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    现 在 分 词,The Present Participle,现在分词的形式,现在分词的一般式通常表示其动作与谓语动词的动作同时发生。如: She sat there reading a novel. 她坐在那里看小说。 A little child learning to walk often falls. 学走路的小孩常常跌跤。 现在分词的一般式所表示的动作有时在谓语动词的动作之前发生。如: Going into the room, he shut the door. 走进房间,他就关上了门。,现在分词的完成式表示其动作在谓语动词的动作之前完成。 Having finished her homework, the little girl began to watch TV. 做完作业后,这个小女孩开始看电视。 Having lived in Beijing for many years, Carter knew the city well. 因为在北京住了多年,卡特对这个城市很熟悉。,现在分词的作用,现在分词由动词原形加词尾-ing构成,现在分词具有双重性,一方面有动词的性质,可以有状语和宾语,另一方面又有形容词的性质,可以用作定语。E.g. Going down town I met a friend. Do you know that man carrying a large umbrella? It is an interesting book.,现在分词going有状语down town,现在分词carrying有宾语a large umbrella,现在分词interesting用做定语,相当于形容词,修饰book,现在分词做表语,可有比较形式,也可以被very等副词修饰。例:This story is very interesting.Traveling is interesting but tiring.,这里的traveling是动名词,具有名词的性质,做主语。构成句子的主-系-表结构。,练习,Teaching students of threshold level is hard work but the effort is very . A. precious B. rewarding C. worth D. challenging,B,教入门水平的学生是艰辛的工作,但是这种努力是非常有意义的。,现在分词(短语)做定语,I am reading an interesting novel. 我正在看一本有趣的小说。She is a charming child. 她是一个招人喜爱的小孩。One of the delegates asked an embarrassing question. 其中一位代表提出了一个令人难堪的问题。,单个的现在分词做定语时通常前置,Most of the young teachers working in this university are Ph.D. 在这所大学工作的大多数 年轻教师都是博士。The man speaking to us the other day has gone to Japan.,现在分词短语做定语时通常后置,相当于一个定语从句,相当于定语从句:who work in this university,那天同我们讲话的那个人到日本去了。,相当于定语从句:who spoke,As early as 1647 Ohio made a decision that free, tax-supported schools must be established in every town 50 households or more.A. having B. to have C. to have had D. having had,A,早在1674年,俄亥俄州就做出了一个决定,要求在每一个有50户或50户以上的住户的城镇设立由税收支持的免费学校。,There was a very interesting remark in a book by an Englishman that I read recently what he thought was a reason for this American characteristic.A. giving B. gave C. to give D. given,A,我最近读了一本由一个英国人写的书,里面有一句很有趣的话,它表达了作者对这种美国特征的一个根源的理解。,现在分词短语做后置定语,练 习,现在分词短语作状语,现在分词用作状语可表示时间、原因、结果、条件、让步、方式、或伴随情况。,现在分词(短语)作时间状语,Walking along the street one day, she saw a little girl running up to her.When visiting a strange city, I like to have a guide-book with me. 游览陌生城市时,我喜欢随身带着导游手册。,相当于时间状语从句:When she was walking along the street one day,有一天她正沿着大街向前走时,她看见一个小女孩朝她跑了过来。,现在分词短语强调与谓语动词的动作发生的顺序时,前面可带有when,while,after,before,since等从属连词。,现在分词(短语)作原因状语,Having no place to go, the man wandered about in the street.Living in the country, we have few social engagements.,相当于原因状语从句:Because the man has no place to go,相当于原因状语从句:Because we were living in the country,由于没有要去的地方,那个男人只好在街上徘徊。,我们住在乡村,交际的机会很少。,现在分词(短语)作结果状语,Jeff fell off the bike, cutting his leg. Jeff从自行车上摔下来,划破了腿。It rained heavily, causing severe flooding in that country. 大雨滂沱,造成了那个国家洪水泛滥。,现在分词(短语)作条件状语,Working hard, you will succeed. 努力工作,你就会成功。Standing on the building, you can see the whole city. 站在那座楼上,你会看到整个城市。,现在分词(短语)作让步状语,Such committees, being very balanced, almost never succeed in making unequivocal judgments. 这种委员会虽然代表性很均衡,但几乎从未做出过十分明确的决定。