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    培训技巧研讨课,Training Skill Workshop,培训技巧研讨课Training Skill Workshop,Course Objective 课程目的,This course provides you ways to more effectively transfer your expertise to others through the interactive learning activities 这门课程提供了一些方法,使你能够通过互动的学习活动更有效的将你的专业知识技能传授给其他人。 In short, you will learn skills necessary to become an effective trainer 简而言之,你将会学习到一些必需的技巧使你成为一个高效率的培训员。,Course Objective 课程目的 This cou,Workshop Benefits 课程的益处,A working knowledge of the 4P coaching model and OJT guidelines 学到关于4P教学模式和在职培训(OJT)的指导方针。 Ability to assess learning styles and adapt 评定学习类型及其应用 Improved communication skills 改进交流技巧 Strategies for overcoming common training barriers 克服通常培训中的障碍的方法 Methods for planning and delivering OJT training 计划和实施在职培训的方法,Workshop Benefits 课程的益处 A work,Agenda 课程安排,AL Overview AL概述4P Coaching Model 4P教学模式Adult Learner Characteristics 成人学员的特点Assessing Learning Styles 评定学习类型 Planning A Training Session 计划一个培训课程Active Listening/Asking Effective Questions/ Explaining Skills/ Giving Advice & Encouragement 主动倾听/有效的问题/解释的技巧/给与建议和鼓励Review of Morning Content 回顾上午的内容,Agenda 课程安排AL Overview AL概述,Agenda 课程安排,OJT Guidelines 在职培训要点Integrated Performance: “The Perfect Train” 练习Workshop Wrap-Up 总结,Agenda 课程安排OJT Guidelines,Accelerated Learning (AL) 加速学习法-理念,A New Approach. 新的途径Traditional method of learning was accomplished primarily through drill and repetition; now learning is achieved through a variety of methods and techniques传统的学习方法主要是通过反复的练习来完成的。而现在,我们要通过多种的方法和技巧来达到学习的目的。,Accelerated Learning (AL) 加速学习,Accelerated Learning (AL) 加速学习法-理念,Stand Against Boredom. The learning process is interesting and engaging拒绝枯燥。学习的过程应该是有趣而让人享受的。,Accelerated Learning (AL) 加速学习,Accelerated Learning (AL) 加速学习法-理念,Give Training a Boost. AL gives learning an enormous boost in terms of enjoyment and effectiveness给培训一个推动力。AL以享受和效率为基础给学习一个巨大的推动力。,Accelerated Learning (AL) 加速学习,Accelerated Learning (AL) (Method)加速学习法-方法,Reduce Barriers. Designed to reduce learner barriers such as fear, indifference, or low self esteem减少障碍。要有意识的去减少学员的障碍,比如害怕,漠不关心,或自卑等等。,Accelerated Learning (AL) (Met,Accelerated Learning (AL) (Method)加速学习法-方法,Make Connections. The ability to connect skills and concepts to make learning more relevant to the learner加强联系。将技巧和概念联系起来的能力,能使学习更贴近学员。,Accelerated Learning (AL) (Met,Accelerated Learning (AL) (Method)加速学习法-方法,Variety. Using a variety of methods and strategies to reach the learner - e.g. using music, teamwork, games, action learning, etc. to teach skills and concepts多样化。使用多种方法和策略来贴近学员,比如,使用音乐、团队活动、游戏等来教授技巧和概念。,Accelerated Learning (AL) (Met,4P Coaching Model4P 教学模式,What is 4P什么是4P,4P Coaching Model4P 教学模式What,1,2,3,4,PREPARE准备,陈述PRESENT,练习PRACTICE,PERFORM 执行,1234PREPARE 陈述练习PERFORM,PREPARE - First “P” 准备-第一个P,Planning and Organizing the Training Session计划和组织培训课程Integrate trainee into their new surroundings to make them at ease 使学员融入到新环境中,让他们感到放松Use a Training Plan and available training material 使用培训计划和培训材料Ask about trainees background 询问学员的背景Understand and adjust to your trainees Adult Learning Styles 了解学员的学习类型并作出相应调整,PREPARE - First “P” 准备-第,PREPARE for the training, cont. 