,PSA SUPPLIER QUALITY ASSURANCE POLICY,SHANGHAI上海April 20062006年04月,PSA 供应商质量保证工作方法,1,PSA SUPPLIER QUALITY ASSURANCE,PSAs Quality Management ProcedurePSA 质 量 工 作 步 骤 介 绍,3 Stages: 3个阶段:,Stage 1, Need expressing and supplier choosing. 阶段1,需求的表达和供应商的选择。,Stage 2, Quality Assurance by Product and Process Management (AQMPP in French). 阶段2,通过产品和过程的控制实现质量保证 (简称AQMPP).,Stage3, Quality Control in Mass Production 阶段3,量产阶段生产产品的质量控制.,2,PSAs Quality Management Proce,Supplier Pre-qualification供应商预鉴定,3,Stage 3阶 段 3Quality Control,Objective of Stage 1 第 1 阶 段 的 目 的,To express clearly and precisely the needs of vehicle manufacturer by means of complete and exhaustive consultation documents:plans, standards, technical specifications of design (STE in french), materials, experiments, validation plans,etc 借助于完整齐全的咨询文档资料:图纸,标准, 技术规定(STE),材料,试验,确认计划等来清楚、准确地表达PSA的需求。,Need expressing and supplier choosing需求的表达和供应商的选择,To retain the most competitive supplier, who can guarantee the required quality level and fulfill the obligations of his offer.选择最具竞争力,最有能力保证达到所要求的质量水平,并能对其报价负责任的供应商。,To formalize the responsibilities. 明文规定各种职责。,4,Objective of Stage 1 第 1 阶,Consultation Documents 咨 询 文 件,Management and Quality assurance Clauses管 理 及 质 量 保 障 条 款,Technical Specification技 术 规 范,Contractual and economic specifications合同规定要求的技术说明书,Consultation document咨 询 文 件,Figure, economic objectives, partnership,spare parts, guarantee,数字, 经济目标, 合作关系, 备件, 保修,Requirements and objectives related to products与产品有关的要求及目标,Requirements to ensure the quality control of all the delivery确保控制整个供货链质量的相关要求,5,Consultation Documents 咨 询,Management and Quality assurance Clauses管 理 及 质 量 保 障 条 款,Technical specification技 术 规 范,Contractual and economic specifications带有契约条款要求的技术说明书,Consultation documents:responsibility咨 询 文 件 : 职 责,6,Management and Quality assuran,For PSA, it helps to precise : Project team organisation of PSA, Disposals for project follow up, Product quality objectives, The respective responsibilities, Disposals for quality assurance, Deviation treatments, Audits (Process, Products), and the expected results,对PSA而言,它用于明确:PSA的项目组织,项目的跟踪措施,产品的质量目标,各自的职责,质量保证措施,偏差的处理,审核(过程,产品), 以及所期待的效果,Management & Quality assurance Clauses 管 理 条 款 与 质 量 条 款,How can this be useful ?有 何 作 用 ?,7,For PSA, it helps to prec,Management & Quality assurance Clauses 管 理 条 款 与 质 量 条 款,PROJECT MANAGEMENT CLAUSES项目管理条款 Project organization项目组织General planning stages and scheduling of reviews/计划的一般阶段和评审的定位 PSA team organization / PSA项目组的构成 Supplier team organization /供应商项目组的构成 Sharing of tasks between PSA and the Supplier / PSA和供应商任务的分配 Planning and checking the work工作的计划及控制Activity Report /活动报告 Monitoring the progressive qualification of the product and the process /产品和过程的逐步鉴定跟踪,8,Management & Quality assurance,Management & Quality assurance Clauses 管 理 条 款 与 质 量 条 款,QUALITY ASSURANCE CLAUSES质量保证条款 Quality objectives and requirements质量目标及要求 Commitment to operational security : Safety /功能确定性承诺:安全性 Commitment relating to failure /故障承诺 Commitment relating to reliability /可靠性承诺 Commitment to aptitude for maintenance /可维护性承诺 Commitment to quality as new /新品质量承诺 Quality Assurance Measures质量保证措施 Requirements relating to dealing with known defects (Fault Eradication Plan)/已知缺陷处理要求(缺陷消除计划) Requirements relating to dealing with risks (Risk Management Plan)/风险处理要求(风险控制计划) Requirements relating to operational safety (Operational Safety Plan)/运行确定性要求(运行确定性计划) n Rank Suppliers /N级供应商 Dealing with technical changes技术处理,9,Management & Quality assurance,The supplier will take his responsibility since his response to consultation 供 应 商 一 旦 投 标 就 意 味 着 其 承 担 责 任,Through his offer, the supplier will take his responsibility to 通过投标,供应商承担如下责任:, To meet the explicit and implicit requirements of the technical specifications, to respect the management and quality assurance clauses 满足技术条件中明示的和隐含的要求并遵守质量管理条款,This is much more than to commit oneself to a price and carrying out the proposed technical solutions.因此,供应商的责任范围不仅仅是报价并实施所建议的技术方案。,10,The supplier will take his res,The need expressing has been formalized and optimized.需求的表达已优化和文件化。The supplier has been selected.供应商已选定。The resonsibilities between PSA and supplier have been formalizedPSA和供应商职责已以书面形式确定。,Definitive product meets each functional specification.产品确定并满足每个功能要求。Definitive process, adjusted and be able to produce only good parts过程确定, 调试,并有能力只提供合格产品。,Stage 1 阶段 1Need expressing and supplier choosing需求的表达和 供应商的选择,Stage 3 阶段 3Quality Control in Mass Production 批量产品的质量控制,AQMPP situation in Quality ProcedureAQMPP 在 质 量 步 骤 中 的 位 置,Stage 2 阶段 2Quality Assurance by Product and Process Management通过产品和过程的控制 实现质量保证 (简称AQMPP),11,The need expressing has been f,Product/Process Qualification Steps产 品 / 过 程 鉴 定 步 骤,Stage 1阶 段 1Need expressing and supplier choosing 需求表达和 供应商选择,Stage 2阶 段 2 Quality Assurance by Product and Process Management通 过 产 品 和 过 程 控 制 保 证 质 量,Stage 3阶 段 3Quality Control in Mass Production批量产品质量控制,12,Product/Process Qualification,Preliminary Technical Analysis(ATP)技 术 预 分 析,AQMPP Initialization Review AQMPP 初 始 化 评 审,13,Suppliers ATP PSAs ATPSUPSUP,Sequence of this step 本 阶 段 的 展 开,Confrontation & communication and Convergence对照交流并达成协议,PSAs ATPPSA技术预分析,Suppliers ATP供应商技术预分析,14,Sequence of this step 本 阶,To be prepared for AQMPP initialization review, PSA and Supplier make a list from each side of all worries to be taken into consideration, so as to work out Q3P (Qualification Progressive of Product and Process) steps. 供应商和PSA各自汇总所有需要考虑的任务细节,为AQMPP初始化评审会议作准备,目的在于建立产品及过程逐步鉴定(简称Q3P)的工作方法。,Preliminary Technical Analysis(ATP)技 术 预 分 析 ( 简 称 ATP ),Why?