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    绿色圃中小学教育网http:/www.L,Unit 6 Work quietly,A Lets learn,绿色圃中小学教育网http:/www.L,Walk,Walking Walking Walking,Jump,Jump Jump Jump Jump Jump,Run,Running Running Running Running Running,Now lets stop Now lets stop,ing,ing,Jumping Jumping Jumping,ning,Lets see,Lets sing,绿色圃中小学教育网http:/www.L,The bear is walking.,The panda is running.,The frog is jumping.,Lets say,The bears are walking.,The frogs are jumping.,The pandas are running.,绿色圃中小学教育网http:/www.L,6:30 a.m.,Do you know what time is it now?,What are the children doing ?,Hi ,Im Mr. Clock.,6:30 a.m.,9:00 a.m.,12:00 noon,4:00 p.m.,7:30 p.m.,Mr. Clock,绿色圃中小学教育网http:/www.L,doing morning exercises,I am,He/She is,We are,They are,(do),6:30 a.m.,绿色圃中小学教育网http:/www.L,9:00 a.m.,Very good!What time is it now?,What are the students doing ?,Mr. Clock,绿色圃中小学教育网http:/www.L,having class,English,Chinese ,I am,He/She is,They are,We are,(have),9:00 a.m.,绿色圃中小学教育网http:/www.L,12:00 noon,Oh, Im hungry.What time is it now?,What are the little boys doing ?,Mr. Clock,绿色圃中小学教育网http:/www.L,eating,breakfast,lunch,dinner,I am,He/She is,We are,They are,(eat),12:00 noon,绿色圃中小学教育网http:/www.L,4:00 p.m.,1,2,3,4What time is it now?,What is the girl doing ?,Mr. Clock,绿色圃中小学教育网http:/www.L,I am,He/She is,We are,They are,reading a book,(read),4:00 p.m.,绿色圃中小学教育网http:/www.L,7:30 p.m.,Good! Lets see. What time is it now?,What is the little girl doing ?,Mr. Clock,绿色圃中小学教育网http:/www.L,I am,He/She is,We are,They are,listening to music,(listen),7:30 p.m.,绿色圃中小学教育网http:/www.L,Thank you! Goodbye class.,OK!Thats all for you.,Mr. Clock,绿色圃中小学教育网http:/www.L,绿色圃中小学教育网http:/www.L,Look and say,绿色圃中小学教育网http:/www.L,Exercises:cook - play - talk - take - write - come - run - swim - sit -,cook,playing,tak,writing,run,swimming,sitting,coming,ing,ing,n,ing,talking,绿色圃中小学教育网http:/www.L,(2)Fill. The boy _ _(draw) a picture now. My mother_ _ (cook) dinner . Look!Acat_ _(run)upthetree. Some girls _ _(sing) in the class. We_ _(read) a book. They_ _ (have) an English class.,is,is,is,are,are,are,drawing,cooking,running,singing,reading,having,绿色圃中小学教育网http:/www.L,Homework,Talk about: What is doing? What are doing? I am He/She is We are They are,绿色圃中小学教育网http:/www.L,Thank you,goodbye!,PEP五年级下册英语 Unit 6 Work quietlyLets try & Lets talk执教人:包晶晶,stand stand standingeat eat eatingdrink drink drinkingplay play playinglisten listen listeningsing sing singingread read readingfly fly flyinganswer answer answeringlaugh laugh laughing,Lets sing a songWhat are you doing? Im watching TV. Im watching TV.What are you doing? Im cooking cooking cooking cooking . What are you doing? Im eating eating. en,Yummy!What are you doing? Im washing my hands. (唱三遍),B: The elepant is drinking water.,A: Whats the elephant doing?,A: What are the pandas doing?,B: They are eating.,A: what are the mokeys doing?B: They are playing.,Practise in pairs,cooking,fishing,smiling,Playing football,(make a dialogue),Chen Jie: Look at the pandas. Mike: What are they doing?Chen Jie: Haha. Theyre eating lunch! Theyre so cute. Mike: Oh,yes! They like bamboo.Chen Jie: Whats the little monkey doing? Mike: Its playing with its mother!Chen Jie: Do you see any elephants? Mike: Yes! Look there! The elepant is drinking water.,Lets talk,Listen to the tape and answer the questions:What are the pandas doing? Whats the little monkey doing? Whats the elephant doing?,They are eating lunch.,Its playing with its mother.,The elephant is drinking water.,包晶晶.mp4,Whatre you doing?