IT in Power Distribution,ENGINEERING STAFF COLLEGE OF INDIAAn Autonomous Organ of the Institution of Engineers (India),IT in Power DistributionENGINE,NEED OF THE HOUR,Distribution system forms the ultimate link in the power system between the utility and end user. Customer expectations also have gone up to provide Reliable and quality power Timely redressal of complaints Accurate metering and billing without errors Facility & Flexibility of payment of bills from home,NEED OF THE HOURDistribution s,NEED OF THE HOUR,Many more in the wish listThis can be only possible if the human element at work is replaced to a good extent by automating the operations and use of Information technology becomes indispensable at this juncture,NEED OF THE HOURMany more in t,What do we need to do to meet the expectationsReplace still old, conventional, manual systems being continued in most of discomsWith the growth of network and the number of customers adopt newer technologies that provide faster service,NEED OF THE HOUR,What do we need to do to meet,Where human intervention is unable to cope up, adopt automation using the available & powerful IT toolsThe end result should be that customers are to be provided service levels like in other sectors like banking, communications etc.All these would improve the image of the utility,NEED OF THE HOUR,Where human intervention is un,The focus areas of IT applications areQuality and reliability of supplyAccurate of billingEasy payment mechanismsBetter complaints handling IT is used in energy audit, Estimation of baseline losses & Substation /Distribution automation,AREAS OF FOCUS,The focus areas of IT appli,IT INITIATIVES,Aims atImprovement of efficiency by way of elimination of delays, duplication, drudgery in paperworkReduction in overall expenditure.Provides quick and efficient information systems like on line billing, collection and on line report generation.Very fast reconciliation between important activities of metering, billing and collection.Web based servicing.To attain transparency and gain credibility.Customer satisfaction.,IT INITIATIVESAims at,New TrendsAutomated Meter ReadingWeb Based ServicingTrouble Call Management SystemSCADAConsumer Analysis Tool (CAT),IT IMPLEMENTATION INITIATIVES,New TrendsIT IMPLEMENTATION IN,IT in System PlanningLoad forecast is an important parameter for system planningRequires accurate data of the system like energy consumption for last 10 years, maximum demandMethods of load forecastTrends: The trends for the growth in energy and consumption are computed based on the past data areTo forecast the future demand / energy,IT IN SYSTEM PLANNING,IT in System PlanningIT IN SYS,Econometric Approach: Focuses on identification of correlation between demand and variables such as growth in GDP, population and households in the forecastEnd-use Approach: Focuses on uses of electricity, takes into account specific consumption of major appliances, degree of saturation of each appliance per customer, number of customer Using the load forecast developed using appropriate models, appropriate system planning package is to be selected for running the load flows,IT IN SYSTEM PLANNING,Econometric Approach: Focuses,SCADA: Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition It is a system that enables an electric utility to remotely monitor, coordinate and operate distribution components in a real time from remote location.,IT IN SYSTEM OPERATION,SCADA: Supervisory Control And,The basic components of SCADA system areControl centerControlled plantCommunication system SCADA platform uses a master slave communication principle and controls the remote end equipment through Remote Terminal Unit,IT IN SYSTEM OPERATION,The basic components of SCADA,RTU can perform several functions like data acquisition, switching of circuit breakers / capacitors, changing of taps etc. based on the commands received from the control centre.,IT IN SYSTEM OPERATION,RTU can perform several functi,In the later versions of SCADA, RTUs are being replaced with IEDs (Intelligent Electronic Devices), which have the capability of measuring, monitoring, control, protection and communicating to the local operator or to the remote host (Ex: Numerical Relays),IT IN SYSTEM OPERATION,In the later versions of SCADA,We can build a Distribution Automation system using the SCADA kernel which can accomplish many functions such as:Substation AutomationFeeder monitoring and controlLoad ManagementAutomated Meter readingTrouble call managementLoad Survey & Energy audit and so on,IT IN SYSTEM OPERATION,We can build a Distribution A,Feeder Monitoring and ControlTrippings and breakdowns in general and in rural areas in particular is a matter of serious concern which causes prolonged interruptions and consumer unrest and the same can be addressed through feeder monitoringAutomation of the feeder control can be taken up using Auto reclosures near the breakers and sectionalisers in the line,IT IN SYSTEM OPERATION,Feeder Monitoring and Control,Feeder