ESD Best Practical Sharing,TITL QRA,ESD Best Practical SharingTITL,2,Index,ESD History Definition of ESD Material Reduce ESD Damaged Methodology ESD Check list,313141718464752,Page,2Index ESD History 313Page,Reminder that ESD is a serious problem in the entire electronics industry.提醒所有员工“静电”对IC材料的破坏是一个非常严重的问题, 它是整个半导体所面临的一项挑战.,Why Do We Need ESD Training?,为何需要此ESD训练课程?,It is believed that 25% of all component failures are a result of ESD. 相信有大约25%的IC材料是因静电(ESD)的影响而遭破坏,3,Reminder that ESD is a serious,Electrical Over Stress(EOS)-The exposure of an item to a current or voltage beyond its maximum ratings. EOS - 指一个IC材料受到超过其所能负荷的电压,电流而遭受到破坏 的状态,Definitions定义,Electrostatic Discharge (ESD)-The transfer of electrostatic charge between bodies or surfaces at different electrostatic potential.ESD is a subset of EOS. ESD - 即静电放电之意.指不同电位的二个物体之间产生的电荷急骤流 动的现象.,4,Electrical Over Stress(EOS)-T,Conductors vs Insulators,带静电的絶缘体Charged Insulator,带静电的导体Charged Conductor,Conductor evenly distributes charge over entire surface平均分布于整个表面,Opposite polarity charges can exist on the same insulator.不同极性的电荷会同时存在絶缘体上,Conductor completelydischarges when grounded.,Insulatoars do not allow charge to flow.Grounding an insulator neither removescharge or prevents surface charges.,5,IC,Conductors vs Insulators带静电的絶缘,Static electricity has been a curiosity for many hundreds of years.,History,Today, special precautions are taken by industries where static sparks could cause an explosion,e.g., flour mills,hospital operating rooms,etc . 在今天,静电所产生的破坏已引起工业界的注意.例如: 面粉厂的 尘爆, 院的手术过程,IC制造工业等.,After the invention of gun powder by the Chinese,it was no longer a curiosity for anyone manufacturing that product. 静电现象一直存在于人类历史中,以前则被认为是一种奇特的异象,6,Static electricity has been,Strange failures occurred,and the cause of the problem was not easily seen with the optical microscopes-failure analysis read : cause unknown. 静电造成一些奇特而不易察觉的破坏,F/A分析的结论往往是: 原因 不明.,EOS/ESD is perhaps the most significant failure mechanism in the electronics industry today. EOS/ESD对半导体之元件的破坏,可能是当今半导体界最头痛, 也 是最严重的一个问题.,History,7,Strange failures occurred,and,Fundamentals of Static - Tribocharging 磨擦产生静电,This situation occurs when one or both of the materials are insulators.但这种情况为发生在其中一种物质为 绝缘体,Whenever two dissimilar materials make contact and then are separated, a static charge is created.二种不同性质的物质碰在一起再分离也会产生静电.,8,Fundamentals of Static - Trib,Triboelectric Series,Factors to consider:,Humidity: 湿度Speed of separation: 分离速度Type of material: 材料性质Contact area: 接触面积,Increasing Positive,Air:空气Human Hand:手Rabbit Fur:兔毛Glass:玻璃Mica:human hair:头发Nylon:尼龙Wool:毛Silk:丝Aluminum:锡Paper:纸Cotton:棉Steel:铜铁 Wood:木头Amber:Hard Rubber:橡胶Nickel,Copper,Brass,SilverPolyester:聚醋棉PolyethylenePolypropylene:软片PVC(Vinyl),Increasing Negative,9,Triboelectric SeriesFactors to,静电放电的模型,Human-Body Model, HBM) 人体放电模型 Machine Model, MM) 机器放电模型 Charged Device Model, CDM) 元件充电模型 模拟由个人之手指尖端放电至元件的现像,Grounded Surface,10,静电放电的模型 Human-Body Model, HBM,HBM 波形,C = 100 PF R = 1.5 K,Standard,资料来源: 工研院电子所,11,HBM 波形 C = 100 PF Standard资料,自动组装之制造环境ESD 模型,电感,I(A),Time (ns),MM,12,自动组装之制造环境ESD 模型电感ITime (ns)M,CDM Event 的来源,CDM,测试机台 自动插件 IC的包装 (Tube),13,CDM Event 的来源CDM 测试机台13,Definition定义(1),1. Conductive material - ESD protective material having a surface resistivity less than 1 x E5 ohms/square or a volume resistivity less than 1 x10E4 ohm-cm. 