了背诵新概念2的计划。然后把音频文件拷入到mp3播放器中反复听,反复模仿跟 读,每篇文章都要模仿的惟妙惟肖,然后背诵。当背完整本新概念2时,我又在此基础上将每篇文章背诵了将近500遍左右。终于能在78分钟之内背完所有文 章。每一篇文章都达到了脱口而出的地步。终于产生了舌尖效应,96篇文章背下来并没经过大脑思考,完全是嘴巴和舌头在起作用,你会有一种和英语融为一体的 感觉。连读,吞音,爆破,语调,节奏等这些所谓的发音难点都自然而然的被攻破了。随便拿一篇英文来读,你会有一种洋腔洋调读英文的感觉。听写VOA慢速英 语时感到前所未有的轻松,只需听一两遍就能听懂,生词几乎影响不了我对新闻的理解。此时听写VOA不再是以听懂新闻为目的了,而是以积累词汇为目的了。因 为你听写过的生词,查过字典印象非常深刻。我试听了VOA标准英语和CNN,语速都能接受,并不觉得快,并且能听懂一小部分。虽然只有一小部分但我却有成 功的喜悦。我尝到了背诵法的成功。我总共用了112天。达到了舌尖效应,听力,口语有了大幅度上升。而在此之前,我根本听不懂VOA,口语也只会说几句日 常用语。112天让我有一种脱胎换骨的感觉。,我终于明白了为何许多英语专家和大师们都推崇背诵法学英语,这确实是比较快的方法。传统的学习法:单词语法 阅读做题对考试有些用处,但我用此法学了近10年英语却一无所成。要提高英语水平首先要打通两关:耳朵和嘴巴。最好的方法就是听说结合。不要忘了 “听”这个字左边是一个“口”。听和说是不分家的。要提高听力必然要说,要随心所欲说也必须要不断听。要记住听的时候要一句一句模仿,播音员怎么说你怎么说,要练的尽可能和播音员相近。不要理会所说的句子是什么含义,更不要去翻译。你所做的就是鹦鹉学舌。要以句子为单位,不要以段落为单位。当听力水平提高了才可一段落为单位模仿,复述。你觉得老外语速快是因为你的嘴巴不能以这样快的速度来说,能看懂得文章却听不懂,是因为你不能像老外那样正确的读这篇文章。你读的文章和老外对比会发现,你读的不对,没有掌握发音技巧,尤其是连读,爆破音,省音,节奏等。如果你读的和老外一样正确,你可能不可能听不懂呢?,记住:你能正确说出来的,让老外读给你听,你也能听懂。你能以多快速度来说英语,你的耳朵就能接受多快的语速。听力还有一个难点就是你对常用单词和短语的反应速度。用我说的方法边听,边模仿再背诵就可以突破这个难点。我只所以能听懂VOA慢速英语,是因为500遍的模仿背诵,使我对新2的掌握程度达到了 “化”的地步。新2中的都是常用的单词,短语和句型。而VOA慢速英语常用词汇,短语和句型,大多数都包含在新2中了,因此听懂就容易了。原先做 listen to this的题觉得挺难,现在觉得并不难了。我心目中最好的英语教材有:新概念,listen to this ,Oral WorkShop,走遍美国。我要用我的方法循序渐进将他们都学透,我有信心我能成为英语的主人,而不是英语的奴隶。最后介绍两种方法,来克服厌学,浮躁 的心态。有不少人不能坚持到底学英语最后只能放弃,主要是心态浮躁,急于求成。学习效果不明显。要克服也不难。我是这样做的:我在网上下载了一些有关成功 人士学习英语的励志文章。他们的故事令我感动。每当我学累了,坚持不下去了,我就会读一读这些文章。读完之后,敬佩之感油然而生,一股巨大的动力激励我继 续学下去。,还有一种方法就是互相激励。找一些志同道合的朋友一起学,学不下去时互相鼓励。也可在网上找一些爱好英语的朋友,大家互相鼓励,互相帮助学好英 语。自我激励也是一种方法,但效果不如上述两种方法。112天的坚持就是用了上边的方法。最后祝愿大家人人都能成为英语的主人。,Lesson 1 A Private Conversation,私人谈话,Lead-in,What do you think is happening in the picture?,A man turned round and looked at the man and the woman angrily.,Listen to the tape,Why did the writer complain(抱怨) to the people behind him?,Because they were talking loudly,Where did the writer go last week?He went to the theatre.Did he have a good seat?Yes, he hadWhy didnt he enjoy the play?Because he could not hear the actors. A young man and young woman behind him were talking loudly. What did the young man say to the writer? He said its none of your business. Its a private conversation.,Listen and read the text to find out the answers to the following questions,Listen again and repeat,Language points,rivate adj. 私人的 private letter/house ;private school:私立学校 private life 私生活 private space 私人空间,ublic 公共的,公开的 public place 公共场所 pubic letter 公开信,注:private的名词:privacy n. 隐私 eg. Its my privacy. 这是我的隐私。,2. conversation n. 谈话 subject of conversation 话题,have /hold a conversation with sb.Eg: I had a short conversation with the teacher last night. have a conversation about sth.They had a conversation about family and friends,我们还学过哪些有关说话的词呢?,dialogue 比较正式,还可以指国家间的对话 talk 无拘无束或非正式的谈话 conversation 非正式的谈话 chat 就是闲聊,无关紧要的事 gossip 闲言碎语,3.Last week I went to the theatre., go to the cinama / show go to the bank / post office,theatre n. 剧院,cinema,movie,go to +place:去做什么,take a seattake your seat,Is this seat taken?,Sit downSit on the chair,4. I had a very good seat seat :座位 作为名词的固定用法 have a seat 这里seat指place,而不是chair,5. I did not enjoy it.,the play, I did not enjoy the meal / book/ the music.I enjoy going out on weekendsShe enjoys taking her dog and wandering around in the park. enjoy sth/ doing sth,6. They were talking loudly. loudly adv. 大声地 副词变为形容词:loud 大声的,7. I got very angry angry adj. 生气的 angry, annoyed, mad anglily adv. 