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    新编剑桥商务英语(中级),Success with BEC (Vantage),新编剑桥商务英语(中级),剑桥商务英语证书考试BEC,Success with BEC (Vantage),商务英语课程介绍 -子曰:工欲善其事,必先利其器。,ObjectivesTo help students to be familiarized with the business English vocabulary /situations/contexts/skills/formats, /communication strategies in the work placeTo enhance their readiness for the world of work and to help them to take maximum advantage of their higher education to achieve career and personal developmentTo help prepare for the BEC exams,子曰:“工欲善其事,必先利其器.,To offer opportunity to develop students all-round developed capabilities as outlined below:,personal capabilities: be ready to accept responsibility for their own lifelong development and realizable career possess the learning and communication skillsinterpersonal capabilities: share ideas, opinions and experiences with others, work in a team, use oral and written methods to communicate effectively in the work place,To offer opportunity to develop students all-round developed capabilities as outlined below:,vocational capabilities: deal with relationship, handle matters, solve problems, fulfil tasks, respond to challenges, etc.problem solving capabilities: apply their transferable skills to the execution of individual and group projects, demonstrate creativity, flexibility, perception, decisiveness, confidence and an awareness of values,COURSE CONTENTS,12 Modules 1. Business Topic 2. Business Skills 3. Exam Spotlight (Ways of working ; Company benefits ; Starting a business; Advertising ; the workplace; Recruitment ; Sales; Training; Branding ; Management ; Ethical economics; Business law),Starting a business,Basic Requirements,Four As:Attendance Attention Activities Assignments,Evaluation,Attendance (20%)Attention (10%)Activities (10%)Assignments (20%)Test (40%),什么是BEC?,BEC考试是为英语学习者提供的国际商务语言资格证书考试。它注重考查考生在实际工作环境中用英语解决问题的能力。BEC考试适用于不同职业背景的考生,并对考生的学习深造以及求职应聘具有实用价值。,剑桥商务英语证书考试BEC,BEC证书得到全球认可,它也是出国留学和进入外企的“通行证”。BEC初、中、高级可替代雅思(IELTS)Band 3、5、7,是全球160多所大学入学语言能力的证明;国外众多大学认可其高级C以上考试成绩,可免修该校MBA相应课程.,剑桥商务英语证书考试BEC,由于颁证机构的权威性,在英国、英联邦各国及欧洲大多数国家的商业企业部门获得认可,并得到国内数百家外资企业认可,有“外企绿卡”之美誉;此外,取得BEC初级证书可免修高教自考中英合作商务管理金融管理专科段商务英语课程。,BEC、CET、PETS的区别,BEC(英国剑桥商务英语证书考试):目前国际最受推崇的商务英语语言能力考试,考试侧重听说读写四项基本技能,全球认可,中国国家教育部引进并推荐;CET(大学英语四六级考试):主要针对在校生的英语水平测试,分四级和六级,国家教育部高教司大学英语考试指导委员回主办;PETS(全国英语等级考试):主要针对非在校生的英语水平测试,分1-5级,国家教育部主办。,等级划分:,BEC共分三个等级:BEC初级 (BEC Preliminary Level,缩略为BEC Pre.),BEC中级 (BEC Vantage Level,缩略为BEC Van.),BEC高级 (BEC Higher Level,缩略为BEC Hi.)。考生可根据自己的英语水平自由选择相应级别报考。,两个阶段:第一阶段为笔试: 包括阅读、写作和听力,第二阶段为口试,经教育部考试中心与英国剑桥大学考试委员会外语部协商,2011年BEC纸笔考试安排如下:,报名时间、考试时间及费用,报名无开始时间,即任何时间都可以报名。有截止时间:上半年报名截止时间为三月十日;下半年报名截止时间为九月十五日。报名截止时间每年会有几日的变化,以考点公布的为准。每年五月的周六和每年十一月周六,上午笔试,下午口试,口试进度慢的,延至第二日上午。顺序是初级、高级、中级。每次报名收费(含口试费)如下:BEC1约18美元,BEC2约475元人民币(22美元),BEC3约530元人民币(33美元)。,剑桥商务英语(BEC)考试上海市报名地点,1.上海外国语大学英语系电话(021)65311900-2326.上海市大连西路550号3号楼,邮编200083.2.华东师范大学国外考试中心电话(021)62545332,62233151.上海市中山北路3663号文科大楼531室,邮编200062.3.东华大学外语学院电话(021)62373446.上海市延安西路1882号外语楼,邮编200051.4.上海大学外语学院成教部电话(021)64385096.上海市蒲西路150号,邮编200030.,剑桥商务英语(BEC)考试上海市报名地点,5.立信会计高等专科学校培训中心电话(021)64390402.上海市中山西路2230号综合楼,邮编200233.6.上海市振华外经职业技术学校电话(021)68753499,上海市浦东商城路1088号,邮编200120.7.上海海运学院外语系电话(021)58855200-2700,上海市浦东大道1550号,邮编200135.8.上海市对外服务有限公司培训中心电话(021)63844070,上海市金陵西路28号,金陵大厦1906室,邮编200021.9.上海财经大学BEC考点 上海市武东路51号西教学楼506室 021-55660013 200433,BEC-V Writing,WRITING,Part One第一部分是非正式文体写作,要求考生利用给出提示,写一篇简短的公司内部通信,即与公司内部的同事进行与商务有关事宜的沟通,其文体可能是便条、留言、备忘录、电邮、传真等。字数:4050词,MEMO,Definition: a short official not to another person in the same company or organization.MEMO is short for memorandum.BEC中级写作中,MEMO主要针对公司内部交流、告知或提醒公司内部员工有关商务或公司内部活动的事宜,用于联系工作、交流信息,是处理一般公务时常用的一种简便函件。