ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE,ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE,1143014,1143018,1143020,1143057,1143058,Team members,1143059,114301411430181143020 11430571,Background information,Private enterprise in chinaFortune 500 in the worldleading global ICT solutions provider.products and solutions have been deployed in over 140 countriesserving more than one third of the worlds works, pipes and cloud computing fields.,Background informationPrivate,Core values,Customers:Huawei exists to serve customers, whose demands are the driving forces behind his development.,Core valuesCustomers:,Concern for survival,growth,Philosophy: Integrity : behave honestly and keep our promises, winning our customers trust and respect.Dedication: create value for customers improve our capabilities ultimate measure of the value of any technology, product, solution or process improvement.,Concern for survival,growth,Ph,Concern for employee:value employees contributions and reward them accordingly. succeed through teamwork. By working closely in both good times and bad, we lay the foundation for successful cross-cultural collaboration, streamlined inter-departmental cooperation and efficient processes.,Concern for employee:,Vision & Mission,To enrich life through communication.,vision,To focus on our customers market challenges and needs by providing excellent ICT solutions and services in order to consistently create maximum value for our customers,mission,Vision & MissionTo enrich life,Overall Industry,Traditional version:dominated by the advanced companies from highly-developed countries.,New version:companies from emerging countries(China & India) growing rapidly.,ICT industry technology-oriented human resourceprovide technologies and services equipment,Overall IndustryTraditional ve,Main products and services,a leading global ICT(information,communication,telecom)solution provider.,Main products:,Main products and servicesa le,Five forces framework,potential entrants,supplierspower,sellerspower,substitutes threat,Five forces frameworkCompeti,Threat of entry by Potential entrants,scale or experience,Access to supply,Differentiation,economics of scale,Threat of entry by Potential e,Competitive rivalry within the industry,Competitor balance,Industry growth rate,Swiss Ericsson co. biggest electronic equipment manufacturer,big possibility revolution of new technology,Competitive rivalry within the,Bargaining power,US / Europe,national security concerns,regional,vodafone signed a long-term contract with huawei in exchange ,it ask a overall evaluation covering all the busniess departments of huawei,Mature market,Policy restriction,Buyers,Bargaining power US / Europena,Bargaining power,sophisticated industry line,essential input,the cost of selecting,recruiting,training,managing is very high,Human resources,Core products,Sellers,Bargaining power sophisticated,PESTEL Analysis,POLITICAL,ECONOMIC,SOCIAL,TECHNOLOGICAL,ENVIRONMENTAL,LEAGEL,PESTEL AnalysisPESTEL Analysis,POLITICAL,Government support for high technology -Shenzhen governments regular surpport -special plan of 10 billion -plan HUAWEI sci-tech city Government support for independent innovation -a big supplier for the government Government support for private enterprises -only one company that has not gone public on the Fortune 500 list -loose land quota,POLITICALGovernment support fo,ECONOMIC,demand caused by the great development of China in the 1980s and 1990s core competence of economic development rich resources, cheap labor-innovationthe trend of globalizationChinas entry into WTO,ECONOMICdemand caused by the g,SOCIAL,profound reexamination of Maos Revolution -respect for real intellectualsthe reform and openness of the whole countryreversed formerly inappropriate view of the publicescalated protagonist consciousness of citizens slowly built good reputation in the public -diligence and down-to-earth spirits -high-quality products made by elites without flashy advertisements,SOCIALprofound reexamination o,TECHNOLOGICAL,the section of the market for this kind of technology is almost blank in mainland China,TECHNOLOGICALthe section of th,ENVIRONMENTAL,a provider of telecommunications networknot dependent on the environment to provide raw materialsalmost no negative externality to the environment,ENVIRONMENTALa provider of tel,Legal,The anti-monopoly law of the Peoples Republic of China -telecommunications itself:natural monopoly and long-term development -a chance to compete with the formerly state-run powerful telecommunications groups such as CHINA MOBIL and CHINA TELECOM.The regulations of WTO -the principle of discriminatory -anti- protectionism,LegalThe anti-monopoly law of,huawei_华为战略分析(原创版)1课件,We do not engage in any diversion of resources and senior management of energy non-related diversification business.,We do not engage in any divers,huawei_华为战略分析(原创版)1课件,Focused differentiation,Efficient use,Industry trends,Labor,International strategy,Brand management,Focused differentiationEfficie,huawei_华为战略分析(原创版)1课件,In 2008, ranks No.3 in worldwide market share of mobile network equipment.In 2008, ranks No.1 in mobile broadband devices having shipped over 20 million units.In 2009, ranks No.2 in global market share of radio access equipment.In 2013, ranks No.3 in global market share of mobile phone.,In 2008, ranks No.3 in worldwi,In 2006, Huawei selects as a preferred telecoms equipment supplier and signs Global Framework Agreement with Vodafone.In 2008, Huawei first large scale commercial deployment of UMTS/HSPA in North America, for TELUS and Bell Canada. In 2011, Huawei unveiled the GigaSite and solution U2Net architecture.,In 2006, Huawei selects as a p,huawei_华为战略分析(原创版)1课件,In 2011, Huawei built 20 cloud computing data centers.In 2011, Huawei established the 2012 Laboratories.,In 2011, Huawei built 20 cloud,In 2006, Huawei establishes Shanghai-based joint R&D Center with Motorola to develop UMTS technologies.In 2010, Huawei established its Cyber Security Evaluation Centre in the UK.,In 2006, Huawei establishes Sh,In 2010, Huawei signed a Voluntary Green Agreement with the China Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT).,In 2010, Huawei signed a Volun,huawei_华为战略分析(原创版)1课件,Strategy in action-organization for success,Process,Relationship,Structure,Strategy in action-organizatio,Hua Wei s structure the matrix structure,Hua Wei s structu,advantages: 1)have integrated knowledge 2)allow dual dimensions 3)flexible disadvantages:1)a decision made will be late 2)people will not be clear their task 3)cause some conflicts,advantages: 1)have integrated,Strategy in action-Resouring,Information,Finance,People,Technology,Strategy in action-ResouringIn,newsletters,newslettersstories of our cust,Exhibitions,Exhibitions,Thank You !,Thank You !,