导体 - ESD保护物质其表面电阻系数小于 1x10E5 欧姆/单位面积或容积电阻系数小于 1 x 10E4 欧姆- 公分者.,14,Definition1. Conductive materi,Static dissipative material - A material having a surface resistivity of at least 1 x 10E5 ohms/square or 1 x 10E4 ohm-cm volume resistivity, but less than 1 x 10E12 ohm/square surface resistivity or 1 x 10E11 ohm-cm volume resistivity. 静电传导物质 - 表面电阻系数介于1 x 10E5 与1 x10E12 欧姆/单位面积,或容积电阻系数介于1 x 10E4 与1 x10E11 欧姆-公分者.,Definition定义(2),15,Static dissipative material -,3. Insulative material - A material having a surface resistivity of at least 1 x 10E12 ohms/square or 1 x 10E11 ohm-cm volume resistivity. 绝缘物质 - 物质它的表面电阻系数大于 1x10E12 欧 姆/ 单位面积或容积电阻系数大于 1x10E11 欧姆-公 分者.,Definition定义(3),16,3. Insulative material - A mat,Insutatic Material - Material that minimizes the generation of static charge less than +/-200(TCP100V) volts when rubbed against itself, or when separated from itself or other similar materials.抗静电物质 - 物质若经自己相互磨擦或相互分开或与其它类似物质分开时不产生大于 +/- 200(TCP100V) 伏特的静电压者.,Definition定义(4),17,Insutatic Material - Material,Safety Area安全区域,The operation where all leads are at common voltage potential. (Wires are bonded and tie bar is not separated such as sealing, molding, PMI and so on.)材料所有的脚都在等电位. (已接线, 且脚尚未分离.如过炉, 压模, 压模前检查等区域).,18,Safety Area安全区域The operation,Equipment设备,a) Electrostatic Voltmeters/fieldmeters : 静电表b) Digital OHM Meter : 数位欧姆表c) Air Ionizer : 离子风扇d) Wrist strap or Foot Strap (Optional) : 静电手环或脚环e) Conductive Bag & Antistatic Magazine : 导电袋及抗静电管f) Caution Label : 提醒标签g) Anti-Static Void Filler : 抗静电泡垫h) Dissipative Table/Floor MAT (Optional) : 静电地毡或桌垫i) Esd protected work station : 无静电工作桌j) Caution Sign : 提醒广告牌k) ESD Protective Shoes Tester : 静电鞋测试器,19,Equipment设备a) Electrostatic,Digital OHM Meter 数位欧姆表,Shall be capable of measuring a dc resistance of 0.1 ohm through 1 megohm +/-10% with an open circuit voltage greater than 1.5 V. 三用电表或直流电阻表应可量测 0.1 欧姆到 1 M 欧姆 +/-10% 范围的电阻,且开路电压应大 于1.5 V 以上.,20,Digital OHM Meter 数位欧姆表Shall,Air Ionizer 离子风扇(1),The devices at work station must be within 4 feet maximum are measured by vertical line from the face of the ionizers and around 45 degrees on each side of this line. switched on and properly directed across the work surface.工作时必须置于距离离子风扇4英尺圆弧内, 两边各近似45度角范围内.且方向正对着工作区域 任何静电敏感的材料放于工作台之前, 必须把离子风扇先打开,而且中途不可关掉.,21,Air Ionizer 离子风扇(1)The device,1. Ionizer Balance +/-35 V 余额电压 离子风扇的余额 = 30 cm, 5min. 小于 +/-35 V2. Ionizer charge decay time. 来量测离子风扇的放电衰退程度. 20sec,=30cm, 1000V reduce to 100V3. Blue tape will put under ionizer stream around 5 sec.then put wafer on it. 