Put the sugar in the bowl,dish,bring,cream,water,turn off,let,fry,help,speak,rest,captain,cucumber,manner,chopstick,boil,gymnastic,strawberry,message,wash,park,rollerblade,salmon,lettuce,dessert,try,break,wait,forget,push,turn down,climb,worry,turn on,smoke,taste,ride,sing,Read all the nouns and adjectives.,形容词 adj.,an easy maze,动词,Read the key words on P26Quiz 1&2,What do these signs mean?,Turn left !,Turn right !,Walk on the zebra crossing !,Give some sentences like Turn left!,Stand up !,Sit down !,Come in !,Go out !,Try this !,Speak loudly !,动词原形开头,What do these signs mean?,Be careful !,Be quiet !,Give some sentences like Be careful,Be quick!,Be sure !,Be动词开头,What do these signs mean?,Dont play football !,Dont eat !,Give some sentences like Dont eat,Dont pick!,Dont move !,Dont开头,What do these signs mean?,No smoking !,No photo!,Give some sentences like No smoking,No parking!,No littering !,No开头,No spitting!,Let.,Let me help you do the housework!,Let us water the tree now!,Let开头,Let sing the song together!,祈使句,劝告,建议,请求,禁止,Game Time,祈使句,祈使句,无主语,只用动词就可以.表示请求或命令,加上please表客气。如果变成否定句, Dont开头是规律。No talking!是警示,祈使句用法要牢记。,Quiz on P30,Class Two,Listening,Listen and do 1 on P 27.,Vikki,Flora,Reading A,Read and do excercise1 on P28Read again and do excercise2,Reading B,You are invited!,Reading B,Read and find out What you cant doRead again and do excercise,背诵词库的单词,下次听写25个。背诵阅读篇章完成本单元没做完的练习题以及 homework部分。以上作业家长签字。,