生气地angry形容词变副词:y变i加,The food is getting cold.It might rain and then your hair would get wet. get +adj (变得),8. I look at the young man and the young woman angrily., Did you see Sam yesterday? She is watching TV.,attention n. 注意pay attention to sb./sth. 注意人/某事 pay no attention pay little attention pay close attention pay more attention,不注意有点注意密切注意更多注意,9. They did not pay any attention (to me)., Please pay attention to that picture on the wall.,10. In the end, I could not bear it. bear v. 容忍 eg. I cant bear it. 我受不了了。 stand=put up with=bear 都可以表示容忍 bear n. 熊 a big black bear 一头大黑熊 in the end:最后,终于 finally; at last,11. I turned round again. turn round : 转过身 turn around 12. Its none of your business. none of your business 不关你的事 business 事情; do business 做生意 13. the young man said rudely. rudely: 粗鲁的;无礼的 impolite,Key structures and usage,一般过去时:表示过去发生的事情或动作,I had a very good seat.The play was very interesting.They did not pay any attention.I could not hear the actors.,Key structures and usage,过去进行时:过去某个时间正在进行或发生的动作,A young and a young woman were sitting behind me.They were talking loudly.,过去进行时的表达形式:was/were doing,Key structures and usage,简单陈述句:了解其功能;理解其语序及组成部分。,The policeman arrested the thief .主语 谓语 宾语The thief arrested the policeman. 主语 谓语 宾语,主语;谓语;宾语;方式状语;地点状语;时间状语,New words & Expressions,private angryconversation angrilytheatre attention seat bearplay business loudlyrudely,rivate adj. 私人的 angry adj. 生气的conversation n. 谈话 angrily adv. 生气地theatre n. 剧场,戏院 attention n. 注意seat n. 坐位 bear v. 容忍play n. 戏 business n. 事loudly adv. 大声地 rudely adv. 无理地,粗鲁地,retelling,早餐还是午餐?,Lesson2 Breakfast or lunch?,a story about a man who doesnt like getting up early on Sundays.,Listen to the tape,Why was the writers aunt surprised?,Why was the writers aunt surprised?,It was Sunday. I never get up early on Sundays. I sometimes stay in bed until lunchtime. Last Sunday I got up very late. I looked out of the window. It was dark outside. What a day! I thought. Its raining again. Just then, the telephone rang. It was my aunt Lucy. Ive just arrived by train, she said. Im coming to see you. But Im still having breakfast, I said. What are you doing? she asked. Im having breakfast, I repeated. Dear me, she said. Do you always get up so late? Its one oclock!,1 What day was it? 2. When did you get up last Sunday? 3. What was it like outside? 4. Did you think it was a nice day? 5. What happened just then?6. Who was on the phone?,Listen and read the text to find out the answers to the following questions,1. What day was it? It was Sunday.2. When did you get up last Sunday? I got up very late. 3. What was it like outside? It was dark outside.4. Did you think it was a nice day? No, I didnt . 5. What happened just then? The telephone rang.6. Who was on the phone? It was my aunt Lucy.,Language points,1. I never get up early on Sundays. On Sundays :指每个星期。 They will be here on Tuesday. I was born on July 1st. Well see you on Christmas Eve. 星期几、具体的某一天都用on,until 用于表示动作,状态等的持续,后面加(时间状语)从句 一直到. .为止 , 在. .以前,在肯定句中: 表示持续性状态的动词连用,表示持续到某一时刻,eg. Ill wait here until 5.,在否定句中(not until): 通常与描述短暂动作的动词词组连用 直到. . 才,eg. She cannot arrive until 6. I didnt go to sleep until 11o clock last night.,2. I sometimes stay in bed until lunchtime. stay in bed: 待在床上,last Sunday : 上周末 last night: 昨晚 last week:上周 last month: 上个月 last+时间:上个,4. I looked out of the window. look out of :往外看,3. Last Sunday I got up very late.,5. It was dark outsideoutside : adv. 