准备培训,Training Plans (Syllabus) 培训计划(提纲)Training plans can be detailed or generic 培训计划可以详细也可以简略 Give trainee a copy of the training plan 将培训计划发给学员Share BKMs with other Peer Trainers 与其他培训员分享BKMTraining Materials 培训材料Training delivery references include online task lists and workbook information 培训参考材料包括在线任务列表和工作手册信息Training Materials provide questions/answers and tests that can be used in training session 培训材料还应提供提问/回答环节和可以用于培训的测试,PREPARE for the training, con,PRESENT - Second “P” 陈述-第二个P,Explain Clearly, Use Material 清晰的解释,使用材料Show trainee how to access materials 给学员展示如何访问材料Use job aids, if available, to help trainee understand the task 如果可能,使用帮助材料,以使学员更好的理解学习任务Ask open-ended questions frequently have them repeat or clarify instructions 多问开放型问题,重复或者阐明指示Listen and pay attention to body language 倾听并注意身体语言When you dont know an answer, find out and get back to them 当你不知道答案的时候,查找答案并反馈给学员,PRESENT - Second “P” 陈述-第二个P,What if they still dont get it?如果他们仍得不到答案会如何?,Dont get frustrated if your trainee is struggling with the information: 如果你的学员在某个问题上纠缠不放,不要感到灰心:Seek to Understand 寻求理解Be Patient 请耐心Get help from another trainer in your area 向你同一区域的其他培训员寻求帮助Take a break and try again later using a different style休息一会儿,稍后用另一种方式重新尝试,What if they still dont get i,PRACTICE - Third “P” 练习-第三个P,70% of the Training is Practice. Why it is important:培训的70%都是练习。为什么练习如此重要呢?Allows trainee to practice skills that were demonstrated and provide feedback 在你示范之后,要让学员练习并给出反馈Review skills each day to ensure retention 每天都要回顾技巧以保证学员得到巩固Allows trainee to feel comfortable with new skills 要让每个学员都对新技能感到适应Allows trainer to verify that trainee can perform skills 培训员要检查学员确实能执行新的技能,PRACTICE - Third “P” 练习-第三个P7,Constructive Feedback 建设性的反馈,If trainee does not perform task correctly, communicate and demonstrate task again 如果学员不能正确的进行操作任务,同他们交流并再次示范 Have trainee communicate areas that they need more training on or dont feel comfortable with 同学员交流,指出并了解他们需要更多培训或感到不适的地方 Be positive with your feedback, adults learn better in this environment 多做积极的反馈,成年人在这种环境下能够学的更多 Treat the trainee how you would want to be treated 你希望别人怎样对待你,你就应该怎样对待你的学员,Constructive Feedback 建设性的反馈,PERFORM Fourth “P” 执行-第四个P,Coach trainee during proficiency time 在熟练的过程里指导学员 Ensure that trainee is proficient on their skills before sign off 在签字通过之前,确保学员在技能上已经达到精通的程度 Help trainee prepare for their certification 帮助学员准备他们的通过鉴定 Have a plan to follow up with trainee after certification 在学员通过后,应有跟进的计划,PERFORM Fourth “P” 执行-第四个P,4P 教学模式,学习指导/培训员,学习者/学员,准备/陈述 (30%),练习/执行 (70%),什么要成功而持续的作该项工作需要些什么样的技能和步骤?为什么为什么要这样做?解释每一步的重要性以及它们是怎样融为一个整体的,怎样给学员演示每一步是怎样进行的, 培训员自己的操作必须正确,具有示范性。 给学员讲解你正在做什么,并告诉他们接下来也会这么做,什么&为什么解释每一部是怎样的,它们为什么重要,怎样演示和揭示每一步, 并正确的操作每一个步骤,评估评定你的工作环境和培训经验跟进核对你的学员,看他们是否需要帮助,跟进 不断的检测学员, 以保证你的示范和讲解时正确的,否,是,评估-学员是否能正确的完成每一步的任务和步骤?,4P 教学模式 学习指导/培训员学习者/学员准备/陈述 (,Adult Learning Characteristics & Styles成年人学习的特点和类型,Adult Learning Characteristi,Adult Learning Characteristics成年人学习的特点,Are self-directed 自我管理Want to have control of their learning 希望控制自己的学习Are goal oriented 以目的为导向Take errors personally 自我保有错误Take longer to learn new tasks 学习新任务时间较长Want practical information 希望有实用性的信息Integrate new information into their previous knowledge 能将新信息与他们以前的知识整合在一起,Adult Learning Characteristics,Adult Learning Characteristics,Adult Learning Characteristics,More Adult Learning Characteristics,More Adult Learning Characteri,Assess Your Learning Style 评定你的学习方式,Learning styles refer to the ways you prefer to approach new information. Each of us learns and processes information in our own special ways, though we share some learning patterns, preferences, and approaches. 