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    Lesson 9,How are you today?,Words,hello hihowtodaywellfinethanksgoodbyesee,how 怎么样 (特殊疑问词)how many 多少 + 可数名词复数形式How many students?How many girls?How many coats?,how much 多少 + 不可数名词,价格How much tea?How much water?How much is the handbag?Make a discount.Can you make a discount?20% off percent,how long 多长时间How long have you been in China?how often 多经常(频率)How often do you watch TV?How often do you take a bath? BatheHong Kong次数+时间 once/two times/three times/ a month/ a week / a year half 半 two times half a year,how far 多远(距离)How far is it from here?Meter kilometer (km) 10 minutes by car/foot/bushow soon 多久Im leaving for Shanghai for business.How soon will you come back?,How is it going? 近来怎么样?How are you?- How are you doing? - Im doing good / fine, thanks. Hows life? 生活如何? How are things? 情况怎样? Hows work? 工作怎么样?,today 今天yesterday 昨天tomorrow 明天the day after tomorrow 后天The day before yesterday 前天,Next lastLast week 上周Next week 下周Last monthNext monthLast yearNext year,Well will1) adv. 好(修饰动词) He cooks well he will cook. He does well in English.Well-done.2)adj. 身体好 How are you today? Im well. Thank you, and you?,fineHow are you?Im fine.adj. 健康的;舒适的 极好的,优秀的a fine view 美好的景色 优雅的,雅致的He is a man with fine manners. 他是一个举止优雅的男人。thanks = thank you,see/look/watch,see 表示结果I see a bee.I see a pen on the desk.I see a lot of money in her handbag. purse,look 强调动作过程Look at the blackboard.Look at that fat man.,watch n.手表 v.看,注视(所看画面是移动的)watch TV moviewatch a football game,STEVEN: Hello, Helen.HELEN: Hi, Steven.STEVEN: How are you today?HELEN: Im very well, thank you. And you?STEVEN: Im fine, thanks. How is Tony?HELEN: Hes fine, thanks. Hows Emma?STEVEN: Shes very well, too, Helen. Goodbye, Helen. Nice to see you.HELEN: Nice to see you, too, Steven. Goodbye.,形容词的意义与作用,形容词修饰名词所指的人、物等。我们用形容词说明人、物等是什么样或看上去是什么样的。例如,形容词可以表示质量、大小、新旧、温度、形状、颜色、产地。许多形容词可用以回答 What . like? 这样的问题,并可根据上下文给出笼统的或确切的信息。,Whats Tom like? 汤姆看上去是怎样的? Hes very fat. 他看上去很胖。英语中形容词作定语时一般置于名词之前,如: a young nurse 一位年轻的护士 an old mechanic 一位老机械师 a lazy housewife 一个懒惰的家庭主妇 a thin woman 一个瘦瘦的女人,Step 1 阅读短文There is a city where people do not drive cars. It is a city called Venice. Venice is in Italy. Instead of(替代)big streets, there are canals(运河)in Venice. Canals look like streets. But canals are filled with water. In Venice, people ride about the city in boats. Your father may ride a bus to work. In Venice, fathers ride in boats. 1. instead of 代替 2. look like 看来像 3. fill with = full of 充满 4. people ride about the city in boats 人民在城市中穿行靠船 5. ride in boats 开船,Step 2 阅读上面的短文,从每题所给的几个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。 1. People do not drive cars .A. in townsB. in VeniceC. in ItalyD. at work 2. Venice is .A. a city in ItalyB. a boatC. a streetD. the name of a country 3. In Venice, there are .A. big streetsB. canals instead of streetsC. rivers in stead of streetsD. bikes instead of cars,4. A canal is filled with .A. stonesB. busesC. waterD. boats 5. In Venice, people ride .A. in boatsB. in busesC. in carsD. on bikes,fatadj. 胖的 n. 脂肪, 肥肉 nonfat; fat-free Low-fat thin slim That woman is slim.,tall adj. 高的 His high is average vrid. 中等身材, 不高不矮short adj. 矮的 You are a short man. 你还是个小人呢。,dirty adj. 脏的 dirt n. 污垢, 泥土, 灰尘clean adj. 干净的 my room is clean.v. 打扫 clean my roomclean & clear 可伶可俐,hot adj. 热的,辣的,性感的 hot fish 水煮鱼 hot pot 火锅 That girl is hot.cold adj. 冷的,寒冷 (这种冷让人有些难受)It is really cold outside.,warm 温暖的,暖和的 He is so warm.让人感到温暖,舒服的人 cool 凉爽的,真棒啊,太酷了。 相当于 good, nice, I love it. I feel cool in autumn.chilly 寒冷的 比cool稍微难受一点,刚刚入冬时,风吹在身上飕飕有些冷的那种感觉。