外面作状语He is waiting for me outside.It is warm outside.,6. What a day!(it is)省略感叹句 (以what引导感叹句表示愤怒,喜悦,惊奇,赞赏等感情) What + (a / an) + 形容词 + 名词 + (主语 + 谓语)eg. What a great pity you missed the lecture again! What + 形容词 + 可数名词复数 + 其他eg. What interesting books you have . What + 形容词 + 不可数名词 + 其他eg. What great fun surfing on the Internet.,7. Just then, the telephone rang. ring(rang.rung) v.(铃、电话等)响 (刺耳的)注这种响是刺耳的, 往往是提醒人做某事The telephone(door bell) is ringing.给某人打电话 : ring sb.Tomorrow Ill ring you.打电话(名) : give sb. a ringRemember to ring me/remember to give me a ring,8. It was my aunt Lucy,aunt n.姑,姨,婶,舅妈(所有长一辈的女性都用这个称呼) 与此相同, 男性则是uncle: 叔叔 他们的孩子 : cousin : 堂兄妹(不分男女)cousin的孩子 : nephew : 外甥, niece : 外甥女,9. Ive just arrived by train. arrive vi. 到达,抵达,arrive at 到达(较小的地方)eg. He arrived at the station at six this morning.(经过努力)达成,做出eg. After many hours talk, the committee arrived at a decision.,arrive in 到达(较大的地方)eg. She arrived in Paris on Friday.10. But Im still having breakfast, I said. have breakfast/lunch/supper have a great breakfast,Key structures,本课的重点句型是现在进行时和一般现在时. Now现在进行时(说话的当时正在发生, 现阶段正在发生的动作)I am working as a teacher now. The kettle is boiling. Shall I make tea? Dont you think you eat too much? Youre putting on weight.The workers are building a new bridge across the river. We are preparing for our final examination this week现在进行时的基本形式:is / am / are + 现在分词,Key structures,Often , Always一般现在时.表述频度的副词never、sometimes、often、always、still、seldomIm never late for appointments.Sometimes he tells us jokes.We often meet at the coffee shop.She is always nice and friendly to people.Are you still working?I seldom watch TV.频率副词往往放在句子中间, 实义动词前, 非实义动词后如果既有实义动词又有非实义动词, 要放在两个之间. 疑问句中副词往往放在主语后面. 非实义动词 : 1.系动词(be)2.助动词帮助动词构成时态的(do, does, will, shall, have, had, has)3.情态动词 : (must, can, may) 除此之外都是实义动词.,一般现在时的适用范围 (1)表现在的事实、状态或动作 eg. Birds fly. She loves music. Marys parents get up very early. (2)表习惯性动作或职业,常与时间副词连用 eg. I always take a walk after supper. She writes to me very often. (3)表客观真理,格言警句或事实 eg. The earth moves round the sun. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.,Exercises,1. I am looking out of my window. I can see some children in the street. The children _ (play) football. They always _ (play) football in the street. Now a little boy _ (kick) the ball. Another boy _ (run) after him but he cannot catch him.2 . I carried my bags into the hall. What_ you _ (do)? my landlady asked. I _ (leave), Mrs. Lynch, I answered. Why _you _ (leave)? she asked. You have been here only a week. A week too long, Mrs. Lynch, I said. There are too many rules in this house. My friends never _ (come) to visit me. Dinner is always at seven oclock, so I frequently _ (go) to bed hungry. You dont like noise, so I rarely _ (listen) to the radio. The heating doesnt work, so I always _ (feel) cold. This is a terrible place for a man like me. Goodbye, Mrs. Lynch. ,are playing,play,is kicking,is running,doing,are,am leaving,are,leaving,come,go,listen,feel,What a wonderful garden (this is)! What a surprise (this is)! What a lot of trouble he is causing! What wonderful actors (they are)! What a hard-working woman (she is)! What a tall building (it is)! What a terrible film (it is)! What a clever boy you are! What a pretty girl (she is)! What a strange guy (he is)!,Page 18,