/Whats she/he doing?,Group work,Playing basketball,Answering the phone,Cleaning the blackboard,sleeping,studying,eating,walking,running,playing,speaking,listening,Reading a book,Group work,swiming,eating,smiling,standing,jumping,walking,sitting,Group work,放学后你的家人都在做什么呢?写一篇小作文。Whats My Family Doing (要求用现在进行时),亲人们都很忙碌,帮助他们做点事情吧!,Unit 6Work quietly! B Lets learn,绿色圃中小学教育网http:/www.L,一、Warm up,1、Lets chant.do ,do ,doing morning exerciseshave ,have,having classeat ,eat ,eating lunchread ,read ,reading a booklisten,listen ,listening to music,绿色圃中小学教育网http:/www.L,2、Ask and say,绿色圃中小学教育网http:/www.L,Talk quietly!,小声说话,二、Presentation,绿色圃中小学教育网http:/www.L,Talk quietly! 小声说话Work quietly !安静工作,绿色圃中小学教育网http:/www.L,绿色圃中小学教育网http:/www.L,Take turns.,按顺序来,绿色圃中小学教育网http:/www.L,Keep to the right.,靠右,保持某种状态,绿色圃中小学教育网http:/www.L,Keep your desk clean.,保持你的课桌干净,绿色圃中小学教育网http:/www.L,Keep your living room clean.,Keepclean保持干净,绿色圃中小学教育网http:/www.L,祈使句可以用来表示请求、命令或建议等.句型:动词原形其它,Talk quietly!,Keep to the right.,绿色圃中小学教育网http:/www.L,How to say like this?(当你看到下面的场景,你想劝导什么?),Talk quietly!,Keep your desk clean.,Take turns.,Keep to the right.,Keep your desk clean.,Talk quietly!,Keep to the right.,Take turns.,绿色圃中小学教育网http:/www.L,绿色圃中小学教育网http:/www.L,School daysSchool days! School days!We come to work and play.We need to work and talk quietly.And listen every day.We need to keep our desk clean.We need to take turns to talk.Keep to the left,And keep to the right.And you will be a good student at school.,Lets practice!,绿色圃中小学教育网http:/www.L,1.Act it up.小小劝导员:一个学生说一种现象,劝导员给出相应的劝告。,A: Theyre playing ping-pong.B: Take turns.,绿色圃中小学教育网http:/www.L,1.They are talking in the library.,B.Talk quietly.,4.She is writing in class.,E.Work quietly.,3.Shes colouring at her desk.,D.Keep your desk clean.,5.Im walking on the street.,A.Keep to the right.,2.We are playing a game.,C.Take turns.,2.Look,match and say.,绿色圃中小学教育网http:/www.L,我们应该遵守交通规则,做一个文明的人。,We must obey the traffic rules,do a civilized person .,绿色圃中小学教育网http:/www.L,Homework,1、Read and write the new sentences. (读一读,写一写本课的新句子。)2、 Choose one sentence to talk about with your friend.(选一个句子和你的朋友说说。),Thank you!,绿色圃中小学教育网http:/www.L,Unit 6 Work quietly,Part B Lets try & Lets talk,儋州市那大第一小学 代慧慧,绿色圃中小学教育网http:/www.L,绿色圃中小学教育网http:/www.L,My name is Tom.,Im John.,Im new here. 新来的,I can show you my school.,绿色圃中小学教育网http:/www.L,Guess. What are in my school? 猜猜看。我的学校里有些什么?,school,classroom,washroom,teachers office,playground,computer room,library,Anything else?还有吗?,绿色圃中小学教育网http:/www.L,library,Task 1: What happens? Listen and circle.(任务1:发生了什么?听录音,圈出答案),绿色圃中小学教育网http:/www.L,绿色圃中小学教育网http:/www.L,John,1. Can they talk loudly(大声说话) in the library?,Task 2: Watch and answer.(任务2:看视频,回答问题。),绿色圃中小学教育网http:/www.L,绿色圃中小学教育网http:/www.L,John,1. Can they talk loudly(大声说话) in the library?,A. Yes, they can.,B. No, they cant. They should talk quietly.,小声说话,绿色圃中小学教育网http:/www.L,Talk quietly in the .,library,绿色圃中小学教育网http:/www.L,Talk quietly in the .,classroom,computer room,teachers office,Anything else?还有哪些场所也要注意小声说话呢?,绿色圃中小学教育网http:/www.L,Talk quietly in/on the .,bus,cinema,hospital,study,绿色圃中小学教育网http:/www.L,3. What else should Tom pay attention to?(Tom还有注意什么),A. Keep the desk clean.,Task 3: Listen again and answer.(任务3:再次听录音,回答问题。),B. Read the books.,保持桌面整洁。,2. What can Tom do in the library? (Tom在图书馆可以做什么?),A. Eating.,B. Read the books.,绿色圃中小学教育网http:/www.L,Keep the clean .,desk,绿色圃中小学教育网http:/www.L,Keep the desk clean .,保持桌面整洁。,绿色圃中小学教育网http:/www.L,Keep the clean.,blackboard,Anything else?你还能说出其它的吗?,绿色圃中小学教育网http:/www.L,Keep the clean.,teachers desk,wall,floor,window,door,绿色圃中小学教育网http:/www.L,Task 4: Read after the tape and imitate.(任务4:跟读录音,模仿语音语调。),绿色圃中小学教育网http:/www.L,Tip: 读句子时请注意句子的升( )降( )调。,绿色圃中小学教育网http:/www.L,Task 5: Lets act it out.