学习方式是指你习惯的获取理解信息的方法。虽然我们在学习模式,偏爱和途径上有些共性,但是每个人都有自己学习和获取信息的方法。Knowing your own style can also help you to realize that other people may approach the same situation in a different way from your own. 知道你自己的方式也有助于你认识到,其他人会以与你不同的方式达到同样的情况。,Assess Your Learning Style 评定你,Thinkers 思想者,Reject anything that is not logical 抵制不合逻辑的事物 Like to listen and observe 喜欢倾听和观察 Like to take notes 喜欢记笔记 May be uncomfortable with emotional judgments 对情绪化的判断会感到不舒服 Collect data and think about it 收集数据并思考 Think through problems step by step 循序渐进的思考问题 Consider all angles and implications 考虑所有的角度和含义 Like to analyze 喜欢分析,Thinkers 思想者 Reject anything t,Doers 行动者,Are open minded 思想开放 Use brainstorming to attack problems 用自由讨论来解决问题 Like to solve problems 喜欢解决问题 Act first, considers consequences later 先行动,后考虑结果 Act quickly and confidently 迅速自信的行动 Like to try out new ideas 喜欢尝试新思想 Enjoy hands-on experiences 享受动手的过程 May get impatient with endless discussions 对无尽的讨论会失去耐心,Doers 行动者 Are open minded 思想,Key to Learning Styles (LS) 学习方式的关键,The key to learning styles is to be able to adjust your training style to meet your trainees learning style.学习方式的关键是能够调整你的培训方式,以适应你学员的学习方式。Understanding the LS characteristics and how your trainees learn will enhance and accelerate your training sessions.理解学习方式的特点和你的学员是怎样学习的会提高和加速你的培训课程。,Key to Learning Styles (LS) 学习,Learning Styles: Do/Dont Activity学习方式:要/不要 活动,Divide into groups based on LS Thinker or Doer 按照学习方式分组思想者或是行动者Brainstorm on how each group best learn based on their given LS 集体讨论按照他们的学习方式怎样才能最好的学习Discuss what not to do or what to avoid during training with your particular LS 讨论按照你的学习方式在培训中不要怎么做或要避免什么Write down key points and report out写出要点并汇报出来,Learning Styles: Do/Dont Acti,How to Train A Thinker. 怎么培训思想者,Do This.,Dont Do This.,How to Train A Thinker. 怎么培训,How to Train A Doer.怎么培训行动者,Do This.,Dont Do This.,How to Train A Doer.怎么培训行动者D,Prep for Perfect Train Activity准备培训活动,Creating a Training Plan 创建一个培训计划Pick a training activity something you want a trainee to learn 选择一个培训活动-你想让学员学习的东西Determine training goals and steps needed to get there 确定培训目的和要达到目的所需要的步骤Construct your training plan using supplemental handout 用补充的分发材料创建你的培训计划You will train someone while another person observes and evaluates the training session 实施培训,并有人观察评估你的培训Evaluation is based on the 4Ps 按照4P模式评估培训,Prep for Perfect Train Activit,Lunch Break,Lunch Break,交流技巧单元,Communication Skills Module,4 Components for effective communication:有效交流的4大元素: Active Listening 积极的倾听Ask Effective Questions 询问有效的问题Explaining Skills 解释的技巧Giving Advices & Encouragements 给与意见和鼓励,交流技巧单元Communication Skills Mod,Active Listening 积极的倾听,Use Listening Responses 有倾听反应 Prepare in Advance 预先准备 Ask Clarifying Questions 询问澄清 Use Reflective Phrases 有反应的话语 Limit Your Own Talking 少说多听 Review Main Points 回顾要点,Active Listening 积极的倾听 Use Lis,Guidelines for Explaining 解释的技巧,Guidelines for Explaining 解释的技,Giving Advice 给出意见,Current Performance 现有的表现 Change Desired 要求的改变 Pure (Dont mix messages) 单纯的意见 Just Before Performance 表现之前 Limit Your Scope 限制范围 Ask for Feedback 征询反馈,Giving Advice 给出意见 Current Per,Giving Encouragement 给出鼓励,Specific 具体 Pure 单纯 Positive 积极 Immediate 及时 Frequent 频繁 Irregular 