胶布撕下后,在离子风扇下大约吹5秒钟, 方可将芯片置于 其上,Air Ionizer 离子风扇(2),22,1. Ionizer Balance +/-35 VAir,Wrist strap or Foot Strap (Optional) 静电手环或脚环 (1),Wrist strap connected to dissipative or conductivetable top through an integral 1M ohm +/-10% resistorshould be worn by operators. This way result in the wrist strap being 2 M ohm +/- 10% ground and is acceptable.静电环必须有 1 M 欧姆+/-10% 的电阻连接到导电或静电传导的工作桌面. 若因此使得静电环与接地间形成2M 欧姆 +/- 10% 之电阻是可接受的。,23,Wrist strap or Foot Strap (Opt,The working resistor of wrist strip must be checked shiftily as following path, from the users hand, through the usersbody,the body-to-strap contact, the integral resistor, the strap wire, to the strap ground connector.And it should be during 500k-10MEGA OHMS , record is required.静电环的工作电阻必须以如下的回路每班检验并做记录,而其阻抗值 需介于 : 或500k 到 10 MEGA 欧姆. 回路 带者的手 带者的身体 身体与手环接触点 1 M +/-10% 欧姆的静电环内含电阻 手环连接线 接地点 欧姆计,Wrist strap or Foot Strap (Optional) 静电手环或脚环 (1),24,The working resistor of wrist,Conductive Bag & Antistatic Magazine导电袋及抗静电管(1),1. All ESDS devices shall be packed in ESD protective packaging when not at an ESD protected area or work- station. 当不在静电防护区域或工作站时所有的静电敏感材料必须装 在静电防护包装之内.2. Conductive magazine, bag or container which Faraday cage container simulated will be used for all device transportation and storage. 材料在贮存或运送中必须以导电管子,袋子或导电容器等法 拉第容器包装.,25,Conductive Bag & Antistatic Ma,3. Tube will be anti-static or conductive. 管子要用抗静电或导电的材质 The re-cycle period for anti-static tube used on line should not exceed one year. 在线用做循环使用之管子,使用期限不得超过一年。,Conductive Bag & Antistatic Magazine导电袋及抗静电管(2),26,3. Tube will be anti-static,Caution Label提醒标签,A yellow ESD caution label shall be attached no conductive bag and one side of packing box. 黄色的ESD 警告标志必须贴在导电袋及包装箱上.2. Each ESD protective package shall have a contrasting ESD caution label. The caution label shall be legible to normal vision at a distance of three feet. 每件静电防护包装物必须有明显的静电警告标签.这静电警告标签必须能在三英尺外以正常目视可辨识出.,27,Caution Label提醒标签A yellow ESD,Anti-Static Void Filler 抗静电泡垫,Packing and filler materials for ESDs devicesshall not turboelectric charge to greater than+/-200(TCP100V) volts under normal/intended use.静电敏感材料的包装及填充物当使用时不得因摩擦而产生大于 +/- 200(TCP100V) 伏特之静电压.,28,Anti-Static Void Filler 抗静电泡垫,Dissipative Table/Floor MAT (Optional)静电地毡或桌垫(1),1. ESD protective static /=10E5 to 10E9 ohm dissipative work surface to ESD ground resistance. 静电防护传导物表面至静电接地之电阻等于或大于 10E5 欧姆 到 10E9 欧姆 The recommended lower limit is 10E5 ohm. However a lower value may be used if local safety requirements can still be met. 建议最低的阻抗值是10E5 欧姆. 但是如果能够符合当 地安全要求则低于此建议值的阻抗可以采用.,29,Dissipative Table/Floor MAT (O,Electrodes-Two cylindrical 2.27 kg(5 pound)electrodes with a diameter of 63.5 mm (2.5 inches) each having contacts of electrically conductive material with a Shore-A (IRHD) udometer hardness of 50-70. The resistance between the two electrodes should be less than 1 kilohm when measured at 10 V or less on a metallic surface. 电极-两个重约 2.27 公斤(5 磅),直径 6.35 公分(2.5 英吋) 的圆柱型电极, 每个都要有硬度在 (IRHD) 50-70 间的导电物相接触. 