Although living miles away, you went to visit him. 尽管住在几英里之外,你还是去看他了。,现在分词(短语)作方式状语,He came running back to tell us the news. 他跑着回来告诉我们这个消息。He looked out of the window, as though thinking. 他向窗外望去,似乎在思考。,现在分词(短语)作伴随状语,His wife came into the house carrying a bundle of clothes. 他妻子拿着一包衣服走进屋内。Tom entered college at the age of 18, graduating four years later at the head of his class. Tom18岁上大学,4年之后毕业时名列前茅。,现在分词(短语)用作宾语补语,用作宾语补语时,现在分词与其前面的宾语构成复合宾语。具有这种复合宾语的谓语动词多为表示感觉的动词。如: I saw the naughty boy hitting the dog. 我看见那个顽皮的孩子打狗。 I felt the house shaking. 我觉得房子在摇晃。 这样的动词还有: find, hear, smell, observe, watch, notice, look at, listen to等,现在分词(短语)用作宾语补语,有些役使动词后也可以接含有现在分词的复合宾语,这样的动词有: have, get, catch, keep, leave等 E.g. Well soon have you walking about again. 我们将很快的使你能再走动。 Can you get the clock going again? 你能使这钟再走吗?,现在分词(短语)用作宾语补语,作为宾语补语的现在分词有时前面有介词as,前面的动词多为: regard, consider, describe, quote, picture, see, think of等 E.g. We consider this sentence pattern as being useful. 我们认为这种句型是有用的。 They regarded the contract as having been broken. 他们认为合同已被破坏。,现在分词(短语)用作主语补语,用作主语补语,多用于被动语态,与主语构成复合主语。 E.g. He was seen going upstairs. 有人看见他上楼的。 She was heard singing all the time. 人们听到她一直在唱。,现在分词独立结构,现在分词可有其独立的逻辑主语。这种主语常常是名词或代词主语,置于现在分词之前,二者构成一种分词独立结构。现在分词独立结构常用作状语,置于句首或句末,偶尔也置于句中。 现在分词的独立结构可用来表示时间、原因、条件、方式、或伴随状况等。 现在分词独立结构有时可由介词with或without引导。,练 习,Night (fall), we hurried home.,falling,表时间的现在分词短语:夜幕降临时,我们匆忙赶回家去。,The atom (be) very small, we can not see it with the naked eye.,being,表原因:由于原子很小,我们用肉眼看不到它。, a man who express himself effectively is sure to succeed more rapidly than a man whose command of language is poor. A. Other things being equal B. Were other things equal C. To be equal to other things D. Other things to be equal,A,表条件:如果其它情况相同,一个能有效地表达自己意思的人, 肯定要比一个语言运用能力差的人更快的取得成功。,练 习,When the bell sounded, the boys rushed out of the classroom, each (carry) a number of books under his arm.,carrying,表伴随:铃声响过,男孩们冲出教室,每个人的腋下都夹着 几本书。,Iceland lies far north in the Atlantic, with its northernmost tip actually the Arctic Circle. A. touched B. touches C. touching D. being touched,C,with引导的分词独立结构:冰岛位于大西洋北边很远的地方,它的最北端实际上已经到了北极圈。,过 去 分 词,The Past Participle,过去分词的形式,过去分词通常由动词原形加ed 构成,少数不规则动词的过去分词为不规则形式。 过去分词一般只有一种形式,但是有的不规则动词的过去分词有两种形式,如:,born 生borne 负担,shrunk 被收缩shrunken 已收缩的,rotted 被腐烂rotten 腐烂的,sunk 陷下sunken 陷下的,hung 悬挂hanged 绞死,struck 被打击stricken 被打击的,lit 燃着lighted 燃着的,got 得到gotten 得到的,过去分词的功用,过去分词在句中不可用作谓语,它相当于形容词和副词,在句中可用作表语、定语、状语、补语等。,过去分词(短语)作表语,The travelers were completely exhausted. 游客完全筋疲力尽了。The scientists were excited about the result of the experiment. 科学家们对实验结果感到很兴奋。,现在分词和过去分词做表语,一般说来,表心理状态的动词如excite、interest等都是及物动词,汉语意思是“使激动”、“使感兴趣”,因而现在分词的意思应该是“令人激动的”、“令人感兴趣的”,而过去分词则是“感到激动的”、“感到有兴趣的”。 所以,凡是表示“令人”都用-ing形式,而“感到”都用-ed形式。换句话说,若是“某人对感兴趣”,就是“someone is interested in.”,若是“某人或某物本身很有趣”,就是“somebody/something is interesting”,辨 析,这类词常见的有:,过去分词(短语)做定语,单个的过去分词做定语时通常前置,及物动词的过去分词具有被动和完成的意义,如:,过去分词(短语)作定语,不及物动词的过去分词具有主动和完成的意义,如:,过去分词短语做定语时通常后置,相当于一个定语从句,The concert given by the symphony was a great success. 该交响乐团举行的音乐会非常成功。