,Email,Definition: a message that is sent from one person to another using the computer systemFormat: To:From:CC: Attached:Subject:,Format of E-mail,The date and time is automatically inserted by your computer so make sure you keep your computers internal clock accurate.Key in the e-mail addresses exactly.Correctly addressed email are delivered within seconds. It can take days to receive an error message letting you know that an incorrectly addressed message did not get delivered.Always write a subject heading.This will give the recipient a good idea of the contents of the message and makes for easier handling.Formality are not necessary in e-mails. Replace formal salutations like Dear David with informal Hello David or even just David. Yours sincerely is not needed in emails, perhaps just Best wishes or All the bestExpress yourself. Emoticons can be used to show mood in your email messages.,:-) happy;-) wink;-( sad:-I indifference:-/ perplexed:-D shock or surprise,Basic Rules of E-mail,Check your syntax. Make an effort to keep sentences short and simple, and check your syntax. The more pride you take in your message composition, the more successful you will be in being understood and achieving the desired results.Keep copies. Just as you would keep copies of letters, it is good practice to take a printout of email messages sent and receiving.Check your message. As soon as you hit the send symbol, your message may be received in seconds. No calling it back for second thoughts. So check it and get it right first time.,PART II 题型介绍,Part Two要求考生写一篇120140词的商务信函、报告或提案题目中有相应的文字对考生提具体要求,并有以图标或表格等形式出现的带“手写笔记”的材料要求考生重组信息,运用自己掌握的词汇和句子结构将其表达出来,写作技巧,如何将信息分类重组,并条理清楚的表达出来就成了考生要解决的主要问题。Observation & OrganizationOutlineWritingReview,ABC Rules,Accurate,Brief,Clear,Check facts carefullyInclude all relevant detailsProofread thoroughly,Keep sentences shortUse simple expressionsUse non-technical language,Use plain, simple languageWrite in an easy, natural styleAvoid formality or familiarity,BEC-V Listening,LISTENING,Time:approx. 40minutes including 10 minutes transfer time.第一项:单词填空第二项:多项匹配第三项:多项选择,BEC-V Reading,Time:1 hour,Module 1 1.1 Business Topic Ways of working,Vocabulary:freelancer freelance worker, or freelance is somebody who is self-employed and is not committed to a particular employer long term,common fields: Cosmetics, fragrances, journalism, book publishing, writing ,editing, event planning, event management, copy editing, proofreading,Computer programming, web design, and graphic design, consulting, tour guiding, translating,Module 1 1.1 Business Topic Ways of working,Job-sharingan employment arrangement where typically two people are retained on a part-time or reduced-time basis to perform a job normally fulfilled by one person working full-time,Advantages free time For employees quality of life disadvantages inherent challenge (for the rest of the companys stakeholders),Module 1 1.1 Business Topic Ways of working,Shift work an employment practice designed to make use of the 24 hours of the clock (three shifts, each of 8 hours )The term shift work includes both long-term night shifts and work schedules in which employees change or rotate shifts,manufacturing industry Service industries a restaurant or convenience store Casino Emergency Military Public utilities Nuclear power Fossil fuel Solar, wind, and hydro power desirable and less desirable qualities,Module 1 1.1 Business Topic Ways of working,Flextime, Fexitime, flexi-timea variable work schedule , in which employees can choose when they work, subject to achieving total daily, weekly or monthly hours in the region of what the employer expects, and subject to the necessary work being done.,For employers, flexitime can aid the recruitment and retention of staff. It can also help provide staff cover outside normal working hours and reduce the need for