为什么?,15,To be prepared for AQMPP initi,Suppliers Preliminary Technical Analysis 供 应 商 技 术 预 分 析,Identification of the tasks and the proposition of task-sharing between PSA and supplier 识别出工作任务、PSA/供应商之间的分工Identification of risks about product and process识别出产品和过程的风险因素 Steps for defects eradication缺陷消除工作步骤 Development plan开发计划Product validation plan 产品认可计划Function reliability plan运行确定性计划 Process description 对过程进行描述 Components and materials origin配件及材料来源Industrial diagram, industrialization plan 工业简图,工业化计划:即平面布局图和新设备新流水线的设置Quality plan, quality commitments质量计划,质量承诺 Logistic means 物流设备Identification of project members项目组成员识别,Letter typeSuppliers ATP供应商技术预分析标准信件,16,Suppliers Preliminary Technic,The supplier sets up a scaffolding to build up the quality of product and process供 应 商 搭 建 “ 脚 手 架 ” 以 架 构 起 产 品 和 过 程 的 质 量,17,The supplier sets up a scaff,Parts definition, references, parts index and project planning 零件定义,编号,零件及图纸更改标记,项目计划Responsibilities sharing between PSA/supplierPSA/供应商之间的职责分工Quality risks and recordings 质量风险及历史纪录 Steps of defects eradication缺陷消除工作步骤Essential Functional and Technical Characteristics关键技术与功能特性(简称CTFE)Identification of projects members 项目组成员识别Logistics, logistic means, and investment物流,物流设备,设备投资,PSA Prelimininary Technical Analysis PSA 技 术 预 分 析,SummaryPSAs ATPPSA的技术预分析总结,18,Parts definition, references,Initialisation Review(1/2) 初 始 化 评 审 (1/2),To formalize the definitions, references, logistics, project planning 将零件定义,编号,物流,项目计划编制成文 To formalize the responsibilities sharing between PSA and supplier 将PSA/供应商之间的职责分工形成文本To formalize the major risks of the project, precise the milestone of control plan 将项目的主要风险形成文本, 明确监控计划的立标检查制度To carry out risks control and defects eradification steps 实施缺陷消除及风险控制工作步骤To precise the Essential Functional and Technical Characteristics 明确关键技术和功能特性(简称CTFE),19,Initialisation Review(1/2) 初,Initialisation Review(2/2) 初 始 化 评 审 (2/2),To formalize the product validation plan (material, test, function, reliability) 将产品认可计划编成文本(材料,试验,功能,可靠性等。)To formalize the development and industrialization plan 将开发及工业化计划编成文本To make the milestone for product and process validation 对产品和过程认可的重要节点To work out the interactive questionnaire 实施互动式问卷To ratify the quality plan and quality objectives 批准质量计划及质量目标 To initialize Q3P form (Qualification Progressive of Product and Process) 产品及过程逐步审核表格(简称Q3P表格)初始化,Initialisation Report初始化会议报告,20,Initialisation Review(2/2) 初,Initialisation Review 初 始 化 评 审,Participants 成员,Supplier : project team ( at least the team leader, technical pilot, quality pilot) 供应商方面:项目组(至少包括项目主管,技术主管及质量负责人) PSA:PPP: Pilot Product and Process or representative expert 行业产品过程主管 (PPP) 或行业代表人AAQO: Animator Quality Assurance Operational 质量保证实施推进人 (AAQO) Auditor from Shanghai office上海采购办事处的审核员Project Buyer (AP) or sourcing officer from Shanghai office项目采购员 (AP) 或上海采购办事处的采购员,21,Initialisation Review 初 始 化,Initialisation Review初 始 化 评 审,To enrich his technology with his experience 把经验反馈纳入其专业领域To propose the industrial solutions, quality plan, industrialisation plan, development plan and action plans 建议并说明工业化技术方案,质量计划,工业化和开发计划,行动计划 To explain his understanding of PSAs requirements: CTFE, planning, CMQ, quality requirements 阐述如何认真对待PSA的要求: 关键技术和功能特性( CTFE), 计划,管理及质量条款(简称CMQ), 质量要求To justify his choice and provide documents 对自己选择的全部方案进行论证并文件化,ROLE of Supplier 供应商的角色,22,Initialisation Review初 