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    Unit3,Word spelling,Unit3Word spelling,Unit3,The perfect copy,An imitation(模仿) or reproduction of an original,Unit3The perfect copyAn imitat,As we all know , animal cloning has been the concern of science community and also the subject of scientific experiments for years.,Dolly and Ian Wilmut,As we all know , animal clonin,unit-3-reading课件(牛津英语模块五),Other uses?,Other uses?,Please go through the Reading strategy and tell me how to read a scientific article.,Please go through the Reading,Reading strategy,2. Scan the body of the article . Circle any words you do not know.,Many difficult or unfamiliar words,1. Begin by reading the first and last paragraph,?,3. Read through the article a few times.,Reading strategy2. Scan the bo,Reading strategy,1. Begin by reading the first and last paragraph,Para 1:Para 6:,An announcement about the first cloned human embryo caused much debate.,Chinese scientists continue to research ways in which cloning can benefit mankind.,Reading strategy1. Begin by re,Reading strategy,2. Scan the body of the article . Circle any words you do not know.,Clone embryo tissue organ Cell mammal genetically stem cell,Reading strategy2. Scan the bo,Anti-cloning.,Fast reading:Does the article give an anti-or pro-cloning point of view, or both? 2.What was the name of the first cloned mammal? 3.Is Pauline Carter pro-or anti-cloning?,Both,Dolly,Anti-cloning.Fast reading:Both,Listen then decide T or F. 1. People all over the world are happy about the idea of cloning human beings. 2. Dolly, the first cloned mammal, is exactly the same as other sheep. 3. According to the article, the scientist who created Dolly does not agree with cloning human beings.,F,F,T,worried,original sheep,Listen then decide T or F.F,4. Cloning can be used to cure diseases because it can produce new tissues and organs.5. Colin Jake is against cloning humans, just like Pauline Carter.6. Cloning human beings is illegal in many countries, so no scientists want to clone human beings.,F,F,T,for,dislike,some,4. Cloning can be used to cure,Detailed reading,What are the different attitudes towards the success of cloning a human cell?,(2) What does Ian Wilmut, the Scottish scientist who created Dolly, intend to use cloning for?,(3) Who are the three persons in the article related to cloning?,Detailed readingWhat are the d,a. Valuable tissues and organs and organs can be produced to save human lives. b. Human beings may be on the way to producing a real-life monster. c. Some people consider that cloning human embryos with the intention to destroy them shows no respect for human life.,What are the different attitudes towards the success of cloning a human cell?,Para1-3,a. Valuable tissues and organs,He thinks research efforts should be concentrated on creating new tissues and organs that could eventually be used to cure diseases like cancer.,What does Ian Wilmut, the Scottish scientist who created Dolly, intend to use cloning for?,Para3,He thinks research efforts sho,a. Ian Wilmut, a Scottish scientist who created Dolly and was shocked when hearing some scientists were considering cloning human beings. b. Faye Wilson, a woman of 41 years old who can not have a baby.c. Severine Antinori, an Italian doctor, who is one of the leaders in the cloning research,Who are the three persons in the article related to cloning?,Para3-5,a. Ian Wilmut, a Scottish scie,produce valuable tissues and organs that could be used to save human lives,Cure diseases like cancer,Help those who are unable to have children,Help those who want to clone their dead children,May produce a real-life Frankensteins monster,Create more disease in the animal world,Cloning shows no respect for human life,Human life would no longer be unique, large population already,Page 66,Pro-cloningAnti-cloningproduce,Para 1Para 2 Para 3,An announcement about the first cloned human embryo caused much debate.,The first cloned mammal was Dolly.,Ian Wilmut is shocked that some scientists are considering cloning human beings.,Main idea of each paragraph,Para 1An announcement about th,Para 4Para 5Para 6,A woman wants to have a cloned baby.,Cloning human embryos is illegal in many countries, but some scientists still want to clone human beings.,Chinese scientists continue to research ways in which cloning can benefit mankind.,Main idea of each paragraph,Para 4A woman wants to have a,Consolidation: part E,Consolidation: part E,Dear Editor, I read your article about human _with great concern. I first heard of cloning animals from a single _when I went to a seminar about Dolly the sheep, who was _cloned in 1996, in Britain. At the time I thought that the whole concept of cloning was_.,cloning,cell,successfully,immoral,Dear Editor,Why do some people think they have the _ to go against nature? Who will be responsible for the possible negative_? If we interfere with nature, we might create problems. It seems that I was correct your article says that Dolly died at a much _age than a non-cloned sheep.,right,consequences,younger,Why do some people think they,Also I cant accept the idea of cloning _. We have no right to experiment with human life. I believe that strict_ should be put in place and governments should do more to stop human cloning. For example, the work of the _doctor, Severino Antinori, must be stopped.,humans,Italian,laws,Also I cant accept the idea o,If I were the President of Italy, I would think about taking away his license.Yours faithfully, Wanglin,If I were the President of Ita,Discussion,1.Is the writer for or against cloning? 2.Whats your opinion about cloning human beings? 3.Whats “the perfect copy”? Do you think there will be a perfect copy?4.How to solve the conflict between science and nature?,Discussion1.Is the writer for,Conclusion,We should adopt science within limits. Never break the rule of nature.,Conclusion We should adopt sci,


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