overtime. Flexitime can also improve the provision of equal opportunities to staff unable to work standard hours.Flexitime can give employees greater freedom to organise their working lives to suit personal needs.,Module 1 1.1 Business Topic Ways of working,Hot desking involves one desk shared between several people who use the desk at different times A primary motivation for hot desking is cost reduction through space savings,Hot desking is regularly used in places where not all the employees are in the office at the same time, or not in the office for very long at all, which means actual personal offices would be often vacant, consuming valuable space and resources.,Oral practice (pair work):,How easy would it be for you to job-share? Would your employer or boss think it was a good idea? From a employees perspective From a employers perspective,Questions on page 7.,How easy would it be for you to job-share? 你会容易接受工作分担制吗? Would your employer or boss think it was a good idea?你的老板或上司回喜欢这个想法吗?(Positive answer),Have more time with children With less work stress Can have more free time Can have someone to share credit and blame Two people doing one job means twice as much experience, skills, brainpower, and energy.,Questions on page 7.,How easy would it be for you to job-share? 你会容易接受工作分担制吗? Would your employer or boss think it was a good idea?你的老板或上司回喜欢这个想法吗?(Negative answer),Difficult to find someone you like Need to coordinate with the other person Tend to work late at night Need careful planning to play to each others different strengths The employers may not get what they expect of the job-sharer in terms of hours, availability and result.,Mini-presentation,Whats important when?Job-sharing Find someone you like. Organize and plan how you share the work ,Finding someone you like is the most important when you start a job-share. As job sharing is a way for two people to both fill one job, finding someone you like is very important for the success of the scheme. You may find one from your current workplace, or you may find one from outside through all kinds of contacts.,Mini-presentation,Whats important when?Job-sharing Find someone you like. Organize and plan how you share the work ,Organizing and planning how you share the work is also important. If its shared responsibility, there is no division of duties but the two people have to split the hours clearly to ensure that the work flows continuously. If its divided responsibility, each partner has to be clear about his own case-load or project to focus on during his working hours.,Mini-presentation,If its unrelated responsibility, the partners have to learn what their separate tasks are in the same department, and each has to do his own share well.Communication is another important factor to consider when you arrange the job-share especially for shared responsibility. Partners have to communicate well so that jobs are done smoothly. Using email, voicemail messages, daily logs and notes are some techniques that help facilitate communication.,Mini-presentation,What is important when?Working from home,Set up an office space in the house plan your working hours and your breaks Not answer the door to neighbors or make social calls Stick to your timetable,Module 11.2 Making contacts,“国际四大会计师事务所”是指:普华永道(PWC)、毕马威(KPMG)、德勤(DTT)和安永(EY) 。普华永道是由原来的普华国际会计公司(Price Waterhouse)和永道国际会计公司(Coopers Lybrand)于1998年7月1日合并而成的。毕马威(KPMG)。德勤(Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu)。