始,Initialisation Review初 始 化 评 审,To officialize product requirements of PSA (general plan, specification sheet, technique specifications, standard, validation plan, testing sharing) 正式化PSA的产品要求(底图,技术任务书,技术规范,标准,认可计划,试验分工) To validate the suppliers proposals: Process description, development or industrialisation plan, defects eradication plan, material choices ,origins of components 对供应商的提议进行生效:过程描述,开发和工业化计划,缺陷消除计划,材料选择,组件来源等进行确认 To be in charge of guiding the development (for co-development parts ) 将负责项目开发的推进(对共同开发的零件而言),ROLE PPP 行业产品过程主管的角色,23,Initialisation Review初 始 化,Initialisation Review初 始 化 评 审,Working under the responsibility of technical experts 在行业专家的领导下开展工作 Having written the Management and Quality assurance Clauses ( CMQ), and contents of PSAs ATP. (Preliminary Technical Analysis) 已编制管理与质量条款(CMQ)及PSA技术预分析内容 Having gathered the list of risks identified by the differents interlocutors PSA, and make sure the distribution.已收集由PSA各方面参与者识别的风险,编制了清单并确保发放 Making sure the suppliers proposals correspond with CMQ requirements. 确保供应商的建议符合质量管理条款的要求,ROLE AAQO 质量保证实施组织者的任务,24,Initialisation Review初 始 化,Initialisation Review初 始 化 评 审,To guide the Initialization Review and the project follow up meetings, and write the minutes. 主持初始化评审及项目复审会议,撰写以后会议纪要。 To ensure the agreements between the supplier and PSA , concerning the industrialisation plans, communication plan, and quality plan 确保供应商和PSA就工业化计划, 交流计划, 质量计划.达成协议。 During the whole development, be responsible to ensure the fulfilling of suppliers commitments: parts prices, investment, planning, parts delivery, parts traceability. 在整个开发过程中将负责监督供应商承诺的遵守:零件价格, 投资, 计划,零件发送,检验报告,零件可追溯性。,ROLE Project Buyer (AP) 项目采购员角色,25,Initialisation Review初 始,Product/Process Qualification Steps 产 品 / 过 程 鉴 定 步 骤,Stage 1 阶段1Need expressing and supplier choosing 需求表达和 供应商选择,Stage 2 阶段2 Quality Assurance by Product and Process Management通过产品和过程控制保证质量,Stage 3 阶段3Quality Control in Mass Production批量产品质量控制,Second part: Q3P form 第二部分: Q3P 表格,26,Product/Process Qualification,Second Part:Q3P Form第 二 部 分 :Q3P 表 格,Q3P, whats this?什么是Q3P?,QPPP:Qualification Progressive of Product and Process (Q3P)QPPP: 对产品和过程的逐步鉴定,27,Second Part:Q3P Form第 二 部 分,One common methodology to qualify gradually the product and the process.是一个逐步鉴定产品和过程的通用方法。,Several steps : Q3P qualification steps which pass from one to another.分几个阶段:由Q3P的鉴定状态实现从一个阶段到另一个阶段的过渡。,Some timing follow-up indicators of product and process development.包括对产品及过程开发进程跟踪的一系列指标。,Second Part:Q3P Form第 二 部 分 :Q3P 表 格,28,One common methodology to qual,SUBJECTS/ ITEMS Q3P Q3P各项内容,Q3P Steps Q3P各阶段,Q3P Form : principle Q3P 表 格 :原 理,Q3P Requirements Q3P要求,29,SUBJECTS/ ITEMS Q3P,Delivery qualified and in time按时并且合格的交付,Delivery non-qualified or seriously delayed不合格或严重延迟交付,Delayed and/or the delivery quality inacceptable延迟交付不可接受和/或交付质量不可接受,Once one deviation happens :一旦发现偏差: Implement action plans (AAQO/Supplier) 实施行动计划(质量保证实施推进人 / 供应商) If necessary, intervention to the supplier (Project team) 如有必要,介入供应商 (由项目组),Q3P : signification of coulours Q3P 中 颜 色 的 含 义,30,Delivery qualified and in time,DFE (Distribution design) : Product designDFE (产品设计发放): 产品设计阶段 SRU (Unique representative stage) : Prototype validationSRU (唯一代表性阶段): 样品确认阶段 OCM (Officialisation of Creations or Modifications) : Definition officializationOCM (创立或修改正式化): 定义正式化阶段 IOD (Made by definitive tools) : Making representative partsIOD (源自最终工装): 代表性零件的生产阶段 PRSHL (Try-production out line) : Making cars with non-definitive processPRSHL (线外预批): 过程未经确认的车辆生产阶段 PRSEL (Try-production on line) : Making cars with definitive processPRSEL (线上预批): 过程得到最终确认的车辆生产阶段 AVS ML (Before mass production batch method) : Making marketable cars by batchAVS ML (批量前批接收): 按批次商品化车辆生产阶段 MEC (Raise production) : Making marketable cars in mass productionMEC (发展满负荷生产): 商品化批量生产阶段,Differents Q3P Steps definition Q3P 各 阶 段,31,DFE (Distribution design) : P,For reference指示性 (For vehicle project) (对某整车项目而言),J7+24s,J3-70s,J4-38s,J5-12s,J60s,J7+12s,The different steps of Q3P Q3P 各 阶 段,32,PSA Raise Production PSA 产量爬坡, Product definition control 产品定义控制 Product validation control 产品认可控制 Control of operating relibility, risks and defects 运行确定性,风险及缺陷控制 Control of CTFEs (Essential Functional and Technical Characteristics) 关键技术和功能特性( 简称 CTFE)控制 Control of product compliance 产品合格性控制 Product qualification summary package 产品审核的综合资料,Q3P : Items for Product Progressive Qualification Q3P 中 产 品 逐 步 审 核 项 目,33, Product definition control,Q3P : Items of Process Progressive Qualification Q3P 中 过 程 逐 步 审 核 项 目, Control of process scheduling, tracking and risks 计划、可追溯性及过程风险的控制 Control of process definition and industrialisation 过程定义的控制及工业化控制 Control of grade 2 and above suppliers 2级及以上供应商控制 Control of packing and logistics 物流和包装的控制 Process qualification summary package 过程审核的综合资料,34,Q3P : Items of Process Progres,Q3P FormQ3P 表 格,SUPPORT Q3PQ3P载体,35,Q3P FormQ3P 表 格SUPPORT Q3P,Q3P filling in each step Q3P 表 格 各 阶 段 填 写,http:b2b.psa-peugeot-,36,Filling the form continuously,Step SRU SRU阶段,Step OCM OCM阶段,Q3P validation step by stepQ3P 各 阶 段 逐 一 认 可,37,Step SRU SRU阶段Step OCM O,Macro Procedure Q3P 宏 观 Q3P 过 程,38,Step DFEDFE阶段Step SRUSRU阶段St,Steps Requirements of Product and Process Qualification in Q3PQ3P 表 格 中 产 品 和 过 程 鉴 定 的 不 同 阶 段 的 要 求,39,EPC1 ok首次满产评估通过EPC2 ok二次满产评,Q3P : Product acceptance state requirements (supply by batch) Q3P: 产 品 验 收 状 态 的 要 求(产品批次供货),Q3P follow-up requirements (product / process)Q3P要求的跟踪(产品/过程),40,Q3P : Product acceptance state,2 Lettres + 1 Number 两个字母 + 一个数字,Q3P : Product Acceptance State Q3P: 产 品 验 收 状 态,41,1st lettre: State of producti,Q3P : Acceptance State of Expected Product Q3P: 所 期 待 的 产 品 验 收 状 态(可接受的下限),42,Q3P : Acceptance State of Expe,ATTENTION THE SUPPLIER DOES THE QUALIFICATION,AND THE QUALIFICATION IS ACCEPTED BY PSA,BUT注意供应商做了鉴定,并且鉴定被PSA所接受,但是 ,Accept the results of suppliers product and process qualification does not mean under any circumastances the responsibility transfered from supplier to PSA !对供应商提