无规律,Ed, I know you can make that putt, youve made it a million times,Giving Encouragement 给出鼓励 Spec,“Van Gogh Activity” 梵高游戏,Part 1 第一部分Teams of 2 - trainee (drawer) and trainer (speaker)Trainee can not see diagramTrainer is to give directions to traineeTrainee is not allowed to ask questionsDebriefPart 2 第二部分Same process but Trainee is allowed to ask questionsDebrief what were the major differences,“Van Gogh Activity” 梵高游戏Part,OJT Guidelines Review 在职培训指导概述,Planned & Organized 有计划有组织 Focused on the Trainee 以学员为中心 Based on Specs and Training Packages 以Spec和培训材料为基础 Based on the 4P Coaching Model 以4P教学模式为基础 Has Scheduled Follow-up & Progress Checks 有跟进计划和进度检查,OJT Guidelines Review 在职培训指导概,OJT Guidelines 在职培训指导,Planned & Organized 有计划有组织 Set of defined tasks used to create clearly stated objectives 一系列定义好的任务,以创立清晰的目标 Includes a clear beginning, end, and overview 有清楚的开始、结束和概述 Training presented from simple to complex, known to unknown 由浅入深,已知到未知 Supported by training materials 有培训材料支持,OJT Guidelines 在职培训指导Planned,OJT Guidelines 在职培训指导,Focused on the Trainee 以学员为中心Individualized for the needs of each trainee 需求个性化 Pace of training determined by trainees ability and aptitude 根据学员的能力和水平决定培训进度 Focus on practice and performance (70%) 以练习和表现为重点 Trainee supervised at all times 全程指导 Training methods accommodate trainees learning style 因材施教,OJT Guidelines 在职培训指导Focused,OJT Guidelines 在职培训指导,Based on the Specs 基于SpecsTraining is based on the appropriate specifications 培训要以一定的规范为基础Specs are referred to frequently during the training session 在培训中要频繁的以Specs为参考,OJT Guidelines 在职培训指导Based on,OJT Guidelines 在职培训指导,Based on 4P Coaching Model, the trainer 以4P教学模式为基础,培训员要做到:Prepares for the train; assesses trainees LS, develops training plan etc. 做好准备;评估学员的学习类型,有培训计划等等Presents, demonstrates, and explains tasks and knowledge 陈述,示范并解释任务和知识Provides opportunity to practice task/skill until mastered 提供练习任务/技巧的机会,直至掌握Provides opportunity to apply/perform task/skill in real-life situations 提供机会以应用学到的任务/技能到真实的环境中,OJT Guidelines 在职培训指导Based on,OJT Guidelines 在职培训指导,Scheduled Follow-Ups & Progress Checks 计划跟进以及进度检查Follow-up with trainee until they are proficient 跟进学员,直到他们精通为止A proficiency period may be required before certification 在通过验收之前,需要一段熟练的时间Additional practice recommended, if appropriate 如果需要,可以有额外的练习,OJT Guidelines 在职培训指导Schedule,Lets Take a Break 休息一下,Lets Take a Break 休息一下,Perfect Train Activity Review “完美培训”活动,Creating a Training Plan (instructions) 创建一个培训计划Pick a training activity something you want a trainee to learn 挑选一个培训活动-你想让学员学习的内容Determine training goals and steps needed to get there 决定培训目标和所需要的步骤Construct your training plan using supplemental material 构建起你的培训计划You will train someone while another person observes and evaluates the training session 实施培训,有学员,同时会有其他人做观察并评估你的培训 Evaluation is based on the 4 Ps 以4P模式为基础进行评估,Perfect Train Activity Review,The Perfect Train Activity 完美培训活动,Each participant will present his/her prepared training activity based on the 4Ps and the different Learning Styles 每个参与者以4P模式和不同学习类型为基础实施一次培训活动 Audience will provide feedback starting from positive to opportunities 听众提供反馈意见,积极的或者是改进机会 Audience to share BKMs to class 听众向大家分享BKM,The Perfect Train Activity 完美培,End of Class,课程结束,End of Class课程结束,


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