安永(Ernest & Young),Developing a conversation (a flowchart diagram),Greet the other person,Introduce yourself,Talk about the event,Describe your job,Talk about where you come from,Find a reason for doing business in the future,Introduce your partner to someone else,Meet another person,Name Cards,Music World Entertainments Special events promoter Orchestras-bands-solo artists,Suits and More ltd Director Formal dress hire Ladies and gentlemen,Chocolate World Assistant Product development Chocolate fountains & chocolate sculptures,Venus Beauty Solons Promotion Manager Hair Stylists-Make up Specialists,BEC-V Speaking,SPEAKING,PART 1: Interview (about 3 minutes) Part 2 : Mini presentations for 2 candidates (about 6 minutes) Part 3: Collaborative task and discussion for 2 candidates (about 5 minutes),PART ONE: INTERVIEW,In the first part of the test, the interlocutor addresses each candidate in turn and asks general questions. Candidates will not be addressed in strict sequence. This part of the test lasts about three minutes and during this time, candidates are being tested on their ability to talk about themselves, to provide personal information on their home, interests and jobs, and to perform functions such as agreeing and disagreeing, and expressing preference.Sequence: 1. Introduction of people concerned2. Marksheets required3. Topics and Questions,PART TWO: MINI-PRESENTATION,The second part of the test is a “mini-presentation”. In this part, the candidates are given a choice of topic and about one minute to prepare a piece of extended speech. After each candidate has spoken, their partner will be invited to ask a question about what has been said.,PART THREE: COLLABORATIVE TASK AND DISCUSSION,The third part of the test is a two-way conversation (three-way in a three candidate format) between candidates. The interlocutor gives candidates a topic to discuss. The candidates are asked to speak together for about three minutes. The interlocutor will support the conversation if appropriate and then ask further questions related to the main theme.Directions:1. 30 seconds task reading and thinking2. 3 minutes discussing3. No writing,Preparation for Part One (Interview),Questions about candidates names and hometownsWhats your name?How to spell your name?How do you spell your family name/surname/last name?Where are you from?Would you say its a good place to live in? (why)Do you like living in ? (why)Where would you rather live, or ? (why)Do you think it would be better to live in or ? (why)Do you come from a large family or a small one?Can you tell me a bit about in your family?,Questions about candidates identity - work or studyDo you work or are you a student?What do you do?What do you study?Whats your major?What do you like most about your job?What do you like most about your studies?,Meeting someone for the first time,Whats your name?Where are you from?What do you do? /Whats your job?Who do you work for? Can you begin by telling us a bit about your company?What does your company do? Where are you based? How many people do you employ? What languages do you speak in the company? What is your largest market? Who are your competitors?,To what extent is it important to train people in interpersonal skills? Why/why not?(Can people be trained to work well with other people?),Answer:,Training people in interpersonal skills is extremely important and should be set as top priority. Most jobs are not performed in isolation and the need to interact is often essential. In fact, most failures in the workplace are not due to lack of technical ability, but rather to shortcomings in interpersonal competence. An individual may be a highly skilled worker. However if he or she cannot work well with other employees, chances for success are slim.,Topic 1: Working with Other People,What kinds of people do you most like working/studying with? Why?What do you think are the advantages of working in a team of colleagues? Why?(Is it a good thing to work or study with other people? Why/why not?)Wh


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