Monitoring and ControlFor any transient fault in the line, the auto reclosure first trips and then closes after a set timeSectionalisers help us in isolating the fault during permanent faults and the supply can be restored for the rest of the line,IT IN SYSTEM OPERATION,Feeder Monitoring and Control,Operation of SCADA requires a good Communication system for which the options available arePublic switched telephone networksPower line carrier communicationRadio frequency (RF) point-to point/ point-to-multipoint communications,IT IN SYSTEM OPERATION,Operation of SCADA requires,Optical fibersVSATEthernet Choose a judicious system considering the functionality and costs,IT IN SYSTEM OPERATION,Optical fibersIT IN SYSTEM OPE,IT in Metering System,Metering technologies have evolved over a period of time starting from electromechanical meters to static meters and later on to the smart metersThe capabilities of meters range from simple recording of energy to communication of recorded energy to either a data collecting device or a billing computer through an appropriate communication system.Smart meters not only record energy, display the price signals given by the utility but can also run the appliances in the home as per the programme given by the user to optimise the costs.,IT in Metering SystemMetering,Static (Electronic) Energy Meters,The static energy meters are micro processor based. The programmability of micro processor is useful to incorporate different features like tamper data, import-export, time-of day metering, load pattern analysis, remote meter reading.Tamper Data: Data pertaining to tamper such as missing potential, CT polarity reversal, phase sequence reversal can be detected.,Static (Electronic) Energy Met,Static Energy Meters (cont.),Time of day metering: The meters have built in real time clock to record energy usage for different times of the day in different registers in the meter.Day is divided into different time zones, the duration of each time zone is programmable and the user can define their time zones as per their requirement. The meter records the energy consumed in each of the time zones separately and exhibits accordingly. For all HT &EHT consumers in TN & Kerala this is done.,Static Energy Meters,Static Energy Meters (cont.),Load Survey Data :The meter has the provision to store the billing and tamper data for 35 days at specified logging interval. This is useful to draw the load curves of KWH, KVAH, KVA, which gives the load pattern of the consumerImport-export Metering: The meter can measure the energy in both directions.,Static Energy Meters,MRI (Meter Reading Instrument),MRI: This is used for data transfer from/to meter to/from the system, for analysis of data and billing. The MRI can be preloaded with meter numbers to be read and optionally the MRI can also have a bar code reader, which will be useful to identify the of the meter. In case of HT services with load survey data, MRI is very essential for transfer of data from meter to computer MRI can also be used for LT energy meters.,MRI (Meter Reading Instrument),Printer also can be attached and a bill can be generated immediately upon reading the meter.MRI shall contain the meter sno. And the previous reading. The entire data can be off loaded at the end of the day,MRI (Meter Reading Instrument),Printer also can be attached a,Telemetering,Transfer of metered data through a communi-cation network is necessary, to have constant monitoringThe meter shall be connected to a telephone line at the consumer end via a modem.At the system end also the computer is connected to the telephone via a modem.Whenever data is to be accessed by the computer. the consumer telephone number to be dialed and the modem connected to the telephone will connect to the meter.,TelemeteringTransfer of metere,Remote Metering,All 11 kv feeders with predominantly agl. Loads, major industrial loads and selected high value consumers are equipped with data loggers, which store data, which can be retrieved locally through CMRI .They have communication port RS232 and are read remotely through dial up modemsThis helps in conducting load survey, avoid overloading of conductors and also in reduction of losses.Cases of tampered meters or meters not recording properly and cases of pilferage can be detected.,Remote MeteringAll 11 kv feede,Automatic Meter Reading,Automatic Meter Reading is a technique to transfer the Meter data / information to a remote location via suitable communication media and necessary hardware set up.,AMR uses various Communication technologies as PSTN / GSM,Automatic Meter ReadingAutomat,What is AMI,AMI stands for Advanced metering Infrastructure where not only the meter is read but many other functions such as consumer demand management is also done using suitable controller through secure and suitable two way communication,What is AMIAMI stands for Adva,SMART METERS,Smart meter is an advanced electrical metering device that records electricity consumption at regular