两个电极间的电阻在金属表面及10 伏特或更低的量测电压下时不得大于 1 k 欧姆.,Dissipative Table/Floor MAT (Optional)静电地毡或桌垫(2),30,Electrodes-Two cylindrical 2.,Clean electrode with a clean,low-lining cloth. or using a minimum of 70% isopodan-water to clean it. Allow electrode to air dry. 使用清洁且不会脱纤维的布料来清洁电极.或用至少含有70% 的异丙 醇水溶液来清洁电极,并让电极在空气中干燥. Connect one lead of the meter to ESD ground, and the other lead to the electrode. Place electrode on the surface of the material being tested. Apply test voltage and record the resistance after the measurement has stabilized or after 15 seconds has elapsed. Remove test voltage and remove electrode from surface. 连结仪表的一端到接地点,另一端到电极. 将电极置于待量测物体表面 相距至少3 英尺. 输入测试电压并在量度稳定或 15秒后记录阻抗值. 停止测试电压且将电极也移开.,Dissipative Table/Floor MAT (Optional)静电地毡或桌垫(3),31,Clean electrode with a clea,Perform a minimum of five tests per contiguous Floor surface material or a minimum of five tests per 5,000 Square feet of floor material, whichever is greater. A Minimum of three of the five tests should be conducted in Those areas that are subject to wear or that have chemical or Water spillage or that are visibly dirty. 在连续的地板面至少要做5 次测试或每 5000平方英尺要做5 次测试,那 种次数多就采用那种. 5次中至少有3次要在有受磨损,或受化学物,水污 染或看起有些脏的地方,Dissipative Table/Floor MAT (Optional)静电地毡或桌垫(4),32,Perform a minimum of five test,ESD Protected Work Station无静电工作桌(1),1. Static dissipative ESD protective work surfaces are preferred. A direct connection to ground is recommended. A resistor of 1M ohm +/- 10 % in the grounding wire is optional. 建议最好使用静电传导防护工作面,且直接连结到接地. 接地线可加或 不加 1M +/- 10 % 电阻.,When highly conductive ESD protective work surfaces are required due to the manufacturing process needs (e.g., stainless steel), they shall be connected directly to ESD ground without a series resistor to ensure they are continuously at ground potential.In this case Ground fault circuit interrupters (GFCI) is a recommendation. 当高导电性静电防护工作面(如:不锈钢工作面)因制造部需要而设置时, 它们需直接连结到静电接地而不须外加一串连电阻以确定它们持续的 维持接地电位;此时每一电源插座建议需有漏电断路器(GFCI).,33,ESD Protected Work Station无静电,When unprotected ESDS devices or assemblies are candled on conductive/ highly conductive work surfaces, the work surface shall be covered with a grounded static dissipative work surface or meet the resistance requirement of static dissipative work surface, 10E5 to 10E9 ohms. 当使用不锈钢工作桌面处理材料时,必需在其上覆盖一层已接地的静电传 导性桌面或其桌面电阻要符合静电传导性桌面电阻的要求,10E5到10E9 ohms.,ESD Protected Work Station无静电工作桌(2),34,When unprotected ESDS device,Caution Sign 提醒广告牌,SD caution signs shall be posted at each ESD protected workstation and/or at the entrances of defined ESD protected areas.静电警告标志必须置于每一个无静电工作桌,且或在每个静电防护区域的入口处.警告标志可如下或类似者 :,35,Caution Sign 提醒广告牌SD caution,ESD Protective Shoes Tester 静电鞋测试器,ESD protective shoes /= 1 M ohm to =/ 450 M ohm 静电防护鞋回路 1 M 欧姆到 450 M 欧姆间.,36,ESD Protective Shoes Tester 静,ESD Protective Smocks静电防护衣,1. ESD protective smocks./= +/-200 V(TCP:100V) 静 电 防 护 衣静电压小于或等于 200伏特(TCP:100V) The ESD protective smocks shall be buttoned (except for the collar) whenever the wearer is at an ESD protected workstation or in a designated ESD protected area. 