freezing 冰冻的, 严寒的,old adj. 老的,旧的 an old friend 旧相识 elder 年长者, 老人, 父辈 He is my elder by two years. 他比我大两岁。My elder daughter is abroad. 我的大女儿出国了。young younger elder brotheradj. 年轻的 小东西 young tree 小树,busy adj. 忙的 business 生意,正事 businessman 生意人business is business. 公事公办。 E-business 电子商务 Good biz 干得好! lazy adj. 懒的 lazybones 懒骨头lazy Susan (餐桌上的)转盘,look 看,瞧,观,望Look carefully before you cross the street. 过马路前要仔细看清来往车辆。 面向,朝向The room looks on the sea. 房间面向大海。Two windows look to the south. 两扇窗子朝南。,How . ? 的一些社交上的用法 how 是一个表示“如何”的疑问词,可以用来引导一些用于社交场合的套话: 用于询问健康状况或一般生活情况: How are you? 你好吗? How is Helen today? 海伦今天好吗? How have you been? 你一向可好? How do you do?(你好吗?)是正式介绍中的一句套话,从不用来询问健康: How do you do? 你好! how 经常用在询问目前状况的疑问句时,如: Hows life? 生活如何? How are things? 情况怎样? Hows work? 工作怎么样?,一、情景对话 How do you greet a friend? How do you ask about a persons health? What do you say when you leave someone?Bye see u. I will miss you. How do you say it was good to see someone?,二、Write sentences using He or She. 模仿例句写出相应的句子。Example: Helen/well Look at Helen. Shes very well. 1. man/fat 2. woman/thin 3. policeman/tall 4. policewoman/short 5. mechanic/dirty 6. nurse/clean 7. Steven/hot 8. Emma/cold 9. milkman/old 10. air hostess/young 11. hairdresser/busy 12. housewife/lazy,三、Complete these sentences using Hes, Shes or Its. 完成以下句子,用Hes, Shes 或 Its 填空Example: Robert isnt a teacher. Hes an engineer. Mr. Blake isnt a student. _a teacher. This isnt my umbrella. _your umbrella. Sophie isnt a teacher. _a keyboard operator. Steven isnt cold. _hot. Naoko isnt Chinese. _Japanese. This isnt a German car. _a Swedish car.,Step 1 请阅读表格内容 1. be born 出生于 2. inventions 发明 3. diedeaddied 死(不及物动词),Step 2 根据表格内容,从每题所给的几个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。 1._ is from Canada.A. Bill GatesB. Mark TwainC. Thomas EdisonD. Celine Dion 2. The_was born in 1835.A. inventorB. singerC. doctorD. writer 3. My Heart Will Go on is the name of a _.A. boatB. songC. storyD. film,4. Dr. Bethune worked in China for about _years.A. 2B. 4C. 6D. 8 5. Which of the following is TRUE?A. Mark Twain wrote Business at the Speed of Thought.B. Bill Gates started working for Microsoft Company in 1955.C. Thomas Edison made over 1,000 inventions.D. Celine Dion stopped singing in 1997.,Step 1 阅读短文A few days before Mothers Day, the teacher wanted to know how his students were going to express(表达) their love to their mothers. Some of the students came far away to study here. Are you going home to see your mother on the coming holiday? the teacher asked one of them. The student answered. Im afraid Ill have no time to go home because Im going to prepare for the test. Then, which do you think is more important, your mother or the test? Of course the test is more important. Answered the student at once. My mother is always saying so.,1. a few days, a few 表几个。修饰可数名词的复数形式,但few则表示否定“几乎没有一个”。 2. Mothers Day 母亲节,其中的“s”为名词所有格,译为“的”。 3. from far away to study here 从很远的地方来到这学习 4. Im afraid I have no time. 恐怕我没时间。 5. prepare for 为做准备。类似还有:be ready for; get ready for 6. My mother is always saying so. 我妈妈总是这么说。,Step 2 根据短文内容,判断下列句子正(T)误(F)。 1. On Mothers Day one should express his love to his mother. 2. The student would have a holiday on Mothers Day. 3. The student told his teacher that he would not go home to see his mother on Mothers Day because his home was far away from the school. 4. The student would have many lessons on Mothers day. 5. The mother said that the test was very important for the student.,


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