defined intervals, communicates with utility servers on a real time basis, provides remote connect and disconnect facilities and captures significant events ie., power outage notification, demand side management and power quality monitoringSmart meters can also run the smart appliances as per the preset programme,SMART METERSSmart meter is an,Smart meters are equipped with AMI features like LAN, HAN, automatic switching, demand response as well as theft monitoring and control.The most important features of a smart meter is a 2 way interface between the meter and utility.This ensures the continuous monitoring and gives alerts in case the meter is subjected to any tampering,SMART METERS,Smart meters are equipped with,AMI Process,Meter communicates with Meter Data Management System ( MDMS) on one side and the Home Area Network (HAN),Zig bee communication,AMI ProcessMeter communicates,IT to Reduce AT&C Losses,IT is an important tool to analyze the total input into the system by collecting the meter reading data from all the boundary metering pointsThe billed units and billed demand are collected from the server. The collected amounts are also gathered from the server. The difference of the collected amount against the billing demand represents the AT&C losses,IT to Reduce AT&C LossesIT is,ENERGY LOSSES IN THE POWER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM,ENERGY LOSSES IN THE POWER DIS,DETERMINATION OF TECHNICAL LOSSES ON THE 11 KV FEEDER,Technical losses on the 11 kV feeder are assessed by conducting load flow analysis of the individual 11 kV feeders including distribution transformer and LT distribution losses. Steady state model of the network is used to find technical losses,DETERMINATION OF TECHNICAL LOS,DETERMINATION OF TECHNICAL LOSSES ON THE 11 KV FEEDER,The loads are considered to be of constant impedance.Load Factor of a transformer is evaluated by computing the energy input to the transformer and the peak load on the transformer and the hours for which the transformer is in service,DETERMINATION OF TECHNICAL LOS,ENERGY LOSSES IN THE POWER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM,Loss Load Factor is computed by using the formula LLF = 0.3 (LF) + 0.7 (LF) Commercial losses are assessed by deducting technical losses from the total losses of the feeder, i.e. the difference between energy sent out and the energy sold. Commercial loss in the feeder = Energy loss Technical loss.,ENERGY LOSSES IN THE POWER DIS,The following activities are undertaken to record these losses:The meter reading schedules of meter readers are revised and made coterminous with distribution transformers.The distribution transformer meter is also read and comparison is made between distribution transformer meter reading and sum total of consumption recorded in all other consumer meters coming under that distribution transformer. The difference is noted. If the losses are found to be high, action is initiated to trace the installation causing losses.,DETERMINING COMMERCIAL LOSSES,The following activities are u,Actions Recommended for Reducing Technical Losses,Reconfiguration;Reconductoring;Employing Shunt Capacitors;Conversion from Single Circuit to Double Circuit;Setting up of more substations;Changeover from Low Voltage Distribution System (LVDS) to High Voltage distribution System (HVDS).,Actions Recommended for Reduci,Actions Recommended for Reducing Commercial Losses,Changeover to static meters with tamper proof data and remote metering facility;Replacing all burnt, stuck up, non-performing and underperforming meters;Calibrating the existing meters;Flying squads and Special task force for detection of pilferage of energy;AMR for online energy recording.,Actions Recommended for Reduci,IT in Energy Accounting and Energy Audit,Energy accounting and energy audit is an important tool for the utility, which provides the means to identify the areas of leakage, wastage or inefficient use of energy It helps in identifying measures suitable for reduction of T&D losses and can lead to significant cost and energy savings,IT in Energy Accounting and En,ENERGY AUDITING IN A POWER UTILITY INVOLVES,Identifying energy losses and quantifying them;Segregating the losses into technical and commercial losses;Estimating the energy conservation potential of a system; and Proposing economically viable and attractive solutions.,ENERGY AUDITING IN A POWER UT,PROCEDURE FOR CONDUCTING AN ENERGY AUDIT,1. Gathering and collecting information in a specially designed, “Energy Systems Questionnaire” format, for the Utility under study, 2. Inter-and intra-utility comparison of the collected data.3. Assessment of present efficiency index for energy consumption in the utility/transformation.4. In-depth study of utility operation, equipment and system for a general review of the energy systems to assess the operational efficiency and potential for economising.,PROCEDURE FOR CONDUCTING AN EN,5. Evaluation of the detailed recommendations for energy conservation,6. Fo