(任务5:让我们来表演对话。),Shh! Talk quietly. Im John. I can show you the English books.,Thanks.,Here you are.,OK. Can I read the books here?,Yes. Of course.,Anything else?,My name is Tom. Whats your name?,Yes. Keep your desk clean.,OK. I will.,二人搭档自由练习对话上台表演对话,注意表情和动作哦,绿色圃中小学教育网http:/www.L,Task 6: Lets say and write.(任务6:让我们一起来说一说、写一写。),在图书馆里需要遵守哪些规则?,library,Talk quietly.,Keep the desk clean.,Keep the books clean.,No smoking. 禁止吸烟,No eating. 禁止吃东西。,The rules of the,图书馆规则,No littering. 不要乱扔垃圾,绿色圃中小学教育网http:/www.L,Task 6: Lets say and write.(任务6:让我们一起来说一说,写一写。),classroom,The rules of the,computer room,The rules of the,study,The rules of the,cinema,The rules of the,每组选择一个场景,小组讨论,写出在该场所要注意的规则。至少写三条。,绿色圃中小学教育网http:/www.L,Useful expressions. 有用的表达,Keep the desk clean.,Keep the chair clean.,Keep the floor clean.,Keep the blackboard clean.,Talk quietly.,Keep the window clean.,绿色圃中小学教育网http:/www.L,Task 7: Make a new dialogue .(任务7:新编一段对话。),如果Tom这位新朋友来到这些场所,你需要提醒他注意些什么规则?你们会说些什么?请各小组根据所选择的场景和所写规则,试着说一段新的对话吧!,绿色圃中小学教育网http:/www.L,Shh! Talk quietlyYes, it is.,Sorry! Can I read books here?,Yes. Of course. But keep the books clean.,OK. Anything else?,Yes. Keep the desk clean. And no lettering.,OK, I will. Thanks.,Hi, Im new here. Is this the library?,绿色圃中小学教育网http:/www.L,Homework,将本课所学的标识制作成标识牌,可以贴在学校的相应位置,要注意美观哦。,Unit6,Work quietly,B Read and write,sushi,寿司是日本传统美食之一,其主要材料是用寿司醋调味过的维持在人体体温的饭块,再加上鱼肉,海鲜,蔬菜或鸡蛋等作配料,其味道鲜美,很受民众的喜爱。,Task1: Write the present tense.,1 say 2 speak3 do 4 draw5 cook 6 make7 eat 8 read9 listen 10 play,saying,speaking,doing,cooking,eating,listening,drawing,reading,playing,making,What are the robots doing?,_ a picture_ sushi_ kung fu,drawing,making,doing,Task2: True or false,1 Robin is speaking English. ( )2 The Canadian robot is dancing. ( )3 Asako is making sushi. ( )4 Robin can play music with the Spanish robot.( )5 Robin can do kung fu . ( ),F,F,T,T,T,Task3: Answer the questions.,1 How many kinds of robots do they see?,They see five kinds of robots.,2 Where are they from? What are they doing?,From,Doing,Canada,Japan,Spain,China,USA,drawing a picture,cooking rice making sushi,playing music,doing kung fu,talking to Robin,Task4: Fill in the blanks.,The Canadian robot is _ a picture.2 Asako is _ sushi.3 The Spanish robot is _ music.4 Robin is _ kung fu.5 Sarah and Robin are _ to the Spanish robot.,drawing,making,playing,doing,talking,Ni hao. Ni zai gan shen me ne?,Sorry. What are you saying?,Im speakking Chinese.,Oh, hello. What are you doing?,Its lovely.,Im drawwing a picture. Have a look.,Are you cooking?,Yes. Im cooking rice. Asako is making sushi.,Can we play music with you?,Sure. Please take turn.,Are you from china?,Yes, I am.,Youre so cool! Can you teach me?,Sure.,Are you dooing kung fu?,Yes, I am. Ill show you.,speaking,drawing,making,turns,China,doing,Do you like robots?,He is playing football.,What is he doing?,He is washing the clothes.,What is he doing?,They are playing music.,What are they doing?,He is cooking.,What is he doing?,He is swimming.,What is he doing?,Hello, everyone! Today we are at the world robot exhibition. Lets go and have a look. He is from _. He is _. He is from _. He is _.,France法国 Italy意大利 Mexico墨西哥 India 印度,I am from _. I am _.,Introduce and do the action.,Introduce the world robot exhibition.,Look! There are many kinds of animals. The pandas are_ the trees. The tigers are _ and the bears are _around. The fish are _ in the lake and the monkeys are _ happily. They _so lovely.,climbing,jumping,walking,swimming,playing,are,Homework,Describe your dream robot.(At least 5 sentences),


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