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托福阅读难点易错题型解题思路实例解析之词汇题 想要顺利搞定全部10种题型保证较高的正确率,考生就不能使用千篇一律的思路解答不同的题型。今天给大家带来了托福阅读难点易错题型解题思路实例解析之词汇题。希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。托福阅读难点易错题型解题思路实例解析:词汇题托福阅读词汇题解题基本思路介绍词汇题的主要目的是考察考生能否识别词汇在陌生语境中的含义。既然强调语境,那么通过识别生词附近的语境含义,往往可以推测出生词的含义。我们来看一道新托福考试官方指南上的题目。托福阅读词汇题解题思路实例讲解Several skeletons of another early whale, Basilosaurus, were found in sediments left by the Tethys Sea and now exposed in the Sahara desert.6. The word exposed in the passage is closest in meaning toA. ExplainedB. VisibleC. IdentifiedD. Located这道题目很多同学会选择第四个选项(locate:坐落于),将这个含义带入到语句当中,意思也通顺,指Basilosaurus坐落于撒哈拉沙漠。但是这里需要注意的是,托福的词汇题并不是选项带入搭配合适就一定能找到正确答案,而是应该从语境入手来选择。正确的做法是,首先查看生词附近有无并列,转折等语境上的含义暗示。本句当中,生词的前方有“and”来暗示并列,而从句子结构来看,前半句中的动词“found”,意思是“找到,发现”,那么后半句的exposed对应语境也应该强调发现某物,即找到,或者看见某物。因此这道题目的正确答案选择B(visible:可看见的)。托福阅读长难句练习:天然维生素4.There are numerous unsubstantiated reports that natural vitamins are superior to synthetic ones,that fertilized eggs are nutritionally superior to unfertilized eggs,that untreated grains are better than fumigated grains and the like.(并列同位语从句reports that,that,that)关于天然维生素优于人造维生素,受精蛋比未受精蛋的营养价值更高,未经熏蒸消毒处理的谷物比经过处理的好等等报道屡见不鲜,但都没有得到证实。分句1:There are numerous unsubstantiated reports分句2:natural vitamins are superior to synthetic ones分句3:that fertilized eggs are nutritionally superior to unfertilized eggs分句4:that untreated grains are better than fumigated grains and the like分句1是整个长句的主句,分句2、分句3和分句4是并列关系,共同构成分句1的同位语从句。本句的意思是有很多没有经过证实的报道,然后并列了三个未经过证实的报道的从句。托福阅读长难句素材分析:守旧派小说In a period characterized by the abandonment of so much of the realistic tradition by authors such as John Barth,Donald Barthelme,and Thomas Pynchon, Joyce Carol Oates has seemed at times determinedly old-fashioned in her insistence on the essentially mimetic quality of her fiction.(特殊结构characterized by以为特征)【译句】尽管处于一个以抛弃大量现实主义传统(以作家约翰巴思、唐纳德巴塞尔姆和托马斯.品钦为代表)为特征的时代,乔伊斯愠坓尔欧茨因为坚持自己小说本质上模仿的特点,有时候看起来是一个坚定的守旧派。分句1. characterized by the abandonment of so much of the realistic tradition by authors such as John Barth,Donald Barthelme,and Thomas Pynchon,分句2. Joyce Carol Oates has seemed at times determinedly old-fashioned in her insistence OD the essentially mimetic quality of her fiction.分句1 做时间状语“In a period”的后置定语,补充修饰period,相当于省略了 “which was”的定语从句。 分句2 是主句。整个句子的难点在于找主句。 其实分句1的末尾是 "such as" 引导的三个人名的并列,在最后一个人名Thomas Pynchon前有"and", 说明这个列举对象中的最后一个。所以整个句子的主干在T P 这个人后面出现。托福阅读材料:英国重提欧盟会员国资格问题Theres been a strong reaction in European capitals to plans from Britain to renegotiate its membership of the European Union. The Prime Minister David Cameron said he wanted to stay in the EU but said there should be a referendum on the issue. Gavin Hewitt reports. Europes leaders and officials have been wary and uneasy at the prospect of David Camerons speech. In the event, it drew a mixed response. Some saw it as reckless, putting at risk Britains place in Europe. Others supported his call for a leaner, more flexible EU. The German Chancellor Angela Merkel was quick to say she was prepared to talk about Britains wishes, but she said a fair compromise was needed. The German and French leaders had coordinated their responses to the speech. The French too are willing to discuss a more open, leaner EU. What would be unacceptable to Paris would be a Europe a la carte.英国计划重新讨论其欧盟会员国资格问题,欧洲各国对此反应强烈。首相戴维?卡梅伦说他想留在欧盟,但在这个问题上应该通过公投来决定。 Gavin Hewitt报道。 戴维?卡梅伦的讲话令欧洲各国领导人和政府官员们警惕与不安, 人们对此事反应不一。 有些人认为这过于鲁莽,置英国在欧洲的地位于危险之地。 也有人支持卡梅隆,呼吁欧盟精简,更富于灵活性。德国总理安吉拉?默克尔称,她也准备与英国谈谈,但她说,一个平等的妥协是必须的。 德国和法国领导人对此反应一致,法国也很希望看到一个更开放精简的欧盟, 法国不希望看到一个包办一切的欧盟。