当穿者在静电防护工作站或静电保护区内时,静电防护 衣的钮扣(衣领上的除外)或拉鍊需要扣好,拉好,37,ESD Protective Smocks静电防护衣 1.,ESD Ground静电接地 (1),The ESD ground shall be the equipment ground or earth ground. Equipment ground is the electrical ground (green) wire at receptacles that have been tested When both equipment and earth grounds are used at the same ESD protective workstation they shall be bonded together at some point in the ground system. 静电接地应使用设备接地或大地接地. 设备接地是电源插 中的电气接地(绿)线它需经过测试.当两种接地方式于同一 静电防护工作站均被采用时,在接地系统上它们必须被连 结在一起.,38,ESD Ground静电接地 (1)The ESD gro,Each ESD workstation shall be individually connected to the ESD ground.The grounding should not be hooked in series.This is to avoid the additive result of resistive and resulting in increase of decay time, also to avoid the grounding disconnected simultaneously when any grounding wire become open. 每个静电工作站必须个别的连结到静电接地. 当一个静电工作站上有很多静电工作面时则每一个静电工作面需个别的接到静电接地点.接地线也不可串接, 为的是防止增加衰减时间, 并防止同时断路的发生.,ESD Ground静电接地 (2),39,Each ESD workstation shall be,Any insulator materials which make contact with or come within twelve (12) inches of the semiconductor devices as they pass through the test equipment should be replaced (where practical) with antistatic or static dissipative materials. If this is not feasible, the insulator materials should be treated with an antistatic solution. In addition, any metal parts in the test equipment which come in contact with semiconductor devices at any time should be grounded. This is especially important to avoid the charged device model failures in highly sensitive semiconductor devices. 电性测试设备上的任何绝缘物若会接触到或靠近半导体材料12 英吋以内时应以 抗静电或静电传导物取代之.如果不可能的话,则该绝缘物必须用抗静电溶液处理 过. 此外,测试机台上的金属零件部份若会接触到半导材料时则该金属部份无论 何时均要接地.是非常重要的,可以避免高敏感的半导体材料因静电而受损伤.,ESD Ground静电接地 (3),40,Any insulator materials whic,Impedance of equipment grounding conductor is less than 1.0 ohm. 设备接地导线的阻抗需小于 1 欧姆.Note: Alligator clip for wrist strap is not allowed to use. 鳄鱼夹头禁止使用.,ESD Ground静电接地 (4),41,Impedance of equipment groun,Gloves/Finger coats手套/手指套,Only cotton gloves, antistatic/conductive gloves, or antistatic/ conductive finger cots should be used for handling ESDs devices. 当需要用手套或手指套时, 只有棉手套,抗静电/导电手套或抗 静电/导电手指套可用来处理静电敏感材料.People handling ESDS devices. They should use the gloves, finger cots or gloves with fang cots. 处理静电敏感材料时,可只用手套,手指套或手套加上手指套.,42,Gloves/Finger coats手套/手指套Only,Storage Areas储存地区,When the storage shelving is not an ESD protected area or workstation, the ESDS devices shall be in ESD protective packaging. 若储物架不是一个静电防护区域或工作站, 则静电敏感 材料必须置于静电防护包装物中.2. The ground chain for trailers (for Wipe/finish good) enough to completely contact with ground and keep the chain clean, replacing a new one if necessary. 装载材料成品的推车必须要有接地鍊条, 其长度要能 够完全与地面接触, 并保持干净整洁, 若不洁净则必需 更换之.,43,Storage Areas储存地区When the sto,Mobile Equipment可移动的设备,Mobile equipment (e.g., carts, chairs,tables shall not generate electrostatic voltages greater than +/-200V(TCP100V) within twelve (12) inches of unprotected ESDS devices during use.可移动的设备(例如:车子,椅子,桌子)在使用时若接近未受保护的静电敏感材料 12 英吋以内不得产生大于 +/- 200(TCP100V)