A drop of water seen through microscope is filled with living things. 通过显微镜能看到一滴水里充满了各种生物。,注:过去分词短语和现在分词短语都可以用作后置定语, 而且它们的功能都相当于定语从句,现在分词表示 主动和正在进行,过去分词则表示被动和已完成。,以“名词过去分词”或“副词过去分词”组成复合形容词作前置定语。,过去分词(短语)作定语,过去分词(短语)作状语,过去分词(短语)做时间状语:Seen under a microscope, a fresh snowflake has a delicate six-pointed shape. 在显微镜下观察,刚飘下的雪花呈精巧的六角形。When heated, ice will be changed into water. 当冰受热时,它就会变成水。,过去分词(短语)做状语,过去分词(短语)做原因状语Many of us, so excited, could not go to sleep that night. 我们很多人是那样的激动,那天晚上都没有睡着。Gone from home so long, they joyously embraced their mates of boyhood. 他们久离家乡,高兴的拥抱他们儿时的伙伴。,过去分词(短语)做状语,过去分词(短语)做条件状语Some metropolitan newspapers would make sizable volumes if printed in book form. 如果印成书的形式,有些大城市的报纸的销量会相当可观。Considered from this point, the question is of great importance. 从这一点看,这个问题很重要。,过去分词(短语)做状语,过去分词(短语)做让步状语Mocked at by everybody, he had my sympathy. 人人都嘲笑他,但我却很同情他。Although exhausted by the climb, he continued his journey. 虽然他爬得很累,但他仍然继续前进。,过去分词(短语)做状语,过去分词(短语)做方式状语I finished my job as requested. 我按要求完成了工作。That fellow was walking with a limp as if injured. 那家伙一瘸一拐的走着,似乎受了伤。,过去分词(短语)做状语,过去分词(短语)做伴随状语Found in all parts of the state, pines are the most common trees in Georgia. 松树在佐治亚州最随处可见,是该州最常见的树木。He went to work, burdened with worries. 他心事重重的上班去了。,注:过去分词短语和现在分词短语都可以用作状语,而且它们的功能都相当于状语从句,现在分词表示主动和正在进行,过去分词则表示被动和已完成。,过去分词的独立结构,He rushed into the room, his face covered sweat. 表伴随:他满脸是汗跑进屋来。This done, we went home. 表时间:做完此事,我们就回家了。All the savings gone, the couple started looking for jobs. 表原因:积蓄全部用完了,这对夫妻开始找工作。,过去分词独立结构多用于书面语,作状语表时间、条件、原因、伴随等,过去分词的独立结构,由介词with或without引导,表伴随With everything taken into consideration, we all think this is a very good plan. 每件事都考虑到了,我们都认为这是一项不错的计划。She went angrily away without a word spoken. 她一个字也没说,就生气地走了。,过去分词(短语)作宾语补语,过去分词在感官动词和使役动词等之后作宾语补语,这样的词有:,The work left him exhausted. 这个活使他筋疲力尽。The doorkeeper heard the chain and bolts withdrawn. 看门人听见门上的链和栓被拉开了。It is better to leave something unsaid. 有些事倒是不说的好。I dont want my name linked with him. 我不要把我的名字和他联系在一起。,如:I had my car repaired. 我把我的车修好了。(别人修的)He had his window broken to pieces. 他的窗户给打破了。(别人打破的),过去分词(短语)在使役动词get或have之后作宾语补语,表示的动作往往是由别人完成的。,练 习,One should never lose heart when (confront) with temporary difficulties.,confronted,表时间:当一个人面临暂时困难的时候绝不应该泄气。,Homework on time will lead to better grades. A. done B. be done C. having done D. to have been done,A,过去分词短语作后置定语:准时完成作业就会得到较好的分数。,I must call you attention to the directions. Read them carefully and act as (instruct).,instructed,表方式:我必须让你注意操作指南,仔细阅读然后按要求去做。注:过分短语作方式状语时,前面通常带有as/as if等从属连词, 此时可视为省略的让步状语从句。,Anna was reading a piece of science fiction, completely to the outside world.A. being lost B. having lost C. losing D. lost,D,表伴随:安娜正在读一本科幻小说,对外界的一切浑然不理。,Just as the value of a telephone network increases with each new phone to the system, so does the value of a computer system increase with each program that turns out.A. adding B. to have added C. to added D. added,D,with独立结构:正如同电话网络的价值随着每一部电话进入系统而提高一样,电脑系统的价值也随着每个软件程序的出现而提高。,练 习,


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