Golf,ByChristie,GolfByChristie,A Brief Introduction of Golf,Golf is a precision club-and-ball sport, in which competing players (golfer), using many types of clubs, attempt to hit balls, into each hole on a golf course golf while employing the fewest number of strokes.,A Brief Introduction of GolfG,Origin,The origin of golf is unclear and open to debate. A cite chuiwan(捶丸) as the progenitor, a Chinese game played between the eighth and 14th centuries. A Ming Dynasty scroll dating back to 1368 entitled The Autumn Banquet, shows a member of the Chinese Imperial court swinging what appears to be a golf club at a small ball with the aim of sinking it into a hole.,公元前二、三百年时,中国有种被形象地称为“捶丸”的球戏,而公元前27年至公元395年的古罗马有一种以木杆击打用羽毛充塞制成的球的游戏。 相传在明朝,皇室有一种类似高尔夫运动的游戏,叫“捶丸”。它被描述为:在走路的过程中用棍子击球的运动。之所以有这样的说法是因为在我国至今仍保存着关于这种运动的壁画。这也是高尔夫起源于中国的唯一证据。,O,Play of the game,1. teeing ground (开球区)2. water hazard (河川)3. rough (深草区)4. out of bounds (界外)5. sand bunker (沙坑)6. water hazard (水塘)7. fairway (球道)8. putting green (果岭)9. flagstick (旗竿)10. hole (球洞),Play of the game1. teeing gr,Rules and Regulations,The rules of golf are internationally standardized and are jointly governed by The R&A, spun off in 2004 from The Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St Andrews (founded 1754), and the United States Golf Association (USGA).,Scoring and HandicappingA hole is classified by its par; the number of strokes a skilled golfer should require to complete play of the hole. For example, a skilled golfer expects to reach the green on a par-four hole in two strokes (This would be considered a Green in Regulation or GIR): one from the tee (the drive) and another, second, stroke to the green (the approach); and then roll the ball into the hole in two putts for par. A golf hole is either a par-three, -four or -five, rarely -six.,Rules and RegulationsThe rules,Scoring,Numeric TermSpecific termDefin,世界著名的高尔夫球场,Portmarnock Golf Club波特马诺克高尔夫俱乐部“都柏林身边的美学”Bally bunion巴利巴宁球场“拥抱大海的波澜壮阔”Royal County Down北爱尔兰皇家乡村高尔夫俱乐部“百年高尔夫乐园” Royal Port rush Golf Club皇家波特拉什高尔夫俱乐部“堤岸海岸上的明珠”,世界著名的高尔夫球场Portmarnock Golf Clu,Portmarnock Golf Club,波特马诺克高尔夫俱乐部毫无疑问是爱尔兰最好和最富有挑战的海滨沙丘高尔夫球场之一。它共举办过16场大型赛事,包括爱尔兰公开赛、加拿大杯、业余家庭国际高尔夫球赛、国内锦标赛和1991年的Walker杯。,Portmarnock Golf C,golf高尔夫介绍课件,Bally bunion,Bally bun,特殊的地理位置:球场位于壮观的北凯里海岸,处于香侬河与凯里岬之间,美丽而崎岖的大西洋海岸形成了球场的背景版。世界上大约有30的天然林克斯球场错落于爱尔兰岛的海岸线上。,特殊的地理位置:球场位于壮观的北凯里海岸,处于香侬河与凯里岬,Royal County Down,Royal County Down,golf高尔夫介绍课件,北爱尔兰皇家乡村高尔夫俱乐部(Royal County Down Golf Club)是一个令人无法用言语形容却可震撼到你心灵的地方。倚眺高大巍峨的莫恩山脉(Mountains of Mourne),傍依邓德拉姆海湾(Dundrum Bay),是一个货真价实的林克斯风格的高尔夫球场。人们常用三个之最来形容这个球场,爱尔兰岛最古老的高尔夫俱乐部之一、世界上最美丽的球场之一、世界上最具挑战性的球场之一。石楠花和金雀花簇拥的球道在巨大的沙丘下辗转曲折,轮廓精巧的果岭周围是野草丛生的沙坑。这里宛如世外桃源景色美不胜收,打起高尔夫球更是惊心动魄。北爱尔兰皇家乡村是大自然专门为林克斯球场孕育出来的,在设计师人为地为它规划调整打球区、果领和沙坑以前,90%以上的沙丘地带已是沿着陆地天然形成了高尔夫球场的雏形。所以毋庸质疑的,这里在建成后短短的4年内,便已足够达到了举办爱尔兰业余公开赛的资格。,北爱尔兰皇家乡村高尔夫俱乐部(Royal County Do,Royal Port rush Golf Club,Royal Port rush Golf Club,在美丽的北爱尔兰Antrim Causeway海岸上,盘踞着著名的皇家波特拉什高尔夫俱乐部。宽广的海岸线、庞大的沙丘组成了一个大三角型,西望Donegal山,北临Islay岛与南Hebrides群岛,东依Giants Causeway和Skerries,四面宏伟的景观一览无余,也是一个典型的林克斯风格的球场。这里可以远眺13世纪Dunluce古堡的遗址,Royal Portrush也因此被称为著名的Dunluce球场。,北爱尔兰自治区的皇家波特拉什高尔夫俱乐部也是世界上最俱挑战性的球场之一。皇家波特拉伸触击球场第5洞的难度较大,需要从发球台将球准确地并落在狭窄的球道上,接着再挥动8号、9号铁杆将球击入处于峭壁区附近的果岭。,在美丽的北爱尔兰Antrim Causeway海岸上,盘踞着,Some Famous Players,Eldrick Tiger Woods,Some Famous PlayersEldrick Ti,golf高尔夫介绍课件,Personal InformationFull Name,Eldrick Tont Tiger Woods (born December 30, 1975 is an American professional golfer whose achievements to date rank him among the most successful golfers of all time. Currently the World No. 1, he is the highest-paid professional athlete in the world, having earned an estimated $90.5 million from winnings and endorsements in 2010. He has won 95 tournaments, 71 of those on the PGA Tour, including the 1997, 2001, 2002 and 2005 Masters Tournaments, 1999, 2000, 2006 and 2007 PGA Championships, 2000, 2002, and 2008 U.S. Open Championships, and 2000, 2005 and 2006 Open Championships. With his second Masters victory in 2001, Tiger became the first ever to hold all four professional major championships at the same time. He is the career victories leader among active players on the PGA Tour, and is the career money list leader.,Eldrick Tont Tiger Woo,夺冠经历,2009年 别克公开赛2008年 万事达卡阿诺德帕尔默邀请赛 美国公开赛 2007年 美国PGA锦标赛2005年 别克邀请赛、福特锦标赛、美国名人赛、英国公开赛 2004年 埃森图勒比洞锦标赛 2003年 美国运通锦标赛、西部公开赛、希尔湾邀请赛、别克邀请赛、埃森 图勒比洞锦标赛 2002年 美国公开赛、美国名人赛、大满贯高球赛、美国运通锦标赛、别克 公开赛、德国银行-SAP欧洲公开赛、希尔湾邀请赛 2001年 美国名人赛、世界挑战赛、NEC邀请赛、纪念巡回赛、德国银行-SAP欧洲公开赛、球员锦标赛、希尔湾邀请赛、尊尼霍加精英赛 2000年 美国公开赛、英国公开赛、PGA锦标赛、大满贯高球赛、加拿大公开赛、梅塞德斯锦标赛、AT&T圆石滩国家职业-业余赛、希尔湾邀请赛、纪念巡回赛、NEC邀请赛 1999年 PGA锦标赛、美国运通锦标赛、别克邀请赛、纪念巡回赛、西部公开赛、NEC邀请赛、迪斯尼精英赛、巡回赛锦标赛、德国银行-SAP欧洲公开赛 1998年 南方贝尔精英赛、尊尼霍加精英赛 1997年 美国名人赛、梅塞德斯锦标赛、拜伦-尼尔森精英赛、西部公开赛 1996年 拉斯维加斯邀请赛、迪斯尼精英赛,夺冠经历 2009年 别克公开赛,James Michael Furyk,James Michael Furyk,Personal InformationFull Name,Professional wins (26)PGA Tour wins (16)Major Championships (1) FedEx Cup playoff event (1) Other PGA Tour (14) Nationwide Tour wins (1)NIKE Mississippi Gulf Coast ClassicOther wins (9)1995 (1) Lincoln-Mercury Kapalua International 1997 (1) Argentine Open 1998 (1) Fred Meyer Challenge (with David Duval) 2002 (1) Wendys 3-Tour Challenge (with Rich Beem and John Daly) 2003 (1) PGA Grand Slam of Golf 2005 (1) Nedbank Golf Challenge (South Africa - unofficial money event) 2006 (1) Nedbank Golf Challenge (South Africa - unofficial money event) 2008 (1) PGA Grand Slam of Golf 2009 (1) Chevron World Challenge,Professional wins (26),张连伟,中国高尔夫球员。男,1965年5月2日出生于广东。1994年底,通过了职业高尔夫球员的达标赛,成为中国首批职业高尔夫球手之一。他世界排名第158位,列亚洲第五,中国第一。2010年2月,张连伟受聘为中国高尔夫协会委员,也是国内第一位球员成为中高协的委员。,Zhang Lianwei,张连伟,中国高尔夫球员。男,1965年5月2日出生于广东。1,golf高尔夫介绍课件,Thank you!,Made by Christie,Thank you!Made by Christie,